One of the constant presences on the 3DS eShop was that of the Picross e IP, the latest in a long running puzzle series. With close to ten releases on the 3DS eShop (including a few fun spin-offs) there were certainly plenty of entries for one console, though some releases were really more like DLC packs than fully-fledged sequels, often offering up a few hundred new puzzles and few other changes. The dream of the Picross e series has now been continued with Picross S on the Switch and, well, it’s exactly what you would expect it to be.
For those of you that are unaware, Picross has been around since the days of the Game Boy and plays something like a cross of Minesweeper and Sudoku. Puzzles are divided into grids, and each row and column has a series of numbers by it. These numbers dictate how many squares you need to fill in that row or column, and through cross-referencing multiple different sets of numbers you can figure out exactly which squares you need to fill. Squares that shouldn’t be filled can be marked with an x and squares that might or might not need to be filled can be marked with a little square to make a note of it. When all squares are filled it makes a pixel art image.

Though it might sound a bit complicated, the game includes tutorials that adequately explain how the logic of these puzzles works out. The difficulty curve is almost perfectly judged; you’ll start out doing simple 5x5 puzzles that are as basic as possible and eventually be handling 20x15 puzzles. And for those of you that still struggle, the game has included several hand-holding mechanics to ensure that literally anybody can play this. Here’s what it can do to help you out: a hint roulette at the beginning of puzzles can randomly reveal all the squares in one row and one column, the cursor can be set to glow red or blue depending on whether the row has any mistakes or not, the numbers besides rows and columns can glow blue to indicate that squares can be marked or filled in, the cursor can be set to autocorrect any wrongly filled in squares, and there’s a one-off “check mistakes” feature in the pause menu that will scan the whole puzzle and tell you if you marked anything wrong.
In case you haven’t gathered from all that, the game barely stops short of just outright doing the puzzle for you while you watch, but the nice part is that you can choose to turn off some or all of those features if you wish, allowing for a gameplay experience that adequately caters to players of all skill levels. This modular difficulty approach is especially a welcome feature when you consider the newly included multiplayer mode. By splitting the Joy-Con, a second player can hop on with a differently coloured cursor and help out with solving the puzzle. Although it is cooperative in nature, there’s also an air of competition to it as the game keeps track of how many squares each player has filled. Though it’s fairly basic in its implementation, the multiplayer does help add some longevity to the experience; it’s not hard to teach a new player the basic of Picross, and the scaling difficulty settings allow you to provide as much cushion as is needed.

In terms of content, 300 puzzles are included; half of them are normal Picross, and half are “Mega Picross”. These latter puzzles are harder, but only in the sense that it introduces some number sets that can span two rows or columns instead of just one. Those three hundred puzzles will certainly keep you busy for a while, but bear in mind that all the Mega Picross puzzles are merely re-purposed normal Picross puzzles. Sure, the numbers are different this time around, but the end result is still the same, and that comes as a bit of a disappointment if you’re expecting something new.
The doubling up of puzzles in this way is indicative of a much broader sense of a slight emptiness that permeates the experience; it’s not that this is a boring or empty game, but it feels a little half-baked. Micross — which spans several different, smaller puzzles — is nowhere to be found here, and after seeing the introduction of a mission system and progression elements in Pokémon Picross, the straightforward, no-frills approach to Picross S leaves something to be desired. It’s the removal of elements which have been previously featured that’s irksome; though they aren’t essential elements and the game is just fine without them, it seems bizarre and a bit disappointing that the newest entry in this series is taking steps back rather than forward.
From a presentation perspective, the minimalist approach is maintained. Chilled, jazzy music plays in the background and the designs of menus are defined by a colourful, frosty aesthetic. It’s pleasing to the eyes and ears, and it’s quite relaxing, which is befitting of a game of this pace. And though the concept works well on either the TV or small screen, it feels most natural to be playing the game in portable mode; Picross S is the kind of game that you play every now and then for a little bit, not something you sit down on the couch to binge for hours. Still, it’s nice to have the option to play it on the TV, and this certainly is the way to go if you wish to get more use out of the multiplayer mode.
Picross S is the epitome of a one-trick pony, it knows exactly the kind of experience it’s going to deliver and it does just that. Those of you that loved the Picross e games will find plenty to love here, as this is essentially just another 300 (well, 150) puzzles, now with local multiplayer support. Still, it all comes off as being a bit bland, while the absence of Micross and mission systems seen elsewhere makes Picross S feel like a lazy sequel. We give this a recommendation to fans of puzzle games, or anybody looking for a slower paced game for their Switch. Just don’t go into this one expecting a comprehensive, ultimate entry in the series.
Comments 31
Never played a Picross. Don't think I will end that streak with this installment.
I'm liking this game but it does feel a tad watered down from the latter 'e' series entries.
Just finished the last puzzle today, bring on the next Picross installment please.
It's Picross, and it's a solid entry from the e series we all know and love from 3DS. It's clean, slick and sharp, if a bit barebones.
Still, there's nothing wrong with what's there. And the difficulty options and co-op are great additions.
I LOVE Micross, so I’m sad it’s not included here...
Would love a Picross 3D 3 for Switch, playing through 2 on 3DS and loving it. I loved the Zelda and Pokemon Picross games for 3DS as well, but this does look a bit bland. It doesn't have to be branded but a little more style, and thematics would go a long way.
Could some one, please, just add an editor and online sharing into a Picross game, and keep selling it through the generation.
Perhaps colors too.
I really miss the animated image you’d get when finishing a puzzle in Picross DS. I keep hoping they’ll come back, but they still haven’t. They added a lot of personality.
I agree that it is safe, but serves as a welcoming re-intro for lapsed or new fans. I think the Switch had to have its safe intro version and from here on out can experiment and build on the established basics.
It's absolutely ridiculous that this costs nearly DOUBLE that of the Picross games on 3DS and it contains LESS content. And don't try to justify the fact that it's due to HD visuals. It's friggin' Picross. And of all the games I would choose to play with another person, this would fall to the bottom of the list, so multiplayer isn't a feature that is even worth mentioning.
This has been the blandest Picross to date. I've bought all of the 3DS games, but I'm not sure that I would consider buying any more of them.
Enjoying the game so far. I'd like a bigger background music variety. There are only 3 songs and only one actually plays. The other 2 have to be selected manually.
This review didn't mentioned the lack of touchscreen support. Using the stick is slower and takes awhile to get used to.
There is less content here than the 3DS E series, the only advantage is the user interface which looks brighter and more modern.
@Nincompoop : I'm pretty sure the 3DS games support touch controls too, which is yet another feature that Picross S lacks... for nearly double the price.
they clearly intentionally left out some of the modes so they have stuff to add for the inevitable 10 sequels on switch. shameful.
The lack of touch screen controls is a little odd, but it's not the first Picross game I've played with buttons so I can make do. Nothing special, but good enough for my occasional Picross fix.
I really liked the Twilight Princess Picross on 3DS, would love to see them do a Breath of the Wild Picross or another Nintendo themed Picross.
Wow that price
Playing it safe is not a bad thing for me. It's picross for switch. It doesn't need to have gimmicks (see pokemon picross) to work
Will wait for one of the many sequels I’m sure are coming.
I love picross, but for the Switch I think I'll wait for something special. Either with a decent community for a level editor, or first-party Nintendo stuff, just something that places it above the free mobile game versions.
I still had my fair share of fun. I stopped buying e series after e2. This one is basically the same as those but lacks couple of features. Not including touch controls was a bad decision but didn't hinder my time with the game. I personally find them as fast as using stylus. (Longest time I spent with a puzzle was just over 10 minutes.) The amount of puzzles is the biggest problem. I solved everything in under a week. I miss times when they made games with more puzzles. Picross 2 on GB had ~1000 15x15 puzzles.
The S is for “now you can Sell your 3DS”
I am about 100 puzzles in and am happy overall. For some reason my mind just cannot comprehend the Mega Picross puzzles. I will end up putting about 10 hours into this when I am done with the 150 normal ones and feel that is worth $8 personally. Bring on #2!
I love Picross, but I ended up with a book called Two Color Paintdoku. I finally finished all the puzzles in it, and they got huge compared to the ones in Picross. Now I'm afraid this will feel too easy.
It’s very barebones but still fun to get your Picross fix. I doubt I’ll buy many of the inevitable sequels though if they don’t jazz it up a bit.
This is my first Picross game and I’m enjoying it. I bought it to co-op with family and everyone understands it and has a good time with it so I don’t mind the price tag.
I love it, it's Picross, but I will admit I was a bit disappointed when I discovered the two colours were different players. I was really hoping it would be a mechanic like Picross 3D: Round 2 where one colour indicates non-square pieces. Doesn't sound like much but it really changed the way that puzzle worked.
Are the resulting pixel art images at least colored and animated as a reward for finishing a puzzle?
@Pod they turn full colour but they're not animated. The original Picross 3D did that but I've played all the ones on 3DS (7 standard Picross plus Zelda and Pokémon versions and 3D: round 2) and none of them animated since. It's a shame as it would have added an extra level of polish and character this iteration could have maybe done with. But the puzzles are still very well made and satisfying to play
Alright alright then. The animated pixel art from Picross DS was a real treat to me though, I I would miss that.
I just bought this for my girlfriend and I to play together. She is a nonogram fiend, but can flub the controls, while I miss easy squares but handle the controls well. It has been great, with a ton of excited shouting.
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