Cast your tired minds all the way back through the mists of time to the year 2010. It was a truly great 12 months for video games, with the likes of Super Mario Galaxy 2, the best Mass Effect – AKA Mass Effect 2 – and the juggernaut that is Xenoblade Chronicles all arriving on the scene. It was also the year that David Cameron was appointed Prime Minister of the UK, but we’ll…eh…let’s not think about that just now.
As highly anticipated and ultimately well-received as these amazing games were, they still stood somewhat in the shadow of the year’s biggest release, the all-conquering behemoth that was Red Dead Redemption. Rockstar Games’ epic Western was a real tour de force, a surprisingly serious, studied, and actually rather emotional rumination on the final days of the American frontier, which also had plenty of toilet humour and knockabout ragdoll violence, of course. It remains one of the highest-ranked games of all time on Metacritic and was heralded as Rockstar’s best work to date by many critics at the time. Now that’s really saying something.
If you’ve never played it before, you’ve certainly seen and heard plenty about it, we’re sure. It’s one of the all-time greats, it spawned a sequel that’s up there with the very best modern gaming has to offer, and, well looky here pardner, it’s just arrived on Nintendo Switch. We already know some folks aren’t happy about the high price tag *spits chewing tobacco into the dirt* and we’re in agreement on that front, but 'round these parts we’re also concerned with how it plays and performs — whether it’s all hat and no cattle, as the man says.
Well, let’s get straight to it, dagnammit. This is a fine version of a fantastic game, running at a solid 30fps whilst – whether intentionally or not – looking slightly better than we remember from the last time we booted it up on ye olde-timey PS3 and Xbox 360 consoles. If you’ve seen any of the comparison videos currently floating around the internet you may have noticed this Switch port appears brighter and more vibrant in places. It certainly doesn’t seem to have been touched up in any way in terms of its textures or character models, and everything moves and plays as it did, but the lighting here seems a tad more pleasant in places and it’s less fuzzy overall thanks to portable mode’s smaller screen and a slightly higher resolution whilst docked.
In portable mode, the game looks positively radiant, in fact, with that small screen hiding jaggies and making pop-in less noticeable than when you’ve got it hooked up to a TV, where minor flaws and blemishes are laid bare. Blazing across the Wild West on your trusty steed looks great here, then, and during our time with the campaign and the excellent Undead Nightmare, we haven’t had any issues or bugs.
So, this is John Marston’s odyssey looking and feeling pretty great, an enormous slice of Rockstar’s very best work jammed into portable form in perfect working order. Job’s a good ‘un, slap a 10 on that varmint, send it on up to the ranch, and we’ll mosey on down to the bar for a sarsaparilla. Something like that. If only it were so straightforward. The thing is, no matter how amazing the game is, and it really is still quite something, there’s an underlying lack of reverence here, especially for the price tag, that makes it hard to be as positive as we’d like to about this exciting release.
We’re not expecting Rockstar to turn around and serve us up a fully remastered spectacle, that’s never gonna happen, especially on the ageing Switch hardware, but when it feels so threadbare, when the graphics haven’t had any noticeable touch-ups and when you haven’t added any gyro controls or other bits and bobs, it’s really hard to feel as enthused as we could and should be had we got a little something extra for our money over a decade later.
Yes, you get Undead Nightmare, the highly entertaining single-player zombie DLC, and you’re getting all the rest of the add-ons and updates that came along with the Game of the Year edition, but on the flipside multiplayer is out. That’s a big omission, one that we could perhaps overlook (and fully understand from a technical standpoint) if you weren’t charging us full price for a 13-year-old game. What’s here isn’t anywhere near a shambles like Grand Theft Auto: The Trilogy – The Definitive Edition was. If you just want Red Dead Redemption on Switch, well, this is it and it plays and looks fine. But doesn’t a game this great deserve a little more than just 'fine'? If the Switch can handle The Witcher 3 couldn’t we have had a little more TLC for this older and smaller open-world effort?
We’re only slightly disappointed because we care. Thinking back on our first time playing this one, that amazing opening sequence on the train, an opening that absolutely took us by surprise the first time around with its grittiness and willingness to delve straight into the real-world issues of the time. Dutch’s grand speeches, sauntering into Mexico for the first time accompanied by an incredible musical interlude…there’s some timeless stuff here, and that’s all before a highly charged and genuinely emotional ending.
Along the way there are plenty of classic Rockstar side quests, involving a delightfully odd bunch of unsavoury characters, that are a blast to play through for the dialogue and acting as much as for the shooting, and returning to the game now it all holds up pretty well. Yes, it may not match its prequel in terms of gravitas, or with regards to its core gameplay, which is certainly a little janky in places by today’s standards, but it’s still a very good time, with plenty of beautifully framed shots and camerawork ensuring the captivating narrative here doesn’t look all of its 13 years.
In terms of the action at hand, though, it definitely does feel its age, especially with regards to how Marston manoeuvres whilst off his horse. It really does resemble trying to turn a bus in a narrow lane at times. However, the most important stuff — the gunning down of outlaws, gang members, and other folk you just felt like blasting to kingdom come for no good reason — is still fun despite these rough edges, the slo-mo targeting is as slick and stylish as ever, and those exaggerated ragdoll physics never get old as you choose which limbs to pump full of lead. We’ve also been surprised by just how engrossing the story still is. If you’ve played the prequel and never managed to get around to this older game, you should make the time to dive in, as it stands up and enriches the experience of making your way through the events of 2018’s masterpiece.
Indeed, if you’ve never saddled up and journeyed through John Marston’s epic tale before, regardless of the rather high price tag it’s currently sat at, we still highly recommend picking this one up – it’s a no-brainer if Switch is your only option for doing so – and even those of us who’ve been through it before can find plenty to enjoy in returning to the American frontier to experience it all over again.
So, to the score. We’d love to award a higher number, as the game – and the experience of playing it handheld — is certainly worthy of one, but as things stand this Red Dead Redemption on Nintendo Switch rides into the eShop in perfect working condition, but with zero bells or whistles, and at a price that leaves a bad taste in the mouth of many. This game deserves its remasters, revamps, remakes, and if it can't get those it at least deserves a little more attention than the no-fuss port we've got ourselves here. In the end, it’s your choice whether to saddle up or skedaddle, cowboy.
Red Dead Redemption on Switch is a straightforward port of 2010's masterpiece with no added bells or whistles for a rather high price tag. If you can get over that, this is a game we highly recommend digging into, especially if you've yet to experience it. Rockstar's Western epic holds up surprisingly well, its story is as powerful as ever, its knockabout action still feels great, and it looks and plays perfectly well on Nintendo's console. Multiplayer has been cut, which is a sore but understandable excision, and we'd really have liked to see effort put into adding gyro controls or touching up the graphics a little, but it is what it is. This is a proper all-timer ported successfully to Switch and, if you can stump up the cash, you'll have a great time here regardless of the lack of TLC.
Comments 182
I've never played this game. Can someone please explain to me the nature of the multiplayer mode that was removed in this version, and also the reason why this is considered an understandable cut?
This is how a port should be done, I see the "barebones port" as a positive. Personally, I don't care about multilayer, but I understand it's important to some people.
Hmm... 8/10. Sounds right. Now, we need information about the physical release... I don't need something like L.A. Noire. I want the game 100% on the cartridge.
I've got no problem with barebones. If that makes a better port then great. But the price should match that. 50 bucks is unreasonable.
Co-op heists and missions as well as various competitive modes. Including duels and team death matches. All connected in a free roam mode if I recall correctly.
I have vivid memories in the 360 era steering a wagon with friends into a gorge full of enemies (AI / bots) whilst they hurl dynamite.
I don’t believe the missions or heists being particularly complex or full of depth, but they were fun.
The competitive modes were a nice add-on but they got repetitive fast. You could always just mess around in free roam too. Go to Mexico, camp in the fort with the cannon, and try to survive as the “police” come for you.
It (multiplayer) as a package was definitely substantial but not an experience I would expect to be good on Switch considering it’s lackluster online capabilities.
Why it’s not on PS4 and why there isn’t a PC version is where the problems (scope) truly lie if you ask me. Price for omissions and lack of upgrades follows.
Compare this to the effort in Quake II. Quite ironic but nonetheless, we have RDR, one of my all time favourites, on the go. There is something to be said about that.
Under Marshall law, you're under ARREST Take Two/RockStar!! People, this is an XBOX360/PS3 game! It's 13 friggin years old! Just because it's now on Switch shouldn't make you immediately allow a publisher bend you over like this! Make a statement to all publishers, this is NOT okay! $50 is a fistful of hard earned cash you can spend 1/5th of it and get a game like Quake II which is REMASTERED and online cross play!!
If a game is amazing, then asking $50 from someone who has never played it before is reasonable. The price will come down. Yeah, it's probably too high for folk who have already bought it...but wait for a sale or it to come down in price. Rockstar won't think any less of you lol. But the fact that they didn't incentivise folk to buy it again (lack of new features and specific format release) means it's not aimed at you. Sorry to break it to you. The $50 is for a new audience. No need for drama. Just patience...
0/10 review, you didn't break it into three sections: the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Good to see it runs well and we didn't get another GTA Trilogy DE disaster, but I'll wait for the physical or a good sale. Got a few games I can trade in to significantly drop that price.
Now if they don't want to bring GTA 5 to the Switch, I'd happily take a GTA 4 port for $40AUD at most.
For Rock* to stop cutting corners. The level of effort here is fine but the price should reflect that.
It’s not a one size fits all approach. If there was a PC port and this launched at $30 USD, people would accept this.
You’re telling me you would compare this effort to Metroid Prime Remastered Edit: which sold for 40$?
@EarthboundBenjy The multiplayer included different game modes like death matches etc., but the most substantial aspect was the free roam mode. It included an rpg style progression system with different player levels, unlockables, and quests/tasks. It was great to play with friends, as you could control different territories and defend them against rival players. Although, the multiplayer aspect of the free roam was actually optional; it could be enjoyed solo online or offline via system link. It made up the majority of the game's post campaign content, including dlc which is now absent without it.
I've no clue why such a crucial feature was omitted.
Yeah the price could and probably should have been lower, but everyone keeps complaining that it's a "bare-bones port" as if Rockstar had promised something other than what we've received, they didn't. They marketed it a one for one port and that's what they've given us. Stop complaining, you just sound entitled. Personally, I'm perfectly happy with the game. It runs and looks great on the OLED and I can finally play it on the go, what's not to love
@Stamina_Wheel those are not the only two options. Either remaster the game - improve the assets, up the resolution, implement some QoL improvements etc and sell it at a premium, or do the bare minimum and just get the thing running and sell it for a reasonable price. The GTA trilogy and this RDR release fall into neither of these categories...
@Stamina_Wheel Other games typically get some enhancements, usually in visually and a few QoL things, rather then bring a straight up port like this game seems to be. This seems to be almost 100% the old game with content removed (multiplayer) which you typically don't see much. Hence why this one is singled out. If this received a graphical update at least then it wouldn't have gotten quite as much flack I'm sure, even with the omission of multiplayer.
Good on the devs for a straightforward, working port.
Hmm, ok, I liked GUN on my original xBox, so might get this next year
@Stamina_Wheel I agree, but can also imagine the people complaining about the GTA ports (I would definitely agree with them) aren't the same people complaining about this port.
@Stamina_Wheel I’ve seen many complain about Nintendo doing the same too. But I think the real issue here is that they have done almost nothing to it apart from cut something out, yet charged more for it. How is a port costing more but with less features than the original? Yes, it has the DLC, but that was £10. Also, it is available in a better state for cheaper and with multiplayer on Xbox, really driving home how bad a deal this is.
I haven’t played it but look forward to doing so. I’m going to hang about for the physical release though.
One question, how much text is there and how easy is it to read? I find Witcher played portable difficult to enjoy as I like to read about all the items and lore etc, but can’t as it is so titchy, even with reading specs.
I’m not happy on the pricing but may redeem itself if they put the whole game on the physical cartridge. If not, then they really are being cheapskates.
@GrailUK thank you, this is a good take. Many others are civil in expressing their disappointment and make good points in their arguments but some seem to be bent out of shape big time about it when, as you said, they probably werent the target audience in the first place
Look, I agree with you that the getting the game on switch is an achievement but we can’t ignore why the general reaction was negative.
We have many examples of ports and remasters coming out that offer more content or improvements at an adjusted retail price.
I would love to pick this game up again but for $50 in a year full of excellent releases… no. I have and likely others, have limited budget towards games. I just don’t see a moment where I walk into a store to pick this up considering the full scope at the price they want.
@TheJGG I came here looking for that very thing.
@KIRO I read somewhere that the in game text can be tweaked to your personal preference
You really can't please everyone can you! We should be talking about how good the game is, yes it's an old port port but compare this to Pokémon Scarlet Violet and it's better graphically AND is cheaper.
Nintendo have done direct ports from the Wii U and still want you to pay top dollar for essentially the same game, same with Rune Factory 4 and 3, slight tweaks but it's the same. I'm not defending Rockstar in anyway but feel they're taking more flak than others possibly due to the chaos that was the GTA Trilogy biting them on the a$$
@GrailUK I don’t know, I have never played it before and am tempted but charging more for an old game with less in it and doing next to no work on it seems ridiculous. It is comparing it to other ports now, which at least had some work done and didn't have things removed.
It’s RDR on the go. On the Switch. Complaining about this port is whining on a high level.
@antisumo I think they are taking more for it because you can buy a better version for cheaper elsewhere and with all the content, plus they removed things. I don’t think the GTA Trilogy really comes into it.
If they were able to get RDR running this well on the Switch, I have higher hopes (with the right developer) that GTA IV could also run quite well too. Given the install base of the Switch, it seems more of when than if it happens.
I just wish the DLC was not part of the package to reduce the base price. There’s a good chance I’ll only play through the story (never played it & don’t care for multiplayer), so it’ll have to wait until a sale.
I don't see the price as an issue here. Isn't any publisher free to price any game in the way they see fit? Sales figures and revenue will say it all. I paid the price for a technically very well executed RDR experience on Switch.
@Stamina_Wheel For real, I don't remember there being such a big outrage when Nintendo sold for example 3D All Stars for 60$
@CharlieFen not everyone has the luxury of buying it cheaper on a different system though
Good to see a fair review. I can't wait to play it, pre-ordered the physical copy so I'm waiting patiently.
@Vyacheslav333 Whole game will be on cartridge for sure. Base is a bit over 11GB, so there's no other way but to release it on a 16GB cartridge.
@DarrenWarrenV Well, I hope so.
There's no mention of a code in the box, so it will be. Batman:
@Strumpan I'm fine with barebones ports but not when they're 50 dollars. Especially when it's just 30 on xBox. I think the "outrage" is probably compounded by the fact that it was rumored to be a remake and then wasn't, but I still think the 50 dollar pricetag is pretty dumb.
As someone who’s never played it and hearing all the positivity about the game I’m fine with this port and paid the price of entry. It’s a shame nothing was really done to it, though the SwitchUp YouTube channel shows the image is clearer than the original game.
Of all things I think I’d have like to have seen would have been gyro aiming.
Now for the upcoming Batman trilogy, I really hope that’s a good one!
The lack of multiplayer, gyro and whatever else you want I can agree about being factors that lower scores, but I'll always disagree about MSRP being one as nowadays most games eventually get discounted, potentially even substantially (in fact, I'll get this game myself on sale digitally if I can't get it physically here in Italy), and I'd hate to see people miss an overall great if not better game in the future because of that.
Not to mention that like @Stamina_Wheel I wonder why this game in particular is singled-out when it happens all the time, even for Nintendo games...
I sure love this game, but I don’t love that price and, frankly, the release schedule is too thick to warrant a purchase, but we all wanted this port to happen. If the industry slows down a bit and I get caught up with my new releases come this winter, I’d be lying if I didn’t acknowledge how nice RDR on handheld might feel.
@fieldboss If you haven't played it before it's essential stuff really
@antisumo true but that doesn’t help the perceived value of this, when it is cheaper and a higher quality elsewhere, as well as having all the content
@DarrenWarrenV I was worried they would go 8gb and put the DLC as a download or something
A great game I played back on the 360. Not really interested in picking it up for Switch or PS4 though.
@CharlieFen They can't do that if base file is over 11GB. Either 16GB or a code in the box. DLC is in that 11GB base file.
I honestly feel that the price of a game should not be part of a review score as long as the price isn't outragious. (IE. more than regular full price game).
Full price Switch games are €60 - €65, this game is €50. So...
@DarrenWarrenV good to know, thanks! See that makes the price a little better, as the digital is always the same as physical. Now what bugs me most is how so many games release digital first nowadays, I’m still waiting for the physical Pikmin 1 and 2! Now that I wouldn’t be surprised if they split, as you can buy those separately, but hopefully not.
@sanderev but it is more than the price on Xbox, which is better quality and has more in it…
@CharlieFen Then get it on XBOX. Games are often more expensive on different systems.
But I would love to see you play that XBOX version on a train, plane, bus, etc. Without streaming.
Loved this when it originally released. Will be there day-one for the physical release in October.
@CharlieFen What makes it perplexing to me is on the one hand folk proclaim it a masterpiece and one of Rockstars' finest works and in the next breath saying it isn't worth $50!
There are too many folk who own everything skewing a game's worth on the internet. Saying it isn't worth it because they are buying it again is worthless to me.
And another thing that grind my gears is folk are quick to offer buying everything is the answer lol. Buy a PS5. Buy an XBox. Lol. NO! Not because I don't like them, but because I don't want to own everything.
So far so good. Played a little over an hour last night
Nice to hear it runs well. I mean it should anyway. If the switch can't handle a decade old PS3 game then we have serious problems. I couldn't give a horses ass about multi-player or gyro controls though so what kinda complaints are those? Never cared for online play especially in a largely single player experience and gyro just doesn't work like a good old couple of thumbs do.
Anyway I'm glad people who never played this one finally get to! Have a rootin tooting good time everyone!
A $30-40 price point would have been nice but I'm actually okay with $50 since the game runs almost flawlessly from my experience so far.
@CharlieFen I'm buying only physical releases with full games on cartridges, so I understand everything. It is frustrating that we have to wait so long for our copy, I agree. I do have a modded Switch OLED, so I could get if right now, but I'll just wait.
@sanderev you’re missing the point, it is about value. This costs the same on PS4 and Switch, it has no real upgrades and is missing things. I have rarely heard of a port removing features and if it does it usually makes up for it with it looking significantly better than it used to. It should not also cost more either.
@GrailUK I’m not saying buy everything, it is value that is the issue. It is hard to stomach a port that looks only slightly better than when it first released and is missing features costing more than it did originally. That’s the issue. I’m not saying buy it on Xbox, but when there is a better version out there with all content and it is cheaper, then that is an issue.
@GrailUK it is the laziness and greed of Rockstar, they should treat the franchise better.
Lets look at it from a different perspective - a classic game is ported to two of the three consoles. That port has half the content cut out, looks not far off the same as the original, but costs twice as much. The remaining of the three consoles is still selling it at the original price with all the content but have also given it an upgrade and it looks better. Would you be happy with that?
Now that is an extreme example, but it is taking what Rockstar is doing even further. Games should not be missing content and charging more for that, especially if nothing else has been done to it and it is still for sale elsewhere. From a business perspective, that is turning customers away.
🎵 A mustache, a mustache, if you only had a mustache 🎵
I liked David Cameron.
@mariomaster96 that was 3 games. Not one.
@CharlieFen I don't think it's lazy. I mean, they didn't have to bring it to Switch full stop if they were that lazy. And I'm sure many a Nintendo fan hasn't played RDR (I'm one of them) so I'm not going to hold it against them for not treating me like some charity case lol.
With something like Metroid Prime? They had to update it. Anyone into Nintendo has already played it. With Mario 64 etc, they had to bundle it. With Skyward Sword, they introduced new controls. Now, ok, there aren't many Western publishers with the same integrity as Nintendo. That's clear when you see the CEO of Nintendo on 2.5M a year and the CEO of Activision on 215M a year!
Nintendo is building up a library of games to take with you going forward. It's where the industry is. The $50 price tag is just market forces. Likewise the $5 price on XBox (it's much older on that system and sales will have slowed!) It will be cheap as chips on Switch (or Switch 3 lol) by that time. THEN, if Rockstar want to revisit it it on any system, they will either need to bundle it or revamp it or modernise it. It's how it has always been. I'm not too sure how the kids these days see gaming lol. If it's worth $50 to you (and I'll admit it is to me, but I'm not a big GTA fan so that kind of makes me hesitant) then buy it. If it's slightly too rich and you are also hesitant, then wait. It won't be $50 forever. Play other stuff instead of moaning about it. (I don't mean you I mean generally speaking.)
I sometimes fear that people think not playing something day one is some sort of cardinal sin. The reality is, that's the secret of making something ever green. Eliminating that fear of missing out.
For a Fistful of Dollars + For a Few Dollars More in the same package. That's quite an amount of dollars, which I refuse to pay. But when a (hefty) sale comes...
I'm just happy for those who will play it for the first time. No need for me to got back. The sequel is in my Top3 all time, hope that non PS owners here will have a chance to also play it someday
@pjzx Yeah but even older ones than RDR. Or would you say that rereleasing for example Super Mario Bros 1, 2, 3 and World for 60$ would be more justified because they are four games?
I only wanted a decent port of RDR so this is fine for me. Never seems to be any love for Red Dead Revolver though.....
@mariomaster96 Yes, actually, 50 dollars for one game, an old one, is not worth it
Removed - flaming/arguing
A guy in town randomly started shooting at me. I defended myself and failed a mission. This kind of quackery happened several more times over a couple hours until I turned the game off. Really not my cup of tea, as in I find the system antiquated af
Not a game ever worthy of a 10/10, so while I think the review puts too much emphasis on the 'overpriced barebones port' aspect, I was expecting to see a 7/10 at the foot of the review, which would have been harsh, leaving just an 8 or a 9 as the only scores I would accept if the game worked well enough. This one went with an 8, which is fine - Marston does indeed control like a ship.
Removed - flaming/arguing
Not sure why people was so angry at this port, lots of love and quality seem to be put into it so that it runs great on Switch. The Tales of Symphonia port was way worst, so barebone and lacking, more buggier, had performance issue, worst graphics, much older, and doesn't justified its high price and people were willing to pay for that.
Sometimes I don't get why people get angry at the little thing, Rockstar also never said they were making a Red Dead Redemption remake either and people choose to believe the leakers over the company but when the leakers are wrong they got angry at the company. Like why? The leakers aren't even the people making the game and you rather trust them over the actual makers? This is why I still don't trust all these Switch 2 leaks, if Nintendo had not say anything then it doesn't exist yet, stop believing leaks. The leaks will be true or not depending on the official source, not the fake ones.
Got it launch day on the 360 with a couple friends. Remembering all the chaos that was the online lobbies.. good times. But after 100%ing it (one of a handful of games I've ever done that with) and the amazing Undead Nightmares (best DLC ever) I'm more than happy to be done and let the memories remain on that one.
Crossing into Mexico for the first time and hearing that Jose Gonzelez song play.. most memorable moment of my gaming life besides popping in that golden Ocarina of Time cart into my 64 for the first time on release day after the excruciating day at school waiting.
Red Dead Redemption (+DLC) port (100 - 150 hours content) for $50
I don't remember anyone (besides myself) criticizing the price of these Nintendo games. Does Nintendo have "poetic freedom" in this matter? I think it's hypocritical.
I think no port deserve $50 - $60 price tag, whether from Nintendo or any other company, the same.
@CharlieFen It's still a huge game with a lot of good content and it runs really good on the Switch. So there is enough value.
My comment got remove for flaming? Don't see how that was flaming but ok, I'll try again:
For some it might not be worth 50$, for some it is. People value things differently because they are individuals
This is likely the only platform I would buy this on, to play sat on my coach on my OLED beauty. But only after that price drops a lot. I bet Rockstar is ready and prepared to play cowboy chicken with us in that department lol
Good to hear there aren't any ridiculous porting issues.
I'll grab this once it's $25 or less. I have plenty of play while waiting.
Can we all just appreciate good things. RdR have never been on a switch hardware before, this is the first time and what a good job done porting it over.
For the cons listed - I would have put this game as a 5 at best - but likely much lower. I take that back - I personally would have not reviewed the game - because it is an old game so it needs no review. You can look up old reviews when it was current.
A $50 bare bones port on a 13 year old game in no way should be considered "great" - because it is objectively not great. Everyone supporting publishers getting lazier and lazier with each passing month is going to bring very bad things on this hobby. Well, the bad things are here - worse things.
if it was 20 dollars cheaper it would be worth it..eventually it will come down in price..
@CharlieFen you're running on the logic that most Switch owners aren't using it as their primary. There are many of the 125 million plus Switch owners who only play, or own, the device. You're coming from a point of privilege where you have multiple devices to choose from in your gaming experience. The DS/3DS was a bit more true since those were the last two handheld console experiences, where the Switch's marketing touts combined. There are people who want to shrink their electronics footprint, the Switch gives them opportunity with their mobile devices. Whether it was $30 or $50, we don't know what work went under the hood to this game ported at all. The game's engine was a mess when it originally came out, it was so bad that it skipped a PC release.
Honestly, I'm still shocked this game made it to the Switch and PS4. It was a stretch request for me, but to hit that and Arkham at the same time... better watch out for lightning next.
This game will still be a top seller for the first couple of weeks at least. A lot of people who either skipped it, stopped gaming or didn't bother moving on from the 360/PS3 will likely buy this game to have on their Switch. Well over half of Switch owners game exclusively on the device.
PS4/PS5 owners will have to shell out to play it since the game isn't on PS Plus cloud service anymore.
I wonder if Undead Nightmare has the invisible/headless zombie glitch in this port. Since it wasn’t noted in the review I’d guess they fixed it.
Folks, I gave the game an 8, I said the price is a little high considering its age and there's been no upgrades. I then said it's your own personal choice whether to go with it or not and that the game is highly recommended and worth playing. There's no scandal. No big deal. It's worth pointing out that it's a bit pricey, it's been the main talking point since the game dropped. If you've not played it before it's worth nabbing regardless of the price, and maybe even worth it to play portable anyway. All good. There's no drama.
@Stamina_Wheel exactly. No one complaining about Pikmin 1+2 being $50. SMH.
Will stick to this on Xbox tbh. Price is too much for a game I can already play. Time for a Switch with more poke.
I'll definitely be picking up Red Dead Redemption on Switch once it sees a price drop. It passed me by on Xbox 360 and PS3.
@PJOReilly I think that is a reasonable view, mate.
Not having multiplayer available annoys me, but I'm glad that it runs well and had the DLC. I'll probably wait to buy it on a sale though.
I don't care about multiplayer and I've never played it, so I guess the cons are not for me lol.
I'll give it a go when it's a bit cheaper.
Getting this either physically or on discount. Would love to replay this, but I can’t bring myself to double dip just to have it portable, yet…
@progx Yes, Switch and PS Vita are my only gaming devices. My laptop doesn't count as I'm never, ever gaming on it because its GPU just sucks. Only on handhelds (if I wouldn't, I wouldn't play games at all) and I think this is valid for many people as well.
Give me physical or give me the gun....could be better with cleaner graphics.
The GTA trilogy backlash wasn’t due to the art style changes as much as the constant bugs and graphical hitches across all platforms. The backlash here is that it is a well made port but for the same price it had at launch over a decade ago now. Meanwhile you could buy this on the Xbox store for much cheaper due to backwards compatibility. If this were 20-30$ there wouldn’t be a problem at all and it’d likely sell well but at this price point it’s a hard sell especially to those who have other platforms.
@PJOReilly I understand the desire to comment but there really is no need to argue with those who share a different opinion with you. I personally see no issue with £40 and I honestly don't know what people expected, £35?
I would love to play RDR on Switch, but I just recently paid 19,79€ for RDR2 on PlayStation. I just find it unreasonable.
Never cared for multiplayer in Rockstar games where the focus was mainly single player. It was no bigger loss then Bioshock 2 port having no multiplayer.
About the price we all know it’s gonna get discounted relatively quickly like with GTA Trilogy and LA Noire. I’m just glad for physical
It runs well, but the distant LOD is slightly distracting to me, I think was likely masked by the original resolution on PS3. Riding up to a town from a distance, the buildings look a bit like matchboxes before the detailed model is clearly swapped in. You can also see some shadows draw in at quite close proximity, sometimes even when rotating the camera. Looking at Push Square, sounds like PS4 has these same issues.
The 30fps frame rate and pacing seem fine though. Portable covers up some of the visual issues too, so a good way to play.
Whether the game is worth the price to me depends on how much you play it. Certainly the draw for me on Switch is a portable version of the game. I own it digitally on PS3 and I almost think the PS4 version should be a free or reduced price 'upgrade' over on PlayStation, so few are the enhancements.
@Rykdrew If you own a studio and you were the ones making those ports and you only had one console to exclusively release those on, what price point will you set it at? $40, $50, $60, $70?
I jealous of all of you that haven't played this before. It's an amazing open world game, and it'd be so amazing to take it around on Switch.
If this were a remaster or a remake it wouldn't be running at 30 fps on the Switch, if at all.
The Switch is a golden opportunity to play PS360 era games (and earlier) on a portable Nintendo funbox. It is not an Unreal Engine 4/5 machine. Both developers and players alike should just enjoy and embrace the things that work well on the platform, rather than delivering (or wishing for) a blurry, muddy, low-performing mess that's worse than the original.
For me this is a 180 turnaround from the GTA Definitive Edition and reason to have faith in Rockstar again.
This'll be a eventual pickup for me, once the physical release is out and discounted a little. Missed this back in the day due to platform constraints and would like to finally play this gem.
“Urgh it’s cheaper elsewhere…”
All fair and well, but how much will it cost for me to buy that console then the game to play it cheaper? Less than the RRP for the Switch version? There seems to be a train of thought that everyone here owns every system. They don’t.
@Stamina_Wheel Because it's become fairly standard at this point for Nintendo to overcharge for ports. They do it a lot, so people are used to it and realize they can't do anything about it.
Cutscene is so Good ,Exploring open world fun, Really yeehaw Feel, Western Classic Showdown, Beautiful Music
You cant find another game like this on Switch.
@GrailUK That is a horrible argument. Just because many considered RDR to be a masterpiece in 2010 doesn't mean they then also have to think it's worth $50 today. What kind of logic is that. If all games were charged based soley on their quality then they'd literally never go down in price. So games like Ocarina of Time, Resident Evil 4, and Bioshock would never depreciate in value no matter how much time has passed. Now I'm sure Rockstar and other corporations probably love this train of thought but as a consumer quite frankly I find it disgusting
£40 for a virtually unimproved experience and with multiplayer cut out is bonkers
A couple of reminders for everyone….
1) Value is totally subjective. What is good value to person A may not be to person B.
2) This is a consumer entertainment product. Nobody needs it. The vendor is not obligated to set pricing based on the quality of the game, age of the game, quality of the port or how much it cost to develop it. They price it in a way they think will make money and the market then decides if they’re right.
3) Other people buying a game at a price you consider good value is not Rubin if the industry, or crazy, or disgusting or any other such histrionics. It’s just a different opinion.
@WiltonRoots at that price you might find a 360 and the game for the same
Would love these kind of headings for all the WiiU ports Nintendo did for Switch but alas…
Happy for anybody that really wanted to play this and Switch is their only platform. I'm still holding out for FEAR + FEAR Files on the Switch but looking less likely as time goes on
It ain't worth 50 dollars. 30 to 40 maybe, but 50? No updates to assets or textures, HUD elements are only 720p. This is embarrassing in 2023. No DLC either, why are people defending Rockstar again?
@PJOReilly If this were, let's say, $20 would that affect the review score?
@Hwatt Quake 2 is a much older game that even the base game before the remaster was dirt cheap. Not to mention, the game is way smaller in scope, not exactly an open world game, and the source code has been available for a long time while also has been on PC since it's launch. Not fair to compare the two games, honestly. Seeing as how there's a huge difference between both of them.
@Stamina_Wheel it’s just what Nintendolife does
Up until this version was announced I wasn't really aware of anybody caring at all about the multiplayer in this game in the first place.
Yes… The game scope and complexity is vastly different. Yet you can easily understand from first glance that they put a ton of effort in Quake II, from the new features, split screen, extra content, graphic tweaks. Most importantly, it’s just a mere $10 or alternatively, a free upgrade if you already got the game on Steam.
The two announcements are wildly different and it’s interesting to compare them considering the timing. RDR doesn’t need the same level of treatment but for the $ they’re charging, I think it just raises the expectations.
If they priced this more appropriately, at launch, not a wait until next year sale, I think people would have reacted differently.
No, I don’t think Switch owners in isolation have much to complain about but when you look at the bigger picture, it feel underwhelming knowing Rock* could have definitely done more or simply lowered the price.
Why does the reviewer mention the price of the game in the "CON" category? That is completely irrelevant to gameplay and content. Oooofff yikes
And how is this a bare bones release? It comes with a separate stand alone game "Undead Nightmare". If they sold it separately as DLC then that wouldn't be that great. Too many outside forces are pushing on this review.
10 out of 10 GAME
@Hwatt And if they had attempted to do more, then it would be another GTA Definitive Edition situation. Rockstar, unfortunately, will price it up because they know they can get away with it. Everyone recognizes their brand and they will use that to their advantage.
As far as enhancements go, I'm not even sure if they could upscale this game to make it look better. Maybe that depends if Rockstar still has the source code.
@Deviant-Dork maybe a separate type of review category for ports would be good. Like I kinda get it - if Casablanca was re-released in a new blu ray then I'm sure the review would focus on the package as a whole, cause like what could you say about the movie that hasnt been said before? Quality and bang for buck would be involved. It's a fine line and think the reviewer did well in acknowledging the price here.
But overall I agree - a 10/10 game speaks for itself. I'd pay good money for even older games
“because they can get away with it”
That’s ultimately what people are flagging. No, I am not boycotting this game. Yes, I even want the physical edition. No, I didn’t expect a full remaster, especially on Switch.
It just feels like a poor value @ $50 for me and other people feel the same way too. It doesn’t mean it’s a terrible value for everyone because that is subjective.
At the end of the day, I’m just glad they have RDR on Switch and its NOT botched. The GTA trilogy was a disaster. This is just wait for a sale / price drop moment. Unfortunate or frustrating but not a deal breaker.
Pretty clear case of wait for the price to drop.
Multiplayer was a disaster on the original version anyway, the biggest collection of cheaters and hackers you'll ever see in the one place. Not worth opening that can of worms again.
Nice, think I'm gonna get it then. It's in my budget and really, it's new to me so the price doesn't bother me too much. I don't play multiplayer games, either, so the lack of that mode is a non-issue. But first I'd like to clear out at least my immediate backlog. If I'm able to muster the energy and attention span to power through the weekend, I should be able to roll credits in both Pikmin 4 and Katamari. That will leave FFVI and Crisis Core FFVII, though, so it may be a while yet.
@Tchunga It is what it is. Sorry. I wish video games would become public domain after 10 years too...
@mariomaster96 but they haven’t done that, even when they released them digitally they were in the region of £7 each. When they released the Mario allstars collection, which was a port of the snes title onto the wii, they had a load of backlash for that. But even then it was £35 and that was 4 games. Not 1. So how is this RDR for £50 worth it then? I guess for some people it may be worth it. Just really I think anyone would be better off waiting till it’ll be in a sale in like 4-5 months for £25 -£30 which would deffo be more worth it. (Even though it’s cheaper on Xbox )
@TheBigK if I were you I’d wait until you’re ready to play it. I’m sure it will be down to around £30 in a few months.
It's £35 for the physical version if you shop around.
The Switch doesn't have many open-world games of this calibre, outside of Nintendo's oeuvre.
It's an old game, but it's a very, very good one.
I get the flack, particularly if you've got the power of next gen to play with. Personally, I'm glad they didn't do too much and have it run like a dog's dinner on Switch. As soon as I saw it was functional and looked half-way decent, I had no problems laying my cash down. I've paid a lot more, for games with significantly less content.
Each to their own.
Was debating on picking this up or waiting for a sale. Ended up picking it up and am very happy with it. The TLC in my opinion is that they got this game looking and running well on the switch. RDR really didn't need any other additions.
See, everyone talks about this amazing when moment you go into Mexico and the music kicks in, but when I played I got ambushed by a cougar and killed so when my checkpoint reloaded I just sitting on my horse in the middle of the road and that was it.
@Styrophoamicus hahaha
@russell-marlow At least Quake II is on PC, RDR isn't because Rockstar is stupid for not porting it over.
LA Noire still the best Rockstar game of all time.
good review! i missed this game for the most part (watched a friend play it a couple times) due to being a Nintendo devotee (how do y'all have the budget or time? yes, im jealous 😅) but now maybe I'll get into it!
btw, @PJOReilly
"Thinking back on our first time playing this one, that amazing opening sequence on the train, an opening that absolutely took us by surprise the first time around with its grittiness and willingness to delve straight into the real-world issues of the time."
is this an incomplete thought? i feel like there's a "but" or a "was" missing in this sentence 😋 maybe im wrong! ✌️
really enjoyed the review! 👍
EDIT - i feel like kind of a horse's arse for bringing this up and atting you about it, and you are super not asking me to edit your writing 😅 its a bit of a knee jerk reaction for me, and anyhow please know my genuine intention was to be helpful! 👍 ✌️
You may feel it is irrelevant, but its not. Not when other games, for example, the Resident Evil games, are full on remakes asking only $10 more.
Should it hurt the review of the game itself? No
You can argue against its inclusion all you want, but it absolutely should be brought up. Value is a legitimate topic for a review.
More like..."A Fist Full of Dollars", if you ask me.
@Anguspuss This is true, but what's the likelihood of someone like me going out of their way who has zero interest in any of Microsoft's products going somewhere like CEX, picking up a second hand 360, taking it home, wiring it all up, disposing of all the packaging afterwards, setting up an account on Xbox, all to play one game when I can just grab it from the eshop in seconds?
It'll drop in price in no time too with much less spaghetti behind my telly.
@Kang81 value is not a legitimate topic for decisions of a review of media content. Just like most people, it has no relevance over if I will play a game or not. 🌿
@Ultimapunch I love that game so much too. It's funny that people didn't get this upset about that game being $50 on Switch as well.
It's still $50 with discounts down to $25, which Red Dead Redemption will do too, because Rockstar discounts their games by a maximum of 50% when there is sales.
@Stamina_Wheel Which Nintendo games are you referring to that were bare minimum ports and priced at $50? Like Mario 3d All Stars may have been bare minimum but three games were included
I’d just like to point out that Skyrim was an old game when it hit the Switch as well (it’s actually around the same age as RDR). RDR looks as good as Skyrim, plays as good as Skyrim, has an arguably better main story, and includes all the content (no multiplayer, but Skyrim doesn’t have that, either), and is the same price as Skyrim NOW (after nearly 6 years on the Switch). Plus it’s an additional $20 for the Anniversary Upgrade (so, $70 for Skyrim if you want all the content). I think we’re getting a pretty good deal, and people are being big babies about this whole thing. We’re lucky to get RDR at all. I’m enjoying being able to play it anywhere I want. I’ve beaten the game before, but I never played Undead Nightmare, so I’m really looking forward to that.
@mikegamer Rockstar has always, for a long time now, preferred developing their games for consoles first and then porting that version over to PC. I can only guess they do it because it's their business model on how they turn a higher profit per release.
@Hwatt At the end of the day, no amount of petitioning or boycotting is really going to put a dent into the company. People will eventually forget about it and when this game is on sale people are generally going to pick up.
It's slightly worrying that I only played this a few years back, loved the heck out of it and yet still can't for the life of me remember what it was that supposedly took place at the start of the game in that 'shocking' train sequence. Or even that there was a train. I may only have room for one video game train intro in my brain, and I think it's been given to Uncharted 2 instead :/
@roboshort similar port in terms of size, Breath of the Wild on Wii U, apparently a direct port with a few improvements, now available on Switch for way more than what RDR is priced at 🤷♂️
I bet Nintendo didn't need much work to get the game working on the Switch
This was on my port wish list with bioshock and batman. I'm happy to pay what I have to experience these all time great games on the go. I am part of the the problem as I will double/triple dip on games. I'm not sorry one bit.
@-wc- haha, no worries, I appreciate any and all feedback. Maybe it was a little clunky, but not incomplete.
@antisumo Breath of the Wild released at the same time on the WiiU as the Switch and plus the Switch version had better performance and better image quality. Colloquially when people say port they refer to a release that came significantly later. And People only care about a port being much enhanced or much cheaper if it comes out far later
@russell-marlow Still think it's done out of spite
@roboshort bad example, I apologise! Never had it on the Wii U, in fact never owned a Wii U and did not realise they came out at the same time. I know there is a Nintendo port from there that is a stupidly high price, fairly sure anyways 🤣
Why spend money on a 13 year old game when you can get something new like HORSE CLUB Adventures, or Just Dance 2023 instead?
I'll be able to find it much cheaper than $50 at retail, so I'll be going physical. As for the missing multiplayer. I'm fine with that. I refuse to pay for NSO, so wouldn't be able to use it anyway.
I don't see how $50 is considered too much for this. People are just looking for reasons to complain these days. If you want to pay less, just wait for a price drop. Hardly rocket science.
@Serpenterror $70, obviously. There are many people who like to be exploited. So I would be a great explorer in this scenario that you've described.
@Vyacheslav333 you could always go back to 2010 when Physical copies still mattered to people besides collectors. I will even let you borrow my back to the future replica DeLorean if that’s what you want to do
It's way too much for what you get, I don't care if you've never played the game this type of behavior with porting crap versions of games needs to stop. You are better off just getting it on one of the older generation systems or just emulating it.
@Adol-Bannings Physical copies matter. Especially, if we are talking about "heavy" games. Not every game system have 2TB+ free space for video games.
@Vyacheslav333 they don’t, you can keep telling yourself they do, but they are a thing of the past. Everytime I complain to my friends about a physical copy coming late from Amazon they say why don’t you be a normal person and just buy it on system.
So we final cross paths, eh RDR? So, I am one of the 3 rock dwellers that didn't play this game, but I have heard nothing but praise whenever the title is mentioned. I like western themes, I like open world and I like RockStar a tad, so I will be playing this, but only with a steep sale or GameFly.
Sounds decent enough to me and i will download it. But lack of gyro controls really is a big negative point in 2023 on a Nintendo console for this genre of game. So I will wait for a sale.
I was previously actually glad when I heard it was being ported to and ran well on the Switch.
Thanks for the review.
I disagree, as do many others. A lot of people even look to the length of a game vs it's price in basing their decision to purchase a game, so value clearly matters to a lot of consumers.
No ill will implied here, so I guess we'll just have to agree to disagree as we obviously have different views that are unlikely to change.
What I'm after here is how engaging its open world is, how much there is to do outside of quests and how content-filled (or empty) it is, as that plays a big part in a game's longevity with me. To give context, I would use Breath of the Wild or perhaps No Man's Sky as baselines.
So, to those who've played RDR, how's its open world?
So what I'm understanding from all these comments is:
If you haven't played it 50$ is worth it, but if you have, then hold off.
The game is 64.99 in Canada, no thanks, I'm good. Don't get me wrong,
It's still an awesome game with tons of content. Maybe I'll get the physical, maybe...
@Scapetti I mean to be fair, if CDPR can charge £29.99 for Witcher 3 when it came out on the Switch in 2019, for the Physical version, being only 4 years old and a current gen (at the time) game.
I genuinely do not see why Rockstar can justify charging £40 for a digital version of a 13 year old game.
Having said that, RDR is one of my favourite games and i have always wanted to play it on the go, so I'd be willing to fork out £35 for a physical version. Maybe even £40. But i can see why many won't.
@calbeau it's a free roam game, go out and hunt and skin animals, find NPCs for random encounters and i believe to ride from one corner of the map to the other would take you a good while.
It's a big game, easily sink over 100 hours and still not do everything or see everything. think GTA V wild west but It has more to do in it than the base game of GTA V.
@Reztobi I like what I'm hearing. This has further solidified my plans of getting this game. Thanks.
I'll probably wait for the physical release on this one, as this would be the first time I experience RDR. Hopefully that release doesn't disappoint.
It's pretty awesome from what I can tell. You can be an outlaw and kill everyone on sight, but that would hurt your reputation and people wanting to interact with me would decline, all the while putting a bounty on your head.
Conversely, you could be a man of honor, helping people in need, stopping thieves, murderers, and thwarting ambushes. You could try bounty hunting, going after endless bounties, bringing them in dead or alive, while trying to outrun their gang to make it back into town to bring them to justice.
You could focus on the side quests, hunt animals, become a gambler (or cheat), to get enough money to buy some property to lay low. I guess you could follow the main storyline for an epic adventure.
You could also do none of the aforementioned things and play an awesome zombie game set in the old west.
For me, the price of a game shouldn't count towards its numeric score, although of course it can and should be discussed in the review. This is because the price will always vary, whereas the content of the game won't (patches and DLC notwithstanding). I seem to remember Nintendo Life stating this as policy some years ago, but I might be imagining it. It's hard to tell whether this has been implemented here for Red Dead Redemption or not.
@Nin10doh I just keep hearing good things about this game, and I like that. Thanks.
Can't wait for the physical release. I hope I've already completed everything in Tears of the Kingdom by then so I can immediately jump into this one.
@calbeau if you like those open world type games with tons of quests and freedom to do whatever you like, check out these games too:
Witcher 3
Dragons Dogma
@TheRealKyleHyde While I don't believe the price should be in the con category. The review policy is "ALL reviews are based on the subjective opinion of the reviewer". Although the price is mentioned quite a few times in the review so I suspect it may have had some sway on the overall score, which is fine because "ALL reviews are based on the subjective opinion of the reviewer".
Regardless of the price (we all know it'll be 30% off in two months), if we look at versions released in 2010 they're all rated as "Must Play" and since this port doesn't take anything away from that, nor add anything to it, it's the lowest score this particular game should get.
@Reztobi Yes, those three games, particularly Witcher 3, have long been in my wishlist, so I'll probably eventually get around to playing them. Thanks for the tip nonetheless.
David Cameron was the beginning of the end for Britain, but I'd pay $50 to have him back instead of the parade of lunatics that came after him.
I didn’t play this game when it was released, so I am happy to be playing it now on Switch. While $50 does seem a bit high, the sheer scope of the game, and the hours of entertainment, in my opinion, easily justify the price tag. The game runs beautifully on Switch, both docked and handheld, and is one of the best looking ports on the Switch. SwitchUp has an excellent comparison video of the game at launch compared to the Switch version, and the visuals are noticeably better on Switch. That said, I can understand people's frustration with the lack of a true remaster and the missing multiplayer content. However, since value is objective to the individual, I find this to be one of the best ports released on Switch to date. Again, all of this is subjective and is simply my opinion. I for one I’m excited to have this masterpiece in handheld on my favorite gaming console.
Nice port and glad to see it done right. Maybe when Nintendo releases Switch 2 with hopefully better Hardware then RDR2 may come
Definitely a sale pick up for me. Hand held mode is enough of a draw to make this worth checking.
Great review as always, PJ. Added to my wish list as soon as it came out. If I'd not played it through again on Xbox only last year (and it looks great on the Series consoles) it would have been a day one. As it is, I'm currently replaying RDR2 and plan to pick this up to carry on the story when I'm finished. Hopefully by then it'll be at least a few quid off the asking price.
@Vyacheslav333 coming out in October =)
Who buy this for this kind of money, what a joke its 13 years old.
Well I’ve never played it, so will pick it up I think! It’s actually a smidge cheaper here in Australia than a “full priced” switch game (and 20 dollary doos less than TOTK) so for me personally it’s worth it. Different scenario for those that played it back in the day tho.
Grabbed a physical copy yesterday and it looks and plays fantastically. Version 1.0 on the cart, but the current version is 1.0.2 (which is about 250MB), which isn't terribly egregious.
Looks especially good on handheld, but also looks great on TV.
My only real gripe so far is the sometimes wonky physics, but I assume that was part of the original game/code, and is not an issue pertaining to the port. It's basically GTA in the old west (just as Bully was GTA in a high school), so if you enjoy your anarchic open world games, then you'll most likely love this as well, even if you aren't too crazy about the wild west setting.
Oh, and the lack of gyro aiming also sucks, but the auto-aim has been good enough in my first couple of hours of play for this to not be a huge issue, but it continues to be a minor and recurring source of frustration when developers of multiplatform games ignore Switch-specific capabilities such as motion controls and the touch screen in games that would benefit tremendously from them.
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