RCMADIAX is a studio that has become well known for the relatively high volume of inexpensive titles that it's put out over the past couple of years. Their quality wavers from being barely worth their dollar price tag to being at least average games. AVOIDER is the latest entry in this line of titles, and while its rather barebones presentation will no doubt be a barrier to many, the gameplay is entertaining while it lasts.
Gameplay is just about as arcade-like as it gets; you control a white triangle on the touchscreen and avoid scores of red triangles that come in from three different sides of the screen. Your score is constantly ticking up until you inevitably get hit, and then you start it all over again. In all seriousness, that roughly captures the whole experience of AVOIDER, and it feels a bit unfinished as a result. For one thing, the triangles never speed up or come in increasingly more difficult waves. Additionally, they come from the top and the sides, but never the bottom.
The problem here is that AVOIDER never feels like it's actually continuing or building up to anything. Once you've gotten into the rhythm of it and found a sweet spot, it's just a game of slightly moving your triangle when required. There's not a very significant sense of accomplishment when you've been doing the same thing - at the same speed - for ten minutes or so, and there'll inevitably be a point where it just doesn't feel worth one's time to try and beat a newly set high score that took you a while to achieve. If the enemy patterns mixed up or sped up after passing certain score thresholds, perhaps it would be more addictive; it's the lack of dynamic elements that ultimately lets it down.
That being said, AVOIDER does do a good job of initially grabbing the attention of the gamer. The enemy triangles are just quick enough and plentiful enough that your full attention is required in order to survive. Before the staleness sets in the experience could almost be described as exciting, as you bob and weave your way around dozens of enemies and the score continues to inch its way closer to the last high score you set.
Other than the gameplay itself, there's not a whole lot going on in terms of presentation. After the title screen and some brief instructions you get tossed into the main game, and that's it. Graphically speaking the white and red triangles are all displayed against a grid-like, black background; it's minimalistic and barebones, but it ultimately gets the job done. A catchy chiptune track plays on endless repeat in the background, and while it sounds pretty good for a while it can get to be pretty grating with repetition.
Ultimately, AVOIDER is a game where you'll get what you pay for; no more, no less. While the gameplay is relatively fun at first, it quickly gets tired when you realize it's a one-trick pony that doesn't have anything more to show you. For such a cheap price it's difficult to expect too much more from this kind of game, but it still feels like this could've used some polishing before being pushed out. We'd give this a general recommendation, but just bear in mind that your mileage will vary greatly.
Comments 34
So, it's 99seconds with awful graphics and fewer great tunes. Yawn.
If anyone is looking for a good multiplayer game, I'd definitely recommend 99seconds. It's dirt cheap, goes up to 5 players and is so simple anyone can play it. The single player mode is an addictive score chaser as well.
I don't know...I wish he'd put more polish on his games, or flesh them out more, or something. Some of RCMADIAX's stuff does have interesting ideas, I feel like he could do something really cool, but instead it's something like this that seems like it would get old really quick because there's really very little to the game.
It is in the title: Avoid!
@9th_Sage Yeah, I was going to say the same thing! I feel like these games would work better as parts of a bigger game. Like TABLETOP GALLERY, except with unlockables and achievements or some overarching reason to keep playing?
I found it interesting, too, that the background music almost exactly matches Bit 57 from this site: http://rytmik-retrobits.cinemax.cz/
Sorry recmiadax I can find the same thing but as a free flash game. Nothing about this stands out.
I don't know why anyone would want their name attached to this 'game.' I also have absolutely no idea how @MitchVogel was able to award the 'game' 5/10. You sir, are a generous man.
Geez... if this is all it takes to publish a game on the Eshop, give me two weeks and a Unity Dev kit and I'll make something better. Hmm... that's actually not a bad idea. Would anyone here play a more advanced (as in title screen, multiplayer, achievements, etc.) version of Robotron 2084, Asteroids, or Pong?
Nice catch on that song similarity. Jeez.
Did the trailer just show everything that's in the game?
@RCMADIAX Ha, yeah! I knew I'd heard that tune somewhere before; I'd be interested to hear the explanation for that. Are those songs considered open source or something?
How did this get a 5? A 1 would be more fitting.
How this got a 5 I'll never know.I doubt it would have scored that high if it had been an Atari 2600 game released 35 years ago.
@MitchVogel thus was a mistake made by me. And it's my oversight. My deepest apologizes, and I'm very sorry if this gave any issue to anyone.
For everyone saying it deserves a 1, this is why you aren't a reviewer. It's the common mentality of "1 or 10."
1's are normally reserved for games that literally do not function or really should just not be up for sale. This is a functional game. I cannot speak for Nintendo Life nor their writers, but you must be fair when reviewing a game and not give it a knee-jerk score of 1 simply because "This is a bad game."
If you want an example of a 1, go check out Big Rigs: Over the Road Racing.
Edit: From what I can tell via NL's scoring policy, Four and lower are reserved for broken games. Is this game broken? I may have to re-read the review but I don't recall it mentioning the game was overly buggy or glitchy. Five is a fair score.
To paraphrase what a 5 means to the NL staff:
5 - Average
A five is where you really need to start wondering if this game is for you. We are saying this game is average in our own subjective opinion. You have to judge for yourself if you are so attracted to this game's concept that you are going to take a chance on it anyway. We'll always give our reasons to show why the game failed to impress.
@Chaotic_Eevee It's all relative. Typically when reviewing a game I ask myself what the developer wanted to achieve, how effectively the game achieved it, and how acceptable that ultimate goal really is. I find that viewing a game with these questions in mind helps to sort out the overall quality of it.
Very excited for the bigley's revenge review ninjapig has a good history with NL
Games like this make me want to see if I can actually finish making a game. I've started. @RCMADIAX has something on most of us there and this game doesn't seem TERRIBLE, it just seems unfinished and not worth paying for without more features. That's my subjective opinion of course. YMMV.
eh, could have been better.
also a $1.50 for this game? hmm, might try it myself one day to see if i like it
RCMADIAX... lol, that name conjures up a laugh like no other. The laziest, most pathetic excuse for a dev I've ever seen.
Shut the box sequel please for Petes sake!!
I honestly wasn't expecting the temporary removal. I have to applaud the dev for trying to fix something after it came to their attention it was a problem. Good for them, I like that move (though I also have no interest in the game itself, sorry).
I think based on NL's scoring policy a 4 is much more fitting as it mentions the game suffers from repetition
Ah yes, the developer who famously said that cheap games were the "new normal" and to "get used to them." Only then to complain that there was a "cheap stigma" against his company, who ironically, made cheap games; while threatening that he was going to pull support from the eshop.
Well folks, apparently all is forgiven in the Wii U community. I for one, wish he'd take his endeavors elsewhere. I get really tired of "avoid"ing his games on the eshop.
@ZAZX Well said. You're completely right.
Game is clearly not average. It's a flash game. It's a copy left atrocity.
Edit: no pardon me its a copyright atrocity. Not a single aspect of the game is original or deserving of reviewing so softly. No offence mitch Vogel, you're probably just being kind
Kudos on picking up the theft Mitch. Elvis madiax should leave the building permanently
I can literally make games this for the Nintendo 3DS internet browser at the same speed and maybe close to the same frame rate too. I don't because games like this is a piece of trash.
I would rather see games like Pheonix, Moon Patrol, or Kung Fu Master get ripped off, atleast those games were fun.
Seeing games like this just bore me.
@dizzy_boy Ah Moon Patrol. That brings back memories from my youth. And yes it was a great game for its time.
Once again, if 5/10 from Nintendolife means average, perhaps this should be rated even lower? There's no sense of increasing difficulty, really? That's something I'd absolutely expect from an average arcade style game, based on the fact that games have had that incentivizing gameplay for decades. Lacking such a simple thing like that makes me wonder how this can be anything but below average at best.
@PainiteGames Okay so I made a somewhat copy in 2 hours. I called it Tri-Avoid. Just proving what I said. Anyone could probably find it on youtube when the 2 hour video is done uploading. If not, it wouldn't hurt looking for other 3ds browser games anyway.
I hope I can make an at least decent game for a nintendo console. That... is my dream.
These types of games, like meme run as well, are not about visuals or content. It is about high scores on miiverse.
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