One of the best things about indie games is the freedom available to the developers; with all the money involved in publishing triple-A titles, there's little incentive to take risks. There's no way you'd ever see a title like Never Alone coming from a major publisher, and that's what makes it so refreshing. Developed with the input of the Iñupiat people of Alaska, it aims to be educational, fun, and culturally rich all at the same time.
The game follows the adventures of Iñupiaq girl Nuna and her companion, an Arctic fox, as they attempt to find the source of the "eternal blizzard" that has gone curiously out of balance. Along the way they'll flee hungry polar bears, dodge their way around "Sky People" swooping down from the Northern Lights, and swim through icy caves full of secrets. As mentioned, Never Alone was developed with creative contributions from Alaskan Natives, and many of the levels are designed around specific Iñupiat legends; these inspirations can be viewed in unlockable "Cultural Insights" videos, which offer brief, intriguing little glimpses into the life of this people.
Rich in culture though it may be, Never Alone is still a game at heart. You can choose to play by yourself, where you switch control between Nuna and the fox with the press of a button, or cooperatively, with each player taking control of one character. They each have a couple of abilities for solving puzzles: Nuna can push and pull heavy objects and has a projectile weapon called the Bola; the fox can summon "helper spirits" that form platforms and ladders and is able to run up walls. The puzzles aren't anything mind-blowing, but the process of figuring them out often unfolds in a satisfying and logical way. Like many good puzzlers, the game introduces new mechanics slowly and reuses them in more complex scenarios later on.
All of this sounds good in theory, but in practice it's often a frustrating chore — especially if you're playing in single-player. Since you're only able to control one character at a time, the AI often tries to compensate by having the other automatically follow along behind you. This works fine in the game's most linear platforming sections, but becomes deadly when dealing with puzzles that require a bit more finesse. What's maddening is just how inconsistent it is: sometimes the AI will move in a helpful way, but sometimes it will send one poor character toppling into a bottomless pit. These problems are largely alleviated in co-op mode, but you shouldn't have to find another person just to get the puzzles to work properly.

Even beyond these problems with control, there are some frustrating glitches to contend with. Most of these have to do with the title's suspect collision detection, which — like the AI — is woefully erratic. Nuna and the fox can get stuck in some platforms and fall right through others during one attempt, only to have the experience run smoothly the second time through. Adding to these technical hiccups, the framerate chugs at points, and this reviewer even encountered a few instances when the game froze for a few seconds before recovering.
There's no doubt that Never Alone nails the aesthetic of its inspiration. The visuals aren't particularly impressive on a technical level, but this is more than made up for by the captivating style of Alaskan Native art. The narration in the Iñupiaq language, meant to convey the people's propensity for oral storytelling, is also fantastic. There's a quiet gentleness here that few developers are able to pull off well, and despite some of the performance problems, the presentation is a beautiful work of art in its own right.
Never Alone offers fascinating insights into Alaskan Native culture, particularly in the interviews, video footage, and artifacts curated by the developers in tandem with the Iñupiat themselves. Unfortunately, it falls short in its ambitions as a game, particularly when it comes to control and performance. An abundance of glitches, occasional framerate issues, and some truly dodgy collision detection make this puzzle platformer a difficult one to recommend. If you've got enough patience you'll probably be able to mine for the diamonds in the rough - but the easily frustrated should steer far clear.
Comments 41
Oh fiddlesticks! That's disappointing to hear.
Aw, that is so disappointing, I was genuinely intrigued by this one. I'll either save my money or get it on Steam.
I have this one on Steam, I wonder how it compares and if the same technical flaws are present on Steam. I thought the metascore was relatively high.
Uh oh. I was committed to buying this but I am one of the easily frustrated. Not sure what I'll do now.
I am all for using the game medium in inventive ways, and I'm a bit of an enthusiast regarding inuit tribe culture, so I still might eventually give it a spin.
Are these problems unique to the Wii U version, or in all versions? If it's just a rough Wii U release, maybe there's still hope for an update to fix the issues. It would be pretty disappointing if this is just how the game is, period. It looks like it had a lot of potential.
@TrueWiiMaster I beat it on the PS4 and didn't have any glitches or lag. It's a very fun game and I enjoyed learning about Alaskan Native culture. I sucks to hear the Wii U version is having problems I was really wanting to get it on Wii U since it is the system I play the most.
guess there's always hope for a patch or 2...
That's a disappointing review, I was hoping it would be a really good game too.
Take a chance people, says Nintendo anyways!
Will buy it when a patch rolls in. :S
Man, this was disappointing to read. I'll still get it and see for myself.
Ah, dang.
Darnit. Out of all the Nindie games recently promoted, this was the one I was most interested in. Will still pick it up for the right price.
I've been waiting for this game for so long now, truly sad to hear of all the problems.
I played this on the PS4 at Best Buy. I really didn't like it. The controls were awful, I died in stupid ways over and over again in the intro level, and it felt like it was trying too hard to get that whole animal companionship overly-emotional thing that's so popular right now.
@Mr_Rawky what you said...
That's so disappointing. I really wanted this to be great. Oh well, I'll still pick it up when/if it hits Europe.
That's too bad it looked compelling in the trailers
@TrueWiiMaster I have this game on my PS4. There are some minor glitches here and there, but I never noticed much significant slowdown and none of the bugs even approached game-breaking. It had the feel of a game made by a relatively inexperienced developer, and certainly lacked some refinement. I haven't tried the Wii U version, so unfortunately I can't offer a direct comparison to the PS4 version.
That said, I played this game in 2-player mode (didn't even try singe player now that I think of it), and it was an enjoyable experience overall. I really dug the little mini-documentaries between stages. This is kind of a low pressure, chill game, and I can understand how it wouldn't be for everyone. There wasn't a ton of challenge with 2-players, but we both liked it. Even with it's flaws, I would buy it again.
I was looking forward to buying this. Now not so much.
I 100%'d this game on PS4, which had some dodgy platforming, but zero bugs that I encountered. Oh well >:
I can deal with some glitches and bad AI. Game looks fun so I'll still look into a purchase.
I still plan on getting this one. It's too interesting and unique for me to pass up. Controls I can get around because I've been gaming since before they got good as a standard.
I just wanna know it stacks up to the other versions of the game...
Awwww. I was so psyched for this game, too. While I love what this game is about, that's really a deal breaker having all of those issues. Worse yet, for the asking price, there's no way I would pay that. I will still leave this on my wish list, but I will definitely hold out for a possible patch and price drop until then. Very disappointing.
Was really looking forward to this. Now, all I can look forward to are the glitch mocking posts that will flood miiverse when it releases. Hopefully patches come through and fix many of the issues.
Getting it anyway since some of the eshop reviews here have been all over the place lately. Plus I will probably play it in 2 player anyway.
I played this on ps4 and I just kept wishing it was a documentary instead if a game. The videos are really cool and interesting, but the game itself has really weird/off physics and overall it's just not very fun to play.
Well there goes my most anticipated Wii U game. Just gonna pretend June never happened... sigh.
Looks like I will be passing on this one. It's a shame since it had such an intriguing concept.
That's disappointing as the PC version doesn't seem to suffer from as many issues..maybe many can be resolved with an update patch?
If they patch it I will pick this up. Even without a patch I still may. I certainly don't want to support buggy game development, but I also do want to support a wider range of thematic material and artistic aesthetics in gaming, and sending the message to other developers that there is an audience for games like this is something I'd like to do, even as I worry that I'd send the message that people will accept poor execution.
Its a pity. It looks so good.
You know nothing Jon Snow.
Its not artistically impressive! Not everything has to be 3D HD graphics, I think it looks beautiful, it has a soft, almost hand drawn quality. It also sounds like an interesting game to play. If I can put up with trying to control 3 people to solve puzzles in ATLA for the GBA, 2 shouldn't be to much more irritating.
Thanks, guys. I'll just get it on Steam down the road. Don't wait for a patch, guys. Armillo got a patch after performance complaints, and it barely fixed anything. The Wii U is just, as sad as it is to admit, a very complex machine that still ends up being underpowered by today's standards. My laptop is better at running a lot of third parties on the Wii U, honestly. I'll still support 2D indies on Wii U, but it's clearly not worth it with 3D indies.
Hopefully it will be patched, but if it comes to Europe I'm getting it for co-op play so I'm not too bothered about AI issues.
comes to europe next week 14,99€
I enjoyed this game on PS4. I don't remember framerate, glitches, or collision detection issues. I do recall the controls weren't particularly responsive / refined (think something like Shadow of Colossus where the controls are not particularly responsive).
The technical issues mentioned in the review here might be more specific to the WiiU version of the game. Hopefully stuff they can patch, because I think the game itself is well worth playing through. I played with my young daughters and place high value on the educational / cultural stuff that was unique to this game.
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