The Wii U eShop sometimes comes under fire for having a library of games that seem better suited to mobile platforms. Let's be fair, though: despite their reputation, mobile games aren't intrinsically bad - there are plenty of quality titles to play on smartphones and tablets if you're inclined to seek them out.
That said, the eShop seems to attract the kind of shallow, mindless entertainment that's earned mobile gaming a stigma in the first place. DON'T CRASH, the latest from RCMADIAX, is regrettably no exception. It's about as bare-bones a product as you'll find on the eShop, and brings to mind the sort of free time-wasting software you might find clogging up the app stores of popular smart devices.
The title DON'T CRASH might remind you of the brief instructions you receive while playing WarioWare, and as a matter of fact, the level of content here is on par with a microgame. As your car and a computer controlled car zoom around an ovular track, your responsibility is to press a single button to switch lanes and avoid a collision.
You get one point for switching lanes just before a crash, and you get one point for making it all the way around the track unscathed. As you earn more points the cars speed up, making it more difficult. The game keeps track of your high score, and you can post it to Miiverse if you want. All in all though, the prevailing thought while playing this game is likely to be "that's it?" There's a sense of incredulity that takes hold once you realize just how little there is to do - simple gameplay is fine, but this isn't likely to hold your attention for more than a few minutes at best. The fact that it costs money is, in a word, ludicrous.
The visuals are somewhat appealing in their minimalism, at least. The graphics are clean and colourful, if unremarkable, and the environment around the track cycles through a few variations each time you restart. Like a number of indie efforts on the eShop, however, the music leaves a lot to be desired. It's a short loop that repeats ad nauseum, and it's a pretty grating one at that. In any case, no aspect of the presentation is going to remove your focus from how shafted you'll feel for having spent money on such a trivial experience.
DON'T CRASH feels like a single WarioWare microgame given a title screen and a launch price of $1.49. It's hard to stress enough how very, very little it offers in the way of gameplay and content. The visuals are decent enough, but that seems unlikely to quell the bewilderment and frustration of players who might be suckered into paying for a few brief moments of this joyless, vapid "entertainment."
Comments 41
Don't crash me, bro.
Not even a 2/10 for the fact that it doesn't look that bad?
In the context of other reviews on NLife, I don't see why this would get a 1/10. It's not broken, it does what it sets out to do. It's priced lowly. Sure, it offers little content, but so do hundreds of cherished mobile games these days. If it was 5 bucks I'd understand the outrage. And I suppose it already warrants a low score as it is, but a 1/10 seems highly inappropriate.
1/10, really? I understand a low score but 1/10 is usually reserved for games that are actually buggy. This sounds like it works just fine.
Although I guess The Letter also got 1/10 and it's not really that buggy either.
More garbage from this RCMDIAX guy? Give up already and find a better life career option.
RCMADIAX comments inbound.
As other said, is it really doesn't make sense to give it a 1/10. It doesn't even cost that much and Most of RCMDIAX games goes on sale every 2 seconds so it is worth it price. The game is simple and sweet fun (that deserves a mobile port imo) and it not broken or buggy. Even Luv Me Buddies got a higher score at that game is complete and utter broken, crap. The game does what it sat out to do, create a short sweet game that you play when you're bored. Sure the games is better suited for mobile in my humble opinion, but it still does what it trying to do successfully. But hey, that's just my opinion.
I like his games for the price, wish he'd do a Warlords or Combat clone.
How about leaving the review score to the fella who has actually played the game.
What odds does it make if it's 1, 2 or 3 out of 10, the outcome is still the same, garbage
this game didnt crash very well it seem
but in all seriousness, this doesn't seem to keep my interested
Damn, I though RCMADIAX was better than this :/
@C-Olimar This isn't actually his game. It's a licensed game that he got from TD2TL.
It makes sense to give it a 1/10. This is so short, not fun, and shallow. I know because it's a free game on Google play. Not to mention it doesn't have any good graphics or music.
this developer really has no shame
It's only $1.49, for Christ's sake.
If you don't want to spend $1.49 for a game like this then that's fine—that's your prerogative—but you are in fact getting a fully working and complete albeit very simple game for that price. The price of an ice cream or whatever. It's kinda irrelevant that it's a simple game with one basic mechanic—although it's really no more simple than the likes of the original Flappy Bird, when you think about it—because it's literally costing you pocket change.
"The fact that it costs money is, in a word, ludicrous."
That is an ludicrous statement, especially coming from someone writing as a "professional" journalist.
What do you expect?
Do you think these people or this person are putting whatever amount of time and work into making these games, as simple as they are, to just give you them for nothing?!
So; they don't get to make a living for their work, doing something they maybe actually enjoy—they maybe have to go work like a glorified slave on some sh*tty Tesco till or something like that for the rest of their lives—because you expect them to just give away their creations for free?!
Totally absurd.
PS. The music IS annoying, and I think it actually would have been better if they'd went with some simple car sounds and no music at all—but that's just an observation.
This review sounded a little harsh. The only other games on this site (and yeah I know different reviewers) that have gotten a 1 are the broken ones. I'm not saying it seems like a good game at all but ouch.
Just downloaded this on my phone and have been playing it for the last 10 minutes,managed to get a decent score.It's as basic as it gets and doesn't belong on a console but a 1/10 game shouldn't have been able to hold my attention for 10 minutes.I only stopped playing because ironically it crashed.So provided it plays the same as the version I played I find the score to be harsh..I rate this review 1/10.
Believe it or not, there is a gamer that would enjoy this my hardcore friends. Perhaps someone casual? Or a beginning gamer? Or just anyone that wants to waste time and isn't into super complex games? Just like a book at the library that you would NEVER read, it doesn't mean you should rip it off the shelf, spit on it, stomp on it, then burn it-- that takes too much effort. Simply ignore the book and grab one that fits your fancy. On the whole, sure, I too wish there were less mindless games, however, that audience, however small, DOES exist, and so long as that is true, it takes less effort for me to "move on" than to bash it. I would only worry if EVERY AND ALL games were like this and the hardcore big budget experiences, which I need not mention, were ALL gone, but that is not going to happen and we, including RCMADIAX, knows this. It's ok people... really.
Point being, the reviewer said he can't stress enough just how minimalistic the amount of content is in this game. You go around an oval track and press "A" to switch between the two lanes. Maybe if there were more tracks, more music, and overall more variety (heaven forbid more lanes to switch between), then it could have fared better. Seems like one of those digital key chain games that had one button, the kind got from Kmart as a kid.
@C-Threep Yes; all of that stuff would have made it better, obviously, but that's not really the point that I think a lot of people are taking issue with.
I mean we all know this guy's doing the bare minimum with each of his games but when he's only charging $1.49 I really don't think there's too much to genuinely complain about here—as long as everything is in working condition and there is at least one game mechanic in there to speak of. There will be other developers who give you much more for that $1.49, no doubt about it, but that doesn't mean that this guy shouldn't be compensated at all for his work. I mean it's basically pocket change he's charging here.
How is any normal person supposed to catch a break in this industry and this life if they can't start off small and simple, and work up from there?
Not everyone can create the next gaming masterpiece right out the gate, or is able to afford to give away all their work for free and just hope somehow they get lucky.
Here's a guy trying to 'catch a star' and as long as he isn't being disingenuous about it then I kind wish him the best to be honest. I mean he's already off to a better start them me—in terms of making at least some money from his gaming venture—and for that I actually envy him a little bit
@Inkling Um, aren't you a mod or admin or something for NLIfe? I don't think you're supposed to openly call a review of a fellow NLife staff "unfair". You should do this behind the curtain.
@KeeperBvK I'm a mod, but I don't work for NintendoLife. I'll delete my previous comment though.
@Inkling You shouldn't delete it if that's what you really think.
I'll stick with Dodge 'Em on Atari. It's a classic.
I thought that RCMADIAX was done with the Wii U. His games started out with some promise, but rather than improve on them he seems to just be content putting out cheap shovelware.
@Kirk I know. I still don't understand how Spikey Walls scored higher though. I played the HTML5 demo and it was pretty addictive.
@RCMADIAX First of all I didn't mean to take a stab at you or your work, I'm a programmer and I'm aware of the work that goes into making such a project (even if the end result doesn't meet everyone's expectations), I just said that because I knew the comments would go downhill from there and that you'd probably say something since you hang around Nintendolife.
With that said I wish you, your wife and your newborn son the best of luck and I'm looking forward to check out Super Robo Mouse if that ever comes to Europe.
@RCMADIAX I can't wait for the IARC to come to the eShop, so I can try this game over here in the UK! I loved Blok Drop U, and would definitely continue supporting you.
If I'm 100% honest, this review is completely unfair. As Mike said, 1/10 is for buggy, unplayable games with bad graphics and no music. From the HTML5 demo, I'd give this a 6 (7 if there was a leaderboard).
(P.S Congrats on your newborn son )
wait this is just a rip off of several don't crash car games on the net.
Also 1/10 is way to harsh.
Not here, please.-Morpheel
For a dollar that would be absolutely fair. I don't get why people keep asking for somewhat complex games at that price range. You get what you paid for.
A single outfit piece in SSB DLC pack is half of that price and does absolutely NOTHING besides cometic.
A basket case does what it says, but it's still useless.
@Spectra_Twilight That's actually a good point.
The only thing that's cracked me up more than these games is Madmen Football's trailer with it's N64 style graphics!
Wait, this isn't a cellphone game?!?! Wow, that game looks and sounds less complicated then a Game & Watch title....
Do people not know what to expect from an RCMADIAX game yet? And that's not a dig at all, I've found some of his games to be genuinely good time wasters.
Now if he was charging a fiver for this I'd take exception but this game isn't making itself out to be something it isn't... But hey, small developers like this are easy targets for internet ire aren't they?
As has been stated above I'm actually jealous in a way as I've often started developing games only for something to get in the way.
Congrats on the new arrival
If it had been free, maybe it would have been worth it. For about 1 minute.
There exists a game like this on Atari 2600. I have that one on my Atari Greatest Hits DS game. Even that one is better, because you have 3 lanes and extra points to collect through dots on the track. And wit the 50 games on that card for €25, it was technically cheaper too.
I wouldn't compare this to really major games on the Wii U. It's simple, short and sweet. Plus, it works, which is kudos to the programmer. Remember, even Pong was simple, too.
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