Without context, Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon sounds horrendous. A title that offers nothing other than a few words thrown together seemingly on a whim, it may as well just be another under the radar game that comes and goes without anyone realising. With context, however, it’s a sleeper hit that celebrates the industry’s retro side and champions classics of old.
Before we do get into the nitty-gritty, then, it’s only right we talk about Bloodstained’s origins. A successful Kickstarter project back in 2015 made possible thanks to Castlevania producer Koji Igarashi, it achieved such a solid following it smashed through stretch goals as if they were swiss cheese. One of these was Curse Of The Moon. In short, while Ritual Of The Night – the main game – would offer its take on a more up-to-date version of Konami’s legendary series, Curse Of The Moon would be its 8-bit sibling, a concept that, for many, was actually more exciting if we’re being honest. Now it's finally here and, as stated, it’s excellent.
Wearing its inspiration on its sleeve, developer Inti Creates has embraced everything that made Castlevania so popular and run with it. Exploration takes somewhat of a back seat as combat is the main focus here but that’s no bad thing, mainly due to the excellent swapping mechanic that holds everything together. While you star as Zangetsu (who is basically Simon Belmont), it’s not long until you can switch to different characters at the press of a button. Each is entirely different from the other - be that the items they have, the attacks they can dish out or the spells they can summon.
You can try and stick to one should you so wish, but doing so is entirely missing the point. You’re meant to try and survey each situation before understanding how best to combine the foursome and pulling it off during moments of utter madness is incredibly satisfying. That’s not to say it’s easy – it categorically isn’t – but the difficulty is just another way of harking back to the wonderful days of the NES when losing your patience was as normal as pushing start at the title screen.
It’s worth repeating such a sentiment constantly, too, because the brains behind this have thrown themselves in without a second thought. Even the music sounds like it’s ripped straight from any Castlevania, and each level follows a very familiar pattern. This, however, is the intent. It does mean there’s a slight risk of it feeling very ‘been there/done that’, but if you’re into the genre to begin with this will probably please more than it annoys. By that same token, if you’ve never tested the waters but always wanted to, Curse Of The Moon is not a bad way to start. It takes all the ideas and reimagines them wonderfully for a 2018 world.
What should be noted, however, is that this iteration of Bloodstained is not very long if you’re just looking for a one and done. Even with upgrades and multiple paths to take you can probably finish it in about 90 minutes if you know what you’re doing, but this has been taken into consideration. As well as boss fights that will test your gaming prowess – and troll you on more than one occasion when they pretend to be dead – there’s a boss rush mode and the option to increase the challenge and see exactly what you’re made of.
It’s entirely feasible to say people will want to go around for a second time, though, as Curse Of The Moon is so much fun to play. It’s been designed to evoke those emotions you haven’t felt in years and the fact it’s only £8.99 justifies its approach even further. It’s a nostalgia fan’s dream which also serves as a healthy reminder that experiences like this still hold weight in today’s climate. When something is entertaining, you’ve already won half the battle.
Bloodstained: Curse Of The Moon is undoubtedly aimed at a very specific audience, and you’ll know if you’re part of that just by looking at the screenshots. If those, combined with words such as these, make your heart sing, however, it’s definitely worth your time. It’s like Castlevania just decided to come soaring back into all our lives, and how can that ever be a bad thing? Exactly.
Comments 82
I love this game, it is very difficult (at least to me) but I love it. The last boss is driving me nuts though...
Best money I've spent in a long time.
Love this game. A few bits can be tricky but once you learn attack patterns etc you can progress without too much difficulty. At £8.99 it’s a bargain!
This game looks way too much like castlevania 3
Come on Konami, dump the Castlevania series onto the Switch (it blows my mind imagining Symphony of the Night and it's sequel on the Switch)!
Since that's not happening for a long long long long time, Bloodstained is getting $9.99 out of my wallet pronto.
I'd have given it a 9/10,great game. Absolutely nails the 8bit look so many indies fail to recreate and the gameplay is spot on, challenging but fair. A bargain price too. It's the best Castlevania games you've never played.
@meltendo Rondo of Blood is my favourite,a mix of the old and the new. The graphics,the look,the music and the bosses are just brilliant. Loved fighting the werewolf under the full moon.
Well as of writing this I have 8 days left on on my Steam code for this game. As the backer codes for my PS4 and Switch versions have been delayed.
#Quick update #
PS4 codes have now been distributed to backers, without tell us. Still waiting on Switch codes.
The biggest “curse” of this game is the fact that I’m still waiting for my download code. It was delayed for console backers. But that’s okay! I can wait.
I love this game, been waiting for it for like 2 years since they announced it lol ... Got it for £5 and I've done it twice already, only problem I have is that it could be abit longer lol
This game is easier than CV1 and CV3. I think it has more of a Rondo level of difficulty. Which is fine.
It's excellent, by the way. If you like old Castlevania games, this one plays exactly like them, but with more modern design sensibilities.
8/10 seems fair. It's an enjoyable nostalgia trip. So far I'm enjoying Zangetsu mode the most, good versatility.
Really enjoyed it so far. I've only really played the GBA/DS Castlevanias and SCV4. I'm in the middle of SotN just now and it's incredible but this is more linear and easier to power through so it's a fun game.
Definitely a good game, loving it!
Already played through a Steam copy and awaiting my Switch download code. Love this game, so glad they decided to make this spin-off.
I’m like 4 or 5 levels in, and man...I don’t know. It looks, sounds and feels right, and I like the different characters and all that, but it’s kinda boring? Nowhere near as satisfying as Castlevania. It’s not bad, but I’m really not getting much out of it.
This is a game is amazing. Get it. Get it. Get it. I did beat it in 90 minutes and I played through it again. I love this game. It is not a 10 but I believe it is a nine.
@meltendo yeah I genuinely don’t understand why they don’t do what capcom has done with the mega man series and do packages of various castlevania games. They would sell really well and would cost them little.
I can't wait to jump in, great to hear so many like it I love this graphic style and I absolutely love titles such as this on my 3DS the stereoscopic 3D is such a perfect fit for the graphic style. I can't wait to see more of Bloodstained Ritual of the Night . It would be so amazing if they would release Castlevania Rebirth from Wiiware on Switch or 3DS.
Bought it for Switch and 3DS
Great game. First 2 play throughs aren't too difficult but the 3rd time can be tough depending on how you do it.
@nessisonett I have a similar play history of the series to you. I love the metroidvanias, and I'm less struck on classic Castlevanias. I have just got a PS VITA almost specifically to play the PSP Dracula X Chronicles, and then just specifically to play Symphony of The Night, which is unlockable within it.
Trouble is the remake of Rondo of Blood is still reasonably tricky and I haven't quite managed to unlock it yet...
@nessisonett Well those games are the best Castlevania has to offer, that and Rondo of blood. the first 3 games are good with 2 being the worst but they are held back by ancient tech and design to be fully great yet their place in gaming history cannot be denied.
Dracula X is a watered down version of Rondo, not a bad game but not as great as the game it tries to be.
@Romeo-75 the game doesn't have 3D on 3DS
I love this game. Great game to tie me over until Ritual of the Night
The title sounds pretty... well, menstrual.
This review is missing some key details. Firstly, you unlock Nightmare Mode after beating the game which offers a direct continuation of the story. Secondly, you have the option of killing your allies instead of recruiting them, which gives Zangetsu an extra move or attack. Zangetsu is also forced through some VERY challenging routes when he doesn't have his allies. When you consider all this, most players will want to go through the game at least 3 times to experience everything.
The main game is not that hard initially, if you learn the patterns and utilize characters abilities appropriately.
Great game, if a little short.
DLC. DLC. DLC. More stages please. I'll pay.
I am a backer of the main game, but didn't wait for my delayed code but bought it when it comes out. Worth the 10 dollars.
Honestly even after killing all of your allies, it's no big deal in terms of difficulty. A lot easier than NES Castlevania honestly, even if you make things harder on yourself. And if you don't, this game is pretty easy with Miriam's whip taking up like 25% of the screen. Seriously, she's like an extremely powerful Belmont. Everyone is just ridiculously powerful too.
The biggest challenge in this game are the bosses, where you have to really memorize their patterns. But because of that, once you memorize them they become pretty braindead.
I can agree with a 8/10 rating. Won't be for everyone, but for me the difficulty is a bit low for a Classicvania game. Then again, a part of that may be that I've been playing Castlevania for years so I know how everyone controls and plays like the back of my hand.
I really like the partner system and how every character feels useful in their own way, the music is decent, many of the bosses look and feel quite creative, and there are a few cool extra modes to put a small spin into your playthrough. On the other hand the game is way too easy (especially considering what series it's supposed to be emulating) and the stage design is a bit on the bland side.
Still I had fun, and it did a pretty decent job at sating my thirst for a new classic style Castlevania and it's pretty decent value for its price. I'd give it something between 7/10 and 8/10.
As a side note I am pretty disappointed that as a $100 backer I still had to pay for my own copy.
@maruse The last boss is pretty easy comparing to the rest of them, I had real problems with that dragon.
@Krambo42 final levels and the second playthrough will change your opinion I guess, it has lot of possibilities (no spoilers), but let’s say you have more than one choice about each new character recruitment.
I've been playing it on casual mode and really like it. I'll probably run through it again on normal once I finish up this run. Overall the 8/10 seems to fit as it does some really good things and simulates the good and bad of the original.
@GKO900 "This game looks way too much like castlevania 3"
...and how is that a bad thing? It's actually a really interesting game being fully aware of that fact. It couldn't be a better homage to an all-time great. Short of a good but not great soundtrack, it's everything I'd want on a modern take of a classic franchise.
Beat it six times, four times on day one. Excellent little game.
@Expa0 I backed at a lower tier and this game was included. It seems odd you'd have to pay to get it.
@Krambo42 it's definitely not as hard as the originals, so also not as satisfying in that way. After beating it, there's a harder mode and it looks like the boss patterns get a bit trickier. It might be more to your liking if you choose to continue to that point.
Such amazing title, this game is pure Castlevania without the Castlevania branding.
For whatever reason backers who picked any console option aren't going to be getting their copies until 8th of June. I'm not going to be waiting for that long for something I wanted to play so much.
Sounds great.
£6.78 on the Japanese eShop has me sold.
@NinChocolate woah, 6 copies for you? You must be really loving this game 😉
@Expa0 thanks for replying. That's what I figured. A shame they ran into an issue with the console releases.
@NinChocolate Is this already available in the european 3DS online shop? (didn't notice it )
Brought this and Castle of Heart but haven’t touched them due to Hyrule Warriors.
@clvr Lol
But why the 8bit graphics? Be amazing with the 2d capabilities of the switch, look at wonder boy dragons trap?
Best game I've played this year so far, Konami have dropped the ball with their franchises and this and hopefully it's bigger brother later this year have/will fill the gap
@Spiders I never say it was a bad thing on the contrary it's just that if konami see too many similarities they might try to take legal actions knowing how crazy they are now
@sdelfin I'm still waiting for my backer code (Switch version), but I can be patient.
Oh look, yet another indie game with pixel graphics that look worse than the average game from the early 90's that is desperately trying to copy an old game.
@Mattyman A lot of indie games have become really lazy. They just try to be a game that was new and fresh about 30 years ago, but I always prefer the actual game that existed 30 years ago.
"...and troll you on more than one occasion when they pretend to be dead." That's a reference to Rondo of Blood where all bosses have a desperation attack that looks scary, but can't kill you, just takes you down to 1 HP. Lots of fan service like that in this awesome game. It's CastleVania 3-2!
For me, this is up there with my favorite Castlevania games (Rondo of Blood, Super Castlevania, and Rebirth).
And that's a good point. It doesn't just simply feel like a cashgrab, throwback. It feels like a modern evolution of a classic linear, 2D gameplay style.
Awesome game!
@kirbygirl good that you can be patient about it. It sounds like they encountered an unexpected issue(perhaps a delay in certification). I can relate, waiting for Shovel Knight Spectre of Torment last year. They released it on Switch early, while I had to wait for my PC version to get the update. I didn't mind having to wait a little bit. I hope the game rewards your patience.
thanks to all the sexy backers such as myself for pitching in and making this project come to life
yer all very very welcome.
I'm all over this, great stuff. Any fixed date on its big brother?
Absolutely amazing game, i hope it makes huge sales figures and that Inti give us another but with a physical release.
@Lordplops After playing this i honestly have little interest in thye main game. It still looks too 'floaty' on character animation and im comcerned it's just not going to be very good.
Is this going to be packaged with the full Ritual of the Night when that comes out? I'm holding off if that's the case. I've got enough 2D platformers to finish first. Just recently finally got around to SteamWorld Dig 2 and Xeodrifter...
I can’t wait to get it. Still stuck on Celeste. I’m on the Summit with 3.5k deaths under my belt. I’m pretty sure I died way more times than all my hours across the souls series. Prepare to die Celest edition...
@GKO900 My bad. That being said, I'd rather they take "in development" actions haha.
@JayJ It's not lazy at all. This isn't a Gameloft knock-off. It's a nuanced homage that almost feels like a lost Castlevania IV for NES - some branched path the series took.
just got my 2 switch codes today..
@Spiders Well this sure isn't Castlevania. It is pretty much the definition of a knock-off as it is trying to copy old games that came before it.
@ogo79 Me too!
Nice, but they really should bring the real Bloodstained too.
Loving the game! Played through in multiple modes. The characters really grew on me, the music too, even if the soundtrack is not as good as CVIII. Some tracks are outstanding though.
Gameplay is like a polished version of Castlevania III on steroids. Yes, also that means, the game is a lot easier, maybe too easy for me, but still, having lots of fun with it! And I must admit, the Zangetsu only mode kicks my ass a little bit.
Really loved the final boss fight in nightmare mode. So badass and well done!
The game is fantastic in overall, even if it's a bit short, the replay value is higher than average with the multiple paths, endings, characters.
Also, the visuals are really nice. Yes, 8-bit style and of course, over NES's capabilities, but same color palette I guess extended with widescreen and nice parallax scrolling. And VRC6 style music.
YES, I WANT MORE OF THIS! Also I want the main game too.
what is a man?
@JayJ "Knock-off" implies a cheap and unispired imitation. This is hardly that. Sorry you're not impressed but it's a very well made game by any standard.
@Spiders So it is a well made knock-off.
A knock-off doesn't necessarily have to be poorly made, you can have high quality knock-offs. What makes something a knock-off is when it is blatantly trying to copy something that is already well established. In this case that would be Castlevania. This is very clearly an attempt to copy that game.
@JayJ I definitely don't think the dismissive term "knock off" is accurate in this case or does justice to the game. I'd say this retro-style mini-game is more of a love letter to Castlevania III. You do realize the person leading the Bloodstained team is Koji Igarashi, right? He was the lead producer of most of the Castlevania games. The forthcoming main game (Ritual of the Night) is explicitly described as a spiritual successor to SotN.
Kudos to both Iga and Inti Creates on this one.
@kirbygirl You basically described a knock-off. Praise it however you like, but there is no denying how this is essentially a Castlevania clone.
@JayJ Sure, and Mario Odyssey was a knockoff because it was another Mario game made by Mario developers. Whatever you say, dood.
@kirbygirl No that was a sequel. This is a game blatantly trying to be something else.
@JayJ No, it isn't. These are Castlevania games. The Bloodstained games are being made by the guy who has been part of (or led) the Castlevania development team on every single decent Castlevania entry since 1997 (starting with SotN). They just can't use the Castlevania name, as that belongs to Konami.
@kirbygirl I know, it's the only reason why this is a high quality knock-off and not a cheap imitation.
@JayJ The definition of knock-off is a cheap imitation. This isn't a cheap imitation, so it is not a knock-off, plain and simple. I think most people who have actually played this game (like me) would agree.
@kirbygirl Not necessarily, you are imposing limitations that don't really exist to that definition. It is a knock-off simply because it is trying to copy and cash-in on something that is already well established. This is not Castlevania. This is Bloodstained. This game is clearly a copy of Castlevania. It is a knock-off. This is no different than Freedom Planet being a Sonic knock-off.
So now that people have put out the OST and the game has been out long enough to digest, I have an honest question for you guys:
I know people have been praising the Curse of the Moon OST, and since it's supposed to be the Castlevania spiritual successor, I've been wondering what people thought about the comparison between it's OST and Dracula's Curse(specifically the Japanese version), since the games are closely related. What do you guys think?
There was this video on YT that posed that question and I thought it was a great question
@RushDawg this is an old comment but I've played thru the game 6 times already during quarantine
@eppskevin I like curse of the moons ost more. Idk Draculas curse music isn't bad but I like other iterations of its themes more
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