What is The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero? That was probably the question on most players’ lips after the Expansion Pass for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet was revealed. Part one, The Teal Mask, was just an appetizer, taking players to a new land in Kitakami and introducing new characters who might just end up being crucial to this final mystery in Paldea. So, with The Indigo Disk finally here, we were excited to find out just what lies at the end of Area Zero. Well, we’re slightly disappointed with the answer.
Area Zero, the final part of the base game, is one of the series’ high points. It’s absolutely wild, and if you haven’t yet beaten Scarlet & Violet, you’re in for a treat. So the prospect of returning to this final area to uncover some hidden secret was always going to be a huge draw. But, because of the way The Indigo Disk plays out, the narrative feels pretty fractured as a result. Fortunately, the new area and many of the new features are fun to play around with.

Let’s take a step back and look at the plot. The Indigo Disk sees your character participate in an exchange programme with the Blueberry Academy, the sister school to your academy in Paldea. Set in the Unova region – the setting for Pokémon Black & White and Black & White 2, another huge draw for series fans – this school is at the forefront of Pokémon battles, and home to the Terarium, a ground under the ocean which is split into four very distinct biomes, and such is the perfect home for a plethora of Pokémon.
At the Blueberry Academy, you get acquainted with the students and sign up for the Blueberry League, which sees you take on the BB League Elite Four in some fun challenges. Carmine and Kieran – the stars of The Teal Mask DLC – also return. The story here serves more as a conclusion to the siblings’ arc but is framed through your journey through the Elite Four. Honestly, the characters carry the narrative entirely – a lot of the story beats come across as trite and unnecessary, but the siblings, as well as Elite Four member Drayton in particular, are fantastically written. It’s a shame everything else is so ho-hum.
The return to Area Zero only makes up the final hour of this six-hour-ish adventure, and it all feels a bit tacked on. Terapagos is a cute Legendary and helps introduce a new Tera Type, but compared to the Legendaries of The Teal Mask (and even the base game), it feels incredibly underutilised. The Hidden Treasure at the end of the Expansion Pass doesn’t shine like we expected it to, so it’s hard for us to not come away a bit let down. We know that Pokémon hasn’t always been known for its story, although given that the Blueberry Academy is in Unova, the region where arguably the best Pokémon game story comes from, it’s a little ironic. But the way things wrap up here feels rushed, save for some good character development.

Fortunately, there are plenty of good things about The Indigo Disk. Great things, even. First, the music. Many of the battle tracks in this DLC are remixes of battle tunes from Black & White, and they’re glorious. And the new songs introduced here range from extremely hummable to downright rocking. Music has long been the series’ strong point, but the tracks here also help to make the Terarium one of the best places to explore in the entirety of Scarlet & Violet. The four biomes – savanna, canyon, coastal, and polar – are incredibly unique, packed full of mountains, rivers, flowers, hills, and all sorts of different terrain. It took a while for the game to finally utilise the huge open spaces, but the Terarium takes advantage of that with aplomb.
You can use many of the unnaturally-coloured blocks dotted around the Terarium to platform your way across large gaps and up sprawling mountains. Regional form Pokémon from previous Generations are back. And the new Blueberry Quests – short little reward quests to help build up Blueberry Points (BP) – allow you to utilise all of the game’s features, from auto-battles to TM crafting and even catching Pokémon. It feels like a little slice of Pokémon Legends: Arceus and the Pokédex tasks.
It’s a bit of a shame that building up BP is such a grind, then – most early-game quests reward you with between 10-50 BP, with the occasional one awarding 100+, and even climbing the ranks to earn more BP takes a while. It’s especially noticeable when that BP can be spent on new Ball-throwing forms, decorations for the League’s room, and unlocking more Pokémon in each biome, which can cost anywhere between 50 BP and a whopping 3,000 BP.

The variety of activities on offer in The Indigo Disk are at least pretty refreshing. The Blueberry Quests allows you to dig into your entire kit, and you can eventually unlock flying, meaning you can travel all across Paldea, Kitakami and the Terarium with ease – though flying is incredibly slow. We also love the Synchro Machine, a new device that allows you to run around the Terarium from the perspective of any of your Pokémon, and some of these animations are adorable and hilarious. Please, just explore the Terarium as Komala at some point. You won’t regret it.
Ultimately, battles take centre stage in this DLC, even more so than in The Teal Mask. Fighting the Elite Four poses a bit of a challenge if you’re not at the right level, and even then you might have to use one or two more Potions than usual. Add in the fact that every Trainer battle is a Double Battle, and that means you have to think about party composition a bit more. Overall, it's still a ways off the series' hardest battles (think Red in Pokémon Gold & Silver, or even Legends: Arceus' true final boss), and our team was never completely wiped out — even in the tough final fight in Area Zero — but it's a welcome step up the game desperately needed.

So then, we can't ignore the Cufant in the room anymore: performance. No, the performance and visuals haven’t been improved – in fact, we think they might be even worse in the Terarium than anywhere else in the game. During cutscenes, the camera would frequently stagger and pause as it panned across the screen. Exploring the Terarium is still sluggish and slow as the frame rate dips frequently as you jump, dive, and glide around the area. The draw distance remains pretty abysmal, and sometimes, you’ll see a Pokemon close by that hasn’t fully rendered, instead appearing very blocky. Pokémon running into walls, Pokémon spawning in walls — you name it, it's probably there. We hate to bring it up yet again, but with every major update, it feels like Scarlet & Violet’s duct tape is slowly peeling off.
This is, presumably, where the dust settles for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet, which means the future of the series is once again in our view. After spending over 10 hours in the Terarium, we can’t fault the gameplay loop of exploration, catching ‘em all, and taking on tough battles – especially when fan favourites such as starters and Legendaries are up for grabs. Pokémon can likely survive on its grasp of nostalgia forever, and the game is at least fun to play, but once again, this DLC serves us yet another reminder of the flaws of Scarlet & Violet.
The Indigo Disk takes a few steps forward for Pokémon Scarlet & Violet. There’s some genuine challenge, a nice variety of activities, and a fun new world to explore in the Terarium; if you love Pokémon, you’ll absolutely enjoy what’s on offer here. But the DLC drops the ball in terms of narrative, offering an unsatisfying and rushed conclusion to Scarlet & Violet’s story, along with the grindy BP system and those ever-present performance issues. It’s fun at best and disappointing at worst, with a lot of missed potential left on the picnic table.
Comments 40
As expected.
I sincerely hope the next main Pokemon game takes 5 years of development. This series really needs it.
"Performance and visuals are somehow even worse"
This is so incredibly disrespectful from Game Freak and Pokemon company... Such a let down
I actually really liked the main game, but I was on the fence about getting the DLC. I'll probably skip it; the story was such an amazing part of the main game, so it's disappointing that aspect is not great in the DLC. Plus between Brilliant Diamond, Arceus, and Violet, I played a ton of Pokemon for a year or two and could use a bit of a breather.
I do hope Pokemon comes back to the open-world formula again in the future though; I'm not usually an open world cheerleader, but I thought it worked surprisingly well in Violet aside from the graphics.
I liked Teal Mask a lot but so far Indigo Disk really isn't doing it for me. It just feels so drawn out and meandering, especially the hoops you have to jump through to get the starters, and then there's just the mass amount of stupidity regarding timegating part of its story and them seemingly going out of their way to make the Paradoxes as inconvenient as possible.
And yeah, even as someone who likes these games a lot it's always been really clear they were programmed using a pudding cup, and somehow Indigo Disk runs MUCH worse than the main game does.
Again, repeatedly, there is no mention of whether you're playing online or not.
The game's performance (and that in Sword and Shield) were far better playing OFFLINE.
Did you review in offline or online?
Maybe I'm just riding the release-day high, but I'm having a really good time with Indigo Disk so far personally; the different areas of the Terarium feel very unique from each other (with some brilliant callbacks interlaced throughout), the characters are delightful and the sheer amount of Gen 5 love has had a grin permanently plastered over my face like a kid in a sweet shop. This isn't even to mention the aspects that I find enrapturing on a purely personal level like the lore tidbits, returning mons and the shockingly high difficulty for once (I was sweating up a storm throughout the first Elite 4 battle alone). Maybe it falls off down the line but right now, after about 4 and a half hours of playtime? It's pretty great all around
....then again I am an unabashed Pokemon fanboy who overanalyses this series WAYYYYYYY too much so you should probably take my word with a grain of salt XD
@Ashunera84 I started Indigo Disk offline and even then it was immediately clear to me that it runs worse than the main game.
"Performance and visuals are somehow even worse"
I'm gonna skip on the Pokemon DLC. I prefer what they did with the series back then with new content. (Like Crystal, Emerald, Platinum, Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon versions.)
Well time for Game Freak to finally retired from making anymore Pokémon games and let another dev took a crack at it.
Remember, this is the largest multimedia franchise on the planet.
@Fizza With you being a big fan of the franchise, I'll take your word on anything Pokémon related with a grain of salt. 😆
I'm having a great time playing it BUT, performance goes even worse. It's specially bad around certain tiny lakes in the terarium, to the point one thought several times game had crashed. I'm pretty tempted to wait for a patch of they say anything but I kind of doubt it.
Pokemon is ass now. Never buying a game again.
@Olrun people have been waiting for over a year for a patch. this is the dung you get
@Olrun I've not had too bad performance with ID myself (well, for SV standards anyways XD) but for some reason the FPS in the Savannah Biome is absolutely torturous compared to pretty much every area in the DLC for me, to the point where even the damn menus lag like hell in certains parts of it 🤔
“Performance and visuals WORSE??! What are they n64 graphics now this game was decent from the start but had terrible visuals how can it possibly get WORSE?
So glad I skipped the dlc. This is the first time ever I've skipped pokemon content. What a failure smh
I don't like the fact this DLC adds a lot of content that should've either been part of the main game or simply a free update. Expansions are suppossed to be not only more areas (which this DLC thrived), but mainly about expanding the story, the lore, character development, and testing ground with new features for the franchise (which too, was also something this DLC gave, but few in between). Probably the best new feature is fact you can walk as your Pokémon in a special minigame.
They need to focus more on actually expanding with these DLCs, rather than cyclically returning features one by one. Basically, they do need more development time.
@Ashunera84 It sucks online or offline. Worst generation by far
To think we could have gotten Legends Arceus DLC instead. Game Freak are an embarrassment.
Pokemon company clearly needs assistance from Nintendo. Mono or the Zelda devs clearly should assist them in building console games.
Cause the handhelds have clearly made them to laid-back. With consoles and games needing to get bigger and more detail. Those yearly releases aren't gonna cut it. You need more time for debugging and stability.
My friend told me the first dlc wasn't worth it. So kinda figured the 2nd pack wouldn't be that much better.
Hopefully PC learns from this
I'm still p'ed off by the premature release of the "complete" physical release. I'm not sure if I want to bite the bullet and just grab it anyway out of fear that there won't be a reprint (it's grossly expensive enough without paying scalper prices), or hold out until next year and hope that there will be a reissue with everything on the cartridge (and it will be a gamble either way as I won't know whether that will be the case until I actually inspect the cartridge and/or the packaging is amended to reflect that everything's on the cart).
In any case, I won't purchase the DLC via the eShop, and had there not been complete physical releases of Sword/Shield, I would have skipped those too (as admittedly good as those expansions were otherwise).
And Scarlet/Violet generally have been a mostly tremendously disappointing and joyless experience. Legends Arceus surpassed it in quality, performance, gameplay, and sheer fun in every conceivable way. That should be the standard for any open world Pokémon games moving forward, while the main series should stick to a more linear structure (I'm not talking "hallway route" linear like we've seen with more recent games, but perhaps more in line with earlier generations, which allowed at least some flexibility in progression.
@SpaceboyScreams : No. No DLC. I am sick of paid DLC.
Legends Arceus had plenty of content for completionists, though I yearned for just a little more variety with the Pokédex, considering that there are now 1000+ of them, and some of the Pokédex objectives were ridiculous (especially with tree-dwelling Pokémon).
Give me a sequel. A complete 3D overhaul of old-school Johto? Yes freaking please!
@Serpenterror Pokémon Brilliant Diamond and Shining Pearl were developed by another developer (ILCA). The results were...okay.
At this point I guess all we can hope for is for the Switch 2 to be fully backwards compatible, so we can truly enjoy Scarlet&Violet without the performance problems. /shrug
@Jeronan But is that a hardware problem or just sheer lack of software-related work and development time?
It's not surprising at all. They're confident that anything they release will sell like hot cakes. The barrage of bashing they got is clearly not enough to make them deliver better work. If customers don't stop paying for just about any Pokemon related thing they release, it's gonna be worse and worse
@John_Deacon The engine Gamefreak uses is just outdated and not capable/ready of doing open world on the Switch hardware.
They should have kept the same format as Sword/Shield with some smaller Open world zones/wild areas.
The game experience would have been much better, since Gamefreak developers simply don't get the time for the optimization that is required.
Every time they say they would do better and give their developers more time.... but they don't! Nothing changes at Gamefreak.
The game is made for ten year olds at the end of the day, which is why Game Freak doesn't care less about the performance. After all, why waste time on it when little jimmy will be begging mommy for it anyway?
“So then, we can't inform the Cufant in the room anymore: performance”
I think this might be ‘ignore’!
Hopefully the next GF announcement is that they retire and stop attempt at doing games
@Dazman You would be surprised in the actual demographic of Pokemon fanbase and how diverse of an age group it is.
I can bet with you that the average Pokemon fan is way older than you think and have been with the franchise since the start.
@Maxz certainly is - thank you all fixed!
@Jeronan it's also a key reason why Pokemon Go exploded back in 2016. The generation growing up with Pokemon had the money to burn on nostalgia and cell phones.
My experience with Part 2 is about the same as my experience with Part 1 and the main game so far. The performance sucks, but overall I'm still having a good time exploring and finding Pokémon. I was expecting more of the same with the DLC so it's fine by me.
I'm not buying another Pokemon game again until they actually try.
Well, I'm glad I have Nexomon + Nexomon Extinction on PS4 as my alternative monster taming games so I will continue my progress of Nexomon Extinction as I have finished the storyline of first Nexomon game.
Btw, I didn't touch my Pokemon Violet for several months after finished the storyline. I thought Nexomon games are more interesting to play than Pokemon Scarlet / Violet after some thoughts.
Ugliest Pokemon game to date. Missing on everything that makes a good Pokemon game.
Yet it will sell well because of its name/brand.
I wouldn't even pirate it lmao! It isn't worth my time!
I don't know what else the reviewer wanted from the story ending. I thought it was fantastic!
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