Update: Version 1.01 has been rolled out and along with bug fixes it now allows you to map the digital D-Pad for movement, greatly improving your character response to inputs.
When the original Gekido Advance released on Game Boy Advance back in 2002 it took many by surprise. It featured beautiful side-scrolling brawler featuring detailed sprites, lovely animation, excellent backgrounds, memorable music and excellent cutscenes, but these elements hid the shortcomings of a somewhat repetitive brawler. A good 16 years later, Tetsuo is back and this time the playing field is on Nintendo Switch. Will lightning strike twice?
Instead of simply porting over the original GBA game, developer Naps Team took quite some time adding several extra features to this package. You can choose between the original cutscenes and music or opt for the newly anime-style cutscenes and reworked music tracks. There are some extra screen size options along with the original GBA resolution: a full screen stretch or a strange 16:9 hybrid that stretches the playing field during the outside portions of the game, but shrinks it back to regular GBA screen ratio when you’re inside houses or caves.
The original story mode featuring Tetsuo’s trek along five levels of supernatural happenings returns, along with a couple of welcome extra modes (‘Survival’ and the rogue-like ‘Relic Hunt’). Unlike a classic brawler, you don’t simply keep walking from left to right, clearing baddies to progress. You need to venture inside caves and houses, move up and down ladders and even do a spot of platforming while looking for items such as keys to open locked doors or lanterns to navigate dark caves. The back tracking and problem solving does help alleviate the repetitive nature of the fights, but it's barely enough of a game mechanic to keep you going.
The game lets you pick what buttons you wish to map on your Switch controller of choice, with a four button setup for punch, kick, jump and run (sadly you can not double-tap to run like in the original). There is only one special ‘area of effect’ move, initiated by pressing punch and kick - it does take time to recharge, but you can use it at any time (as long as you're willing to give up a life for the privilege - a feature seemingly lifted from Streets Of Rage 3). You can also access special combo finishers by sorting out the correct chain of punches and kicks to input, resulting in some flashier, fire-upgraded finishers. It might get you some time to get used to them, but they do eventually become second nature.
On the subject of ‘second’, the best addition to the package is the new two-player co-op mode that will certainly help even the odds. Even the most common of enemies are incredibly tricky to deal with without taking some seriously cheap shots. As per genre demands, picking up food from the floor will recover some of that lost health, but beware that not everything on the floor is an actual bonus. You will learn to fear grabbing power-ups without paying attention when you discover that some of them are actually power-downs such as ‘Slowdown’, ‘Broken’ or (shudder) ‘Reverse Controls’.
Despite not being a straight emulation, this package still runs on the original source code and that legacy proves somewhat troublesome; You will never be fighting more than three or four enemies on screen at a time - the old GBA limit - despite Switch more than being able to display hundreds of them. Oh, and every shadow you see on the floor isn’t what it seems - they're actually holes that will sap your precious energy every time you fall into them (and you will do so quite often we assure). Sadly, on our very first run we manage to lock up the game on the first level bosses, which was a real shame because we are actually getting into that specific fight.
Despite being a purely subjective issue, the control customisation does not enable you to use the digital D-Pad for movement with the analog as your only choice. This is somewhat ironic considering the game was initially designed to be played with the GBA D-Pad, and we often found it more difficult to play with the analog stick than in the original version. Some of this later issues can be patched out in the future, while the former is just something you will have to accept as a mandatory legacy from the original game design limitations.
Long-time SNK fans will also immediately notice that Tetsuo (and even a few of the enemies) look and move in an uncanny familiar fashion. This is due to Naps Team original love for the SNK games and if you haven't figure out yet, Testuo is a sort of tribute to Kyo, Yori, K’ and even Shingo from The King Of Fighters series. At times instead of an original game Gekido: Kitaro’s Revenge looks like an ambitious fan-made tribute to the genre. A true shame that it so clearly still holds onto the original game flaws, including relying on too much gameplay repetition and thus sadly at the end of the day frustration settles in more often instead of the fun this genre should be providing.
Gekido: Kintaro's Revenge is a love letter to the original Game Boy Advance game that many probably didn’t notice was pushing the envelope as far as graphics, animation, music and presentation were expected on Nintendo’s 32-bit handheld. As such, and despite excellent added extras to this Switch package, it stubbornly restrains itself in the past and is only truly recommended if you feel nostalgic towards the original game. The quest for the ultimate side-scrolling Switch brawler continues…
Comments 71
I’m afraid I’ve never even heard of this game, but interesting. I do like the sprites.
This doesn't look like my kind of game, but I'll have to check it out later, in detail.
The 3 games I was interested in this week:
Gekido - 6/10
Castle of Heart - 6/10
Manticore - Disappeared from the eShop 24 hours before release.
Not a great week for new releases.
I considered this, but I'll wait for Sengoku 3...
I find it kinda odd how they criticize a retro pixel art style for this game while they always seem to have nothing besides overwhelming praise for it when it is used in a platformer or RPG.
I still might pick this up someday on a sale... I loved the GBA cart back in the day and have some nostalgic memories from it
@JayJ I do not criticize the beautiful pixel art here. I just notice within seconds playing that it is sprite ripped from The King of Fighters. Nothing wrong there unless you happen to be SNK lawyer.
@Fake-E-Lee Hey, if you never played the original GBA then go for it. But for me this one has huge untapped potential... and Team Naps left it untapped. If they could pull off a true sequel, then I will gladly give them that or an even bigger score.
@JHDK May notice be new but earthlock is amazing! I beat it on my Xbox one and got 1000/1000 achievement points. Story is great, game play is super fun if like turn based games. Honestly if they had a expansion I would buy second time on switch.
@Fake-E-Lee I'm not paid!
@Fake-E-Lee Good to know. I'll now consider it when it gets a sale.
@Thaswizz Thanks for the heads up but in general I'm not a huge fan of traditional RPG's or JRPG's.
@Shiryu You're not? That is surprising to me. So are all contributors in unpaid positions? Sounds to me like it's time to grab the torches and pitchforks and storm Ant's castle.
@Shiryu He looks kinda like Shingo from KOF, but that is the same way that a lot of pixel art games kinda look like the games that inspired them. I don't see why this game should get singled out for something like that, especially with the vague similarity, when this site has been so well receiving of other games that did the same thing.
It just seems like they are really quick to praise a game for this style when it is a platformer or a RPG of some sort, but for some reason they decided to get all critical about it with this game. It is a very inconsistent stance that they have taken with pixel art.
Tough review. I had high hopes for this one. I may still check it out. The price isn't too bad.
@JHDK When Damien signed me up 3 years ago he was clear about on what sort of freelance position I would have here. I doubt he or anyone else would ever imagine I would still be around doing this much legwork. I don't do this for the money, I do this because it is my passion and in my country I was always told I would never be able to do exactly what I am doing. Every single published article in NL is a big 'Shove it!' to all those nay-sayers. And that is worth more than gold.
@JayJ If you pay attention to the way he runs, the combos, the jumps, etc... it is just as I mentioned in the review: a mix of Kyo, Shingo, K' and Iori. I am a bit surprised no one picked that up back in 2002/2003 when the game was released for the GBA.
@JayJ when you say "they" you actually mean "me", right? You do realize it was me who wrote the review and have been playing the game for several days now?
@Shiryu That's touching man. Good stuff. I enjoy reading your work and am glad you continue working for NL.
Of course now I'm interested to know what country it is you're talking about but I understand if you don't want to say.
@Shiryu I had an issue in the first level when I beat all the enemies but it seemed like more were supposed to spawn but they didn't trapping me in that section. So a few bugs. I don't regret purchasing it though and I hope a patch is incoming.
It would be great if more brawlers had this kind of exploration.
@JHDK Oh it's no secret.
@SetupDisk I was super sad when the game just froze after the first level guardians fight. This game needs some revisions for sure.
@Shiryu That is probably because there is no shortage of Japanese beat-em-ups that you could make that sort of connection with, I mean take Phantom Breaker for example where some of the characters look and animate very similar to the female characters in the KOF games for the NeoGeo Pocket. Then there are all the indie RPG's that seem to get a lot of praise around here that feature characters that seem to be blatantly ripping off Squaresoft characters.
I mean the similarities are often vague at best, which is the case here as well, and yet this is the only time I have heard a reviewer hold that against the game. I am just hearing a lot of complaints here for things that seem to be routinely ignored in other reviews on this site and you seem to be stretching to defend that.
@Shiryu your vintage gaming content has become a real perk of visiting this website. No reason NL shouldn’t have long term plans for your corner of it.
@NinChocolate Glad you're enjoying.
@JayJ I can but assume other websites sites never had my insights. this is a slight above average brwaler and as such I score it as I see it. I proceed to explain why.
Here is my review process, something I have used most of my adult life when deciding if a game is good or not. Every game begins as a 5 out of 10. Then I stack two lists, the '+' and the '-'. Next give each entry a point value depending on how big that an impact that entry has in the overall scale of the game.
So it is still very much a subjective score in the end, but I always bring to the table the three plus decades I have of video gaming. On the GBA back in 2002 this one was a solid 7.5: Beautiful presentation on an average brawler. But this is 2018 and the Switch library has games like Phantom Breaker in its library. I could in no good conscience give a gave a score above 6 where you are fighting both the enemies and the controls, let alone one that currently froze on my review playtrough. I would never do that disservice neither to the rest of the team or to you guys. But between this one and Double Dragon IV... I enjoy the former a heck of a lot more.
@Shiryu What did you mean by the "digital" D-pad?
And if you meant the one on a Wired/Wireless Pro, what an oversight on their part.......
It is great to see such personal and honest responses. So refreshing. I have really missed this sort of thing since Tom left. May I ask something which I have often wondered? How is your first name pronounced? Hard or soft "c"?
@Magrane Yep, the Pro Controller one. It's odd because you could do it on the GBA and its the best way to play. Too much imprecision with the analogue sticks.
@Ooyah "ç" is phonetically "s". Most English speaking fellows assume it is read "Gonzalo" for some reason which still to this day amuses me to no end.
We all miss Tom.
In other words, buy when they add D-pad support. (baffling omission)
@Shiryu So you choose to represent your great country with Trump-bashing buffoons?
@LemonSlice I choose to represent my country with my professionalism, passion and hard work at Nintendo Life for a spotless 3 year run.
@Shiryu Yeah, that. As well as videos with anti-Trump political commentary for some reason. On the same site, on your own article. That has nothing to do with either Trump or politics in general. I'm not your boss, but try to be more, well, professional in the future.
Well, this looked like an interesting release until Sengoku 3 got announced.
The actually interesting release this week is Sol Divide.
I really loved the Gekido series, When I picked up the game back in the days I thought 'damn !' it looks like an SNK game and also plays like it ! I now have it on switch and Wow, it is still awesome with new addition
I got it on my Switch , still awesome !
This is awkward, on the advert they've used Nintendolife as a promotion review, giving the game an 8/10. I'm guessing it's from the original release, but you might want to speak to them about that, it looks a bit dodgy.
@Old-Red it's Nintendo Power not Nintendo Life . Nintendo Power was a magazine back in the 2001 , that doesn't exist anymore. So watch out ,matter of fact, it is awkward what you have written
@LemonSlice I see that you completely fail at a sense of humour. You're not the first and you won't be the last questioning my professionalism, but if you had not noticed the only one person I answer to is... * drumroll* myself.
@Shiryu is it a good streets of rage alternative? Because I wanna beat em up Play with my lady. Thinking of waiting for streets of red
@Thaswizz Nope. Wait for Streets of Red or go full retro and pick up Double Dragon IV. Sengoku 3 out next week.
@Shiryu You're so full of yourself.
@Shiryu I don't advise people to keep themselves grounded in reality, as it's the sort of thing that can destroy your soul. But not having yourself anchored to reality is the sort of thing that can destroy your mind.
Oh yeah, my bad.
Sounds like your mind is long gone if you’re getting this upset over a harmless post. Try less Fox News, and more reality.
@Thaswizz I totally disagree with this review (it's matter of taste and opinions I guess ), I have Gekido and it's amazing , I think you should read another opinion about that http://www.nintendoplay.co.uk/2018/03/review-gekido-kintaros-revenge.html
It sounds good to me. Digital movement isn't necessary in an isometric beat 'em up as it is in completely 2D genres, anyway. Add to future Wishlist...
@Shiryu You write reviews in a remarkably professionally fashion!
@Dpullam Humbled I must point out I stand in the shoulders of the giants who proof them before going live: the NL team editors.
@LemonSlice I easily think this has to be one of the worst and most unprofessional reviews I have ever read at this site.
I kept wondering why I was getting a KOF vibe from this game. I’ll give it a try though. Thanks for the review.
I am glad a GBA game is getting some love finally. But... I have never heard of this particular game and have no nostalgic attachment to it.
Now if someone wants to port the GBA Fire Emblem, Advance Wars, Final Fantasy/FF Tactics and Pokemon games, I would buy them all in a heartbeat.
@Stargazer I'm not really upset. If I come across that way it's just the way I comment I suppose. I strive to be outspoken while remaining inside the boundaries of civility, and I don't spare anyone from my opinion if I think there's something to be said.
Now how well I manage in accomplishing this ideal is anyone's guess, but I don't consider it as being measured with the kinds of response my comments generate, both positive and negative.
I hope this doesn't offend anyone by thinking their opinion doesn't matter to me. It does. But the way other people respond to you cannot be the only thing contributing to the way you act. To be your own person you need both self-determination and the willingness to listen to what others have to say.
As for the rather presumptuous and cliched Fox News part of your comment, I occasionally read an article on their website and that's about that. I follow news across a wide variety of sources and types of media.
Thanks for taking the time to read.
The only gekido(in my opinion) that's worth talking about was the original first one Gekido: Urban fighters on playstation one. That game was pure badass and had awesome music to boot.
A love letter to the former game? I thought this was the former game just with added bits to beef it up. It looks to me exactly like the original. The graphical borders would also suggest it is.
@JayJ Thank you for that. I will keep it under consideration for future reviews.
@Shiryu Okay so better wait for streets of red? The animation of this game looked so good though that it seemed be good choice. I mean it seems fluid and multiple modes, my gut is telling everyone it's worth it. However sengoku 3 , is that great ?
@Thaswizz Yep, you definitely won't be poorly served by Sengoku 3. I have yet to have hands on Streets of Red so I can't comment n that one yet.
@Shiryu When is that being released because I can't see it on upcoming releases on eShop. Splatoon 2/ Xenoblade/ Mario rabitts have me busy but I'm still going back my 360 play streets of rage collection. My gir,friend plays those games like battletoads with me so I really wanna beat em up we can play
@wearegamers Jeez gba ds/3ds have so many rpgs that are amazing. I wish had time play all of them! If I bought a 3ds I'd instantly have 1000s hours of gaming I plan on playing !
@Thaswizz Sengoku 3? This thursday.
@Shiryu and the kids worth waiting for? I got 7 dollars in credit and I was WA ting get agies defenders, looks like game my lady and I could get into together but I want beat em up!
@Thaswizz Did you try Wulverlbade already?
@Shiryu no I haven't I actually just told my girl about it and showed her it. We both love historic games and times. Is it good because it looks amazing, but I was afraid combat was no up to par. Lot of games Coming out copying art style with out substance. I read a lot about that game and they seem to actually done their homework with historical facts.
So think it's worth while for that genre? Because I've been debating buying it for awhile
@Thaswizz I enjoyed it alone, so it can only get better with a wife.
@Shiryu I think I'll wait for sengoku 3, before decide. I mean I got enough keep me busy. Xenoblade and Mario rabbits have been amazing. Still playing FE warriors as well. And sheesh with my new 128g card I've been having blast. Got splatoon 2 digital sadly but man that game isn't blast
@Thaswizz Solid plan.
Heads up, new update is live, includes d-pad support!
Lol, still they haven't received any lettera from SNK lawyers...
And of course, you can't copyright SNK style sprites!
@Whitestrider ...so far so good I guess.
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