First things first, Metroid: Zero Mission is not a straight remake of the original NES Metroid with GBA quality graphics. It's a complete retelling and retooling of Samus' first 2D space adventure, including remixed areas, new power-ups and over a decade of refinements added to the formula. Nintendo has freshened the experience whilst retaining the elements that made the original great. In fact, Zero Mission's refinements are integrated so well that you'll start believing that Metroid played this way from the very beginning.
The story sees Samus sent to the crustacean-like Space Pirates' base planet Zebes (a world that was once her home) to eradicate the Metroids: a race of flying brain things that have a penchant for sucking all the liquid out of people. The Pirates have been harvesting Metroids for use as biological weapons and it is up to the bounty hunter to destroy the base and its guardian Mother Brain. This is achieved through exploring different locations on Zebes, defeating bosses and collecting power-ups until you are strong enough to blast the big brain right in the grey matter.

From the outset the differences in gameplay between Zero Mission and the first Metroid are easily apparent. The new game keeps all of Samus' platforming and shooting fun intact, but adds in some modern game design common sense for good measure. Firstly, the controls have had an overhaul: Samus can now easily toggle between beam and missiles by holding down the R button and shoot diagonally by holding the L button. Nintendo has also seen fit to include now-iconic abilities such as the Charge Beam and Space Jump that weren't in the original, and skills like the Power Grip that allows Samus to hang from ledges are sensible inclusions that make the adventure more manageable. Save rooms also replace the passcodes of the original, though the Wii U Virtual Console restore point is hugely helpful. The planet Zebes itself is also enhanced with far more than just a lick of paint.
While players of the original Metroid could be described as free-range gamers – allowed to go off, explore and find their own way around the sprawling planet of Zebes, players of Zero Mission are in for a more linear experience. That's not to say the game will wrap you up in cotton wool; it'll just give you a map and point you in the right direction, which is better suited to handheld play than the sometimes needle-in-haystack design of NES Metroid. Even veterans of the original will be thankful for the map as the developers completely restructured the game's progression, added all-new areas and made alterations to old locations such as Norfair and Tourian. The traditional exploration elements are expedited by the new Chozo statues that mark target locations on the map in a more toned-down way than Adam did in Metroid Fusion. This means that you'll always have an idea of where to go, but due to a lack of verbal instruction you'll have to find your own way there. The new guidance system is a blessing due to Zebes' labyrinthian structure, however the vague nature of the orientation keeps Metroid's classic sense of isolation intact.

No more so is this isolation felt than in the completely new area of Chozodia. After defeating Mother Brain and making a mad dash from the exploding planet, Samus' ship is attacked and crash lands in this never before seen part of Zebes. With her ship wrecked and wearing only the leotard-like Zero Suit, Samus is left with no option but to infiltrate the Space Pirate Mothership in her skivvies armed with nought but a pistol and a disarmingly innocent look. This Zero Suit segment has some of the most interesting gameplay in recent Metroid history and feels like quite a departure – in a good way. Having lost all her power-ups save her energy tanks and a laser pistol that can only be set to stun, the aim is to sneak through the Mothership hiding in shadows whilst avoiding pirates, tripwires and spotlights. Detection puts the ship on high alert with swarms of Space Pirates hunting you down; these sections can be incredibly tense as you make a mad dash for the safety of the shadows. The Zero Suit section not only expands the game beyond the ending of the original Metroid, but takes Zero Mission far beyond the realms of remake, adding an entirely new play style that could easily be a standalone game.
If there is one hole in Zero Mission's Power Suit it would be the length; even with the Chozodia epilogue the game will only take five or so hours to complete; that's less of an issue at modern day Virtual Console prices, admittedly. This is partly due to a decreased difficulty level when compared to NES Metroid, as expert players will find themselves vanquishing the final boss (who isn't Mother Brain) quite quickly. Even rookies will find it easy to chug on through to the end credits with the help of the map and the guidance system. Fortunately, Zero Mission includes three difficulty settings which up the replayability; there are also multiple ending shots to unlock depending on completion time and the percentage of items collected. Even players who suddenly get a hankering to play the original game are catered for, as Nintendo saw fit to include a perfect emulation of Metroid for the NES on the Zero Mission cart – you need to clear the game first, though.

Graphically Zero Mission is similar to its GBA predecessor Metroid Fusion, which in turn was like an updated Super Metroid. Although not as full of graphical flourishes as Fusion, the game still has its moments, like the way in which the titular Metroids fly in from the back of the screen in Tourian. As ever the boss fights mark real high points for the graphics, and it's great to see Kraid and Ridley given a modern makeover and a real sense of scale. The size of the sprites for these two iconic bosses really adds some menace to the showdowns, and alters the tactics needed to survive the encounters. Prior to the fights players are also treated to short cutscenes featuring the bosses, boosting the atmosphere for the coming brawl and excited to see the bosses in all their glory.
The music throughout the game is of a similar quality, as the developers have taken many of the original tracks and updated them to GBA quality. By creating new tracks for the new areas that are in-keeping with Metroid style the sound team have managed to weave together a cohesive soundscape across the entire game. The new music really captures the magic of the series, and the classic tunes like the theme that plays when Samus lands in Brinstar for the first time is guaranteed to elicit puppy-dog eyed nostalgia from even the most stone-hearted Metroid player. Thought the big screen is an option on Wii U, naturally, a pair of headphones and the GamePad screen can bring these presentation elements together very nicely.
If you loved the original Metroid you are bound to love Zero Mission: the game has all the atmosphere of its forefather and enough modern gaming savvy to keep it fresh and interesting. Even gamers who had trouble liking the NES original are bound to find something to love in Zero Mission, as the game refines the formula to make it accessible to newbies whilst retaining the depth in exploration and compelling action that veterans love. Nintendo could quite easily have churned out a blow-for-blow remake of the NES game with updated graphics and the fans would have been happy. Instead they went above and beyond the call of duty, creating a title that could quite easily pass for an entirely new and thoroughly entertaining entry in the franchise; it's a hugely welcome addition to the Virtual Console.
Comments 60
Being pay day and the fact that I need to get me some eShop credit anyways, I might pick this up. Playing on the Gamecube GBA Player with the Hori SNES style pad is cool but the Wii U Gamepad is just so comfortable for these 2D games.
That and it's an amazing game.
Wish more these old gems were already on the console or 3ds. Would save a few people from the awkward I just bought that game for much more camp.
Seeing as I have never played Zero Mission but loved the original Metroid this game is pretty much a must get. Fusion is my favorite 2D Metroid and a game that looks similar to that is right up my alley!
This also included the original Metroid as an unlockable (unless Nintendo removed it for the VC somehow), so it's a really nice deal.
This is one of my most anticipated Metroid games that I haven't played before! Can't wait to try it out!
Zero missions structure and pacing is my favorite out of all the metroid games. It doesn't hold your hand, But it also doesn't let you get totally lost either.
I'd love to see a 3ds Samus collection that has updated versions of Metroid 1 (Zero mission version), 2 (with a zero mission style remake), Super with updates, and Fusion. New touch screen weapon selection options and perma map. Plus a new, awesome 3d layering and improved resolution for the graphics
I just wish GBA titles were available on 3DS.
I liked this game a lot when I played it years back. Played for a little bit yesterday and it's just as fun as I remember it, right from the start. The best part is I don't remember all the details like I do with Super Metroid.
I'll definitely pick this up when it hits the NA Wii U eShop.
I was really bummed this wasn't released on the NA eshop this week. Especially hearing it was releasing from multiple sites. Such a great game
Can't wait for a stateside release. I missed this one back in the day so I'm pumped to download it day one.
This is a very, very good game with great replay value.
Buying this when it comes state-side. This is, without question, my absolute favorite Metroid game.
Yeah, after I completed it, I went for a speed run.
And it even comes WITH a blow-for-blow rerelease if you don't like the changes. That's some service.
Glad I held off on buying the NES game standalone expecting this to be released eventually.
The original Metroid was my favorite anyway. And this one is at least as good.
15 out of 10 stars. This is my favorite Metroid game
I'm actually glad this is on the Wii U rather than 3DS since it is basically a remake of Metroid after all. Really looking forward to playing this game on the coming weekend.
This was a decent remake, but ultimately they just turned the original Metroid into a Super Metroid sub-clone. Essentially, if you played Super Metroid, you played this.
They were having a much bigger laugh for getting Nintendo fans to pay full price for stand-alone Zelda remakes 3 times in a row, when everyone else does remakes in bundles and sets with multiple games for budget prices.
They could print "Zelda" on an empty box and the fans would still pay top dollar for it.
@Quorthon Um, the Zelda remakes are actual remakes, not HD remasters.
Except for Wind Waker HD, and even that does more than just upscale the game.
@Melkac Not to mention we have companies charging full price (or just under it) for remasters of games that are less than two years old (GTA V, Tomb Raider, and The Last of Us). Apparently it's only a problem when Nintendo does it.
Hands down one of the top GBA releases. Literally everyone should play this game, not only is it nearly as good as Super Metroid (better in many ways), it's also an immensely enjoyable means to catch up on essential gaming history. And Zero Mission is no doubt the perfect starting point for anyone unfamiliar with the 2D Metroids. If you missed it on a cartridge, don't pass up this eShop release. I'd go as far to say it's among the easiest recommendations on any downloadable storefront.
Really makes me wonder what Nintendo could do with an updated Legend of Zelda.
Now that I'm getting into the Metroid Prime Trilogy, maybe I should try this one...
I'm pretty excited to play this. I loved Super Metroid, and Fusion was sort of fun but way too linear (and extremely hard!!!) So this looks right up my alley. I've always wanted to play the original, but I'm never very good at playing NES games, so I think this is a perfect way to experience it. That length is a bit of a bummer though.
@Melkac But somehow that's even worse, don't you think? That means Nintendo had to build the 3DS remakes from the ground up - it took them years to do. Rather than using those teams and those years of hard work to create new games, like a new 3D Zelda or two for example, they chose to make 3 Zelda remakes/remasters in the span of 3 years. Nintendo are the only ones who get away with this, because they know people are more likely to gobble up remakes than pay for brand new titles.
Everyone threw a parade for Majora's Mask 3D - I was watching the livestream on this website and the reaction was way overwhelming. But why is Majora's Mask the major headlining 3DS release of the first half of the ENTIRE YEAR? I'm sure it plays phenomenally on 3DS, but there's something wrong when the most notable release on Nintendo's platform for months is a remake of a game from a decade and a half ago.
It is to bad GBA games. Look like crap on the wii u!
@Storytime7 It's not only a problem when Nintendo does it - nobody's saying that. Lots of people point out how remasters are plaguing the other consoles as well. But at least the remastered next-gen games don't require much manpower to port. What's troublesome about Nintendo's practice in particular is that they built these remakes from the ground up. OoT3D and MM3D required years of development and lots of manpower. When you consider the amount of effort and time it must have taken to remake OoT and MM from the ground up, it makes you wonder why that manpower couldn't have been spent on a new game, maybe two.
I HATE the original Metroid, it's really badly designed in quite a few aspects, but I LOVE Zero Mission, it's my second favorite game of all time and it manages to turn round the original game, fixing all it's problems and then added a bit more to create a masterpiece.
If your wondering Super Metroid is my favorite game ever.
@biggerkevo Try using the pixel smoothing option in the VC menu, it makes it look A LOT better.
Does the Fusion link work on this cause it doesn't work for me :
@FlaygletheBagel I thought OOT and MM was remade by a company that doesn't normally make games?
@jeb_leeds Like me with Metroid Prime Trilogy and GP Legend. (not as much for GP Legend, but still)
@FlaygletheBagel That might be a good point if it weren't for the fact that the 3DS Zelda remakes were co-developed by Grezzo, amd that it clearly hasn't affected other Nintendo releases. We got a new 3D Zelda in 2011 (same year as OoT3D), a new 2D Zelda in 2013 (same year as WWHD), and a new 3D Zelda is planned to release this year (same year as MM3D). These remakes haven't even affected the non-Zelda games Nintendo EAD is developing. In addition to those remakes, we got Animal Crossing: New Leaf, Pikmin 3, Super Mario 3D World, Mario Kart 8, and a few others since 2011. Not to mention there are even more games coming this year such as Splatoon, Star Fox, and the new Zelda. I wouldn't say those Zelda remakes had a big impact on the development of other games from EAD.
Here hoping it comes to North America soon.
Do you still unlock the original Metroid as a bonus? And people complaining about price,try looking at prices for a physical copy,compared to them just over 6 quid is a steal.
Take my money Nintendo!
Because they want 3DS owners to also own a Wii U.
Do you still unlock the original Metroid as a bonus?
I don't think they would remove it. If it bothered them that much, they wouldn't sell Zero Mission at all. Besides, I think NES Metroid is going to have all the sales it will get by now.
this games promo release made me give Metroid Fusion another shot on my 3DS. loving every moment and hope to finish it by the time this shows up on the US shores.
This game is amazing. Anyone who hasn't had the pleasure of playing this back in the day should check it out now.
The Metroid series somehow passed me by, so I'll definately start on this one - if/when I get Golden Sun completed.
This was the first Metroid game I beat and from then on, I had to play more. This is still my favorite behind Super Metroid of course.
Not that a 9 is anything to gripe about but this game is seriously perfect IMO,my favourite Metroid game i'd give it a perfect 10.
Once again aother week same old story from SEGA we get a better then the arcade release of outrun on the 3DS and what do we get from Nintendo Metroid Zero Missions which is already a hand hold game but does it come out on the 3DS no the put it on the Wii U. What are Nintendo doing .
This was my favorite 2D Metroid. It featured all the important aspects that made Super Metroid great, while giving it a more trimmed and modern feel.
This is the game I should've gotten back in the day. When I got my first actual handheld. (Which was a SP) it came bundled with the original Metroid and became a game I kind of despise since I was always getting lost.
Looks stunning on the led screen !
Game is perfect, controls even better with the pro controller.
Pretty easy, however getting to Kraid stumped me for a good couple of hours !
Why aren't we getting GBA games on 3DS? C'mon Nintendo!
So I've never been a fan of the Metroid games but I just smashed Mother Brain to smithereens and I'm really REALLY enjoying this one. Guess I'll have to try out Super Metroid next
Would buy this in a heartbeat.
On my 3DS, that is.
I played the original Metroid after playing this, and I must say, I'm glad to have played both.
Please release in North Americaaaaaaaaa!!!! Owning the cartridge of this isn't enough, I need it on my Wii U!!!!!!!!
@bezerker99 I'm with you on that one, this is long overdue in NA.
This is Nintendo's best remake. They took a old Nes game, and gave it awesome graphics and music, new bosses, new areas (am I right?), a new ending area, and they also removed some annoying stuff (like the constantly respawning enemies). I really have to play this game again sometime. Graphically it looks better then Fusion.
I'm glad this finally arrived in NA. I'm a bit peeved to find out that this game came with the original NES Metroid, since I never played this game, but bought the port of the NES game for GBA back in the day.
I had been trying to track this game down on Amazon or eBay for years that was in good condition and also was affordable. I'm so glad this is on eshop now. I'll definitely have to play through this before "Samus Returns" comes out for 3DS this September.
Can't wait to replay it on the 3ds go nintendo power!
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