The Picross series has become a rather expected staple of Nintendo’s digital release schedule by now. Every few months, you can reasonably expect another mainline entry or spin-off to show up, and you more or less know exactly what that next new entry will be offering: a substantial new set of nonagram puzzles for you to solve. Now, Picross S4 has finally hit the eShop and though it doesn’t really bring anything new to the series, it nonetheless proves to be another solid entry that’s sure to offer up plenty of value.
The gameplay of a Picross game is simple, orienting around the meditative experience of solving nonogram puzzles and revealing the pixel art images they conceal. Each puzzle sees you faced with a grid that’s flanked on the top and side by a collection of numbers, and these numbers indicate exactly how many cells in that row or column must be filled in, and in what order. At a glance, it’s impossible to know the specifics of this, so the challenge comes from knowing how to cross-reference number sets and deduce where overlaps occur, while ruling out ‘empty’ cells as you go. It may sound complicated, but once you have the hang of it, it feels more or less like doing a sudoku puzzle.

Much like in the previous few entries, there’s more than just one ‘mode’ in Picross S4, and this added variety helps to keep the puzzling action from getting too stale. There are 150 standard Picross puzzles to solve, and these are then each reimagined in another 150 Mega Picross puzzles, which change up the rulesets a bit to add some extra difficulty.
Successfully completing certain milestone standard or mega puzzles then have the effect of unlocking new pieces of the Clip Picross puzzles. These act as enormous puzzles that you complete in individual segments, with each piece you complete revealing a little more of the overall image. Then, finally, there’s the Color Picross mode which changes sees you filling in cells of a puzzle with up to four different colours, requiring a different sort of thinking than the previous three modes.
It may sound like a lot to handle, but Jupiter Corporation has done an exceptional job of making the experience as approachable as possible, whether you’re a newcomer or not. Each mode has short, but effective tutorials to properly teach you the logic necessary to solving puzzles, and then there are a slew of optional assist features to help keep you on the right track once you start solving.

For example, you can choose to have one random row and column fully revealed at the start of a puzzle, giving you a good place to start from. Or, in another example, the game can instantly correct you if you mistakenly fill in a cell. Those of you that prefer the challenge can opt to turn some or all of these assist features off, meaning that Picross S4 can be exactly as difficult or easy as you want.
Picross S4 features the most puzzles out of any entry in the S sub-series yet, and though it doesn’t introduce any wholly new game modes, it does throw in a few puzzle sizes we haven’t yet seen. Every Picross S4 owner is granted access to two massive 30x30 puzzles from the off, and if you have any of the preceding three mainline releases in your library, a new 40x30 puzzle will unlock for each one.
Some may be displeased at the idea of content being locked away behind a sort of paywall, but considering the substantial amount of content already on offer, there’s really not a lot to be missed. These new, massive puzzles don’t bring any extra rules, remember, their only draw is that it takes around a half-hour to finish one of them.

As far as presentation is concerned, Picross S4 offers up that same buttery smooth and pleasant experience we’ve come to expect, no more or less. The background art features a relaxing shot of a soft sunset being viewed beyond frosted glass, and the UI design is clean, responsive, and easily read.
Matching all this is a soundtrack that’s entirely unremarkable in the best of ways, mixing in soft, synth-heavy tunes that are there to fill space, but not distract your attention from solving whatever puzzle you happen to be working on. In short, the minimalist design lacks any sort of meaningful ‘wow’ factor, but Jupiter Corporation has positively nailed an audiovisual presentation for these games that manages to satisfy without being too distracting.
Picross S4 is more of the same, yes, but that’s not exactly a bad thing given what this series is designed to offer. At its heart, this new release is little more than a content expansion, but one that offers up a strong selection of puzzles and a diverse array of modes to solve them in, all wrapped in a pleasant, friendly presentation style. Picross S4 stands as the best entry in the sub-series yet, offering up fantastic value for your dollar and acting as a great place for fans new and old to jump in. If you’ve been looking for a simple, engaging puzzle game for your Switch, you need look no further.
Comments 27
That moment when Jupiter keeps developing Picross games on the 3DS and Switch.
I still haven't even finished Picross S yet, let alone S2 and S3 before I can get S4. The lack of touch screen controls put me off a bit when I was working through the easier puzzles in Picross S because I'm so used to them from the 3DS games and and it's a bit less satisfying without them (but less of a big deal with the harder puzzles where I need to stop and think anyway). Played all of Murder by Numbers in just a few days though, so it's not like I can't manage without them.
I tried the demo for this one, don't know if there were demos for the others and I cannot do without touch controls.
As long as Jupiter keeps pumping these out, I'll keep buying them.
I wish they'd port the 3D Picross titles...
Did they ever add touch screen controls for these?
Why isn't there a single review for pixcle cross adventure?
I really don't get why everyone complains about the lack of touch screen support. It's not 3D Picross we're talking here, in 2D games you need precision and I don't see why I'd play it touch.
This series & the Sudoku Relax series have some of the largest total playtime counts on my Switch. 😅 I can’t help it! I love puzzle games & Jupiter always does a fine job.
@BenAV I actually find the d-pad/button controls superior. Each click of the d-pad helps you count and keep track of boxes as you work your way across the row.
It's a shame they don't include touch controls for those who would prefer them, but in general, I think this series gets it right.
@Razieluigi For really hard puzzles where I need to take it slow I don't mind either way but a majority of the puzzles tend to be so easy that I don't ever have to stop and think so I prefer touch screen controls just because it's way faster.
It’s a great game, my only real dissatisfaction is that it (still) doesn’t include touch screen functionality.
@SuperCharlie78 : Plus this instalment contains even larger puzzles (that are barely visible given resolution limitations) which would make touch screen use nigh impossible.
@SuperCharlie78 I’ve played most of the Picross games and I think they play much better with buttons than the touch screen.
I cannot imagine choosing touch screen over the buttons, but I also don’t get why the option isn’t there.
Love Jupiter and Picross games. Jupiter’s logic and control have been the best, hands down. Murder by Numbers has been great. The Lord of the Nazarick game was good, but I have no idea what the story is about. Piczle Cross Adventure has been pretty good. I like the way things unlock. There are some other but bad control and logic get in the way. Shouldn’t have to guess the solve a puzzle.
I’m hoping for another 3D Picross, as well and something like the Zelda game, but with some adventuring.
I have a few other Picross games to get through first but no doubt I'll end up with this one at some point.
Personally not too bothered about touch controls but wonder if using a stylus would make it more accurate, they have used it on Brain Training and Super Mario Maker 2 so might be a good idea for Picross.
'More of the same' is actually a pro when it comes to games like Picross.
@Silly_G Some other Picross games (not those by Jupiter) use a zoom function for huge puzzles. It isn't ideal, but they could make it work if they want to.
I Love Picross and I was anxious to buy this but these games are so inferior to last week's release. I advise everyone to skip this and get Piczle Cross Adventure. If this is rated an 8/10 then Piczle is a perfect 10/10!
I am totally burned out with Picross. I recently completed the Sanrio one on 3DS (so I have now officially completed ALL Picross games on 3DS, including Twilight Princess, Pokémon Picross, and also Mario Picross on GB).
I have recently completed the crossover one with the furry girls (the name eludes me) which was the third Picross game released on Switch, and I haven't downloaded any subsequent instalments (of which there are now three) as there are far too many of them now and I don't think that I can catch up at this point as each game takes about 40 or so hours to complete (likely longer with the extra large and coloured puzzles introduced since). They'll probably release another two or three Picross games before I even get around to completing S3.
I thoroughly enjoyed Picross 3D Round 2 though and would love a sequel to that.
@harrystein Thanks for the advice 👍- I was debating which to get but will give piczle adventure a try, looks good from the little i have seen of it but couldn't find much detail about it
So, no touch controls?
No touch controls no buy.
I don’t understand why they refuse to include them. It’s a perfect game for them. We had them on DS/3DS why don’t we have them now.
Oh well guess I’ll wait to see if Picross S5 has them...
I had to give up on the Color Picross in Lord of the Nazarick, also made by Jupiter, because I can't readily distinguish some of the colors. Is there a color blind mode in S4?
Touch controls worked well enough on the 3DS with a stylus. On the Switch with its capacitive touch screen it would probably suck. I tried playing a Picross game on my phone once and it was a horrible experience.
My problems are that resistive touch screens are a lot more precise and using my finger instead of a stylus covers up too much of the screen. The kind of stylus you can use with the switch is still a lot thicker then the (3)DS ones so that doesn't help me a lot, either.
This went into the wish list, but Animal Crossing currently is eating up my idle time.
@countzero Agreed, the stylus would be essential if touch controls were even to be considered. I'm honestly surprised by the demand for touch controls in these comments, as it's something I didn't even consider being a drawback due to how hokey and imprecise it would be. In my mind, it's like complaining that Super Mario Odyssey won't let you control Mario with the D-Pad. Just... Why would you want that?
I've played through almost the entirety of S through S3, and have started S4 recently. The lack of touch controls is an absolute non-issue here. On smaller boards, moving the cursor to where you want it quickly isn't a concern. On larger boards (i.e. 20x15 and the new whopping 40x30s) touch controls would be nearly impossible to use precisely enough. It isn't a problem.
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