A few weeks ago, Nicalis quietly announced Knight Terrors, a game unlike most of their others, in that it isn't getting the physical release treatment and is instead exclusive to the eShop. It's also unlike other recent releases in that it's incredibly budget-friendly at a mere three dollars. So, is Nicalis's latest release worth a fistful of quarters? Let's find out.
Knight Terrors is essentially an endless runner. The titular knight runs with no input from the player. Enemies will appear both on land and in the air, and you must kill them to prevent your premature demise. In some game modes, hopping over enemies will suffice, but the main game requires you kill them, as letting three by you will net you a game over.
There are a total of five modes in Knight Terrors, though each one is a slightly different take on the endless runner formula. Normal mode has you dashing through levels as you kill enemies to fill up a score meter at the top of the screen. When the bar fills, one final kill will clear the level and reset the number of enemies that have passed you. Your knight can also take three hits before you lose, though your hearts don't refill at the end of each level.

The other modes include a Flappy Bird-like version in which you need to keep pushing the jump button to fly between obstacles while dealing with airborne enemies, a shmup-ish mode called K Type in which your knight throws knives while in flight and an endless mode which is just like normal mode, albeit without levels.
The visuals are intentionally crude, calling to mind 8-bit home computers like the Sinclair ZX Spectrum and the Amstrad CPC. Despite the basic nature of the graphics the character and enemy designs are surprisingly effective, and the music also fits the action quite nicely.
Levels are procedurally generated, meaning you won't experience the same layout of enemies or weapons twice. This method seems to have an impact on performance, however, as load times are quite lengthy. Each loss results in a lengthy sequence in which you watch your character die slowly and have your score counted up. This sequence is bookended by two loading screens, each of which lasts between five to ten seconds.

Despite this, we found ourselves chasing high scores. Knight Terrors is good at letting you know when you'll unlock your next mode or power up. The goals for each mode are listed on the title screen, and after each game, you'll be told what score you need to hit in any mode to unlock another power up, giving you the incentive to continue.
Every mode boils down to a bit more of the same, but the core gameplay is fun. The more you progress, the more intense it becomes. The monsters travel in set patterns, but can be grouped up in ways that will keep you on your toes. It's fun in that same sort of way that a compelling smartphone game might be, and has the price to match.
Knight Terrors is one of the cheapest games on the Switch, and it's a surprisingly good time. Hacking and slashing through ghosts, skulls and zombies is perfect for this time of the year, and even if the game is repetitive, it only costs a few dollars. The 8-bit visuals and sounds are fun and provide a great backdrop for an endless runner. If you're looking for a hidden eShop gem with a surprising amount of playability on a budget, this is a good call.
Comments 27
I downloaded this as i wanted something to play before Mario came out and money was a bit tight, so i took the risk. Ive put nearly 10 hours into it. A game that is cheaper than a sandwich. It has that 'one more go' factor to it that i love. £2.69 well spent!
I'm going to be negative and just straight up say nah! I'd rather buy a sandwich it's got more substance.
Can't help thinking they chose their theme in the hope of snaffling some sales from people who couldn't quite remember what Shovel Knight was called.
It's just an endless runner which is complete shovelware, but at least its cheap
Honestly way better than people are giving it credit for. It definitely is simple, but what's important is it's fun. Better arcade-style fun than most of the $8 NeoGeo games.
And yeah, I find way more value in this than in Kamiko. This isn't something you'll play non-stop all day, but I can totally see putting in 100+ hours just by virtue of playing a couple quick games every day because there's no time to play your more expansive games in the moment. I think it's a damn good pick.
I really like the graphics a lot, a nice 8-bit vibe and overall appealing art style. But I just don't enjoy endless runners, they just don't do it for me. Wish this had a few levels and bosses instead and be over with in 2 hours, but hey, I do hope they get some sales. These days it seems you can't fail when you release something on the switch.
I pcked it up straight away and loved it, definetly not shovelware. its a simple formula but the price is fair for what your getting and more importantly its great fun!
This looks great - will pick up at some point
Ah sounds about what I expected then. A mindless score chaser that's great pick up and play fun. The price is fantastic too and pretty good value for the different modes. Will pick it up.
Not one for endless games, I like to aim towards a conclusion. Still nicely priced for those that like them.
yay, a nicalis game that doesn’t cost $30!
I really like the look of this, but at the same time I wish it wasn't a runner. I think it would be better if it was a throwback to Wizards & Warriors.
I'll pass, but it's nice to see a cheap game is actually decent.
I bought this game for the hell of it and actually it's a pretty good game for $2.99. I'm happy with it!
Always nice to see the Spectrum get a mention!
This was $3 well spent, really enjoying this game for an endless runner. Crisp, gothic and Castlevania-like visuals and sound and the gameplay is just fun.
So this was one of the pixelated games in the Nicalis tweet.

Just one more unknown title left.
I picked this up soley because it reminded me of ghosts n' goblins/ ghouls and ghosts in how the characters looked and its insanely fun and addictive especially for its price.
Great game for the price.
Touch Screen controls work as well!
Stopped at Endless Runner.
This game is well worth the money. I pick it up and play in small doses and it’s quite fun. I’d highly recommend it to anyone who likes Ghost n Goblins. For the price, it’s a 9/10 for me.
You were totally correct. Great game, love it!
I was not thinking this was going to be great but after picking it up I'm enjoying it. As stated, it's a runner, but it's fun and has multi modes and weapons that are unlocked as you progress. You'll get your $3 worth ..... ( If you don't like "runners" , you will not enjoy)
@Voodoo it does have that vibe, a runner G&G
Has anyone noticed that you can play this in tablet-only? The left and right sides of the touchscreen can be used for Jump & Attack, respectively. I really appreciate this, but am missing HD Rumble. Would have been awesome. Here's hoping for a future update.
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