Note: Lost Vikings 2 and RPM Racing have both been added to this collection via an update, along with several other features, including a Design Documents gallery, a Streamer Mode for Rock N Roll Racing and various other quality-of-life improvements.
Blizzard Entertainment turns 30 this year and, to mark the occasion, BlizzCon last month saw the announcement of Blizzard Arcade Collection. This birthday package rummages out three SNES classics from the early years of the company, blows off the dust, spruces them up a bit, shuffles in some artefacts of company history, then wraps them in colourful paper and ties the whole thing up with a big, sparkly bow – then unabashedly slaps on a brand new price label. So are these games the gifts that keep on giving? Or are we hoping they kept the receipt?
The three games in question are 1992’s The Lost Vikings, 1993’s Rock 'n Roll Racing and 1994’s Blackthorne. These were the relatively humble beginnings before Warcraft came out in 1995, and started the snowball for Blizzard’s million-selling, multimillion-selling and tens-of-millions-selling mega-franchises that are cultural touchstones for generations of gamers. World of Warcraft, StarCraft, Diablo and Overwatch: unimaginable achievements for the three UCLA graduates we see in the ‘Early years’ photo gallery, renting a bare office and taking lunch breaks on the floor with no furniture. But here we are in 2021, Blizzard aged 30, and the three vintage games are getting a modern makeover.

On launch, the first sign that we’re not in the '90s anymore: psyched to blast open a Rock 'n Roll nostalgia-fest, you must first spend a full 15 seconds holding the d-pad to scroll through an End User License Agreement before being allowed to select ‘Agree’. Blizzard Arcade Collection will tell you the story of a plucky start-up, but not before jackbooting you through its mega-corp legal rituals. Rock 'n Roll!
Anyway, let’s look first at The Lost Vikings, the oldest of the Arcade Collection trio. This is a puzzle-platformer where you cycle control between three Vikings, leveraging their respective abilities in turn to get all three to the exit of each level. The setup is endearingly bonkers: Erik The Swift, Baleog The Fierce and Olaf The Stout get impounded by Tomator, Space Emperor of Croutonia, for his intergalactic zoo. This grants Silicon & Synapse (as Blizzard was then called) license to take the Vikings to all manner of brightly-coloured settings, helping to keep the game fresh for most of its run. It was a well-reviewed game in its day and, while its design includes some of the player-hostile quirks of the era (no checkpoints, mistakes punished severely by repetition), it's not too unpalatable to modern tastes. Thanks to the newly-added ability to rewind and correct errors, you could imagine it doing OK as a retro-style indie game if it were released today.

Features-wise, The Lost Vikings presentation offers both the SNES and Mega Drive / Genesis versions of the game and a new ‘Definitive Edition’, which has the extra levels and three-player support of the Mega Drive version, plus a nice widescreen title card and screen borders drawn to enhance each stage. However, it lacks some major strengths of the remastered vintage versions: there are no save states, no rewind, no screen size or border options and no filters. So if you want big-screen gaming and mod cons like save/load – and the frustration-soothing rewind – leave the Definitive Edition alone.
Next up is Rock 'n Roll Racing, which arrived a year after The Lost Vikings, in 1993. The isometric collect-items-tune-your-car futuristic racer is surely the jewel in the crown of Blizzard Arcade Collection, having been released to critical acclaim on multiple formats in the past. In this case, though, the Definitive Edition is indeed definitive. The whole game has been remastered into a full widescreen experience, the graphics enhanced subtly without defacing the original content, and the soundtrack updated.
“Wait! Updated soundtrack?!” we hear you cry. Fans from the SNES days may well have been wondering how Blizzard would deal with the licensed chiptune soundtrack. Cut it from the game? Replace it with something similar but legally different enough to avoid issues? Well, they went with option 3: re-license all the original tracks, lyrics and all, in CD quality, and throw some more in for good measure. It’s the dream scenario. The growling “Breaking the law! Breaking the law!” fits the aesthetic of RNRR so hilariously well the whole package is like a parody of itself. The controls are still tight, the action free-flowing and the commentary even more hammed up. In general, the son et lumière has been boosted for a retro release that plays like you remember it, not how it actually was. Awesome.

Alongside the Definitive Edition is a new four-player split-screen version of the game. The track design and handling work well for multiplayer, and the silliness of the concept is just right for throwaway racing. However, it’s worth noting that you can’t play it (or any of Blizzard Arcade Collection in fact) with single Joy-Con. You’ll need a Pro Controller or Joy-Con pair for each player. This seems like a missed opportunity: if ever there was a game to stick on the tabletop with that flimsy pop-stand and cram your fingers together with a friend for, this is surely it. Also in the package are the SNES and Mega Drive editions of the game. But in light of the excellent modernised version, they are adding little.
And finally, Blackthorne, the 1994 rotoscoped cinematic sci-fi platformer. The flavour of Blackthorne is decidedly '80s; the plot and aesthetic are somewhere between Conan, Terminator and Highlander, with an alien hero stalking about, hiding in the shadows then smoking grunts one-handed with a shotgun. Unlike The Lost Vikings, which leverages its wild narrative for all manner of vibrant stage settings, however, Blackthorne sticks to a much narrower pallet. It’s a more mature feel, but it’s also a bit harder to persevere with when the dark side of retro game design leaves you replaying tricky sections.

Unfortunately, the Definitive Edition is again not one we can recommend. It brings a new auto-mapping feature but also adds level-themed screen borders that can confuse things by looking like scenery. Further, like The Lost Vikings again, the quality-of-life supplements – save/load, rewind, screen size, etc. – are not present in the Definitive Edition. Another feature that puts the old console versions out in front is a Watch mode, that lets you see the whole game played from start to finish, with the ability to skip through to the parts you want to see, and to instantly take over control and play from any point in the recording. The Lost Vikings has the same feature: it’s really well implemented and a nice way to remind yourself of what’s in the game and just play that one favourite part again.
Blackthorne is a good game and worth playing through with the assists added to the console versions. However, comparisons with Flashback – from 1992, also available on Switch – are inevitable and unflattering. Blackthorne is not as artfully paced nor as satisfying to move around in, but it is something different if you’ve played Flashback to death.
There’s one more thing in Blizzard Arcade Collection, which is the museum section. Here you can see game boxes, concept art and photos of the team setting up in the '90s, and listen to music from Blackthorne and The Lost Vikings. The stand-out pieces here, though, are the video interviews with Blizzard founders and staff. The videos don’t reveal anything too surprising, but are still the unique recollections of people who were there. As such, they feel priceless and put across the human side of the impressive Blizzard story.
As a birthday gift from Blizzard to itself, Blizzard Arcade Collection has been put together with some care. Sometimes good things come in smaller packages, though, and a lot of the content here is superfluous. Two of the Definitive Edition games are worse than the SNES titles also included, while Rock 'n Roll Racing’s is so successful that including the SNES and Mega Drive versions has only really added clutter. The result is a need to start every version of every game a few times to work out which one is actually worth playing, which somewhat spoils the party. But, for all those imperfections, there’s a lot to love: it may not be exactly what we’ve always wanted, but it’s the thought that counts.
Comments 61
Nice review and i may well check this out. I never got to play any of these games in the 90's. I remember wanting Blackthorne, but the local video game shops didn't have it, so i think me and my brothers went with Secret of Evermore and Vortex.
I wonder what's the point in naming it "arcade", but other than that it looks interesting.
Museum features are something more than one retro collection leaves out, like Turrican Flashback.
love all 3 games but for 3 games at that price is a bit much. will pick it up on a sale
I think it's an unfair criticism to say including say the MD and SNES versions is bad and it's a chore to see which is best. Folk loved this game on whatever system they owned, so it's nice they get their fondest version. And if you never played them before and need to check them all out THEN welcome to the party!
The Genesis version of Rock 'n Roll Racing is terrible. The music cuts out every time the announcer chimes in, which is quite often. Glad it was included for completion's sake but of the three versions, I won't be revisiting that one anytime soon.
I'm going to turn you into meatloaf! Ohhhh, meatloaf...
I have very fond memories of The Lost Vikings on the Amiga. Packed full of character, and it is really charming and fun. If any of these versions are on par with the Amiga version, then I am very tempted by this collection.
Am I wrong that this is the first time a 32X game (the 32X version of Blackthorne included) has been commercially rereleased?
Getting to play RnR racing in widescreen, with updated sounds and ‘extras’ has been more than worth the price of admission. I hope more companies take note and widen the field of view for modern TVs.
It's a good collection. Lost Vikings was an underrated gem for the SNES, and Rock and Roll Racing reminded me of an improved version of R.C. Pro AM. Retro collections like this fit like a glove on the Switch. Now we need Rare Replay, a Midway/Atari Games collection and some series collections not yet on the console (Metal Gear Solid, Tomb Raider, GTA, Kingdom Hearts).
Lack of "Lost Vikings 2" (the SNES version specifically, that resembles the original, not the pre-rendered version that was on other platforms) is quite disappointing.
Homescreen icon:
"Rock 'n Roll Racing’s is so successful that including the SNES and Mega Drive versions has only really added clutter."
Are you insane? The SNES version is essential to this collection. Despite the improvements to the Definitive Edition, I like the SNES original better.
I’ve been really enjoying this but the lack of save feature on Rock n roll racing definitive is crazy the snes and md versions have it
Personally I think Blackthorne stomps all over Flashback. Flashback has it beat in the puzzle department but Blackthorne has waaaaaaay better action and controls.
I love Rock N' Roll Racing that is all.
I would give this collection an 8 or 9. I'm enjoying playing Lost Vikings and Blackthorne again. I like that different versions that I never had an opportunity to play are included (especially the 32X version of Blackthorne). I never played Rock N Roll Racing, but I love the definitive version.
The museum and music player are nice inclusions, although Rock and Roll Racing's tracks are not included. I didn't realize Jim Lee did Blackthorne's cover art.
It is disappointing that Norse by Norsewest (Lost Vikings 2) is missing. Also, I would really like to play a new Lost Vikings game; it's a series I'd like to see revived.
I disagree with some of the criticisms here and IMO this is a fantastic collection well worth the asking price. I do wish they'd let you turn off the borders in the Definitive Editions of Lost Vikings and Blackthorne, and I find it odd that Rock and Roll Racing lacks the same save feature as the other two. These are minor nitpicks though and could easily be corrected with a patch. I also miss Lost Vikings 2 but Blizzard did not actually develop that game and only worked on the SNES port. Beam Software handled Lost Vikings 2 otherwise. RPM Racing is also absent but they likely felt no one really wanted to play that game.
Overall though this is a solid collection of games and I'd personally give it a 9/10. 7/10 is a bit low but opinions are opinions. Also, Blackthorne > Flashback. Fite me.
EDIT: A lazy way to get around the save issue in RnR is to go to the options menu where the password is displayed and take a screenshot so you can continue later. Not the most elegant solution but it'll do if you need to stop. It's not a particularly long game anyway.
This was worth it for Rock N' Roll Racing alone.
More minimal effort ports, I'll just stick to free versions.
Never played Lost Vikings but mastered Lost Vikings 2 I used to know almost every line off by heart. Shame they don't include that here otherwise I would have had to buy it. For the others though, I'm not really sold. They missed a great opportunity here.
guess wat guys apparently monolith is about to reveal their brand new ip game for switch.
Nice review. Definitely interested in this game but I will have to wait for a sale I think
I'll wait for the sub 15 dollar sale. I only want it for rock & roll racing.
Now, I love Rock 'N' Roll racing. It never quite hit scores of 90+ in magazines I held in regard, but it just goes to show. A score of 80% is still bloody fab! A 7 is still good.
Really hope we see a physical edition of this.
@RiasGremory Now you have me excited, Xenoblade is stellar and I enjoyed Xenosaga alot as well
@xPH03N1Xx86 this might be the year monolith reveals their new ip for switch.
My little brother and I used to play the crap out of lost Vikings in the sega. I want the haunting feat. Polterguy on the switch, very good underrated sega exclusive.
@Ooyah "I have very fond memories of The Lost Vikings on the Amiga."
Long live the Amiga!
wait for sale
@Gs69 looks like you have to play it old school and write down these passwords to continue (go to the F/X menu to find it)
@Arcade_Tokyo when talking about the OST, why did you skip the hint, that "Paranoid" by Black Sabbath is missing in the Definitive Edition? I mean, this was an essential part of the Soundtrack, so it's worth a note...
IGN ranked all of these among the best SNES games:
#30 The Lost Vikings
#72 Rock n' Roll Racing
#90 Blackthorne
Sale purchase
Thanks for the review
@mazzel I just screen shot the password but it does seem like a step backwards considering it’s supposed to be the definitive edition
@Gs69 yeah, I'm with you. Especially because this feature shouldn't be rocket science...
Vikings and rock and roll were great games. Whish Blizzard wouldn't be the unimaginative supergiant they are today.
@mazzel I agree but it’s still a great collection I love rock n roll racing and I have really got into blackthorn never played it before I got this has a flashback vibe but is better in some ways
Baffled why they called it the arcade collection as none of the games ever appeared in the arcades
Lost Vikings 2 wasn't developed by Blizzard. It was made by Beam Software, which is why it's not in this collection.
@AirElephant from what I read, Blizzard did develop the SNES version.
Felt like a very passive agressive review
After the Rare collection, this release seems like a punch-line.
Maybe they should have quietly released these separately.
I love modern Blizzard, but this seems a bit arrogant & goofy.
Two or three games doesn't really equal a notable body of work.
@GamerDad66 problem is, they had other games, but their two DC Comics games are probably a licensing nightmare to rerelease, Lost Vikings 2 is missing for no apparent reason and after that they became The Warcraft Company.
Oh, there was also RPM Racing before it, but Rock'n'Roll Racing is literally the exact same game but 213% better.
The thing that bothers me about this collection: the Definitive editions lack the QoL enhancements of the emulated ones.
The thing that bothers me about the review: there is no mention whether Blackthorne is the censored or uncensored release, no remark on the dubious visuals of the 32x version and HOW DARE YOU COMPARE IT TO FLASHBACK. Flashback was great as an adventure game but it lacked the meaty bloody dodge-driven gunplay of this gem. Flashback didn't have the badass "I am too cool to look where I shoot" button for shooting behind you. Flashback didn't have whip wielding demons straight out of Diablo. Flashback didn't look like a Warcraft spinoff even though EVERYONE seems to afraid to mention it when reviewing this collection, for some reason.
Blackthorne was badass and metal as heck.
I'm sick of this expression "quality of life". Can't you writers find a better term?
Calling this an 'Arcade' collection and launching it this close to Capcoms mighty Stadium, was a poor choice.
@HalBailman suggestions welcome!
I kinda want this for Rock n Roll racing, but I am iffy about giving Blizzard money.
Funny to think that their first big hit (Warcraft) was from a genre that is basically dead now.
Hopefully a future update will add Lost Vikings 2. There's really no reason NOT to include it.
@Arcade_Tokyo How about "modern features"? "Quality of life" also implies these features are good. Rewind, and even saving games at any time, is more like "ability to cheat".
Wait is there no saving at all in the definitive rock n roll racing? Or is it limited to checkpoints?
It's a shame they didn't go further with some of the definitive editions. I understand not getting saves states and such since I'm guessing these versions are kind of a new port and no longer emulated roms of snes and Genesis. Though if they went to the trouble of doing whole new ports you'd think they would add more while they're at it. New tracks or weapons would have been great. The 32x blackthorne levels added to the snes version would have made sense since that's what they did with lost vikings.
The whole new presentation of rock n roll racing is cool though. The loss of a track kinds sucks though. And I have to admit there's still a charm to the snes renditions of the tracks over the real versions.
@Noelemahc I'd agree that while it's not as good of an adventure as flashback as an action game this works great and has a feel that I haven't seen in that kind of game before.
The question about whether it's censored or not is kinda off. The snes version had no blood. The 32x had some and the pc version which isn't included had a lot of blood. Those versions are true to the original but definitive seems to be just the snes version with a map and some borders. An option for blood would have been nice and still probably wouldn't have pushed it to an M by today's standards.
@jbrodack that was my question, in essence: how bloody is the definitive version, because my childhood was the DOS release and it was hyperviolent compared to the SNES one.
@HalBailman - So much better. And you stuck in a hot take for good measure. Just re write the review in this better and more entertaining fashion.
@Noelemahc I had the snes version growing up so that was the normal version and the other added blood. So unfortunately definitive is bloodless.
I like "The Lost Vikings," but I already have the Genesis version. Meanwhile I'll look into the free DOS versions of the other two games.
Its worth it just for blackthorne
The Lost Vikings DE does lack rewind, but it absolutely has save states. Hit the right thumbstick to bring up the menu.
@HamatoYoshi "Baffled why they called it the arcade collection as none of the games ever appeared in the arcades"
Back in the day, games like this used to be called "arcade games" regardless of what platform they were released on because they resembled games that might have appeared in an arcade.
@Mountain_Man never heard them called arcade games back in the SNES days and they were nothing like any coin-op from that era.
@StuartGipp huh. Must have missed that, then… (unless it got hotfixed?) Thanks for picking it up!
@Arcade_Tokyo It took me ages to figure out where the menu was! And it's the only one of the Definitive Editions that has the feature, I think.
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