As Nintendo is still in the business of 'concept' hardware, early adopters will have been scoping out what launch games best represent the Switch and its capabilities. 1-2-Switch showcases the Joy-Con controllers rather well, but in our review we shared reservations on whether it's worth the asking price due to questionable long-term appeal. Super Bomberman R is an excellent showcase for chaotic multiplayer, it must be said, especially if multiple Switch owners get together for some mayhem. Like Konami's title, Nintendo's Snipperclips - Cut it out, together! - developed by UK-based SFB Games - focuses on multiplayer, but brings a more cerebral and co-op approach to proceedings.
When you first load up the game it takes you straight into the 'main' mode, which is co-operative puzzle solving in which you 'snip' each other's characters into different shapes to solve various clever, physics-based puzzles. You can play solo, simply swapping between characters with a tap of the Y or top face-button on the sideways Joy-Con, but frankly that's not anywhere near as intuitive or fun. The game, tellingly, has 'two players' first in the initial option, making clear how it wants you to play.

Holding the Joy-Con on its side you actually use a surprising number of inputs. The 'shoulder' buttons rotate your character left and right, while the face buttons snip, jump and re-form your character. Snip and Clip run around in rather comedic fashion on screen, and each move is accompanied by some quirky animations and a host of humorous facial expressions. At times giggling, sometimes bizarrely sinister, these characters are absolute stars, which is impressive for two basic shapes on legs.
The initial puzzles push you into teamwork, and that's the only way to make real progress. Through practice you learn how to snip various shapes into each other, and gain an appreciation of how to create makeshift tools. Grips, ramps, gears and hooks are some early examples. Split into worlds, you need to clear blocks of five levels to unlock a special level and then the next batch, giving teams a little flexibility in skipping puzzles that they can't figure out.
This core mode succeeds, ultimately, on the strength of its puzzles. They may be single-screen affairs, but the timing and execution needed makes them challenging, and of course you have to figure out a strategy in the first place. After the initial easy stages progress for most will slow down, as you ponder and work with a teammate on some tough head-scratchers. They can take 10-15+ minutes, perhaps even more, yet clearing a tricky level is hugely satisfying. It's oddly tiring, too - we certainly felt like our weary noggin (after weeks of Switch build-up) was having to work quite hard.
What became apparent to us is that this is a game perfectly suited to showcasing the Switch concept to less active gamers. We played on the TV and in desktop mode with someone that - aside from occasional dabbles on a smartphone - is pretty close to being a non-gamer. In fact, one of the few other times we got them gaming was in Wii Sports and Wii Sports Resort. After a little while getting used to the controls they were hooked right along with us, and their background as an Engineer sure helped with the puzzle solving.
In essence we had someone that had recently blitzed The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild playing with an almost non-gamer, and it was the latter that was more helpful. That's a key strength of Snipperclips - in its main mode its charming aesthetic, relaxed tone (no time pressures here) and cleverness combined with accessibility make it a real showcase for 'Nintendo-style' gaming, and sets it apart from other multiplayer showcases in the early days of Switch.
As for playing this mode solo, it does work and is an entirely different process. You can swap between the two characters easily and the one you drop, importantly, holds their position. We solved a few puzzles this way and, for those that are incredibly patient and happy in their own space, there's enjoyment to be found. We missed the teamwork and occasional moments of chaos that multiplayer brings, however. We do recommend that those with the game at least try and find someone to share it with.

The core mode is made up of a very decent number of stages - in themed groups - that should provide quite a number of hours for all but the most savvy of puzzle solvers. Beyond that there are two extra modes designed for 2-4 players. First up is 'Party' mode, which comprises of a decent number of slightly more complex puzzles in which you need four players, occasionally segmented off into different areas, to work together. When playing as a duo this lifts the mechanic of swapping to a second character, and it was more workable than the equivalent solo play in the main mode - in our experience. This is certainly a neat way to have a chilled out game with a small group.
'Blitz' mode is a competitive option for 2-4 players with three minigames. The basketball mode is, in our view, the one bust to be found here, as players try to bounce it around into the nets - if it lands on the floor it becomes a case of snipping shapes, but in two player that isn't actually part of the 'competitive' gameplay. The Hockey game is far more fun for a short burst, as it plays out like a quirky round of Air Hockey. Finally there's a mode where you simply have a snip fight, trying to chop each other to oblivion. A bit like Kung Foot in Rayman Legends these add-ons are fun in the right company, but not a core part of the game's experience.

In terms of presentation, Snipperclips is well suited to TV play and the Tabletop setup, which has been prominent in marketing. The characters are always a sizeable presence on screen, with the single-screen puzzles generally involving chunky buttons, levers and items with which to interact. Ultimately, as it's local co-op it matters little whether you're in the same room on a TV or hunched over the Switch screen.
The visuals themselves are well put together, and we already highlighted the charm of the character design and animation. The paper-based effect is nicely reflected in the game's physics and in the 'snip' animation, with some nice touches for elements and a whole lot of 'gloop' later in the game. Sound is cutesy and the soundtrack is enjoyable, though in one world we did turn it down due to some slightly off-putting bleeps and bloops.
Snipperclips - Cut it out, together! makes no bones about the fact it's a game best played with others, and the formula is functional but lacking a real hook in single player. When in a team, however, it transforms into an intelligent yet cute set of co-op puzzles, with plenty of content and variety to keep duos busy. It's a shining example of how games can be accessible and fun for players of any level, and in the Switch launch line-up is probably the most laid-back and flexible multiple experience available. The built-in multiplayer aspect of the Switch is played up to nicely (to the point that only Joy-Con controllers can be used), and beyond the lengthy main mode there are larger four player puzzles and a few competitive minigames (two of which are fun in short bursts).
As an opening salvo from Nintendo in publishing a 'Nindie' itself on the eShop, this stacks up well and achieves its goals - for those looking to share Switch with friends and family members of all gaming stripes, Snipperclips is an excellent option.
Comments 55
This is so much fun with a group of people.
Super hyped for this game.
We need more couch co-op, and apparently diversification in genres + couch co-op = lots of fun
I'm so glad this game got a demo, I think people will try it and see what all the fuss is about and then grab a copy. It's just a joy to play! I'm really looking forward to giving 4 player mode a whirl when my friend brings his Switch (and JoyCons) over at some point.
Zelda is amazing, but Snipperclips is the perfect compliment to it that makes for a truly stellar Switch launch. A definite case of "quality over quantity!"
We love it but it does cause a lot of yelling lol.
Enjoyed the demo, but was surprised it was only three levels. I'm interested in buying, but not until someone can confirm how many levels are built into the game.
When I eventually get a Switch, this will be a day 1 download... hopefully the Switch will be a popular for couch co-op games like this, Art of Balance, ibb & obb, Chariot, etc.
I grabbed it and my wife n I had a blast playing it
Looks like a right little gem.
This looks fun, so once the Switch isn't in use every free hour of the day by one of my roommates or I playing Breath of the Wild, I'll probably buy and download it.
I'll give the demo a shot. I like it but I will be playing solo so I need a preview.
Good review and the correct score. Had a blast with my wife and then a group of friends. And at that price it's a snip...
I have this game and is amazing. Between this and Zelda I have been smiling like crazy. Both games fill my heart with an emotion I have never felt before while playing. I'm just happy with this new console.
Great fun with the wife, who doesn't normally play video games. Several times our game has come to a halt until she can stop laughing at something that just happened in the game.
My wife and I could not be having more fun with this game.
if i'd a switch i would buy this in a second
Bought day 1 but I have no friends....lol
Actually had more fun with my kids and wife in Snipperclips and 1-2-Switch then I have had for years with any other game.
Was able to grab the demo over here in the States thanks to my UK account! Was instantly hooked. Will be purchasing it after my wallet recovers from the launch. ; )
Normally I'd give a game like this a pass, but it looked so fun and took me by surprise so much this was a day2 purchase for me. Not regretting it so far. It's a "simple" puzzle game but it's quite a bit of fun so far!
@Ryu_Niiyama I haven't played too far into it, but so far most of the puzzles have involved cooperation, but sort of "one at a time" (I.E. usually P2 needs to be standing still for P1 to do what they're doing.)
Thus even running in 2-player mode, you have 2 Joycons, you have 2-hands....controlling both players yourself can be fun as a sort of challenge mode Maybe later stages it doesn't work out so well, but for the early ones it's kind of fun that way.
I haven't actually tried 'single player mode' myself, I just fired it up in 2-player and went at it with both joycons.
@WhiteTrashGuy the demo is available in the states without having to use a U.K. Account. Got this yesterday, I was worried about how many levels there was but was surprised after I beat the first set. For 20 bucks it already seems worth it and I haven't tried 4 players. Do you need to buy a separate set of joy cons to enjoy that?
"10-15+ minutes, perhaps even more" And maybe even less!
Sorry, that was just a wonderfully convoluted yet still unspecific time frame, I think I did get the gist of what you were saying.
Thanks for the review, I'm very much looking forward to playing this, it looks adorable!
I downloaded the demo and played it with my wife, then I immediately bought the full game. It is really fun and easy to pick up, and most importantly very cute.
I'm glad they had a demo, I think more games should do that.
This looks lovely, but with the ridiculously inflated Switch prices in South America, I can't really justify getting something that won't give me bang for my single-player buck. Hopefully in the near-future, though.
Like so many others it seems, I played the demo with my wife and next thing you know I was buying the full version. Good, fun game and taking little window stuff like this under their wing is something Nintendo should do more in the future.
Only irritation is it would be nice to use a Pro Controller and/or Joycons with the grip. Maybe that can be patched in.
This Review score is too low. . . .
Good review. Sounds like a great game. I've pre-ordered the joy-con bundled with the download code.
Very cute characters
Will buy this once my Switch arrives.
"beyond the lengthy main mode"
Phew, was getting worried that all this game had was the 10-15 starting stages. What I've played has been an absolute blast.
I've not picked this up yet but I do plan to download it at some point looks like alot of zany fun.
Great game and some of the most fun I've had with my girlfriend. Too bad it was so short
Me and my Wife love this. Played it every night so far. It's had us in stitches and crying with laughter, along with high fives when we get a tricky puzzle solved.
If you have someone to multiplayer with. Get this game. It's a hoot.
I watched Easy Allies play this game and it's charming as hell
Had a smile on my face the whole time they figured out the puzzles.
I'd give it a 9/10 and the majority of it, I have played on my own.
Looks like Freakyforms aesthetically and, like that game, I'm sure I'll love it when it's offered on a Nintendo promotion/sale.
I think this is going to be the real sleeper hit of the year. Everyone who plays it (multiplayer) has a ton of unexpected fun with it. The only thing that would make it better is some kind of online play - even if that takes away from the couch co-op charm - and a stronger single player mode.
people are loving this, good to see....
Played this with my wee lass, she enjoyed it. I found it to be a good fun, entertaining way to teach patience and team work without raising the ugly specter of "edu-tainement"
Looks like a blast, and I can't wait to get it when I pick up a Switch. I also enjoyed the interview with the two brothers who created it.
Not gonna lie: My baby bro and I played the demo of this game and I wouldn't mind forking over the $20 for the whole thing.
Love this game.
Naturally, it's a co-op focused game, so people like me won't get too much out of it. Or at least, wouldn't have had it been on any other console. But being on Switch, I can now bust this out at work, at my brother's house or wherever, and with 2 controllers jump right in.
Switch is awesome. I can finally play co-op games.
So New IPs nintendo is 1 and 1. Snipperclips yes, 1 2 switch no.
Up to you Arms to break that tie. Still, good for nintendo trying out new IPs.
I'm waiting for someone on here to admit that they played this with someone else's wife!
@WiiHawk I'm on world three thus far of the main mode and each world has 12 levels. Dunno how many total worlds there are but it's lasted me a while. The 4 player coop mode also has another 12 levels but no idea if it has additional worlds.
I got this game day 1 and it is such a blast haha. Love it!
@NEStalgia @Ryu_Niiyama My son plays alone sometimes and it has some smart features to work with swapping (like it will continue spinning if you switch while spinning, etc.). That said, it's not up to half the game it should be when played that way. I'd even recommend not playing it too much in one player because discovering things with someone else is part of the fun.
The good news is that many types of people will give this game a try if you ask because it's both charming and intriguing.
Great game though. Now that we have a second pair of Joy-Con we've discovered that the 4-player mini games that are uber-simple are also a fun little diversion.
@Talkshowhost : You've made it very clear just what talk show you're hosting...
Today on Jerry Springer...
"My woman Snipperclipped with another man!"
The men charge onto the stage and beat each other up in a round of 1-2 Switch before trying to pummel each other for realzies with their Joy-Cons. Tears were shed. Joy-Con analogue sticks were spilt in vain.
Bought this game on day one.... its great
Single player enjoyment is limited, but multiplayer is something else, so much manic, uncontrollable fun.
@NEStalgia Well I'd been wondering if i could play 2 player by myself ...that sounds like an extra layer of funny. Once I get my system updated (my internet sucks at my new place...the only downside) I will try the demo and see how it works for me.
Just wanted to make sure everyone knew about the Japanese eShop occasionally having lower purchase prices than us Westerners depending on exchange rate. I just picked up Snipperclips on their eShop for 1800 yen, which translates to about 4 dollars cheaper in USD than the $20 price tag we have. Amazon.co.jp enabled me to grab some JPN eShop codes at cost, no markup, and I'm now happily enjoying Snipperclips, Voez, and Blaster Master Zero for cheaper than I'd have paid in either the EU or NA stores.
I realise I'm a bit late to the party with this comment and as a result I doubt anyone will read it but here goes anyway ..........
Originally I simply dismissed this title as shovelware and didn't really pay it much attention however on Saturday I Picked up an extra set of Neon Joy Cons and with it (for an extra £5) came a download code for SnipperClips)
I have to say my wife & I have never had so much fun, its absolutely brilliant and I'd really recommend it to anyone.
@Marios-love-child thinking of getting this game for my kids for Christmas, my son is getting a Switch & he and my daughter have both had a laugh watching YouTube videos of this. Anyway I thought you might like to know someone has read and appreciated your comment!
Hahaha, must admit I'd completely forgotten ever making it but thank you
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