Everybody knows that the bird is the word on the Nintendo Switch. We got your humble Cuccos in the greatest Legend of Zelda ever made, a chicken who lays bombs, a duck who can throw down with the best of the best and even a boy who is an owl. Joining the feathered ranks is Mean Mcallister, the toughest chicken in the hood and then some. But is there enough meat to this bird?
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded is a ‘clicker’. Yes, those games you often find on mobile platforms that are purely designed to reward the player for tapping the screen as many times as possible. It's a very simple gameplay mechanic but one that will instantly appeal to gamers looking to spend some free for quick satisfaction.
That said, OneShark’s two-year-old offering surprised many gamers with the stellar quality of the product. Presentation still remains impressive even today, with a silly plot that sees Mcallister chasing his lady lover across a varied and absurd amount of levels, filled with some genuinely amusing foes. As for gameplay, you simply need to move the cursor over the enemy on your left or right and unleash the fury on that ‘A’ button. Mcallister just sits in the middle of the screen, taking it and dishing it out until your energy is depleted. Every ten waves you fight a boss, and even if you fall in battle, there is truly no penalty - you get thrown back at the main screen.
Loot is where it’s at, and Chicken Assassin has plenty of it. Some you can sell for souls/cash, while other loot comes in the form of usable weapons (including firearms) and wearable armour, and both visually change your character's look. As you gain experience and level up, Mcallister's upgrades are unlocked and can be purchased using the souls you gather during the fights. Not enough souls? Just hit the cauldron repeatedly until you have enough to pay for that upgrade, or open the chest for extra loot. You will be wearing out that ‘A’ button and your thumb, even if you’re not fighting.
Of course, in its native PC release, playing with a mouse made the gameplay far smoother than controlling a cross-hair, as is the case in this version. But regretfully, the developers didn't make use of the Switch’s touch screen, so even if you’re not playing in docked mode you are still forced to control the cross-hair and hit that ‘A’ button like there's no tomorrow. We're not sure the Switch touch screen is even designed to take the amount of punishment needed to conquer some of the later stages, but it would still be nice to have the option to find out.
As we previously mentioned, the presentation is truly top notch. Varied and humorous characters - whose design often includes nods to pop culture icons - duke it out in lovely environments that begin in the local fight club but will end up in a middle of a riot or even a pirate ship. The level of customisation you can give Mcallister will certainly keep you interested, even if just to see how you can stack up on buffs and how ridiculous you can make him look. But for how long will you be doing the same ‘A’ bashing cycle over and over again until you either get bored, damage your controller of choice or - even more troublesome - get some straining injury?
Chicken Assassin: Reloaded is being marketed as an action RPG and while it certainly does have its fair amount of upgrades and shenanigans, in the end, it is exactly what we already discovered back in 2016: a ‘clicker’ game dressed up in humorous and stylish art that effortlessly manages to make other ‘clicker’ games look appalling by comparison. While this bird does nothing wrong and snugly fits among the other avian heroes already out on the Nintendo Switch, we are not sure if the general audience will greet him with open arms or clenched fists.
Comments 57
The eShop is starting to look like the Google Play store... that ain't a compliment, get it together Nintendo!
Someone may like it... More games on eshop ( even the crappy ones) the better - having a choice is always good.
Please understand: If this game was crap shovelware I would not have scored it above 3/10. It's not bad but its not great. As a 'Action RPG' goes, there are way better options out on the Switch already. As a 'clicker' game... probably the best I have seen in a long, long time.
This shovelware all seems to have the same look, lol. I guess like that is the easiest look to go for.
The game does look a bit naff, though you can't deny the Chicken Assassin character looks a bit badass.
This looks more naff than 'shovelware'.
Hey guys.
Q: How many bird related games are there on the Switch?
A: A poultry amount!
I thank you.
@Racthet916 I feel like this just puts an emphasis on the need for a better UI at this point in time. The simple approach was fine when the system was launching and it's library was growing, but we now have an expansive library with a wide variety of games. With loads of new cheap indie games coming out every week we are finding ourselves in a position where a lot of games are getting lost in the herd.
They just need to release an update for the UI on the Switch eshop that allows you to better sort out everything. They already have such designs on the existing Wii U and 3DS eshops, so they would pretty much just need to copy and paste the kind of organizing they offered there. It is time they made the move, the Switch isn't a fresh face anymore, it has been around for over a year and it needs to get with it.
Touch screen or no buy. Especially for games of this type. Kind of shocked they neglected that.
I'm down for a decent clicker game, I enjoyed the likes of Clicker Heroes and some other similar Idle games. But know what they all had in common? They were free.
Even on PS4 such titles are free (with quite shameful IAPs at times), but completely fine to play without spending a single penny.
Pfft we just need someone to put up Cookie Clicker. I need my grandma nightmare fuel.
Also "Shovelware" gets tossed around so willy nilly these days the term has lost all impact. Just like what happened with "Epic" and "Port".
@JayJ I agree 100%, the eShop has far outgrown the simple UI, categories and more feature sections would go a long way to improve things. Also, I think Nintendo needs to be a little more selective with the curation process. More to choose from is a good thing, but they really need to draw the line somewhere for what they would consider high enough quality to make it on board. I would really hate to see the eShop end up looking like the Google Play store or Steam, Nintendo can afford to be a little more choosy.
Lots of chicken-themed games lately. Very weird.
This is just insanely horrible.
This has to stop because the Eshop will become not attractive at all if it continues like that... o_O
@XenoShaun Don't get me started on 'port'. I see so many people describing a conversion as a port. Grrrr. (pet hate)
Huh, one those games you just ignore. Luckily Mega X collection is soon.
This is a prime example of the majority of what the switch eshop looks like.
@Ralizah This, Bomb Chicken, Chicken Wiggle... I can't think of any others off the top of my head.
@Not_Soos Chicken Range and Ultimate Chicken Horse are also announced.
Cock-a-doodle-don’t. <3
Race to the bottom in the eShop continues. Can't wait for the day all this nonsense gets its own tab I'll never click on.
A clicker game scores a 5? How?
How is that possible? There are no gameplay mechanics, all you do is click.
@Not_Soos Sweet Gods in the afterlife, man. I took the time to mention the very best ones in the first paragraph of the review.
... do any of you guys actually read what I write?
@kirbygirl Wow, yeah this is getting a little absurd.
We need to boycott the eShop 'cause too many chickens. Who wants to help me make picket fences?
@XenoShaun It is a term commonly used for low effort indie games. Words have a tendency of changing around their use and shovelware isn't really the kind of term that is limited to one specific type of low effort game.
@Shiryu Alright, ya got me, but to be fair you mostly mentioned games with birds and not chickens specifically. I just saw the ridiculous game art in the thumbnail and wanted to read the comments. Even if I am interested in a review, I generally skip to the conclusion, admittedly. But uh, thank you nonetheless for serving in the line of duty to bring us these reviews and keep our wallets safe; as an aspiring English major, I salute you.
@Shiryu I’m with you. Much like the word port “shovelware” gets thrown around way too much.
There are loads of half decent budget games on the eshop which may not lead the field they are in but are good enough to pass the time. A couple of the Kart games and some of the flight ones definitely fit into this... some say we don’t need a MARIO Karr “clone” or a pilotwings “clone”
Just makes me laugh.... why is everything a clone, a port or shovelware....
Some can be considered simply as choice and a range of games...
@Not_Soos No worries.
The opening paragraph and the first screenshot got me to chuckle! But I don’t think this game is for me. Specifically, I don’t think the Switch is the proper platform.
Edit: That last sentence of mine seems arrogant, sorry! I meant, for me, I wouldn’t want to play this game on my own Switch because it doesn’t offer the use of touch screen. If this game fits the bill for any other Switch owner and they don’t mind the controls as is, cool! But that’s what I meant.
@JayJ Which is subjective. To someone this could be a really good game, and the reviewer himself whom has played it says its a great stand out for the genre, just not so for what it tries to toot its horn about.
I'll put it a bit differently (though am sure I'll get lynched), I think Hollow Knight is a low effort run of the mill metroidvania. Does that make it shovelware? Of course not.
@Stocksy elaborates pretty well above too.
@XenoShaun There was, like, a week of my life where I was obsessed with Cookie Clicker. Then when my entire progress had been lost/erased, I was both greatly irritated and tremendously relieved.
Looks terrible
@MagicEmperor The grandma's lost their grip on you? Praise Jebus.
@XenoShaun No longer am I a grandson. I have gone on cookie exile.
@Not_Soos Yeah, I think you'd have to be a hard-boiled fan to get eggcited about some of these, but this one doesn't seem too fowl.
@Ralizah like duck based media in the 90s lol
Hard pass.
@GrailUK I also wonder, if this game would ever receive a multi-player component, if a vs game would then be called a game of chicken...
And I also wonder if it contains any other eggs than Easter ones...
Still, the game seems to run like cluckwork, so it's a better pick than some titles, in that regard, at least...
@MagicEmperor So, you stopped accepting cookies? Tough surfing, then...
@XenoShaun So what exactly are you taking offense to here? Terminology related to quality is naturally going to be subjective.
@JayJ From what I've seen, some people seem to dismiss anything that isn't AAA or coming from a major publisher as "shovelware." There are a lot of smaller/indie games on the eShop that might not appeal to you or me personally but whose developers put a lot of love into the project. Those aren't shovelware, and if some people use that term to dismiss many if not most eShop offerings, then the term has ceased to have any real meaning. Personally, I've been impressed by the sheer number of high-quality eShop offerings for the Switch. I can't come close to keeping up these days.
I don’t care about the large number of shovelware. I’m interested in the quality games that Nintendo and some few other 3rd party can deliver. It wouldn’t hirt to see more of both.
A clicker game on a console is insulting. That you even gave it a 5 is shocking!
Switch has too many crap games on eshop there's very few worth bothering with
@NintyNate I'm finding the opposite to be true. From my perspective, the Switch has so many good to great games on the eShop that it's impossible to keep up. My backlog is already crazy, and the system has been out for less than a year and a half.
@kirbygirl I find it helps to not be overwhelmed by having not ignored everything outside of Nintendo for the past few years.
There's a lot of good indie titles on the Switch, but I've already played through them elsewhere, making it difficult to legitimately
call the Switch versions part of my backlog unless they've added something significant (which most don't).
@Tao Yeah, we're not Nintendo-only people, but I don't tend to get a lot of indie stuff on the PS4 or XBO, as I generally prefer to play those kinds of games in handheld mode and I just rarely find myself making time for the Vita these days. I have a Steam account but don't really enjoy PC gaming, since I spend so much time on my computer for work. And again, the handheld advantage is huge for me.
Anyway, you make a good point, but "I've already played some of these elsewhere" isn't the same as "everything on the eShop is crap" (as a few others seem to claim).
@ThanosReXXX Oh, get off my case, you Mad Titan! Not all cookies are perfectly balanced, and you know it!
@kirbygirl you like the little crappy mobile phone ports of unfinished games? Lol ... There are a few ports from WiiU on it and loads that are just not worth anyone's time rather fewer games at higher quality
And here I thought it would be more like One Finger Death Punch, where timing and precision was key.
@Heavyarms55 Why not? It has great presentation and humour. It oozes charm... but there is just very little gameplay to it.
@Shiryu Clickers are shovelware meant for phones. Psuedo games meant for when you're standing on the bus or waiting in line at the store... On a console I want an actual game.
@MagicEmperor Just think of what you're doing to the poor souls:
some may never recover from being refused...
@NintyNate No, that’s not what I said at all, lol.
Here’s what’s currently on my Switch in terms of eShop offerings:
Yoku’s Island Express
West of Loathing
Bloodstained: Curse of the Moon
Just Shapes & Beats
Bomb Chicken
Golf Story
Super Chariot
Radio Hammer Station
Little Triangle
I and Me
10 Second Run Returns
Mutant Mudds Collection
Steamworld Heist
The Bridge
Shovel Knight
Hollow Knight
Pool Panic
The Mooseman
Shift Quantum
Tesla vs Lovecraft
Puzzle Box Maker
The Next Penelope
Super Beat Sports
Mom Hid My Game!
Battle Chef Brigade
Tiny Metal
Floor Kids
Sonic Mania
PixelJunk Monsters 2
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Max: The Curse of Brotherhood
Shantae & the Pirate’s Curse
I Am Setsuna
Putty Pals
Snake Pass
Yooka Laylee
Lode Runner Legacy
Agatha Knife
Splitter Critters
Framed Collection
Piczle Lines DX
Aegis Defenders
The Count Lucanor
Mercenaries Saga Chronicles
The Adventures of Bertram Fiddle
The Darkside Detective
Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 Plus
Blossom Tales
Frederic 1 & 2
Lumines Remastered
Toki Tori
Layers of Fear: Legacy
Little Nightmares
Twin Robots
Aqua Kitty UDX
Bleed 2
Mighty Gunvolt Burst
SteamWorld Dig 1 & 2
The Sexy Brutale
Plague Road
Boost Beast
Suicide Guy
Bridge Constructor Portal
Saturday Morning RPG
The Way Remastered
Letter Quest Remastered
Toki Tori 2+
Night in the Woods
Three Fourths Home
Azkend 2
Grid Mania
Namco Museum
Elliot Quest
Human Fall Flat
Warp Shift
Spy Chameleon
Perfect Angle
Late Shift
Shadow Bug
Kid Tripp
Lone Wolf
Bulb Boy
Never Stop Sneakin’
Old Man’s Journey
Knight Terrors
Subsurface Circular
Hiragana Pixel Party
Ambition of the Slimes
Thimbleweed Park
Slayaway Camp
Death Squared
Unholy Heights
Squids Odyssey
Graceful Explosion Machine
Shiftlings: Enhanced Edition
Tales of the Tiny Planet
Miles & Kilo
Lost in Harmony
Metal Slug X
Super Burger Time
Donkey Kong
Super Mario Bros.
Glaive: Brick Breaker
The Adventures of Elena Temple
World of Goo, Little Inferno, and Human Resource Machine (the only ones we had previously on iOS but they were so good we wanted them on the Switch too)
Here’s my and my son’s combined physical library so far:
Octopath Traveler
Super Mario Odyssey
Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
Bayonetta 2
Kirby Star Allies
Taiko no Tatsujin Switch Edition
Azure Striker Gunvolt: Striker Pack
Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Shining Resonance Refrain
Crash Trilogy
Battle Chasers
Disgaea 5
Wonder Boy
Atelier Lydie & Suelle
Shantae: Half Genie Hero
PuyoPuyo Tetris
Rayman Legends
Axiom Verge
Pokken Tournament DX
Scribblenauts Showdown
Splatoon 2
The Binding of Isaac +
The Longest 5 Minutes
Runner 3
DKC Tropical Freeze
RE Revelations
Mario Tennis Aces
de Blob
Sushi Striker
Captain Toad
Megaman Legacy Collection
Meganman X Collection
Cave Story +
The End Is Nigh
Has Been Heroes
L.A. Noire
Super Bomberman R
Fire Emblem Warriors
Hyrule Warriors
Ittle Dew 2+
Tiny Barbarian DX
88 Heroes
Sonic Forces
Portal Knights
Dragon Quest Builders
Sonic Mania Plus
1-2 Switch
Party Planet
Just Dance
Skylanders Imaginators
Lego City Undercover
Lego Ninjago
Lego Worlds
Sure, we double-dipped on some of these so we could have them on-the-go on the Switch, but we’ve definitely found plenty to keep us busy for the foreseeable future. Plus, there are already tons of other games on my wishlist/maybe-list in the Switch eShop.
Not one crap game on that list, IMHO. But then I do have exceptionally good taste.
@kirbygirl that's the longest reply I've ever seen lol wow lots of games... Good for you and your kid makes me happy you got that many to play... Half of them I've played and I don't like them and the other half I have no interest in... I'm a game butcher, I recently borrowed my mates PS4 and I got through uncharted 1-4, god of war, doom, infamous, Wolfenstein and the last of us in 9 days and that's with work lol I need big games to play
@NintyNate Yeah, it helps that we're eclectic in terms of our genre preferences.
@kirbygirl I like alot of diff games but as of late I had to buy an Xbox because there are just no games on Switch for me I've been waiting since January lol I bought Aces and it was awful ... Get ya kid into some great games
@ThanosReXXX Your smear campagin will only get me to privately cry for so long, sir. I don’t care if I’m hated, that’s how the cookie crumbles: I renounce. Even rejected cookies will not soften my heart. (Hm. An emperor who renounces...)
@MagicEmperor An emperor who renounces...
Hm... must be a Magic Emperor...
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