Have you ever aspired to a seat of mayoral power? Fancy yourself as the next Mayor Quimby? Okay, perhaps he’s not the best example of how to run a town, but spend a few hours with the power Cities: Skylines bestows upon you and you’ll begin to understand why Diamond Joe so often ran away from his duties. There’s just so much to do. Even when your burgeoning settlement is little more than a few residential areas, it’s soon demanding round-the-clock maintenance.
It sounds like a chore, but that’s the strength of Colossal Order’s city-building simulator - it’s the busywork of maintaining infrastructure, improving transportation and utilising sanitation that makes its virtual civilisations so authentic. Your city - however small or large - is a living machine that needs constant tinkering in order to keep it running. And the Finnish developer has done an admirable job of remapping a UI previously designed for mouse and keyboards to a controller. Much like the PS4 and Xbox One editions, Cities: Skylines’ menus are easy to flit through with the D-pad, although those menus can get a little difficult to distinguish when playing in handheld mode.
And while actively moving around the map to place wind turbines, define zones and place water pumping stations is a little awkward - especially when laying elements that require a little more precision, such as roads and underground pipes - we’re pleasantly surprised to find how easy it is to access the many sub-menus the game has to offer. You can cycle between a basic list of facilities (including roads, zones, water and electrical construction) by using the D-Pad, while holding ‘Y’ in the main view or in any sub-menu will bring up all the main parts of that sub-menu on a handy (and often contextual) radial wheel.
If you’re coming from the more relaxed and less rule-driven world of Rollercoaster Tycoon, the sheer amount of logistical planning required to build and maintain even the simplest of hamlets can really boggle the mind. You’ll need to define what kind of area you want to build (such as residential or industrial), but you don’t want factories pumping out goods too close to your homes or your citizens will start to complain about the noise. You’ll need to connect up every home to an electrical grid, but you'll also need to make sure there’s space for your roads to fit between the pylons.
Now you need to ensure every building has both a clean water source and a set of pipes to remove sewage. Unfortunately, pipes can’t cross one another, so you need to think carefully before building an intricate residential labyrinth. And you can’t build a sewage plant too close to a water-pumping station or you’ll risk contamination. All of this is just the beginning. You’ll need to link every road together, and ensure your growing community feels entertained, well-fed and positive with a steady stream of jobs and renewable energy sources. It’s a lot to consider, so this isn’t a super-casual game designed for a quick five minutes of play. There’s tons of SimCity-aping depth to be had, and a vast series of mayoral plates to spin.
The problem Cities: Skylines has in the lack of systemic action. Cities will ebb and flow with citizens, exports and taxes but there’s very little seismic change to force you to react on the fly. The old SimCity games had their share of systems to juggle, but they were always balanced out by the looming silliness of an alien invasion or a rampaging Godzilla (or should that be Koopa?) to remind you simulation shouldn’t be taken too seriously. The most you’ll have to contend with here is contaminated water or citizens bitching about your policy decisions on social media. There aren’t even any natural disasters - these were added in a later DLC that’s not included with the Nintendo Switch Edition (although you do get access to the After Dark pack with its day/night cycles and Snowfall’s wintery weather effects).
There’s also a cold and unhelpful approach to tutorials. The game’s basic tutorial does little to help you appreciate the basic principles of planning out underground pipe systems or the subtle ways that districts and policies relate to one another. There are infodumps that pop up on-screen every now and then, but they’re completely unintuitive and do nothing to actually help. The game would have really benefitted from some form of challenge mode to help seed these important, menu-buried concepts. Because once you build your empty plot of land into a much larger setting with multiple districts and hubs, it’s very easy to lose track of how the minutiae of its composition truly works.
There are also some big issues with performance on Switch. When looking after a small-sized town the game trundles on at a steady 30fps, but when you're building on a much larger scale, that framerate takes a real beating. Zooming into the hustle and bustle of your creation to watch everything from buildings being erected to the glow of a city’s nightlife will cause the game to tumble into slowdown country. Frame rates can drop into the low 20s when you’re dealing with a larger urban hub, and considering the game is all about building towards managing your own vast metropolis, there’s simply a cap on enjoying this impressively deep simulation beyond its first few hours.
Nintendo Switch finally has a proper simulation game to its name, but the reality of the console’s hardware limitations proves that not every game can be ported wholesale onto the platform without serious issues. Cities: Skylines - Nintendo Switch Edition has so much potential and offers a fine alternative to SimCity’s broken reboot, but this game needed to be revamped and re-approached for Switch in a way that doesn’t turn it into a performance quagmire. Sadly, this is a game better played elsewhere.
Comments 100
Definitely is very bad to mediocre at best
In before the defense force gets here to claim that it's just poor optimization and the Switch can run any game ever made wholesale.
One of the fun things about the Switch is how it reminds me that I bought a game a long time ago on PC, but haven't actually played it yet.
@saintayu In before the haters get here and blame everything on the hardware and won't admit that a lot of companies are bad at optimization.
I've played it and will continue to play it. Mostly, because in a game like I care little for high framerate. What is more damming for this game is how problematic UI is. I've played games like this and this particular game before, so abundance of systems was actually not enough for me and I would have preferred more complex systems. But the UI is so antiquated in this game, bringing more complexity seems impossible.
Currently hopelessly addicted to this. Not the best looking or optimised port in the world, but it's still a damn fine game.
PS4 version has performance issues so not surprised about switch having some problems also
Doesn't surprise me, as mid-ranged PC's can struggle with it as well. I didn't expect it to be a smooth experience on the Switch.
This is absolutely bull! Shame on you Nintendo Life! This is by FAR the worst review you have done since I have followed this site. BY A LOT Many of the games you give 7s and 8s regularly that are, at best, mediocre, and yet you turn around and give this awesome, but not flawless, title a measly 5?! Are you kidding me? This is an insult.
Is this game perfect on the Switch? Heck no. Does it have some issues? Yes it does. But it still stands tall as one of the best city-building sims of all time. Surpassed only by old school Sim-City titles.
The things you guys defend on this site, the excuses you sometimes make, and this you rip this game to shreds?! I can't believe you right now. I really can't.
To anyone reading this. Toss this review right where it belongs, in the trash bin! One of the absolute worst posts Nintendo Life has ever done.
[edit] I realize this comment is harsh, even rude, but I felt the need to speak my mind because I have never before disagreed so strongly with anything I have read on this site. (not counting comments and forum stuff of course.) But that said, it's not a be all, end all. I still appreciate NintendoLife for the work you guys do. Even if this particular post really upset me.
I don't know if I will pick this up. I love the game, but it runs very well on the Xbox One X, so a performance downgrade might be very disappointing to play. It isn't even the FPS that is the issue with me, it is the inability to do certain things like 3x speed with large cities. Maybe if this had all the DLC I would buy it, but it isn't worth $40 for portability alone, to me.
Yea should be no surprise to anyone buying it that it could struggle - it does on every platform. Not that it makes it right for the Switch, but at least go in with the right expectations. Plus if any game is going to have frame rate issues, then a game like this is the one you'd want from the point of view that the FPS hardly effects any gameplay.
Its a fun game, something different on the Switch and certainly not deserving of a 5.
NL are a odd bunch with their inconsistent review policy - you get a really dull racer like "Mantis Burn" get a 9... thats when I really stopped caring about the score they give at the end of a review. Its kind of a running joke amongst friends now that if NL didnt give a game a 9, then something is afoot....
One of those games that work better with M+K...
Not sure if the reviewer would want disasters to strike, those can be quite a hassle with the slower controller input. I wonder how XBO and PS4 ports of Surviving Mars fare, on PC it was a rather relaxed experience.
5? The review doesn't make the game look that bad. I mean, that's what you expect from a city sim, isn't it? I'd rather have Sim City, but if this goes on sale I'll bite.
A puzzle game that you could run in your browser, where the only goal is to push different colored balls on a grid, gets a 7 here.
And then one of the all-time best city management simulators gets a 5...
I would ask, based on what, but I'm afraid, they'd try to explain. Please don't.
Reviews here really need a pricing section to differentiate between indies and normal games because it's just a ridiculous chaos right now.
i am not sure what review to believe on this game. This game is screaming at me to buy it yet i see loads of conflicting reviews on the net. some say no issue, others say the frame rate is not actually that bad. then there is this guy doing a play through of a pretty large city live and as far as i can tell this has no issues...
based on this review. i wouldn't buy it. based on the you tube video its an ins ta buy.
edit. just re-read the review. the you tube video of this game the guy is like 20 hours in and 30+ thousand population with no frame rate issues. so where does this reviewer get the issues after a few hours? the review also says a deep game with loads of stuff.. but then criticizes it to be a shallow experience? also moans the tutorial is crap and no ufos? sorry but this review is actually a farce.
other web site reviews are around the 8-9 mark i have seen for this.
insta buy for me.
You know, be cool with Nintendo Life because here in France it's not 5/10 for Cities Skylines but 3/10 on Switch...
I´ve played 30+ hours in this game, and it´s great. I have never played the original, but this simulation is just incredible.
The frame rate isn´t action-game smooth, but it´s not an action game it´s a complex simulation and it´s very playable at all times.
(I would have liked clearer guides and angles to really, the 5-step line is really thin in portable mode)
@AcridSkull same here and the list keeps growing up...
I've read from others who bought it that the frame rate issues really only show up when your city is big AND you zoom way in. So it's not like the game becomes wholesale unplayable once your city is large.
That said, I prefer to play this kind of game on PC anyway. (Though given my current PC I'm sure it would also slow down when zoomed, ha.)
"The most you’ll have to contend with here is contaminated water or citizens b******g about your policy decisions on social media. "
Umm this is Nintendolife right?
Surprised it's as low as a 5...The game itself content wise is an 8 or 9. Frame rate is a minor thing in a low action game like this. And the drops are as much based on your camera angle as city size and can be avoided for much longer if you keep it top-down as often as possible. It's a minor annoyance at worst and I've seen streams of people with 100k population where it's still more than smooth enough. I'd read this as a 7 tbh.
@Cobalt Gamekult is one of the worst sites in France if not the world....they lie regularly on basic facts and if anything this convinces me it should be higher lmao.
Bummer. This caught my attention during the Direct.
@b0nes You can easily tell that it´s below 30fps when you have had a decent size city and of forgot to build health-services and then pan around. You also notice pop-ins of trees when you pan around fast. But it´s a fantastic game for the switch, and it´s the best sim out there of this kind. I hope to see more strategy games from this company in the future
Isn't that what all of you guys wanted? A harsher scoring system? Why are you all complaining now?
I bought the game after the direct and since then I have been addicted.
The game runs fine do not understand this review
A great effort for sure, but sounds like it is a little too challenging for the handheld. Perhaps should have done like Square did with FFXV pocket edition. Simplified engine and graphics with Nintendo extras, like Bowsers castle and Rabbids (we still love Rabbids right?) would help.
It's a very good game. And a lot of people are turning little issues in big issues. The game run well. The issues are the same than what happen in the other consoles too.
So, if you will get the game, don't worry about the score.
Oh yeh, someone asked this in another review, what about reviewers telling us how many hours they played?
@Dom Do you think Nintendo Life could make it happen? It would really help us . Cheers!
Just wait for a patch.
@PorllM It's you point of view but it's not what I personaly think.
So, jeuxvideo.com : Côté performances, les choses n'étaient en revanche pas encore au beau fixe. Sur une partie détaillant une ville de grande envergure, le framerate peinait à être constant et le clipping était omniprésent, rendant la navigation plutôt inconfortable.
Which means : Performance side, things were not on the bright side yet. On a part of a large city detailing, the framerate struggled to be constant and clipping was omnipresent, making navigation rather uncomfortable.
You see, everywhere is the same thing, Gamekult, JeuxVideo.com, Nintendo Life...
@Ensemen they only want that if it applies to the games they dislike that the reviewer likes. If the reviewer dislikes something they like then they want to know how many hours they played and whatever else will invalidate the review.
Here's an idea:use your brain to digest the actual review text. Learn reading comprehension guys and use it. Just because you disagree about framerate doesn't make it untrue that it lags. You can just as easily read the review and decide that's not something that would bother you and continue your purchase. For the person who is bothered by it, it's nice to know.
I'm running out of popcorn for all these comment sections today...!
I love this game and personally I give a 8/10. Fps isn't for me that much issue, even if I have all sectors full of everything.
@Heavyarms55 thank you. I totally agree with your comment (and edit portion too). This review score is out of line. I’m enjoying the hell out of this game and I’d never have experienced it if this review came out Day 1 and scared me away.
This game makes some PCs chug so I’m not surprised. It’s a surprisingly intensive game.
Guess I’ll go for the PS4 version, then. Hope Civ VI turns out well, though.
Man, I had to make an account for this. Nintendolife usually has a floor of about 7/10 for game reviews, any mediocre game gets a 7, and that's fine if that's your standard, but giving a great sim game, even with a non-perfect implementation a 5/10? Have you guys ever rated a game so poorly before? (I'm sure you have, but I don't remember one). Please have some consistency in your review scores . . .
On the direct you could tell it was struggling. I can rarely see bad frame rates but it looked bad enough to notice. The developers themselves on eurogamer said that it dropped to the twenties so stop trying to apologize for it. It just doesn’t run well which is a shame. I’m sure optimizing a game like this is hard given that it adds a lot of complexity to render later but still a shame.
I think that the Switch need a good simulation game like this. Sadly the performance seems to struggle. I'll keep playing the SimCity game on the iPad pro.
The game is poorly optimized even on the PC, so not a surprise to see the Switch struggle... but still, 5 out of 10 seems pretty harsh because it's otherwise a fantastic game.
Game is so much fun on PC, great time killer. Shame it doesn't run great on the Switch. Even my PC gets pretty hot when running this game, i guess games like this is too heavy on the CPU side.
I agree with you. If they carry on slagging every game off saying it's bad when it isn't then the switch will go the same way as the vita. This game is not a 5 out of 10. If it was Mario Cities it would probably get a 10.
I love this game, no real issues seen and tutorial for me was enough to get started. I currently have a 15K city and having a great time. So much fun to create bus and tram lines. Trying to solve traffic jams, building bridges and tunnels, fun, fun, fun! I don't agree with NL's score and currently Metacritc is showing a more positive image about this game.
the direct was presented with a bad visualization the game itself is much better, i bought it and i do not repent i am having so much fine, and i already saw some good size cities with more than 120k e nobody complained, they said the FPS drops remaining constant not worse, and they happened only when you do zoom in and change the angle to take a big view with the horizon, if you maintain a low angle you don't have problem, the little hiccup you have in the beginning when you do the zoom is just because of the transition from low detail to high detail of the buildings , when you are zoom out you will not have any problem, some little drop happen only when a lot of pop up icons appears at the same time but they go away as soon you solve the problem of the citizen , i am having a blast with this game, and the UI is easy friendly and good, my only issue is the tutorial is a totally and i have to experiment by myself or look in the internet to find every action (like place district policy)
I'm not sure if the 20 fps is an issue in a game like this, zoomed right in. Still buying it, score seems to be very subjective on this game.
it's not, buy with confidence, and perhaps the developer already said they will still do optimization with future patches
Anyone who knows anything about this game knows this doesn't run well on anything.
@thesilverbrick Not to be harsh or anything, but you shouldn't use a single review to base your own point of view. Try reading other reviews to see if a game is worth your attention or not. (You don't need to, i'm just saying this because you might miss on the chance of playing a game that you would enjoy)
Sounds more like the reviewer caved in to some comments about the game running poorly rather than actually playing it for themself. Yes it doesn't run perfectly, but it's by no means unplayable or anywhere near a 5/10! This game has me hooked for hours at a time and the framerate only stutters a little when zooming in. The only negatives I would say are how it freezes while autosaving for a second or two and how it apparently doesn't let you use 3x speed on larger cities. I would easily rate this 8/10 even with these minor issues. A great game which I only had a brief encounter with on PS4 is now a permanent part of my Switch collection, what's not to love about that?
you know you can turn off the autosaving in the settings? than you just do manualy saving
Loving this game so far. I used to play many versions of sim city on my old pc back in the day and they would all crash my whole computer every time my town hit 75,000 lol. Kids these days have no idea about ‘performance issues’ 🤣🤣🤣🤷♂️
The only thing I don’t like so far is how much I suck at traffic management. I guess that’s part of the expertise tho 👌
Really confusing review. It talks trash of the game for being just a simulation... Im playing for some hours and its great. THe best simulation so far on the switch.
Thank you for mentioning the 30 and below frame rate! I wish people could just bring older games, like one of the Sim city games, that could run at 60 fps all the time. It would also be great if they could scale back the graphics, detail, number of polygons, or whatever to keep it locked at 30 when you've got a bigger city developed.
@MattFox Sure, it's certainly something we could try
NintendoLife, I trust you guys, but the recorded livestream linked earlier in the chat ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IUhu5QQTL2A ) really doesn't show the framerate problems you're talking about, even with a pretty sizable city towards the end. It isn't perfectly smooth, but it is impressively good considering what the Switch is being asked to do.
Recommend watching that and making your own decision, if you're on the fence because of performance concerns.
5 is a very generous note (but it is often the case here).
5/10, really? For those who like building strategies like simcity this is must-have for you. Performance is not perfect, but as somebody said before - today most of gamers do not know how performance was bad on older PC back in times. I can say that Cities are so huge strategy game with all of these parts of management you will like. Who cares that graphics is a bit pixelated and blured and sometimes (mostly when saving) framerate drops. Strategy part of game is really brilliant and you can play it on the way, packed inside your pocket.. I never think we can get Cities on Switch and voala, here we are. For me 8/10.
To be fair, @Dom does often state the score is not the most important part of the review. I've yet to buy Cities myself and have waited partly until the NL review, and it is true that other sites have offered scores as high as 9 out of 10 for the switch port. This reads less like a 5 and more like a "yes, but know what you're getting yourself into".
He always shows he has played the games he reviews thoroughly enough to make decent commentary on them and with a keen eye for important details, it seems to be lost on some folk that the number really is just a personal expression of opinion and one we elect to come here to listen to, sad if the score itself is reason enough to adopt a "your opinion is wrong" attitude.
Its just a number, the review itself is of far greater value and certainly hasnt put me off buying the game. Yes it has issues, reading elsewhere it seems even PS4 struggles with it so thats unsurprising. Still important that we know the caveats before we buy surely?
5/10 is pretty harsh. Sure, there are FPS drops, but to drop the score that much? This doesn't run perfectly even on PC (at least for me).
Better than then monstrosity that is SimCity (2013) I would say. I give this version around 6 or 7 out of 10.
Terrible review score. After this I will never trust a Nintendolife review again. This is a great game. Sure it has some stuttering when zoomed in especially with a large city. PS4, Xbox and even any non high end PC has the same problem running Cities skyline. If you like these type games you really can’t find many better then cities skyline and the Switch version is great. Do a search on YouTube for a cities skyline video. There is a stream of a person using the Switch every day building his city. It will show you how well this runs on the Switch and how much fun it is. Again terrible review.
I bought this game. I really like this game. As others have said, this game struggles on all platforms but isn't a game where frame rate matters as much. This game does have a few problems but it's an excellent game despite them. A score of 5 doesn't reflect this at all.
I have played an insane amount of this game since I got it last week. It has never crashed. Any frame drops that might have happened has never prevented me from doing exact what I wanted in the game. Zooming in/out is always very rapid. It's one of the most fun and addicting games I've played on the Switch (and I have over 150 at this point). The only performance issue that I've noticed is that it stutters/stops when autosaving, and when zooming in really close.
I really don't understand this score or the review, since it doesn't reflect the game. The review reads like "it's too complicated for me, and it isn't Simcity".
To me, it feels more and more like some game journalists got together at the Gamescom meeting and decided what they would think of this game. (The other outlets that wrote in similar fashion as this review mentioned Gamescom. Perhaps that was where Dom tested this game as well.)
Wow 5/10 is a bit low considering it’s an amazing game and the only major issue is stutter when zooming in on large cities. Why do I feel like this reviewer isn’t a fan of sims?
I'm not usually one to sit down and watch extended Let's Play's on YouTube (etc) ..but, curious about how this game would make the transition to Switch, I found some recent streams of the Switch version of Cities Skylines (from a guy who goes by the name of Some Fairlife Milk) - and it looked great!
No noticeable hitching or stuttering really (aside from a brief pause when auto-saving) - deep and complex gameplay - endless replayability...I mean, aside from the common complaints (no natural disasters, no 'rival' cities etc) it looks to be a very good port of a highly-regarded game!
I'm quite staggered that anyone could review it so poorly based on the footage I've seen...I'd advise people (as with all reviews) just to keep in mind that this is just one persons opinion - and may not be wholly reflective of how YOU may view it - it honestly looks far better than the 5/10 score may suggest (from what I've seen of it, at least)
Sounds like I'm going to wait for a patch — and a price drop.
I demand a redo this review for this NLife!
First Wasteland 2, and now this.
Somehow I thought this was a 10/10 that goes down to a 9/10 because of the framerate (it's a very demanding and complex game that doesn't run smooth even on PCs) and UI (I hoped the touchscreen would balance things out).
Anyone I know says it's the next SimCity and the best of its kind. As a reviewer I see all years of work that were put into this game, the content, the replay value, and why it struggles to run smooth, but it gets the same score as games I can develop in two days and are fun for 5 minutes.
Damn it! ... Sigh. I really hoped this was good. ... Thanks for the review.
WOW, this game is not a 5 !!!!
Echoing above, it doesn't run perfectly, but well enough to be enjoyable. ignore this review and move on. Its an 8.
NintendoLife should reconsider using scores if it cant use it consistently. This is not a 5/10 game.
I haven't purchased a "Sims" game in a very, very long time because they just don't seem like they've evolved enough, this one looks good, not just graphically, but gameplay and content seems interesting, but as nice as this game looks, I hope they make the price reasonable, no Sim is worth $60, $50 sure, $40 definitely, but $66 after tax? no, so even if the game itself does not disappoint, I hope the price doesn't ruin it
I haven't purchased a "Sims" game in a very, very long time because they just don't seem like they've evolved enough, this one looks good, not just graphically, but gameplay and content seems interesting, but as nice as this game looks, I hope they make the price reasonable, no Sim is worth $60, $50 sure, $40 definitely, but $66 after tax? no, so even if the game itself does not disappoint, I hope the price doesn't ruin it, if someone can fill me in on the price, I'd be grateful, all I can find is the P.C. price
@SKTTR It doesn't have touch screen support (and the more I play, the more I understand why). The console UI works very well, since the game is pretty deep.
It's not a 10/10 game, and probably not a 9/10 game, and it's certainly not a 5/10 game. 8/10 or 7/10 would seem right, compared to what other games get at NL.
Also, it's not a Simcity game. It's its own thing.
full marks for trying but lets face it it was always doomed to fail. It runs like a pig on my xbox one x never mind trying get it running on a switch.
@jhewitt3476 Visit the eShop to see the current price in your currency.
I will still give this a go at some point
@jariw Grazie amico, just saw it, $40 seems very reasonable, I'm getting it for sure !!!
It's hilarious that NL have given this the same score as Monopoly on Nintendo Switch.
Monopoly wasn't even a port, and yet the game's frame rate is embarrassingly low from the get-go (and consistently so). The frame rate issue can be alleviated by switching to birds-eye view or by playing the standard non-"living" board, but it's embarrassing that the issue even exists at all. To reiterate, the game wasn't even a port, so it should have been properly optimised for the platform.
Plus, don't get me started on its embarrassing lack of content.
Now, this, with its abundance of content, ported from significantly more demanding hardware, with seemingly forgiveable performance issues (due to the more complex nature of the game) gets the same rating. Wowie.
I would buy it, but it's out of my price range for a digital exclusive. Issue a cartridge and we'll talk.
This is for the reviewer. Can you plz provide us a video of your play through while preparing this review? Your pics in the article doesn't show a big city and the last pic i am pretty sure isn't yours
Omg it's still going. I find it hilarious that none of you can deal with someone having a different opinion than you. It is and always has been a ripoff of Simcity. It's never been a critically acclaimed must play title like some are claiming.
If it has performance issues on everything, that's not a defense. That makes it even worse that they continue to happen. If this had been a positive article you would all be mentioning this and attacking the reviewer as well.
It's the hive mind at work again.
@Mrtoad thank you for the link. Across all versions it was scored anywhere from a 100 (which no one seems to think it was even here) to a 50 (that wasn't this review).
It's almost like there are differing opinions about this game guys.
I really would like to know the time that Gonçalo spent on games. Because if you see his YT channel, you will not believe that he finished some games that he reviewed.
@aresius Yep I do know that and will be turning it off because who really needs autosaving on the Switch anyway?
I haven't bothered to login on this site in years but I had to after reading this lousy review. This game is by no means a 5. I have it on PC and I think the Switch version is completely acceptable. I love being able to play one of the greatest city building sims ever on the go. None of its issues are game breaking.
So if you were on the fence about this game just buy it and ignore this review. If you are into these kinds of games you'll love it.
@Ensemen I'd say a consistent score system would be fair, harsher would be subjective
After doing my own research I bought it as I am a sucker for this type of genre. 4 hours in and I can safely say this is one of the most addictive games I own. 6000 population and a ton of stuff going on ... yes it's a little slow when I am zooming in all over the place. It's it a game breaker? Not at all! It's a management sim. To behold all the stuff that's going on is actually pretty impressive on this platform I have to say. Cars, lorries and trucks going about their business, people parking up and going to their houses, coaches driving about to bus stops ect, people cycling and playing in parks. It's very clever. And to re iterate the reviewers post of not much to to do....you must be joking right? I messed up and a huge Area of my city now has inless from water pollution. Panic! Built hospital. Ambulances everywhere, but the infrastructure can't cope. So now all the peeps are dead in the houses. Built another graveyard. But of course the hearses can't get to the houses because of the ambulances and local traffic! City now in crisis. Turned off and went to bed satisfied that 35 quid was the best spent money this year so far. 8/10
All the points the review makes are valid, but emphasis needs to be put on just how poorly this game performs. The frame rate is bad, of course, but the part that gets unbearable is the constant audio popping. The bigger your cities get, the more unplayable the game becomes. At 15,000 the game disables fast-fast-forward and the time progression becomes obnoxiously slow. 50,000 is about as big as you can go, beyond that the game becomes a laggy stuttering popping mess.
A 5 seems harsh, the core gameplay is excellent, but this is literally the worst performing console I've played for more than a couple hours. I really hope it gets performance updates.
The Xbox One version (it was a console exclusive for 9 months) was much worse than this Switch edition. There was NO Fast Forward - only single speed; the game would crash constantly and when you saved; and it basically would not work at all at populations beyond 50K. Take a look at the Paradox forums from that time to see how bad it got. Here's a 8/10 review quote for the Xbox One version from the time: "The most keenly felt loss is the ability to fast-forward through time, but for those who succumb to its more relaxed pace, Cities: Skylines is liable to remain the best home console city builder for some time."
I've played 100s of hours on Mac, Xbox One, PS4, PS4 Pro and now Switch and to be honest the Switch version is roughly on par with the Xbox One version once it had been fixed/patched if not slightly better (note: The Xbox One X is now able to run the game with all the bells an whistles on). It's a comparable experience. Of the Console versions the PS4/PS4Pro version was the most stable and performant at launch.
What Irks me about this and other reviews is that it is inconsistent with the assessment criteria. Yes all reviews are subjective but they are also comparative and in this example it reads and scores overtly harshly. My city is currently sitting at 40K and the gameplay is perfectly fine (aside from the random audio glitch at double-speed). As others have mentioned, maybe checkout Fairlife Milk's Switch videos first — they offer a better way to judge the game and performance. Also tip from someone who's played CS predominately on consoles: pause the game when building/routing and zoom right in for precision placement — this will avoid the frustration experienced by the reviewer (you'll notice Fairlife Milk does it a lot too).
I'm sure a smooth, if less flashy port of this game is possible. That said, I kind of wish publishers wouldn't keep releasing games in this state. It makes me hesitant to buy any non-first party titles on launch day lest I fall victim to lag or glitches. The Switch can be a really great console but games need to be well optimised for them to really shine on it.
@saintayu Rip off? No, nice try though.
It is a successor to SimCity, because EA has completely destroyed that beloved franchise with SimCity 2013.
At least SOMEBODY is making a proper city simulation game now.
Go back under your rock.
@Leej07 lol just because EA bought and killed a franchise doesn't make this any less of a knock off. Just like you throwing random insults at me instead of saying something meaningful doesn't make me any less right man.
This technically a knock off of Simcity since that game was the first one.
I will also day that this port us fine. It runs even worse on my PC LOL.
@FTPinkRabbit The game runs just fine, and it doesn't have worse fps drops than BotW had when it released (and fps is much more important in a Zelda game than in a simulator IMO). It's better to watch some streams of Switch gameplay instead of reading this review of a game that wasn't Simcity.
This is a shameful review. It is clear from the review the reviewer is reviewing the game half heartedly, describing moving around the map as 'awkward' (you move around like any city builder) with the coup the grace being 'performance' issues. It is also clear had he reviewed the PC version the score would be equally low. The reviewer simply did not enjoy the game, which is a shame
It is correct Switch has fps drops, mostly when you are in free'camera mode trying to take in the sights, not actually playing. But the core game is there, and not only that, it is perfectly playable. There are people with 100k pop cities already. It doesn't stop being playable anywhere near where a normal person would experience it.
Please send this game to someone else to re-review. Absolutely shameful to skbdoanad on a great simulation game coming to Switch and cucking up a review this badly from am amateur. I noticed Nintendo Life gave Doom a 8/10 last year. Well Cities Skylines is the Doom for simulation fans. The impossible port, with obviously sacrifices that still retains the full phat PC experience on Switch.
Absolutely shameful this left the editor's desk.
Having played this for over 20 hours on Switch (undocked), this review is utter bollocks.
Especially when taking into account the inflated scores usually given by this site.
Tiny Metal is a 9 but this is a 5?
This is quite funny another site ranks it as a 9.
If you are confused and don't know who to trust for reviews, here's help:
You should buy this game if you like Simcity type building game and wants to play it handheld. Ignored the performance issues because they are there in the PS4 and PC versions too (thanks Unity!). The only thing missing is the Terraforming tools, hopefully it will be added in the future.
Ok, so I bought this on sale, and to anyone visiting this page at a much later date, I agree with almost everyone above that this review is extremely harsh.
Fair to point out that the reviewer found this game kinda boring cause nothing catastrophic could happen, like the old Sim City days when disasters would wreak havoc on your city. That's not what the game is going for at all, but it's fair nonetheless if he was expecting a little more action and didn't find it. And it's true the framerate will drop a little when you zoom in super close on the city; but for all the times I've read from NL "it's not gamebreaking, just a nuisance", I don't know why this reviewer felt compelled to pummel the review score for it. It's really not that bad to deal with.
I sank close to 15-20 hours in this so far, and I just want to keep going and tinker with my city. That is what this game is about, endlessly tinkering and expanding. If that's something you'd enjoy, by all means go for this game, it's so good at what it does. In a lot of ways, I kinda like this more than Sim City just cause it's fairly relaxing to me. You just go at your own pace, and do whatever you please. Keep a guide handy, cause there's just so many options and things to explore.
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