Nintendo Switch received one of the finest roguelike indie games in the business earlier this year with The Binding of Isaac: Afterbirth+. Now it has another in Enter The Gungeon. Much like Edmund McMillen's reworked masterpiece, ETG takes the basic form of a top-down twin-stick shooter. Dodge Roll's game, however, has an obsession with firearms and gunplay that would seem unhealthy had it not been executed with such spirit and humour.
Your lone gunslinger (chosen from a selection of four) enters a multi-layered dungeon populated by an assortment of anthropomorphic gun paraphernalia. You'll be shooting bullets in both senses of the phrase, which is admittedly rather odd. Surprisingly, the whole gun world premise sticks, and that's largely thanks to Dodge Roll's painstaking world and myth-building work. Every gun you fire, boss you fight and item you collect has a story to accompany it, with each fresh discovery filling out your dusty Ammonomicon.
It also helps that Enter the Gungeon doesn't take itself at all seriously. There's a rich seam of humour running through everything, from the puntastic boss and item names to countless cheeky pop culture references. It looks great too, with an expressive pixel art style and fluid animation. Who knew that a homicidal bullet with a human face could be so thoroughly charming?
All of that would be for nought if the core gameplay wasn't up to scratch. Thankfully, this is where ETG is at its strongest. The feel of the game's second-to-second action is among the best you'll find on Switch. There's a weightiness to the combat and a nimbleness to the movement system that makes it a pleasure to return to the game again and again. ETG manages to strike the ideal balance between empowering you and making you feel perilously vulnerable. The screen is usually filled with bullets of all shapes, sizes, and movement patterns, but these glowing projectiles always feel avoidable.

Enemy bullets typically move very slowly, so you can sidestep them like Neo in bullet time if you have your wits about you. The randomised levels typically throw up plenty of cover opportunities too, and you can even turn over tables to form your own on the fly. Get ready to live out your favourite Western fantasies. But the key to ETG's dance-like combat is there in the name of the developer itself. Hit the 'L' button and your gunslinger will execute a dodge roll, offering a brief window of invulnerability. It means that you can be confronted with a literal wave of death and still emerge unscathed.
Of course, a twin-stick shooter is nothing without its firearms, and here too ETG excels. There's a dauntingly vast roster of pistols, rifles, shotguns and who-knows-whats for you to unlock and discover here. Real-life gun equivalents sit alongside conceptual jokes, like a letter 'r' that spits out the letters to the word 'bullet', or a T-shirt gun that leaves crumpled up clothes strewn across the levels. We've pumped countless hours into ETG now both here and on other platforms, and it continues to throw up new surprises.
The odds are far from stacked in your favour, however. The sheer weight of enemy numbers, some tough boss battles and the cruel hands that the game's random spawns can deal out all ensure that you'll be dying plenty. Once you're dead, moreover, it's back to the start for you.

We usually say this when a beloved indie game comes to Switch, but ETG really does feel at home on Nintendo's console. Being able to play such a brilliantly rewarding twin stick shooter on the go is a real treat, while hooking the game up to your TV and using the Pro Controller brings its own precision-related rewards. Local co-op also makes the cut, though you'll need a second pad or set of Joy-Cons to play it.
Better yet, ETG on Switch will be receiving the Advanced Gungeons And Draguns Update in early 2018, providing even more guns, items and levels. This really is a game that keeps on giving, and action-loving Switch fans owe it to themselves to give it try.
Enter The Gungeon is a brilliantly tactile, endlessly replayable twin-stick roguelike that sits right up there with the very best indie games on Nintendo Switch. With satisfying combat, random levels, and an endless supply of inventive weapons, items and secrets, it's always a total joy to play. Yet another modern indie classic has found a natural home on Nintendo's console.
Comments 92
It's not as immediately appealing to me as Binding of Isaac was based on trailers and whatnot, but I've heard enough good things about it that I decided to take the plunge. Look forward to giving it a go when I can find the time.
It's a good game but man I stink at it.
'roguelike', ugh, am I the only one who doesn't like roguelike games? Seems like every second release now-a-days is roguelike.
No thanks.
Gosh... why genre like that always created ??
I bought this day one and been waiting for this game but Xenoblade is taking my time right now. Then I need to start Zelda DLC... can't wait to play it.
@Anti-Matter Because they're fun?
I love this game! I played (and streamed) it a lot on PS4, and when I get a Switch I'll surely put even more hours into it. Masterpiece! 😊
Had my eye on this for a few days and yesterday decided to go for for it. It received some brilliant reviews when it landed on PS4, glad to see the Switch port is no different. I have wanted to play Binding of Isaac for ages now but don't fancy paying the "Nicalis Tax" on it. This looks like a very good alternative for $14.99.
Not fun at all !!
Shooter, shooter again !
"Killed" words (i saw that word from screenshot above) ??
How many Negative words that can be found from those games like that ??
What a Big Meeeh !!
@Jon_Mundy is the expansion going to be paid DLC (as I expect) or a free update?
@Anti-Matter Oh my god how annoying can you be, really?
We get it, every single user in here knows what you do and do not like: you like cutesy stuff? Perfect, I do as well. But do I (and many other users) have the rights to also like this kind of games without having to see you constantly discredit everything that doesn’t align with your personal taste? Spoiler: we do.
I mean, you’re really pooping on a quality game just because it contains the word “killed”? How old are you?
I get it that it’s not for you, and it’s fine, but at least don’t discredit it without having played it.
@Anti-Matter You know Link kills his enemies too, Bokoblins, Lizfalos, Hinux etc... they all meet untimely violent deaths at the hands of the Hero of Time. Then what about Goombas, just minding their own business in the Mushroom Kingdom and up comes "Good Guy" Mario to stomp on their head or shoot them with fire. No doubt those cute little Goombas perish from such violent attacks.
Point is, violence is part of video games. Always has been. Enter the Gungeon with its retro look is no more violent than games like Starfox, Donkey Kong or Smash Bros.
@Anti-Matter I realize you don't enjoy games of this style, but some people also don't enjoy other styles, and that's fine. Everyone has their own tastes and people should respect that. There's no point complaining because it's not what you enjoy. Just let people have fun their own way, and you enjoy games your way too.
I have this on Steam, PS4, and now the Switch. This game is a perfect fit for the Switch. It’s my favorite in this genre, and one of my top games overall in the last couple of years. Highly recommended.
2 days to go 😬
I love roguelikes, but as I tragically lack a sense of humor this one won't be for me.
Cool that such a big name indie is on Switch though; that's good news for everyone.
@frogopus i am a 35 year old kid who has been addicted to binding of Isaac and ziggurat for like 3 years now. I prob don’t need to buy every game that comes out, but I still do. They just don’t get played as much, or once I’m done with story, back to Isaac.
I would buy this right now if I had any money whatsoever.
@Anti-Matter Dude you have to chill with these comments on every article. It's getting to be way too much.
Same here. Played Isaac on Vita, PS4, 3DS, and now Switch. I play it all the time. I stopped playing Zelda at 70 hours when Isaac came out, and never returned. Completed about four kingdoms in Mario, and went back to Isaac. There's just something about it. 185 hours into it on Switch, and absolutely nowhere near 100%.
@frogopus as far as I can see it, we all kids. We playing games. Honestly, most of my kids and their friends play Minecraft and FPS games(fortnight right now). While adults I know all seem to play mario/Zelda and rpgs. I have ADD with games and am playing 5-6 games at a time.
And a couple of the old timers I work with are cribbage and puzzle addicts. We all do something to kill time.
@Indielink @xPH03N1Xx86 @clvr He has every right to comment as do all of you. What he said wasn’t rude or harsh, he said meh. It’s just not his cup of tea and he voiced his opinion. If seeing his comment bothers you so much there is an option to lock them.
@Anti-Matter I don’t like these games either, I find them boring and repetitive.
@Ooyah I went from like 3 years of Isaac to like 3 months of kingdom and now this wave of awesome games and am just playing everything. Rocket league, skyrim and rive so far today. And some twilight princess Wii U with a son. Just finish xmas shopping and then family dinner, and then some rocket league and skyrim before bed. Not a bad day off
I knew this game would be worth getting.
@Jon_Mundy Wasn't there supposed to be single Joy-Con co-op with gyro aiming?
I like to the concept but being rougelike + the difficultly makes me think I wouldn’t enjoy this much.
Higher score than the objectively amazing Yooka-Laylee.
Proof that NL’s scoring system is broken.
One of my absolute favourite games of last year.
Can't wait to play it again. First time ever I'm rooting for Monday to come along.
That being said, every time I see ETG in the review, I read it a Everything Buth the Girl....
I know which CDs I'll be listening to again tomorrow.
Lol, a 9?
It is another twin stick game. Didn't care when it came out last year on PS4 - and still irrelevant now that it is on Switch.
@Agramonte It received a lot of 9's on PS4 as well, plus a perfect 10.It has 82% on Metacritic after 32 critic reviews. A good game is a good game regardless of what console it's on and whether it's a game for you or not.
@Anti-Matter Because different people have different tastes?
For example, I hate chocolate but everyone else likes it. Good for those people. I enjoy chamomile tea but everyone else doesn't. Oh well. No harm for people for enjoying different things.
@Agramonte Soooo what's wrong with giving it a 9? Just cause you don't like it?
It's cool if you don't.
Others do though.
So we're all entitled to our opinions here. Just why be sassy about someone liking it?
Have it on PC and it's great. Don't think I'll double dip but people need to play this!
@readyletsgo Not a fan of rogue-likes either. Seems like a cop out for making a fully fleshed out game with a beginning, middle and end together with meaningful character development.
@AcesHigh not a cop out, just a different style of game.
Perhaps I missed this in the review, but do you start each run naked, or is like Ironcast, where you earn permanent upgrades via multiple playthroughs?
Its a very small complaint but one that kinda ruins the experience for me... Twin Stick shooters should NOT require the player to press a fire button. Very simply, when you press a direction with the right stick, it fires. When you let the stick relax to neutral position, its stops. Having to claw the right shoulder button while steering with your right thumb feels uncomfortable to me and also makes me feel like I'm wrenching down on the thimb stick too much. This requirement to press a firebutton on twin stick shooters is a recent one that I wish they would abandon.
Also, really wishing these indie devs would take a little more interest in better graphics. Getting tired of 8.5 Bit graphics. We are 20 years removed from these graphics. Granted, there are a hell of a lot more sprites on screen but that is the result of current platform and processing tech and doesnt require the same talent needed to create beautiful imagery. Let's stop the laziness (or cheapness) and take a page from the devs of beautiful games like Shantae, Wonderboy, Rayman now even Capcom with Megaman 11 and start advancing the experiences of our beloved hobbie instead of being happy with the mediocracy of 20 year old tech. Just my .02...
@MisterMan You arent the dev, you dont know if its a cop out. Budget and talent determine the course of game development which, in turn MAY determine what style of game is created. This why I said it SEEMS like. And it SEEMS like there are a lot of roguelikes being created recently. Neither of us knows the situation to say definitively yes or no. I was making an observation which may or may not end up being true.
@OorWullie and why I said didn't care when it came out on PS4 either.
It is the same if someone doesn't care to play Destiny 2 because it is just another online shooter - it does not matter it is a 85 metacritic score. That does not make it a "good game" across the board.
This is another twin stick shooter. Just because you happen to like these type of games does not make it a good game for everone either. Your end point works both ways.
@frogopus everything you describe about the rogue-like elements are exactly why I don't really rate them very highly. Boring lazy design choice.
@SuperTeeter64 No difference between me knocking a score and someone gushing over it. They both just opinions.
Im also not going down the comments telling anyone who thinks it is great not to do so. That is up to them.
When did the term "roguelike" even become a thing anyways?
Sounds good mate, enjoy! I'm gonna go and try again to complete a run with The Lost!
@IceClimbers Its been out there for a while. One of the first I can remember is Fatal Labrynth for the Genesis and Game Gear. They just seem to have become more popular with the emergence of indie developers.
@AcesHigh use your head for a minute. How would making a Roguelike be a cop out? The game is 5 floors long with a boss at the end of each one. If this was a linear game there would be 5 bosses, you’d start as the same character and get the same weapons each time. Now that it’s a Roguelike, theres over 20 bosses, 4 starting classes (not including the co op character), there’s like 190 guns and over 200 items. Before you start bashing something stop and think for one second. Seriously, just one second.
This looks really cool! I’ve been wanting to get it for a while now. Glad it’s on Switch!
@Spectra local co-op only
@IceClimbers roguelikes became a thing in the early 80's actually.
Actually, putting together a roguelike/roguelite is rather tough.
Especially to get it right as there are so many variables to take into account, which funny enough resemble not only playing one, but developing one.
It's also the reason why relatively few of them end up succeeding and being actually fun.
Never thought these games would be for me either, but after a couple of incredible fun games (rogue legacy, Isaac, nuclear throne, spelunky and yes, enter the gungeon), I'm a convert to say the least.
@clvr The DLC is coming as a free update early next year, buddy.
PS, well said! 🙂
@readyletsgo "'roguelike', ugh, am I the only one who doesn't like roguelike games? Seems like every second release now-a-days is roguelike. No thanks."
Git gud
@readyletsgo I’m with you. I tried very hard to like Blinding, and I can see why folk like it but yeah, not for me.
@Agramonte "Not for me" =/= "crap".
@IceClimbers There was a dungeon crawler released in 1980 with permadeath called Rogue. Although it wasn't the first game of its type, it's considered the forerunner and namesake of the genre.
I didn't actually know that myself but your comment made me curious so I checked on Wikipedia.
@readyletsgo I think rogue elements are a bit overdone nowadays. They were a fresh concept back in 2011-2013/14 but now it's like every game has to have them. I know that it allows for "infinite" variety but I often find that it leads to bland forgettable levels and that it puts a lot more pressure on the core gameplay to be that much more engaging and addictive. Unfortunately the gameplay in a lot of these titles tends to be serviceable to good and that drags the experience down for me since I'm left playing a game with ok gameplay and forgettable levels that tend to be more cheap than fun.
I think the best case is spelunky as each segment of the level is handcrafted, just how they're put together is randomized. In addition there's always a way to the bottom without having to use ropes meaning that there's less frustration and feeling like you got cheated out of a good run due to poor procedural generation.
@The_Pixel_King whoa that’s awesome, one more reason for it to enter my definitely-gonna-buy-when-I-finally-get-a-Switch list 😄
Thanks a lot for the info!
@KIRO ' I’m with you. I tried very hard to like Blinding, and I can see why folk like it but yeah, not for me'
Same for me
@Reignmaker 'Git gud'
Meh, I'm good at games I like, thanks
@readyletsgo Games like this are definitely not for everyone. I got it since I have always loved the shoot-em-up genre and enjoyed twin stick games in the past, so this is familiar territory for me. It's for people who like classic arcade games in other words. If you aren't into that you might find it off-putting.
I'm not praising Nintendo but there's just too many games to play. I'd like to go at this one but currently playing 3-4 games.
I totally agree! The sooner rogue-like games die, the better!
This was a fun one on the PC. Fluid combat, a lot of silliness and dark comedy, and levels that always felt challenging, but rarely unfair - which is quite a feat considering the inevitable RNG-fest that makes up its rogue-lite elements.
@clvr Any time my brother. As someone who’s put over a hundred hours into Gungeon on PS4, I have to say this is a sublime port.
In fact, usually when a previously released PS4 game comes to Switch, I pretty much never go back. I can see the same being true of Gungeon. Now all I need is Nuclear Throne and Spelunky!
I know UnEpic is a re-release, but will you review it? I'd like to know if any improvements have been made, things added, that jazz. I dug the original, but the screen, especially the item subscreen, seemed super cluttered with teeny tiny icons that a Switch screen would render microscopic. Thank ya!
@Henmii I wish that your favorite game genre disappears as well then
@Oat I personally really like games with Roguelike elements (Oddly enough, this one never clicked for me) but I don't really find them too overdone, either. It really depends on the specific game in question. Steam World Dig 2 is an example of a game that had Rogue elements, and they made the correct choice (In my opinion) to drop them and go with hand designed levels.
On the other hand, a game like Rogue Legacy or Binding of Isaac, and probably this game if I actually liked it, I think the Rogue elements lend themselves nicely to the game, since you will be replaying the same stages over and over again.
One other thing I noticed a few people saying is that it is a lazy way out of level design. That's only partially true - the developer still needs to set the parameters and rules used for level design. There are certainly good randomly generated levels and bad ones. They are not all equal just because they are generated on the fly.
@The_Pixel_King I’ve never played those two games, but I’ve heard and read great things about them so I hope they’ll eventually come to the Switch as well (especially Nuclear Throne, i don’t know why but that game just has been looking amazing to me since the first time I saw it).
Also, nice to know it’s a good port; actually, I find comments like yours very useful, as it’s always nice to know how a Switch port compares to a PC/PS4/XBO version.
Wow, some people on this website really feel the need to let everyone know in the comments if a game isn't for them. Getting sick of it in almost every game review here. Games come in a wide variety of genres, and each genre appeals to different types of people. That's what makes the medium so great.
@roadrunner343 Oh I definitely don't hate roguelike elements by default. I definitely agree that hand crafted levels with some rogue like elements is a good combo. I know it's not lazy to use rogue like elements but for me personally I tend to have a problem when it's used as a substitute for handcrafted levels. I feel that unless you set the parameters to allow for really interesting levels, I would prefer that devs take the time to just make handcrafted levels as I often then they result in a much better experience.
@clvr Advanced Gungeons and Draguns will be free but there will also be more content later which will be paid.
Another guaranteed purchase for the Switch, the system that keeps on giving!
@SaKo I feel the same. It really turns me off to the site as a whole actually and makes me not want to engage with the "community" here.
If you don't care for something, it's okay to not click on said article, and even better to not try and sh!t up the comment section with spam that does no one any good.
Wishing for certain games or genres to be dead? How old are you kids? 10?
Let people enjoy what they like and find something you enjoy and put some positive energy into that instead of pouring some more negativity into the Internet and acting like a spoiled brat.
The world is terrible enough as it is without trolls trying to rain on other peoples parade. Sheesh.
@The_Pixel_King absolutely!
If the system got Spelunky, Nuclear Throne and a good Earth Defense Forces game, it would already be my favourite system of this decade, even if it didn't get much else after that.
I really liked this game, but one thing that pissed me off was the Cultist as eternal Player 2. Sure, the story would be affected if you could play as two MCs, blah, blah...Solution: a Deathmatch at the end of the gungeon.
For anyone who hasn't played this yet, you'll probably enjoy it......if you aren't a crybaby.
The Switch is getting an impressive flow of good to great games. Which is all the more reason Nintendo badly needs to update the eshop. We need tabs to quickly jump to action games, or shooters, or platformers etc... It's great that the shop right now is simple and snappy, they need to keep that, but we also need to be able to find games that are not on the best seller or new release lists. I hope they address this soon or even great games like this stand to get pushed into the void of "you have to search for it by the title"
@hylianwhovian thank you a lot for the info, much appreciated 😄
@Anti-Matter because that's how the world works, kiddo.
I long for the days/day when 'Roguelike' isn't part of every new indie game description or review.
Bought and downloading now. So many games these past couple of months that it is ridiculous. Roll on the January and February lull.
I didn't think I would be saying that only 9 months after the Switch's release.
Lol, thanks for the empathy!
Looks like another "fun with a friend" game. Duly noted
Got both Gorogoa & ETG for $8 each from Mexican eShop... both excellent game... no regret esp it’s like 50% Off... ETG is fun & hectic in the same time; dungeon crawl + roguelike is a perfect match... endless replay-ability
I really just don't find roguelikes engaging. There are so many of them and I've just given up trying to get into any
Honest question, has anyone tried & liked this game while NOT liking Binding of Isaac. I, like many others, tried hard to enjoy Isaac but I just couldn't. I just didn't like the feel of it-- the mechanics felt rigid/imprecise, and I didn't like the very small rooms. Felt like I was just going from one irritating room to another for no real reason.
This game looks interesting to me, especially thanks to the full co-op. Just don't want to buy it if it's going to have the same mechanics & feel as Isaac.
Is this game 2 player co op online?
@SimplyCinnamon53 His comment was more than just "meh." I respect his opinion to dislike violent games. I take issue with his hatred of entire genres and his need to rail against them in any article in which they are mentioned. He adds nothing constructive to the discussion.
How are the controls for ETG? Can you use just one button to fire and use the d-pad or joystick for directions to move/aim?
Done some research. Not sure I like the sound of these control options. Are they easy to use/play? Shame you can't move/aim with one joystick only and fire with a button on the controller other than the shoulder buttons.
@Scottie the controls are really good and actually kinda feel like an FPS, but in a top down mode.
@MisterMan I am normally not very good at these type of games. The controls would take me some time to get used to and it sounds like it is a tough game? I may give it a shot though.
@Anti-Matter So your saying the game is meh because of a few negative words? 🤔
Yes, exactly.
A few words but so Harsh.
Also, I don't like shooting games at all, even Splatoon, the tamest from Nintendo.
The game has a full remapping system for all controls. I have played it for a couple of hours and find the controls hard tbh. I might try remapping again.
At a minimum its one stick for movement and two buttons (shoot and dodge) - the problem is you really need to use the second stick for aiming to play properly.
Might have to invest in a pro controller and try more.
I'm finding Issac is more fun - although the levels in Gungeon are random, the overall structure is the same. It can take a while to clear the first level, but the bosses can be very hard unlike Issac. So I've died maybe 20 times, and only got to the second floor once. The repetitive levels makes it less interesting...
I've just grabbed it for £5.49 on sale from the Eshop.
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