Nintendo Switch boasts an abundance of 2D platformers in 2018, so it falls to developers to approach the genre with a neat hook or unique mechanic, lest their hard work be lost amid the console’s crowded eShop. Semblance tries to do just that, hanging its hopes and dreams on the power to shape and deform the platforms you’ll be leaping to and from.
You play a blob called Squish whose home becomes poisoned with a sickly green sickness. Handily, said world also happens to be soft and pliable, meaning the ingenious blobs among you can bend the environment to your will. Since you don’t have any weapons or means of offence, bar the ability to dash (press ‘Y’ or ‘RZ’ while moving in a given direction), much of your agency in Semblance’s minimalist setting will hinge on how creative you can get with the immediate terrain.

The first hour or so of the game eases you in gently, gradually drip-feeding you the myriad ways in which your terraforming powers work. You can jump with ‘B’, then smash down into the ground to make a dip (which can help you avoid incoming attacks) or smash up to change the height of a platform (thus enabling you to jump up and reach a previously inaccessible area). You can also instantly reform each bit of edited terrain by pressing ‘A’, as long as you’re close enough to affect it.
It doesn’t take long for developer Nyamkop’s clever approach to platforming and puzzling to yield some devilishly challenging brain teasers. Now you have to consider warping certain platforms to facilitate your movement across a trap filled area (you soon learn everything green is bad and touching even small spikes results in instant death). Thinking ahead two or three moves becomes a common template for Semblance’s environmental puzzles, and while that well does start to run a little dry as you push into the second half of the game, you’ll rarely feel bored or unengaged as you suddenly realise how to manipulate the environment to reach the other side of the room safely.

Deaths may be instant, but they’re far from punishing, with respawns dropping you right back at the start of the screen you’re currently on. The game also retains the changes you’ve made to the terrain every time you perish, so you don’t have to redo them every time you die. It’s a small touch, but a welcome one that doesn’t penalise you for using a trial and error method.
Controlling your blobby friend is, as you might expect, simple and fun to manoeuvre, although it does take a little while to adjust to its floatiness and the way you stick to the ground. Since you can dash so fast, this small little attribute enables you to avoid flying off a ledge too soon or plunging into a pit full of painful green shards.
There’s also a Metroidvania aspect to each area, enabling you to explore each of Semblance’s myriad levels in whichever order you see fit. With the basic premise to collect a set of pink orbs (which enable you to rid a series of trees of the green menace that’s poisoning them), there’s plenty of room to collect a handful from each area before progressing to the next, or simply max out each one as you go.

The game’s minimalist art style doesn’t make for the most captivating of settings, falling somewhere between Loco Roco and Hohokum, but its mixture of cute (or bizarre, depending on your outlook) creatures and dark and twisted backdrops certainly helps it stand out among Switch’s big platforming library. It’s a visual style that benefits from working on a smaller screen, although there’s no drop in performance or fidelity should you choose to play in docked mode.
Semblance offers an intriguingly fresh take on the age-old 2D platformer. Its story may be all visual and very much open to interpretation, but what it lacks in narrative density it more than makes up for with a generous helping of levels to explore where the platforming itself is a vital part of the puzzle to be solved. While it's lacking in long-term replay value, it’s a definitely worth your time if you’re looking for a new 2D challenge.
Comments 19
Looks good, but I still have Slime-San and all the B-sides to finish in Celeste when I wanna get my twitchy game fix going. But i’d love to pick it up later when it’s on sale
@Dom I've been eyeing this in the shop recently. Are there any hidden collectible elements? How long would you guess the play time is for a player good at these types of games?
Loved Loco Roco and a value prices game in that style in the switch sounds great.
Been awaiting this for a while, but like normal. Please bring it to physical
Such an awesome art style!
How is it possible that reviewers don’t get the name of the buttons right on a Nintendo site? It’snot the first time I’ve seen ZR and ZL spelt wrong.
I kind of dismissed this one for some reason. I should know better than to do that before reading a review.
Just finished Inside, wow!!! Amazing experience! Went and bought Limbo as soon as I finished it. Going to play it tonight in one sitting.
@Fake-E-Lee "Spelt" is actually UK English. We can use "spelled" or "spelt", both ways mean the same. Funny that as it was just a couple of days ago that I found out that it's not used in US English, at least that way.
@Fake-E-Lee Merriam Webster: “Definition of spelt
(chiefly British) past tense and past participle of spell”
That, and I’m not even a native, even though I seem to get my grammar punctuation right, even more so than a lot of natives 😛
I just found out now it is mainly a British form to be honest, but I knew it existed as it’s even listed among the irregular past forms in a lot of English school books, at least here in Italy.
No problem obviously 😄
Looks awesome and fun!! Still lots of things to complete first.
There has been way too many games like this lately.
I noticed this one recently. Glad it turned out well because it looked intriguing.
This is going to have to go on the wish list. Looks like the game could use the legs.
@HobbitGamer The orbs you collect to open up each new area kind of serve as collectibles in their own right. I'd say there are about 8-10 hours of content if you explore everything.
@Dom Thanks, Dom!
Each world (big tree) has three hidden cross-like things. There are also mosquitos/flies that can be destroyed and require a bit of extra effort, but I have no idea if that counts towards anything or not.
And the game is great.
@Primate_Ryan Awesome, it’s on my wishlist for once I finish another game haha. Too many games!!
I'll download it someday. The premise looks and sounds very cool. And a game...from South Africa?! Cool, I think I should support such a thing. Welcome to the scene!
Gonna buy it while it still has the introductory sale. I have a huge backlog and I won't get to it just yet but it just looks good enough to support.
Been playing it. I must be one of the few that find it to be kind of boring.
The puzzles are ok. The new game mechanic of changing your environment is interesting but after a while, it loses its appeal.
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