Twenty-five years ago, a bright-eyed elementary school student whiled away time in class doodling crude pictures of ninjas in his notebook, completely unaware that such pictures would grow into a lifelong passion project. Indeed, The Messenger is the culmination of decades of daydreaming and prototyping, slowly being refined down into the highly polished and enjoyable experience available today. Though it may look like just another sidescroller, you certainly won’t want to miss out on this one.
The story of The Messenger follows a nameless ninja who’s training with a secret order that is preparing for the day that a hero will come from the west bearing a scroll, which will then be handed off to a chosen hero who must deliver the scroll to save the world. As you could probably guess, your hero ends up being the one chosen to take the scroll, becoming the titular Messenger. However, not is all as it seems; as the adventure continues, more and more elements are introduced relating to time travel, which complicates the plot much more in many satisfying and unexpected ways.

A key aspect through all of this is the heavy focus on humour, which largely does a great job of keeping the experience lighthearted and engaging. Fourth wall-breaking jokes and references to pop culture are thrown around all the time, along with a general self-deprecating attitude towards the contrived and occasionally cliché plot. The characters are a huge plus, too, such as a shopkeep who rebukes you for asking too many questions early in the game, or a pair of boss characters who can’t remember what your hero is named, calling him things like The Courier or The Postman. This is a game that seldom takes itself very seriously, but it’s much stronger for it, focusing more on charming and funny dialogue that you’ll want to spend time reading.
Gameplay takes influence from a wide variety of retro games (more on that in a bit), but the clearest inspiration is the original Ninja Gaiden. You’re tasked with guiding your ninja through a series of obstacle courses dotted with easily defeated yet still mildly threatening monsters. The platforming is primarily centred around a concept called 'Cloudstepping', which mixes up the gameplay and keeps things moving at a brisk and energetic pace. Every time a sword strike successfully connects in midair, whether it be with an enemy or a breakable environmental object, a small cloud appears under your ninja’s feet which allows him to perform a double jump. It takes a bit of getting used to, but the game does a good job of slowly ramping up its use, eventually resulting in kinetic sequences where your ninja swiftly jumps from enemy to enemy in a flurry of sword slashes that gradually take him from one end of a bottomless pit to another.

Should you die - and you will certainly die plenty - you’ll be greeted by a little flying imp named Quarble with enough sass to make the Wendy’s Twitter proud. After berating you for being such an idiot or condescendingly asking if your controller works properly, he’ll revive you at the last checkpoint and then follow you around for a bit. Every 'Time Gem' (more on those in a bit) that you collect while he’s over your shoulder will be immediately eaten by him, and he’ll only disappear after either enough time has passed, or he’s stolen enough gems from you to be satisfied. It’s a nuisance to be sure, but a charming way of punishing players for their mistakes, and he never steals enough gems to the point that it feels like your progress is being dramatically hindered.
At the outset of the campaign, progression is limited to a relatively linear setup of levels with gradually ascending difficulty, allowing you the time to become comfortable with the mechanics while introducing new ones every now and then, like a rope dart that can be used to pull yourself towards enemies and walls. After passing a certain point in the story, however, the true scope of the game is revealed, and it suddenly becomes a Metroidvania. The original levels that you played through are shown as being part of a much larger map, and a new objective is handed to your ninja that gives you the freedom to go wherever you please. It’s remarkable how smoothly the game transitions into this back half; it could’ve very well ended at the point where things pivot, but the ‘Part II’ feels like a natural extension which builds on what came before in a notable way.

Part of this expanded gameplay includes a new time-jumping mechanic which helps to freshen up old levels while introducing cool concepts for new ones. The past and the future versions of levels are largely the same, but feature different designs in key places, and portals placed at strategic locations on the map allow you to move between these two versions at will. Maybe a room hiding an optional collectable can only be reached in the future, or perhaps special platforms needed to scale a cliff face only exist in the past and temporarily phase into the future. Whether being used for puzzle solving or ratcheting up the platforming difficulty another notch, this time hopping mechanic acts as a welcome inclusion, and keeps things interesting as you delve further into the gradually unfolding open world.
Aside from the standard new traversal abilities and weapons obtained through exploration, character progression is handled via buying nodes in a skill tree using the hundreds of Time Gems you pick up on your travels. It’s admittedly a bit disappointing that things like health and damage aren’t buffed by finding pickups in the overworld like a standard Metroidvania, but this is made up for by an ongoing sidequest involving you collecting a series of optional extra coins which open a special chest once you collect them all. Each coin is stashed away in challenge rooms which are themselves difficult enough to find, and the platforming challenges contained within are sure to test even the most hardened of genre veterans. Though it doesn’t appear to be so from the outset, this is quite a meaty game in terms of content; we've invested a little over twenty hours and still haven’t found everything.

Smoothly matching the stellar gameplay is the presentation, which manages to wow in both visual and sound design. To emphasize the difference between the past and future, the art style switches between 8-bit and 16-bit visuals, an innovative decision which goes a long way towards establishing some memorable imagery. There’s detail and care put into all the sprites and animation whether you’re playing in the past or the future, but it’s the late game areas where you can see that the developers really cut loose, with masterfully-crafted environments that are full to bursting with colour and spirit. Though the art style may not implement anything particularly original, it’s still a fantastic and loving recreation of the look of games in days gone by.
Similarly, the soundtrack does a wonderful job of setting the tone for the adventure. Featuring elements of rock & roll, funk, and even a little bit of EDM, the music is an absolute joy to listen to, evoking memories of the best works from industry luminaries like David Wise and Takashi Tateishi. To put it bluntly, The Messenger features one of the best-produced chiptune soundtracks that we’ve heard in a video game in quite some time, and given the volume of retro-inspired titles produced by the indie scene in recent years, that’s no small feat. The music is catchy, memorable, and has a certain rhythm to it that almost seems to be actively pushing you deeper into the challenging and beautiful levels; this is how you do a video game soundtrack right.
2D side-scrolling action games like The Messenger may be a dime a dozen these days, but you’d be missing out on something special by passing this one up. Featuring a surprisingly long campaign, an incredible soundtrack and tight, challenging level designs, The Messenger stands as a shining example of great game design. We’d highly recommend you pick this one up; it’s the very definition of a modern classic.
Comments 81
To the wishlist you go, The Messenger. See you when you get a deep sale!
Interesting... so is it like Ninja Celeste?
Would love to try a demo...
Really hope we see a physical at some point.
Some of the backgrounds and 2D designs in general reminds me of Shovel Knight! Hopefully this is as good as SK.
I'm gonna snatch this for sure.
Another title that made we wish I could find enjoyment in challenging platforming titles. Alas, the extent to which it is present in say Hollow Knight is about as much as I feel I can really take before I get turned off by it in a major way.
I kinda want to "experience" Celeste or Ori for instance, I do, but I don't really want to "play" it - if that makes any sense. Too bad I don't care much for gamestreaming either ... =(
Stop. Collaborate and listen. Ice is back with a brand new mission: to play this awesome looking game.
I was wary about this title at first, but it sounds like platforming action heaven.
@GrailUK Me too. Until then, like with Celeste, that is going to happen at some point, no buy for me.
ninja, ninja rap!
I won't miss that one as soon as it's on sale !
Really happy to see it's reviewed well. I've had it preloaded for the last week or so as I had spare funds in my account and wanted to take advantage of the discount. I had a.good feeling it was going to turn out to be a great game.
For the region swapping enthusiasts: put the game on your wishlist then go to the Mexican eShop. The game costs about 2 dollars there.
This year has been nonstop with the good games. I’m drowning in em. Can’t wait to play this though!
This looks great. Luckily I have loads to get through right now, so I'll wait and see if this one gets a physical release.
@Ralek85 Celeste has a fantastic Assist mode that makes it possible for you to enjoy playing it even if you're not that great in platformers.
Had this one pre-loaded and been really looking forward to it. I'm glad it turned out so well!
@rushiosan Oh wow, wish I had known that. Well, it's looking like a great game, and I don't mind giving the developers a little more of my money.
@OorWullie Me too. When I saw this a couple weeks back I was instantly hooked. I could tell it was gonna be great.
Looked special and it really is! Shut up backlog, I'm buying it!
@Ralek85 Celeste gameplay didn’t entertain me. It stood too much on the trial-and-error side, and the death count just made it worse, I found myself way too concerned about avoiding pointless deaths instead just sitting and enjoying the ride. Also, the lack of any substantial upgrade system for your main character (well, there is a small tweak at a late chapter but that’s a big spoiler) made it slightly boring, it never felt like I was advancing at anything.
The storytelling is the best part of the whole experience. I think it would have worked better as an animation rather than a game, because “playing” it wasn’t fun to me. I might be alone in this.
I heard a lot of good things about this game previously, and Devolver aren't in the habit of picking up just anything, so it's great to hear it really delivers!
The Ninjagaideness makes me want to pick this up, but can't quite commit since metroidvanias frustrate me to no end.
Maybe I'll pick it up on sale eventually...
*Yo Ninja go!
Argh! Too many games! 😂 I can’t play this until I finish Shenmue and Hollow Knight!
Getting this on Friday!
Go, ninja, Go!, like a Chappie Ending song, COOL
I just bought Hollow Knight cuz it was on sale, which I didn't really want to do in the first place because I just started Octopath & knew that would take me awhile. The Messenger looks awesome, definitely something I'm buying down the road, but right know I don't need to be buying more games to back log. Bonus is maybe I'll get a sale on it when the time comes.
Yummy looking game. I just started Octopath though. I am about 9 hours in and being the completist that I am, I fear I am going to fall in a rabbit hole. I will get it. I just hope I beat Octo so I can pick this one up. Torna comes out in a month. This game looks good.
preordered for about two-trumps on the Mexican eshop (not sure if's a legit promotion or a price glitch)
just waiting for 30 Aug to slash some bamboo ˆ_ˆ
@JHDK pretty much how I feel as well. I'd be more interested in buying it day one if it was just a pure action platformer. I just got done watching both the easy allies and gamexplain reviews of the game and both mentioned how the backtracking could become excessive with gamexplain remarking that the metroidvania elements turn what could have been an incredible action platformer into a simply good metroidvania game.
hey nintendolife, would you review this please:
Argh, another platformer I need to buy. Only just got around to starting Owlboy and have got Hollow Knight waiting too, so unfortunately this will have to wait a little while!
According to NintendoLife there have been 9 game releases for the Switch the last two months that scored a 9 out of 10.
I wonder if any one remembers these must buy classics two years from now.
How exciting! As a fan of Nijnja Gaiden and all things 80s, this sounds like a great experience. I love the fact that the music stands out, action sounds great (cloud stepping sounds like a cool added action) and the humor and ability to switch between 8 & 16 bit graphics is awesome. I’m picking it up ASAP!
@BigKing This game has a 89/100 on metacritic. What's your point?
I've seen a couple of reviewer on Youtube saying that the game is really great, but that there is too much backtracking in the game. It takes about 20 hours to finish (which is amazing) but some say that if the developer had stuck to the action/platforming genre instead of adding metroidvania elements, the game would have been even better at around 15 hours.
Personally, I'll wait for a sale to pick this one up.
I was gonna pick this up no matter what the review said... But it's still nice to know that the hype was not unfounded.
This tho: "...enough sass to make the Wendy’s Twitter proud."
Ouch. The cringe from that line physically stings.
I enjoy a Metroidvania game every now and then. That being said, the pixel graphics just don't hold my interest in modern games. I'm more addicted to hand drawn animation with hand painted backgrounds like Hollow Knight and Ori. In my opinion, pixel art is WAY overused by indie developers these days.
@rushiosan You're not. I loved the presentation and the story, but frustration platformers aren't really my thing. I never feel accomplished after dying a billion times on one screen, only to move on and do the same thing for several hours until the game is finished. It's just far too repetitive, just like Super Meat Boy. That said, I really liked Ninja Gaiden and this seems like it has a lot more going for it so I think I'll bite.
Definitely checking this out soon.
Anything like owl boy? Which I still need to finish....
Already pre-ordered and pleasantly surprised at the length of the game. Back log be damned this is going to the front of the play list.
Very big predicament. Hyper Light Drifter, Undertale, or This? They all sound great but don't have cash flow with super mario party, megaman 11 and dark souls around the corner. So many great options! What should i do?!
Downloading this one as we speak, can’t wait to play it later, today!
https://imgflip.com/i/2gr4w6 Relevant to my current plight. Made by yours truly-
But....but.... my wallet...
@rushiosan How can I do that? I have a Mexican account but I can't find the game there. Search produces no result. The game is in my US wishlist. But I cant add it to my mex account because the game is not available on Mexican eshop. What am I doing wrong?
I was expecting great things from this one. Get another to add to the eShop wishlist.
"it’s the very definition of a modern classic." so why isn't it a 10? Either that's a flowery overstatement or the rating is wrong.
@KoopaTheGamer Thanks, I wasn't aware of that. What exactly does it do? I mean, to be honest though, it probably won't change my mind, because I just don't get any enjoyment out of the act of platforming. I just heard alot of good things about the story and in terms of Ori, the game is also just stunningly beautiful to behold.
@rushiosan I feel like if I were to pla it, I would probably feel about the same, so yeah, I get it. I hear good things about the story though. I might have to jump over my shadow and look for a good story video on youtube. I bet something can be found there!
After someone beats this, will you tell me roughly how long the campaign is?
Reminds me of a modern take on the old 2D Ninja Gaiden games.
@John_Deacon The game should appear in you Mexican eShop wishlist if you added it to your US one. That worked for me two days ago, I hope it still does.
In July and August Switch has-including this-23 games released with a Metascore of 80+.
No wonder people complain about their backlog. Nice problems to have though.
@rushiosan The eShop seems to have seperate wishlists unfortunately.
@rushiosan I have separate accounts with different emails. Do you swap the console region or simply login using a different account? Because when I log in using my Mexican account, both my wishlist and my funds are empty...
@John_Deacon @rushiosan Swapping regions with same NNiD gives the same effect: no overlapping wishlists.
@Megal0maniac @John_Deacon I use a single account then swap between regions, it worked by putting the game on the US wishlist then changing the region to Mexico, then the game also appeared there.
@Megal0maniac @rushiosan you mean you changed the console region? Account region?
@John_Deacon account region of course. Just like the gold coins, they are kept separate. Although this was PAL region to MX and back, I'll try USA specifically and back now.
Wow awesome, it worked! Apparently wishlists are same per region and not your country. Sorry for doubting you @rushiosan, just seemed weird it didn't work for a EU wishlist item.
@rushiosan @Megal0maniac all right now. By changing account region from the US to Mexico I was able to do it. The game was on my wishlist and I bought it with an international credit card.
Just for the sake of comparison, The Messenger was next to Sonic Mania on my wishlist. While Sonic cost something around 360 or 380 Mexican pesos, The Messenger cost only 38. A little more than 2 US dollars.
Thanks @rushiosan and @Megal0maniac for your help!
I really wish some of this quality game stuff would be non-pixel graphics, actual high quality visuals.
It's cute and all, but the retro pixel art rarely works for me.
...loving pixel art over here, appreciate hand drawn as well, but no love for "vector/flash" style.
But with games like these I can only think of Olivia Newton-John singing "let's get physical"
Definitely going on my wish list!
@SwitchVogel Would be nice to have videos in these reviews. Not that one would be hard to find, it just requires me to leave here to find it. :/
I wasn’t happy with the Aussie pricing, but I couldn’t resist and bought it.
I just played through the first level and had a smile from ear to ear the whole time.
The music is so catchy!
Hollow knight has spoiled me. I hate retro looking games, but play octopath, this & others cuz i like the gameplay. It feela exact6 like ninja gaiden 1 & 2 on NES to me. I can't wait for it to open up, cuz it is painful to keep going. I like the banter from the shopkeeper, but i have all upgrades but the last 1000 one & im hoping i get to the metroidvania part soon. I hate spoilers so don't want to look it up, & I can't remember what the level is called that im on. I stopped at a boss that said it was a messenger that failed. Haven't fought it yet, but hopefully that's last or 2nd to last. I also hope i like it a lot more. Im usually loving the atmosphere & music of games i play, but i hate chiptunes, i hate 8 bit, so this is not fun. It was at first, because i was excited to see what the hype was all about, but that's worn off a while ago. The graphics are nowhere near creative or good looking, so i really hope the metroidvania portion brings it. I understand people like old retro, but no way this part of the game can be what so many reviews give such high scores, so...we endure.
@erv THIS! Too many games with great gameplay ideas, but all trying to be the same thing visually. Gaming has been there, done that. Come with some new, creative stuff. Hollow Knight's hand drawn knocked it out of the park. Imagine if that was pixel art too. I'm not saying it's easy to make 2d spritework, but it's creatively lazy imho. It would be different if every single game wasn't using it. I definitely don't want the flash game look, the only style i hate worse than pixel art, but it's depressing to see all these titles come out & not a one will dare to step outside the cookie cutter (well, one did, but any others).
@twztid13 so ridiculous.
Pixel art is an intentional design choice, it isn't lazy. Some people can understand that it isn't dev limitations or cookie-cutter copycat syndrome creating the demand for old school sensibility.
As realistic or HD as many mainstream games are, they largely fail to deliver the flow and rhythm of classic platformers. Any that's the biggest draw for many fans of the medium, myself included.
Team Cherry really figured out what they loved and experienced as kids, and they put together the best ninja anything that's been produced in the last 15 years with The Messenger.
@NImH so when a disproportionate number of devs tried to immitate battle royale, i supoose you think that game type isn't lazy? When the devs choose to use someone else's ides that have been done to death rather than take a risk... Whatever. I do agree with you that team cherry are the goats, but they led in design not followed & they dang sure had nothing to do with messenger, fwiw. The best is certainly subjective since ninja gaiden black, heck i could name many ninja games that weren't "me too" games that did it better, but that's obviously subjective, just like your comment is.
@twztid13 and yours is objective? 😒
@NImH that wasnt what i was implying. I didn't criticize your opinion originally, but when mine was criticized directly, i felt this needed to be point out.
Edit: i see i actually said in my comment that it was subjective, lol.
@NImH also, being an intentional design choice isn't mutually exclusive with being lazy (intellectually lazy to be exact). I believe that design choice is both in many or most cases. Some, like Octopath (& maybe messenger) would make this decision whether it was the polular decision or not. Others do it just to cash in & i think that's unfortunate because i don't find this design choice appealing, & it basically limits my choices.
@twztid13 thanks so much for clarifying all of the minor points you were trying to make because I've been really worried about understanding exactly what you meant and the reasons why.
Pixel art rocks. It's an intentional choice and great one, as far as I'm concerned. One thing I'm not concerned about though: Who's guilty of "trying to cash in" on something.
The Messenger is a legitimately great, lovingly-crafted game from devs who obviously have an actual love for RetroGaming. If your enjoyment of a game is ruined by its aesthetics, I can only say that you're probably missing out on some really great gaming concepts hidden behind a style you don't care to see for whatever reason.
Oh well. Different strokes.
Not everyone can enjoy the same things.
Not everyone can enjoy the best things.
20usd for this game is ridiculous. It worths maybe 8usd, 10usd max
New to the forum guys. Should I get this? A lot are saying it's banging and some are saying back half is boring and tedious. Anyone any thoughts?
This pile of crap game is massively broken. At the LAST STAGE you have to ride this dragon while shooting crap like a shoot em up. Problem is ITS BLOODY IMPOSSIBLE AS THE HIT BOX IS THE ENTIER SCREEN?!?! An enemy can attack and miss by a mile and you'll still take the damage. Why they released this with a MASSIVLEY BROKEN LAST STAGE is disgusting. Message the developers like I did folk. This bihvkubh can't fly anymore in games industry.
@JHDK Black Friday sale. Go go go!
Got it on a sale in december and I'm enjoying it right now. Awesome game!!
At first I thought: Fun, but I played better games. But when it turned into a Metroidvania I was like: Ok, this is a great game. I love Metroidvania's.
Overall I still think its not as good as Shovel knight or Hollow knight, but I still enjoyed it a lot. Great bosses by the way. And I also liked the dlc. Getting every collectable in the dlc is REALLY hard. I have found everything by the way. What's waiting for me is buying the last figurines. And waiting of course for a sequel (that would be nice if it happens)!
This is one of my favourite indies on switch
finally got this game, I'm completely hooked! i love it. ironically pixel graphics are only old to you if you dont remember the 20 years that they were essentially non existent in videogames
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