FAST RMX was a lovely surprise for the launch of the Switch, and one that this reviewer was very excited for. With a number in our team having played FAST Racing NEO to death on the Wii U, we were intrigued by Shin'en's promises of 1080p and 60fps performance. But could it live up to these expectations? There's only one way to find out.
Straight away you should be gobsmacked when downloading this game simply because of how small it is. Clocking in at a paltry 900MB it's amazing that so much could be packed into such a small parcel of data, and you'll be able to fit it snugly onto your Switch console's internal memory if you've not yet sprung for a micro SD card. Upon loading the game it's also clear that the console's new guts have helped this game come along from the original, in various ways.
Let's start with the smaller stuff. Loading times are appropriate to the game's title, the menus have been stripped back to a more minimalist design, and the whole thing feels like it's been streamlined. There's also a boatload of additional content including the DLC pack that was released for the Wii U version last year. The variety in vehicles is larger than ever, but individual vehicles don't have that many characteristics that set them out from the crowd. Having said that there is a new statistic listed referencing the vehicles' boost capability, although it's not clear whether this is a new feature or just one that was previously hidden.
There are also many smaller tweaks to the main gameplay. Championship mode now has only three courses per cup, making them easier to complete in short sessions, and in a similar vein boost orbs now seem to be a bit bigger and less picky - or at the very least have larger hitboxes - again making the game easier. However this is offset by the fact that the AI is greatly improved. 'Rubber-banding' is all but gone, but the computer players are far more savvy to the ways of the racecourse. If you get a good lead you can keep it fairly hassle-free, but getting there is harder than it's ever been. And if you're keen on the legendary Hero Mode - in which your boost gauge is related to your health F-Zero-style - but you're not so keen on the blistering speeds stripping your eyelids off, you can now play this mode in all three speed settings, which is a nice addition.
The six new courses in the game are an obvious highlight to this version, and to say they're more stunning than ever is an understatement. A personal highlight is Tepaneca Vale, which not only takes place during a thunderstorm but also at night. The water droplets and shimmering lighting is something that can only be experienced in person; compressed video can't begin to do it justice, so looking up footage online isn't going to satisfy your HD raindrop needs.
Speaking of HD, something that has been thrown around a lot is the claim that this game runs at 1080p at 60 frames per second at all times. We were a bit dubious about the claims of 1080p, but upon close inspection - and turning off the Chromatic Aberration setting - we can safely say that that claim is absolutely true. In regards to the framerate we've noticed some minor slowdown in very particular instances, but this is so insubstantial and so rare that 99% of users either won't encounter it or even notice it if they do. This extends to the multiplayer as well, and four-player splitscreen keeps that glorious 60fps (with dynamic resolution helping make it possible).
If you so wish you can also take the race online, although at the time of writing there is no way to specifically play online with friends, only random matchmaking; it's rather bare, as a result. Thankfully a free update is reportedly on its way that introduces not only this feature but also a Time Attack mode, which with any luck will make this already stellar package even better.
In short FAST RMX is as good as the Wii U original and then some. Updated visuals, more tracks, more vehicles, it's an utterly outstanding launch title for the Switch. With the console's ability to allow multiplayer on the go rolled in, this is without doubt essential for racing fans with the new console.
Comments 108
Love the guys at Shin'en who made this. Top notch, friendly crew of guys. This game ain't F-Zero, but it's the closest thing we'll probably get.
...I don't need this game as I have the WiiU version...but I NEED this game. Sigh.
This game looks amazing. I'm looking forward to playing it alongside Mario Odyssey in December
damn straight it's a 9. i'd give it a dime, really. i haven't played zelda yet because of it. just... one... more... championship... i think between this and shovel knight, my rage quit quota for the month has already been met.
This is a great game. Perfect for when I only have 10-20 minutes to play. 3 tracks in each cup makes playing quick sessions super easy. Championship makes it its own game and Hero mode makes it a pure f-zero clone. Time trials are going to be added in a future update.
Took me a few days to adapt to the controls, but I'm finally warming up to this. The A.I. is indeed brutally challenging: for the first time ever, I'm finding online players to be much easier opponents than COMP players. You have to really know the design of a track if you want to ace it.
I'm glad the update is adding in time trials, because I'm going to need to practice these courses to get better at them.
It really is a staggeringly good value for $20.
Really gotta pick this up at some point - looks fantastic and I missed it on the Wii U so about time I put that right.
Amazing game and well worth adding to the essential list.
In portable mode it is perhaps the prettiest portable game I've ever seen.
So bad the joycon multiplayer is quite out of question, you have to boost by clicking the analogue stick down, and this is not ideal to say the least. On the other hand this game is a joy (without cons, pun intended) to play and totally worth the asking price
Hey, this game got a 9, so where's the smiley face next to the "scroll down" at the "Our review" spot?
So tempted to buy but may have to wait till after Payday next week. What's its price in £ again? (Currently on phone).
This is the game I have played the most on the Switch so far (I have Zelda but am in the middle of Twilight Princess so am waiting on that one). This is an amazing game if you enjoy racing games. Definitely worth your $20 to pick up a digital copy.
Couldn't get into the WiiU version, mainly because of my own limitations.
Will give this a go.
@FX102A £16.99
Bought this and the DLC for two Wii Us and again day one for two Switches. No regrets at all. We love you Shin'en!
Anyway, I was pleasantly surprised at how many tweaks were made beyond visuals to this version, making it feel like more of a sequel than a port/remaster. As a result RMX is much more approachable. Neo was a little too punishing with one crash leaving you hopeless and tracks that were nearly impossible for most to avoid crashing on.
I'm feeling so neglected now with my Wii U. Have to get a Switch soon.
Good score.
10/10 from me. Nothing but love for Shin'en, this is a modern master piece and iIdon't care if it was made for niche gamers like myself and it is the only game out there that can itch my "F-Zero" itch. This thing is keeping me away from "Breath of the Wild" and that says it all right there.
I've been watching videos of this and.... I need it!
Have they added control remapping so I can use B to accelerate? I've been using B to accelerate since the Super Famicom and I find holding the A button down to accelerate quite uncomfortable. I stopped playing the original in the hopes they'd add some control remapping. 😕
I'm totally loving this game, and I think the smaller library on Switch is making me appreciate it more. By the time I got it on Wii U, I already had too many games to play, but now, it makes for a good diversion when I'm not playing Zelda.
The handling is amazing, they managed to strike a solid balance between accessibility and challenge and I have nothing but praise for the technical achievements. Great job on maintaining the framerate.
Awesome game, so much fun.
@Jamotello Me too, man! I have three games on Switch so far... Fast RMX, Shovel Knight and BOTW. Each more wonderful that the last
What I'd like to know is: did they finally get the racing results right? On the Wii U version - both offline and online - the game didn't recognise the final positions properly. Meaning if you finished 3rd, it said you finished 2nd etc.
These are the very basics of a racing game and if they don't get that 100% right, I don't see the point in playing it.
It deserves a second download if you have it on Wii U, it really does.
@ACK : Very well said! With all the new content, I really don't feel like I'm playing NEO again.
This is a great game to juxaposed with BoTW because they are so different (other than quality).
@BulkSlash control mapping included. Ive adjusted phasing to a shoulder button ad loads easier to react.
I don't have the Wii U DLC, but would people recommend getting it if I already have NEO?
This game is incredible! It was and still is currently my only purchase so far ! Agree with the score !
@yokokazuo I'm in the same boat. I look at it this way. I get the dlc and it is portable now. Go for it.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE I politely disagree. It's just a racing game, albeit a very pretty and slick one. I'm enjoying it in short bursts and pleased I bought it. The review was spot on but the number seems high I'd say a 7 possibly an
8. 7 being "very good" . It's not like this is just one figure below Zelda if you get what I mean ?
Anyway, I'd recommend the game for sure!
@thesilverbrick totally agree! It's nice to think I can get a complete library (just about afford it ) and keep on top of all the good stuff as it comes out.
@Moms-Meowth Very tempting then, I enjoy my racing games in short bursts so playing in portable mode is enticing.
@supercharlie78 and @bulkslash. yes, button remapping is an option, in all configurations.
@bsham , I don't know if you got Fast Racing Neo on your Wii U, but it is almost as good, but the AI is more punishing and the visuals are not as good as this version, and obviously only the Switch version has HD rumble (not mentionned in this review). Without being a revolution, it definitly enhance the experience, especially for environment hasards
A score well deserved, I have a blast playing this, and yes, in my opinion actually the prettiest portable game.
@jimmyjames @Pat84 Thank you!!! Insert "Shut up and take my money" gif here! 😀
Loving this game so far, but one question for people out there: is there a trick to boosting at the start of a race? Or just it depend on the acceleration rating of your vehicle?
Take my money now
@MaximusMansteel i think u start to accelerate at 2
If I had a Switch, this would be an instant purchase for me. I loved FAST Racing NEO.
Great game.....I absolutely love it!!! If you see me in an online race ('enoch72') be sure to give me a wave as I boost past you at 500mph!!!
Finally took the plunge after being relentlessly tempted by NEO on the Wii U. I don't know how much I'd ever want to play this on the big screen (my wife probably wouldn't enjoy watching me play it all that much), but I DEFINITELY think a game like this works wonderfully on a handheld in my own little world. Excited to play it sometime very soon!
@Ryu_Niiyama alright, I went ahead and got it! I did thoroughly enjoy NEO and got 100% in it so I'm certain I can get lots of enjoyment out of this. DLC, new tracks and cars and the portability are all nice so I think I will enjoy it and get my money's worth from it. Kind of wish playing with friends was available from the start, but at least it's coming.
Wow this sounds really good. I haven't got it on Wii U so I might just think about getting it once I get some money again.
HD rumble?
Didn't get the Wii U version so I will definitely consider this!
This game is amazing!! Shin'en is amazing!
9 out of 10? i dont think so some how...................................
more like a 10
Will be picking this up soon good to hear all the good comments on this title looks spectacular.
I still hate the phase-shifting mechanic. I won't support this franchise until they get rid of that gimmick.
I'm torn.
I got Neo on Wii U and have hardly played it. It lacks personality. Vehicles look too similar, and they may as well be pilot-less.
I do like racing games, but I'd rather put the money towards MK8D right now.
What chances of a physical version, I wonder?
@BulbasaurusRex without that gimmick the game would be pretty generic ahead of graphics and performance. It gives it that "Ikaruga" vibe and buzz
@BulbasaurusRex Do you have trouble doing phase-shifting properly or do you just feel it's a needless bother?
That's great. Along with Zelda, Snipperclips and Shovel Knight, this brings my launch titles up to four (which actually is one more than I got on my PS4).
Soon as I find that damn eshop card I was gifted over the holidays I'm buying this! Got 2 more friends who are getting it as well so when online friend support drops, we gonna have some multi-player fun!
I was about to ask!
@Niinbendo Fast Racing Neo is a lot easier to play than the Vita Wipeout game.
"The water droplets and shimmering lighting is something that can only be experienced in person; compressed video can't begin to do it justice, so looking up footage online isn't going to satisfy your HD raindrop needs."
This, EXACTLY this. It's what I always say when people think they can judge games only by a couple of videos, saying they can absolutely and completely base their choice upon that, but the fact is that you simply can't form a conclusive opinion, at least not in the graphics department.
The only thing you actually could judge is whether or not the gameplay appeals to you, so is it your kind of game or not.
I will pass.
I got to game and dlc on WiiU.
It is very pretty.
I like racing games.
So it Is good.
Just not great.
Rubber banding is awful!
If you make a mistake everyone passes you.
If you are hard core and like racing games where you can never make a mistake you will like it.
If not, it is frustrating.
The track layouts are forgettable, making it hard to remember which way to turn.
It is spectacular visually though.
Very pretty!
... And I'll pass this second time around.
@Niinbendo FAST Racing games have a control scheme that is more tight compared to WipeOut, which is, for lack of a better word, more "drifty".
I always compare the WipeOut "feel" to a boat drifting on the waves of the sea, it goes a bit in all directions and needs more adjusting during races. In FAST Racing (much like in Nintendo's own F-Zero) finding the right racing line is slightly easier which, like I said before, is also due to the tighter controls. Mind you, that doesn't mean that this is an easy game by any stretch of the imagination...
So, expect a tough game, but with very decent controls, making it easy to learn but hard to master. You'll have a good fight on your hands trying to crawl up those rankings towards the top, but you'll absolutely have a blast doing so because it's such an enjoyable and beautiful game. And that is what keeps you coming back for more, even though some of us may need more time to reach that required ranking to be able to advance to the next race/level...
Hope that helps in any way.
@Niinbendo This is much more like F-Zero to me.
@TruenoGT Good addition to further specify the overall difference. I fully agree.
I heard this game released in physical media for PAL version of Wii U. Well... I hope this game released in physical cartridge too for USA / PAL region, not just only digital download version. The collectors might be happy to hear.
@LemonSlice Pretty much both reasons. I tried the demo of the original game on WiiWare and felt the phase-shifting just needlessly added extra difficulty to what was already a pretty difficult game with no real payoff or added fun in doing so.
@SuperCharlie78 A good looking and well performing generic racer sounds just fine to me if it has excellent gameplay to back it up. Nobody complains about games like "Daytona USA" or "Virtua Racing" being too generic, do they?
I 'll get this game because i want to support the studio that sells this great game at that awsome price
1080p? I'm pretty sure the switch outputs on TV mode at 900p which is then upscaled to 1080p. Saying the visuals are 1080p is sort of misleading here....
Why do review scores now ask to scroll down?
@FlameRunnerFast Some games run true 1080p
@Niinbendo Don't dismiss Wipeout entirely, please. The Vita release is by far the worst playing of the Wipeout games.
This will be the first game I buy for Switch when I get the console in April!
9/10 ...why u do that. It will be weird for the next f-zero...cause you shouldnt be using 12/10.
Make it a 7 ...close to 7...6.5 ...thats what it is. Next f-zero is a 9 (should be)
Sorry but i hate this hype...its no help
@FlameRunnerFast No, that's only for more ambitious games like Breath of the Wild and such (so, open world and/or sandbox games). Games like Mario Kart 8, ARMS and FAST RMX will all run in native 1080p, so you shouldn't be so sure in your assumptions at all...
The old Nvidia Shield could already do 1080p with one arm tied behind its back, so seeing as the Switch is quite a bit more powerful than that, it should easily be able to offer native 1080p in quite a lot of games.
@rushiosan cause userscores are usually much usual in paid over time they thought it looks stupid why they are always 2 points above scrolling down they hope u catch their final summary and convince you
@ironside1911 You're comment makes no sense whatsoever. And since when do we score 12/10? Wtf...
This is a very good game, and the technical achievement behind it dwarves and ridicules a lot of larger developers, and Shin'en always does the utmost to cater to their fans, so this score is very, VERY well deserved.
@ThanosReXXX does this mean that big games like zelda showed the maximum at 900p with choppy fps? You know what i mean...1080p works but not on that yes, 1080p can be used and will be mostly for mobile ports, as you mention the shield...but for third party chance currently
@ThanosReXXX tell me what you didnt understand of my f-zero example? If you want i put it on reddit for vote...funny guy
@ironside1911 Well, maybe you need to explain it a bit better. I won't fault you for your English, because you're not a native speaker, but to me, it wasn't clear what you meant to say with the 12/10 comment.
And you also didn't understand my point. I actually SPECIFICALLY said that the lower resolution will be true for the larger, more ambitious games, but it will definitely not count for a lot of other, more boxed-in/segmented games, like platformers, racers, fighters, and even some first person shooters.
It's ridiculous and actually rather short-sighted to say that it will only be true for ports of mobile games. The hardware is quite a bit more capable than that.
As long as there are no complicated, large open areas to compute or fill with stuff, the Switch will do just fine.
@ThanosReXXX yea thanks for not faulting my language, i said it 10 times and im sorry you cant understand any other than english...dont worry, i can switch to shakespeare but why the effort..what you see is my seem to put alot of effort to market a mediocore game.
The rest of your excuse is fun but misses the still dont understand my f-zero example? How can you give this 9/10? You know something i dont about the next f-zero?
You make these rating like you never played nintendo, sorry. Ask real fans, not paid ones.
@ironside1911 Look, I'm not trying to insult you and I'm not being funny, so no need to be sarcastic or insulting.
Maybe some miscommunication is happening here, but the simple explanation of why I didn't understand your point is because first off, the scoring of 12/10 makes no sense, since it can never be more than 10/10.
And then the rest of your comment:
"Make it a 7 ...close to 7...6.5 ...thats what it is. Next f-zero is a 9 (should be)
Sorry but i hate this hype...its no help"
That it is only a 7 or even less, is only your opinion. This is a professional review, not a "paid by Nintendo" opinion.
And all FAST games are good and fun to play, so you don't have to be a Nintendo fanboy to think that. There will of course always be people that don't like it, and that's perfectly fine, but that doesn't mean that this is a bad game.
And I don't use excuses and I also don't put "a lot of effort" into marketing this game, since I don't have anything to gain by that. It's just my own opinion that agrees with this review, that's all.
And I know just as much about the next F-Zero as you, and that is absolutely nothing, so you can't give that a score either...
Truly excellent game. Well deserved.
The one on Wii U was good, but this has been fine tuned and improved quite a bit.
Is it just me, or does the starting music sound just like F-Zero GX lol?
@ThanosReXXX Since you mention sarcasms, i fail to see how you have problems understanding 12/10 and this score...i dont think this sarcasm is hard to detect and it highlights my point.
You call seriously this a professional (english) review? I do one, a real one...when they pay the same (how is professional not paid...or what qualifies your review even as professional?)
You are running Nintendo down...i dont believe any of you were ever fans. Sorry, but its my opinioj yes...same as yours otherwise.
Same push as in Wii U...anyway, tell your friends, mario superstar sports kicks thr crap out of your 9/10 mobile game...when you actually like nintendo.
EDIT: Mario Superstar Sports is 10/10 when this mobile racer is 9/10 (professional review).
@Talkshowhost Cool avatar, bruh. 😎 Brought back some memories.
@ironside1911 How come you only highlight the negative and focus on those parts of the comments that don't matter? I only mention these things because I wanted to make myself clear and your first two response to me were rather acidic, hence the sarcasm remark.
As for the review: yes, it's a professional and thus paid review, but that doesn't mean that it's a review with Nintendo glasses on. Nintendo Life is an independent Nintendo site for a reason, and that is to give credit to games that deserve it and to point the finger and burn games that don't deserve it, and by and large, they are doing that here. It's not like we're on Official Nintendo Magazine's website...
And you keep saying "your score" and "your review" but I'm not a part of or affiliated with Nintendo Life, so no idea why you keep mentioning that.
And I think that you're going WAY overboard in saying that "we" (who we?) are running Nintendo down.
Why should quality games from any developer run Nintendo down? That's just odd.
And fair enough if your opinion is that you don't like this game, I'm all about everybody's right to have an opinion and speak their mind, but that doesn't mean that even though we don't agree, that we can't have a civilized discussion about it.
Or dragging in examples of other games that simply don't have anything to do with this review here...
Forgot to mention in my previous comment that you wrongfully assumed that I only speak English. I was born in the USA, but life and work in Europe and have been to various countries, picking up various languages along the way, even your beautiful language, so we could continue this discussion in Spanish, but it wouldn't be very polite to the other users, not to mention that it would break the site rules...
Best racing game for the Switch. Nintendo if you see this, please bring on F-Zero.
The visuals look great, so fast and smooth.
@ThanosReXXX im coming ..dont worry...just this hold up here:
I love everything about this game... except for the music. Guess it's just a matter of taste, but I turned it off to never turn it back on.
I downloaded it immediately and it's great. While not in the class of F-Zero and Wipeout, especially in terms of track design and game mechanics, there's still plenty of thrills. I give it 8/10. If the Hero Mode mimicked F-Zero closer, like a single long energy strip instead of the many orbs, it would probably get 9.
This game for me is the best LAUNCH title for switch as Zelda at £60 is not good value at all but sadly most will never even know about this game as most people who own 3DS or Wii U DONT even know about the eShop regarding what its about believe it or not let alone the games library in there.
@ironside1911 Have you PLAYED Zelda yet? It's freaking huge..
There might be 3-4 games that size in total this upcoming generation...maybe. So, the fact that it's 900p should not be discouraging.
@ThanosReXXX "How come you only highlight the negative and focus on those parts of the comments that don't matter? I only mention these things because I wanted to make myself clear and your first two response to me were rather acidic, hence the sarcasm remark."
What do you mean by "focus on parts that dont matter"? Like the score? The fake support for a mobile game? Which parts are supposed to be the ones that matter? Im pretty sure my example was clear.
"As for the review: yes, it's a professional and thus paid review, but that doesn't mean that it's a review with Nintendo glasses on. Nintendo Life is an independent Nintendo site for a reason, and that is to give credit to games that deserve it and to point the finger and burn games that don't deserve it, and by and large, they are doing that here. It's not like we're on Official Nintendo Magazine's website..."
..thus paid, doesnt mean.... glasses on. Its not even an exagaration, its a straight out lie. There would be no paid review without benefit, which is masked usually as "fan"-attitude .. if you want, you can ask them to publish the details of the pay and the affiliate links to see what kind of glasses are on. Actually, coming to think of it, if you have no idea what they are getting why you think this is supposed to be a fair balanced review?
"And you keep saying "your score" and "your review" but I'm not a part of or affiliated with Nintendo Life, so no idea why you keep mentioning that."
Actually I do this because its like Scientology ... like, yes, the members are not running the show, but I still call them Scientologists and hence kind of part of the overall.. but yes, im sorry if I wrote this in a direct way... i usually mean in general. Me poor english, muy malo.
"And I think that you're going WAY overboard in saying that "we" (who we?) are running Nintendo down.
Why should quality games from any developer run Nintendo down? That's just odd."
We, Who? You there, behind you ... yes, you and people who think this is a 9/10 .. what was missing in what i wrote before? About your developer stuff, thats exactly what i meant.. same blabla as it was with Wii U. Of course they run it down... generic titles with no value that are usually cheaper on other platforms. If you would throw this all in as 99cent titles .. then yep, it would support a 300quid console.
"And fair enough if your opinion is that you don't like this game, I'm all about everybody's right to have an opinion and speak their mind, but that doesn't mean that even though we don't agree, that we can't have a civilized discussion about it."
I keep telling that Nintendo Life, but still, Pong 3D would score 8 out of 10.
"Or dragging in examples of other games that simply don't have anything to do with this review here..."
My short term memory is severly affected... and im too tired to read all again .. but you mean fzero or what?
Forgot to mention in my previous comment that you wrongfully assumed that I only speak English. I was born in the USA, but life and work in Europe and have been to various countries, picking up various languages along the way, even your beautiful language, so we could continue this discussion in Spanish, but it wouldn't be very polite to the other users, not to mention that it would break the site rules... "
Thats really something, so based on your travels, you can call me Mr. World. Im sure we can have this discussion is many languages, including spanish, which I would love to speak fluently but still dont... by speaking I meant actually speaking, not picking it up and ordering drinks ... but, hey, reply in spanish Cant really rate it perfectly, but lets see.
@ThanosReXXX Then I was wrong and I am sorry for that. Though it says something when I am only interested in Zelda BotW so much I didn't see the difference.
And I hope the switch will be able to keep the 1080p resolution for TV mode. Even at 900p, BotW chuggs during some sections. Not promising for a brand new console, especially one that was heavily optimized by Nintendo for the system...
I imagine this won't be a problem in most Nintendo games, but for lazy 3rd party devs...we may see some heavy graphical downgrades compared to other console counterparts. 30 fps will probably be the norm like the other consoles.
Though really I shouldn't complain...I have a powerful PC for a reason. I'll pick up the Nintendo Switch when it has at least 5 games I want, or until Xenoblade 2 comes out.
To get everything I want for the NS now (NS, + Pro-controller + Screen protector + BotW + Micro SD Card 200GB) would be $527 and I don't feel that purchase would be justified at this current time....
@Dash000 "K so, I haven't played this game yet,"
Already a perfect start to every posting ... that supposed to be some sort of "Sorry, Im like Rainman so whatever comes now, dont take it seriously" ? .. ok.. lets see whats next
"but i've been reading through the comments and i'm sorry but nothing you have been saying makes any sense, other than that you think this game should have a lower score, even though you give no reasons other than a possible future f-zero might probably be better?"
Thats an amazing analyse, so before I try to stimulate your braincells too much, why dont you first go and check the FZero games? When you are back and you tell me, they are good and I ask you to rate any and you tell me there was one that scores less or same as this.. then trust me, theres alot that doesnt make sense for you. I wont be making a whole game mechanics breakdown cause you are used to mobile gaming.
"Also, you've been misinterpreting and putting words in ThanosRexx's mouth for the entire time never mind saying that anyone who likes this game is "running nintendo down" and aren't true fans and whatnot?"
Ah right, because you are sitting next to him? You are married? You know whos putting words in whos mouth? Really good.. you should do this job in politics. Pleaaaaaaase... embarassing.
"I'm sorry, I'm saying this as nicely as I possibly can"
Dont be shy, you can already read minds ... so dont worry, I can take your superpower attitude, dont hold back.
", but you are straight up just spouting whatever crap you can to antagonize this person, the review, the website, and anyone who agrees with any of them. So please, if you really hate any or all of this as much as you seem to, just log off the site permanently or something. If not, and you're just in a bad mood or something, i'm sorry, but you've still made a fool of yourself."
Its late, it really is.. and I will crash down soon and catch some sleep... but before I do so.. I dont know why, I was reading that last part of yours and theres some flowerpower music running here.. so this ones for you:
Off to bed ... and you behave at bibleschool tomorrow, cheerio
I dig these updated titles, but because the eShop can log our purchases, even a TINY discount to folks who purchased the original for Wii U would be appreciated.
Take Shovel Knight: Treasure Trove. I bought the original for Wii U and 3DS. The eShop knows this. When I went to nab Treasure Trove, again, even a TINY discount would have rocked. Unsure if it's up to Nintendo or the publisher. Still, with a new Mario Kart 8 on the horizon, we're sure to get many slight improvements. Recognizing those who are double dipping would rock.
@ironside1911 If you dislike Nintendo Life so much, I can't help but wonder why you are even here. And there is the contact form if you have any complaints or wish to suggest stuff to them, so you could always give that a try...
And as I mentioned, they are an INDEPENDENT site, so they don't have to write or say everything that Nintendo tells them to, that's the whole purpose of being independent.
Way too much conspiracy theories to think they are Nintendo's puppets and don't even get me started on the Scientology comment. If there's one organization that I can't stand, it would be them.
And excuse me for thinking you were Spanish. I just took a look at your profile and assumed that was the case. My bad.
@FlameRunnerFast No need to be sorry, it's all just opinions and personal views and that's just fine. And if you're not following them that close, it's not that strange that you didn't know.
And the Switch can indeed become an expensive hobby, but gaming in general is, some a bit more than others...
@KIRO "It's not like this is just one figure below Zelda if you get what I mean ?"
Fast RMX = 9/10
Breath of the Wild =12/10
I think I'm going to wait and see how Redout shapes up before I make a decision.
And I still want physical over digital.
@FlameRunnerFast No! Switch is running native at 1080p and is upscaling if the devs running in lower resolutions or if the output is handheld it downscaled to 700p. And Fast is running at the native res.
@Darkwario1 you'll have to blame @get2sammyb for that... be-gone you smiley face!
I'd give this game 8/10 after time trial update. HD rumble is too noisy/powerful in this game to be fully enjoyable.
@Sveakungen ThanosReXXX already told me this and I apologized....
Please look at the prior conversation.
Two races into the game and I almost gave up on it. It was too fast, too blurry, controls were all wrong, and it was too damn bright! Went to drop a deuce then came back to my couch and relaunched the game. Went to graphic settings. Un-clicked the two bottom settings. Went to control options and remapped all the controls to my liking. Played my 3rd race and realized ur lean buttons are the most important. U gotta click on these at will throughout a race. After my 5th race I was hooked! It's fast but ur mind adapts quickly and the game becomes fun. Definitely a must own!
There's no way on earth that this is a 9/10. What are you guys smoking over there?
I have to disagree your review little bit. Game is otherwise quite good, but some tracks are insanely made, by blocking track with different obstacles right in the middle of tracks. It makes those tracks like obstable courses not racing tracks, vehicle is exploding every time it hits those obstacles, there is no electric shield or anything to prevent crashing. Some tracks are good, but some are insane. Therefore I have to give this game only 7/10.
I think it looks great but hard to control on the joy con's small buttons, they are quite fiddley- the shoulder buttons are so close together too. I think you have to remap the control to suit you. The WII U version was so much easier to control.
I can't believe you gave this game a 9.
Exactly what you will give to an F-Zero then? A 12?
This game mix multiple mechanics that can be mastered just by an Octopus.
Its tracks are full of accidents that stop the fun and stress the player.
Some tracks are badly designed (some others are definitely good).
It's too much challenging so it's a no go for children.
AI is inconsistent being easy on some tracks and hard on others (with same difficulty level).
I almost regret to have spent 20 euro, definitely I would uninstall it if Redout would prove to be a good game (but now I have my doubt on buying it after having experienced this, and some people say it's more keen to Wipeout than F-Zero, and I didn't like Wipeout... too stiff) or if a proper F-Zero will get released.
Point is that it's not a bad game, just a decent one designed by somewhat cheap designers. Because if you can't make a game accessible by everyone you are being cheap. If you make too much things ongoing (turbo on the ground, turbo on the finger, a brake, an accelerator, the lower shoulder mechanic, the irritating hazards, the jump pads sometimes ending in accidents, the switch phase mechanic... all in a RACING game) you are being cheap.
6 on 10 would be the right vote, 7 on 10 if you want to be generous. 9 on 10 is an insult to your customer base.
It's not about personal fun, eventually the reviewer can be an octopus and anticipate every disaster and mechanic, but flaws are clear, the game is rough, it can't be rated as almost excellent. It's not, it's rough, it's Shin'en.
7 on 10 because it costs just 20 euro? Ok.
They should really investing on some true QA to make games at least polished and enjoyable by more people. Designers aren't really sufficient to make games stand out. Nintendo has an endless list of people on Quality Assurance for their games (look at Mario Kart 8), you maybe don't need all that staff but definitely one person that really knows its job and make you see were are the faults, design wise too.
just chiming in on thios 12/10 argument, its now 13/10
My goodness, so many people crying about the game’s difficulty! Aww, have a tissue.
You could always go and join Anti-Matter for a game of Hello Kitty Racing?
Personally I think it’s a superb example of a future-racer, a genre which has otherwise died a death. Great mechanics, speed, gameplay, and one of the better looking games on Switch as well. I’d say it’s probably an 88%
Really, really good.
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