Isolation is a weird thing; we’re all a little accustomed to it now, but having to figure out things on your own can be pretty daunting. Elechead revels in isolation; it was made by a sole developer, NamaTakahashi (Developer of 2019’s eShop game Battlloon), and during the course of the game all you have is yourself, and your head.
Elechead is a puzzle-platformer in which your character's head is a source of electricity. The beginning of the game consists of simple platforming challenges revolving around this mechanic. However, very quickly you gain the ability to throw your own head and what was a simple puzzle-platformer becomes one of the most satisfying and surprisingly deep puzzlers in recent years. Even if it doesn't stick around for long.
Now we aren't talking Baba Is You levels of mind-bending that will really fry your brain. Elechead isn’t necessarily difficult. It does, however, strike an almost perfect balance of being easy enough to not be frustrating; but tricky enough to hit you with the huge satisfaction when you finally figure out the solution to a puzzle.
Where Elechead really shines is in its ability to introduce mechanics in one section, and then have you completely rethink what you know about the game the next. Puzzles can span multiple screens, making you really think outside the box (literally). Every mechanic is put to use ingeniously; even things as unassuming as the level resetting checkpoints are used in interesting ways. The game’s finale perfectly exhibits this style with one of the most impressive puzzles we’ve seen in this style of game
If the core puzzles aren’t interesting enough for you, there's also the inclusion of collectibles, which require you to rethink some parts of the game entirely. These range from new colour palettes for the game, remotes — of which collecting all 20 grants you access to an alternate ending — and even new moves for your Elechead. These can be deviously hidden, while others can be in plain sight but require a thorough study of the room to acquire.
Elechead is presented in a simple two-tone style with fairly basic pixel art, but there's something very charming about the way it’s presented. Your titular hero is very cute, and there are nice little animation touches, like his head sometimes going upside down depending on how you catch it. The rooms evoke a Mega Man vibe with big industrial platforms across a serene space-like background. The aforementioned hidden color palettes change things up if you get bored of the blue and orange, however, some of them (looking at you, black and white) are a bit headache-inducing.
A great chiptune soundtrack courtesy of Tsuyomi caps things off; it perfectly encapsulates that quiet, isolated feeling, while knowing the perfect time to ramp things up. While the game doesn’t last long (clocking in at around two hours), it uses every second wisely and never outstays its welcome, even if you are left wanting a bit more.
Comments 29
This looks lovely.
I'm definitely going to try this one.
I'd forgotten about this. Looks great.
It took me 5 hours get 100%. Not sure how so many reviews claim it's a 2 hour game. Can't imagine they got everything.
Also those were 5 of the most shockingly dense, satisfying hours of using my brain I've had in any game ever.
"Perfect balance of being easy enough to not be frustrating; but tricky enough to hit you with the huge satisfaction when you finally figure out the solution to a puzzle." This really hits it on the head. Never annoyingly difficult but constantly challenging enough to feel brilliant.
Been interested in this since the Nindies Direct. Five hours is perfect for a little puzzle platformer like this. No game needs padding.
The Mega Man vibes are strong with this one, glad to hear it plays well. I like the idea of playing in that retro world, but with slow-burn puzzle gameplay. Nice to have games where you can take your time a bit more. Good price too. Easy purchase!
Didn't know this was already out. Definitely an indie game that captured my interest.
Definitely one on my 'to buy' list at some point. This looks so charming.
Very strapped for time. Very tempted. Definitely on my radar.
Sounds aces. Finishing a game wanting more is so much better than “God, when will this end?”
I need to get this and I've been patiently waiting
Sounds good but by God that is one ugly looking game. Plus it being short means I'll wait for it to hit a couple of bucks on sale.
I loved the first half and then it got a little too hard with the brain teasers.
I’m not a fan of puzzle games but I loved this game and highly recommend it
This is on my wish list for a sale. Looks great!
I'd forgotten about this game, but looks fun so I may pick it up. I had been planning to play portal for my puzzle needs but I hadn't realized it was first person and most first person games unfortunately give me motion sickness. So my puzzle queue needs filling.
Will definitely get it at some point, it looks great.
I wishlisted this based off the Nindies showcase. Glad to hear it’s good! Will probably pick it up later down the line once I thin out my backlog some more.
… Wun can only hope.
Finished this recently. Loved it. Real gem.
I had a feeling this would turn out well.
Good review - I’ve really enjoyed my time with this one. Some clever puzzles and use of the main mechanics
The finale has to be seen to be believed? What's so special about it? It's nothing that hasn't been done before. Why because it's subversive? You gotta stop being so impressed by that stuff. It's not anything special or nearly as cool as VVVVVV's final stretch. The path to the game's biggest secret is much more interesting. I dunno about these critics anymore, man.
@FishyS It is First Person but it's incredibly slow paced. There are no twitch reactions and the need to move quickly is very rare. Not sure if that makes a difference to you but these are some of the best games ever made. It would be a shame for you to miss out on them if you're a fan of puzzle games.
@sketchturner finished it today, 5 hours for 100% also. I loved every second.
I love the ending, not for how you get there, but for where it is. So cool.
Game is excellent. Very clever mechanics, can't put it down.
@CountDrakeulah Yeah, that part of the review confused me honestly. I loved this game a lot but I got both endings and don't remember anything super special about the finale(s). Not sure what I missed?
Love the look, will keep my eye on it just in case of a physical. Gato Roboto got one, so why cant this?
@FishyS I'm the same way about first person games. Can't play first person shooters for long without getting motion sick. I played all the way through Portal though and don't remember it making me sick. This was a long time ago, but I think like @Jey887 says, it's slow paced enough that it didn't cause problems.
I'm surprised more people haven't discussed this game, it really looks like a brain tester!
This looks nice, hopefully pick it up at some point.
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