Image & Form Games has done very well to branch out from its charming subterranean platforming series SteamWorld Dig into other genres. 2015’s SteamWorld Heist took the aesthetic and amusing writing of that steampunk fantasy universe (which started out, lest we forget, with SteamWorld Tower Defence on DSiWare) and transposed it into a strategic turn-based shooter. The studio’s latest entry in the series is a roleplaying card battler where you build a deck of powerful moves for a party of three heroes and engage in turn-based battle.
SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech follows enthusiastic young knight Armilly on her quest to become a member of the Hero Guild. From humble origins, she aspires to be as courageous as ancient hero, Gilgamech. Full of beans, she’s prone to narrating the party’s adventure in third-person as they come across minions of the Void army, much to the chagrin of the rest of the group. You’ll meet new members along the way, but your initial party comprises the afore-mentioned Armilly, alchemist Copernica and brutish healer Galleo. They’re a likeable, irreverent bunch very much in the vein of the casts of previous games.
When you’re not in battle you’ll run around the compartmentalised world, presented side-on, taking direct control of a character (‘L’ and ‘R’ cycle between them). A simple map in the bottom right of the screen shows how these ‘rooms’ connect, and you’ll come across treasure chests and destructible objects containing coins and other goodies. Pressing ‘A’ swings your weapon and this can also be used to get the jump on marauding enemies with a well-timed ‘first strike’, not unlike similar pre-emptive moves in the Paper Mario series, meaning enemy Coglins will start the battle with diminished health.
The meat of the game is in the combat, and it’s chunky, satisfying fare. With every encounter up to six ‘punch cards’ are drawn from your deck to the bottom of the screen. Each character can only use their own cards and you select just three of them for your party to play (these are then replaced the following turn). Cards are split into three types: Strike, Upgrade or Skill. Strike does what it says on the tin and Upgrade cards give you a temporary buff. Each time you use one of these regular cards a cog is added to a shared Steam Pressure meter (SP) which you need in order to play the third type, Skill cards. Skills are powerful but striking the balance between building SP, timing critical blows and managing defence is the name of the game.
Attacks feel pleasingly solid when they land. You get your SP the moment you select a card to play, so if a Skill requires 2 SP and your pool is entirely depleted, playing any two ‘normal’ cards will unlock the Skill to play as your third. Playing three from the same character creates a Heroic Chain which doles out an additional card depending on that character’s equipped weapon. It might, say, provide a protective Mana barrier for the whole party, or simply add an extra strike.
If you’re unhappy with what you’ve been dealt, two redraws of individual cards are available every turn by holding ‘X’ on your desired (or, more accurately, undesired) card. As you find, craft or buy more punch cards, you can incorporate them into your deck with each party member having space for exactly eight cards. Tag team combos come into effect when a certain card displays an icon of another party member; playing any of theirs prior to this card unleashes a powerful combo. Holding ‘ZR’ speeds up the entire gameplay – both run speed and the battles themselves – and this can be permanently toggled on in the menu. We did so and never looked back.
It’s all reassuringly solid, although there’s very little you haven’t seen before. Damage comes in five elemental flavours: Physical, Fire, Frost, Storm and Arcane – no prizes for guessing that enemies have resistance and weakness according to type. As tried-and-true and predictable as its systems are, the game is shot through polish and wit. In fact, its Steam Pressure battle meter, hand-drawn art and amusing writing brought to mind the colourful turn-based battling of Battle Chasers: Nightwar – no bad thing to our mind.
Hero Statues are scattered around the world which replenish your health and provide save points, although enemies in the surrounding area will respawn when used. You choose from three difficulties – Squire, Knight and Legend. Turn-based junkies will likely want to jump to the highest difficulty from the off, especially if you enjoy the grind, but despite a slight spike in Chapter 4, we found the default setting satisfying as long as you fight every enemy you came across.
The foes you’ll encounter run the gamut from mechanical medusas to bratty, over-privileged college kids. The ebb and flow of battle that evolves as you build your deck is addictive and you’re able to upgrade cards and buy and sell weapons at the caravan of a travelling merchant. Winning battles grants the party XP which improves your stats and is shared equally between the three fighters (you’ll have to choose your three from the selection once new recruits join your crew).
The story is divided into four acts with twenty chapters, including a specific ‘challenge’ area that pits you against powerful enemies for rewards. The ol’ SteamWorld charm carries you along on a pleasant ride through the cute-if-predictable narrative and newcomers to the series need no special knowledge before starting out, although series veterans will get a kick out of references to the wider universe and other intertextual nods.
SteamWorld Quest looks lovely, as all the previous games have, with pristine presentation and excellent audio. We were a little surprised to find the touchscreen unsupported – it seems like an obvious feature given the tactility of the cards – although the developer's attention to detail is present and correct elsewhere. You’re able to remap every single button on the controller, including direction inputs to any alternative of your choosing, for example.
While the nuts and bolts are satisfying, the art is beautiful, and the whole package oozes the same quality we’ve come to expect from Image & Form, we did get a nagging feeling that there’s something missing; some extra mechanic to set it apart from the crowd. It’s hard to put your finger on – especially when everything present is so robust and meaty – but it simply feels like there’s space for a flourish, a little je ne sais quoi to take the game into the realm of ‘essential’. Don’t get us wrong, we racked up over 16 hours on the game’s clock and we enjoyed every one. It’s a tasty burger of a turn-based battler; we just wanted a little more special sauce or some spectacular side dish to turn it into a truly memorable meal. As it is, it’s simply ‘very good’.
Remarkably solid and satisfying, SteamWorld Quest: Hand of Gilgamech is a card battler with an abundance of charm in its art, mechanics and writing. The presentation is slick, the dialogue’s witty and the gameplay’s addictive, although nothing about it feels particularly special – not in the way SteamWorld Dig 2 felt special. It does what it does well, though, and it’s still a thoroughly enjoyable time in that universe. As long as you’re not expecting anything revolutionary, we recommend anybody who likes turn-based battling or who enjoyed any previous games in the series check it out.
Comments 42
Knew it'd be great. Looking forward to playing it for myself.
I just love the Steamworld Dig concept. And as the rpg elements please me, I'm in!
Glad to hear everyone seems to be enjoying it. When I first hear it was an rpg I was excited. Then i heard it was card based. That had be a bit sceptical but I'm sure it will be good. Not as excited if it had been a straight on rpg but it may surprise me.
I've been waiting for reviews before buying... but man, that team sure delivers everytime, don't they.
Very cool review, team, thank you for reviewing nindies so early!
I’m not feeling this one, for some reason. Honestly, I don’t love Image & Form’s games as much as most people seem to, so I think I’ll pass on this for now. Definitely gonna get to it at some point, but I don’t need to buy it the moment it comes out.
The trailer for this really turned me off .... turn based card game.. UUGGHH! Only turn base game ive ever liked was Steamworld Heist. Really loved Quest though and would recommend it to any sitting on the fence. . . its not typically my style of game to be honest and never thought i'd enjoy it at all. Went back to 100% it but still can't find 1 pesky treasure in the Lost Woods style section. If anyone can help it would be most appreciated. My son watched me play it and had a go and really wished there was a 2 (or 3) player co op. Bit of advice... healing potions bought from the merchant are a finite source so try only to use them sparingly. Ive only got two more battles at the colosseum to finish the whole game and have plenty of revive kits left ... BUT .. finding these battles impossible without healing potions. 9/10
I loved both Steamworld Dig games, but I cannot seem to get into card based games for some reason... I was hoping this would be a solid rpg and not card based This is a skip for me.
Kinda surprised to see an 8 after reading the review. Repeatedly describing it as 'solid' doesn't scream an overall rating of 'Great'. Not that I'm too bothered about ratings, the words tell me what I need to know.
Not one I'll grab straight away as the core concept doesn't massively appeal to me.
I had no strong interest in SteamWorld Dig when it came out... Got it as part of the Nindie Humble Bundle... tried it... couldn't put it down.
Then Image & Form announced Heist... I had no interest in a turn-based strategy game... but since I essentially got Dig for free, I bough Heist on 3DS... and absolutely loved it.
Of course I bought Dig 2 on Switch... and it's actually what pushed me over the edge to finally buying a Switch in September 2017.
Now I&F release a card-based RPG... which I really, really have no interest in... but I guess I have to try it.
I'm just waiting for Slay the Spire to hit Switch tbh, this seems just a teensy bit derivative as although there have obviously been card-based RPGs in the past, this announcement came rather soon after StS blew up.
@holygeez03 I also got SW Dig in the Nindie Humble Humble, think I paid $10 for about 6 games, one of which was Guacamele which I already had so gave the code to my brother-in-law and nephew but they never used it. But Dig was good. Problem is after getting it for basically $1.50 it's hard to pay $20 for the others. Or $25 for this. Still sitting on about 1,000 gold coins, wouldn't mind spending 100 gold coins for 50% off or something.
I'm currently also playing Gems of War, which is a match 3 game, but it has a ton of lore and stuff to do, and it's free, so it's taking up the time I'd spend on this.
Time and money. But it's on the list. Glad to see it reviewed well. And 16 hours sounds just about right for an RPG.
Card battlers don’t really do it for me though I’m sure this is still great.
I’ll wait for Heist 2 I think!
It's definitely a decent game, but I found it to be way too repetitious. Also, the very nature of it being card based really hurt the game's chances of being really strategic. I'm sure there's plenty for SteamWorld fans to enjoy, but personally there were too many issues for me to give it a full recommendation.
Can’t wait. This and Boxboy will help me get through working this week of night shifts.
It's the backgrounds/environments that turn me off, unfortunately. They look like every fantasy-game ever, without much steampunkyness going on. Still curious about the game itself, as I'm a big fan of card games, but not sure about putting down 25€ at this moment.
I absolutely love the SteamWorld games, but I just don’t like anything about card based RPG’s.
I never thought I’d say this, but I don’t think it’s even possible for the great Image & Form and the SteamWorld setting, to convince me to get a card based RPG. I’m going to have to regrettably pass on this. Ugh! I can’t believe I’m skipping a SteamWorld game. 😞
I loved Steamworld Dig 1 & 2
Heist not so much
This has zero appeal to me
Steamworld Dig 3 I would have bought day one. Not so sure if I'll ever pick this up. Heist 2 would've been cool too.
@WomboCombo If you are concerned about the deluge of games coming out, then a game that is one and done should not be a problem for you.
@holygeez03 - Almost my exact same experience
Never got the magic Dig must have because everybodys saying it... Heist: absolutely, but Dig? Not my formula.
This one is a day one for me.
Even though I'm not really interested in card-based RPG's, I'll give this one a go. I love the SteamWorld series to death, and I have no problem giving I&F money for this if only to support their next game.
This would be an interesting studio do an article on. They really seem to consistently (and quickly) turn out good stuff.
Ill wait for a sale I think. I’m not sure I like the art style
I personally really like card based games. Unfortunately I’m beyond broke.
It'll be awhile before I grab this one. I still need to get to most of the other SteamWorld games first. XD Plus, the price of this one vs. what's on offer makes me want to wait until there's a sale.
Sory Paper Mario Sticker star has put me off of "card" RPGs forever.
Got ‘er preordered. We need a physical collection of all these SteamWorld games.
I got partially interested but I've got enough JRPGs to finish this month/year. Maybe during a sale...
This game has been on my radar for a while and I've prepurchased it and check every day to see if a glitch will let me play it early.
I've never had an opinion about card-based games but you'd think they were mass murderers the way people talk about them. I think Image & Form have another hit on their hands and I can't wait to play and replay this one, too.
Give me this over an MK11 any day.
I still need to get around to playing Steam World Dig 2. I own it but haven't gotten around to playing it yet.
I will probably pick this up on sale sometime.
Will get it in a sale!
Cant wait
@DenDen eh? Which is it? Are you waiting for a sale or not?
I hear card game:
Everyone: ?
I like that the cards are flavored as punch cards. Makes perfect sense for robotic heroes.
@Coxula 100% agree. Don’t get me wrong, I liked the Dig games, but I got way more invested in the feel, characters, story and gameplay in Heist. Different strokes I guess...
What's next for Image and Form? They like switching genres and keep their main theme, kind of like Mario games! Personally, I would love a 3rd person shooter or action adventure game, using their established universe and esthetics!
Will get in a sale. Nothing personal to the devs but I have a boatload of games to get to before this one. Currently playing Cuphead and Bastion. Gonna head back and keep playing Undertale and then boot up Katana Zero. I'll probably pull the trigger on the game when it hits $17.99 or so.
Yeah, sounds more like a 7. I'll still get it though, when it gets discounted.
Really enjoying this game. Best game I've played on Switch since Smash Bros came out.
Man this game is amazing, it may only take 8-10 hours to beat but I’ve put in 15 and still have some stuff to do, I’m taking my time. Searching for every chest and I’m sure DLC content is in the works. Great game, if your deciding between this And other games for me what makes this stand apart is the amazing narrative Imagine and Form have given Steam World over the years. They always show up. They always give good commitment to there games and my gosh does is show! THANK YOU IMAGE & FORM!!!!
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