It's been twenty long, long years since this Gamecube classic thrilled us all with its quasi top-down hack-and-slash dungeon crawling action. And time has not been kind... to us. This game is really hard! Have we been spoiled by much friendlier, less aggressive takes on the genre that have proliferated in the intervening years? Are we just rubbish? Or is Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance a genuinely difficult game?
All we know is that if we got surrounded by three enemies or more, we were dead. And that's a very unusual feeling coming from something like Marvel Ultimate Alliance 3 (no relation) which offers a far comfier take on similar gameplay. Here, though, you pick your class (Human Archer, Dwarven Fighter or Elven Sorceress), wade into combat, and die a lot. Unless you put the game down to Easy mode, which makes things a lot more manageable while — quite frankly — still not really being all that easy.

It helps mitigate the frustration somewhat that this port is as clean as you like. Yes, it's a PS2-era game which ought not to tax the Switch too much, but this plays like a dream even in handheld mode, with extremely good image quality and a rock-solid smooth 60fps framerate, meaning that even when kobolds are handing you your ass, they'll be doing it in a rather aesthetically pleasing way. The lighting remains attractive to this day, and the water is very good.
Unfortunately the sound doesn't quite match the graphics. Music is sparse and rather uninteresting, and the crucial clangs and cleaves of combat don't evoke much in the way of visceral thrills. They're competent, but if the sound popped a little more the experience would certainly be more appealing. Voice acting, however, is very good, with all NPCs fully-voiced and delivering their florid narration as well as could be asked for.
For veterans of the original, gameplay is just as you remember, and just as you'd expect. Rather like a light Diablo, you make your way through a series of Dungeons & Dragons worlds linked by small hubs, with the story/narrative distinctly out of focus compared to, well, braining things with a big hammer. You're limited in your basic controls to move, jump, block and attack, but this is all you need and the complexity comes from the game's high difficulty. Naturally finding and equipping new armour and weapons can afford you a brief but welcome advantage, though more likely a simple levelling of the playing field.

Speaking of levelling, that's here too, with the customary skill points to assign as you obtain more and more XP. Pleasantly (and unlike other games of its genre), none of the upgrades are really "gated" behind others, so you can hold off and purchase the more devastating spells and abilities if you want to. This adds some semblance of replay value to the game, but knockabout fun is what kept us coming back.
The presentation of the world is a little impersonal, in that you feel very detached from it. NPCs are limited, and while well-performed they don't really stick in the memory. Still, they're not the focus of the game as this is very decisively not an RPG, just leaning enough into the stats to make things a smidge more interesting rather than bogging the gameplay down in technicalities, strengths and weaknesses. It's to Dark Alliance's credit that the game is very much one of skill rather than attrition, as no matter how powerful you are it's still best to kite enemies and play tactically rather than rely on anything particularly overpowered.

You can bring a friend, too, which makes things a little less arduous and is probably the most appealing way to play the game. It may struggle to hold your interest for its duration — a chunky ten to twelve hours — but the game's rougher-than-you'd-expect difficulty may be to its benefit here as the whole enterprise takes on a compelling Souls-like feel. Yes, even we rolled our eyes at our evocation of "Souls-like" to describe a game that came out eight years prior, but until gaming discourse creates a more effective term to instantly communicate exacting, unforgiving difficulty, it's going to remain omnipresent. Make as many game journo jokes as you please, but this writer has beaten the entire Mega Man Zero series with a 100pt average (not a humblebrag!) and he genuinely struggled to get past Dark Alliance's first dungeon on the normal difficulty setting.
We'd also argue (and believe us, it's an argument) that the asking price for a PS2-era port is perhaps a bit much, regardless of how well-done it is; Dark Alliance 2 would certainly have sweetened the pot had it been included. Still, all negatives aside, this feels like the perfect aperitif for the upcoming (sadly, not currently Switch-bound) new take on Dark Alliance from Tuque Games.
Baldur's Gate: Dark Alliance is a formidable challenge, particularly by modern games' standards, but one that's been ported rather brilliantly and is certainly a lot of fun to play. It may outstay its welcome to some extent with gameplay that's not quite complex enough to warrant its lengthy campaign, but the port is one of the very best we've seen, improving the visuals of the original and maintaining a flawless framerate along with a UI perfectly suited to handheld play. However, this is the game exactly as you remember it from 2001. If that's enough for you, you'll have fun with this version. If you're on the fence — or if you're not ready to get kicked on your ass a lot — we'd recommend waiting for a sale.
Comments 36
Any news on a physical version?
Baldur? I hardly know 'er!!
Its a PS3 game. No new textures/models/monsters/quests or wathever.
For 10 euro...maybe... 8 euro is the right price.
@CorvoRevo PS2! I'm surprised they're not selling "now with wireless controls!" as a feature.
FWIW, this isn't really the same company selling it at crazy prices, so it's kind of miraculous it exists at all. The real Interplay/Black Isle went defunct years ago, and the company pretending to be Black Isle now is the result of hostile takeovers and IP sales. The "real" Interplay/Black Isle crew left/split into Obsidian and inExile a long time ago, both now part of Microsoft.
for the little work put into this port the price is a disgrace
Good for coop. Not so good otherwise.
It really should of been both 1 and 2 for that price, along with online for coop. Great games just cheap treatment unfortunately.
@NEStalgia yeah, PS2, my bad.
7 is too high for the little that's been done too this game as has been mentioned elsewhere should of included both games , will wait till it's 60% off plus before buying
Also too difficult? Don't think I've ever heard anyone say this about this game.
It's got some nice visuals, and an old school charm about it, but the combat feels incredibly basic even for a game of its time. Gauntlet Legends had a greater variety of moves. I say wait for a sale if you're interested.
I played this on the Game Boy Advance back in the day because it was the closest thing at the time to portable Diablo.
Pun in the title very much appreciated
It's a slightly heretical thought, but does the cheat mode still work? I've got one written on a post-it note in my box for the GameCube original.
We have been played 2 player on Easy as it's really hard. Enjoying it so far
Don’t recall this game being tough, as I played it many times in the past.
I'm about halfway through and thoroughly enjoying it - it is definitely challenging, and at best RPG-lite, but still a blast. I too had only played the GBA version - I'm a PC gamer first and foremost, but never skip a chance to get in some D&D gaming on a handheld (anyone remember D&D Tactics on PSP?). I agree that $30 is steep, but compared with many games I honestly have no regrets.
A bit too expensive, but I'll get it eventually for sure. Good memories!
The price is the real issue. Old games shouldn't cost this much.
On PS3 you can buy PS2 games for $9.99, I just bought Grandia III.
You even get a color scan of the original manual, which has some nice art.
I'm saving my money for the new Dark Alliance game.
If they do a good job remastering etc then yes some games are worth it, mass effect springs too mind, but not this as virtually nothing has been done apart from widescreen support and 1080p
@CorvoRevo It's not a PS3 game. It's a PS2 and first XBOX game... 2001... I played on Xbox on day one and it's fantastic
30 dollars lol, I'll get it on sale
Wait, the Dwarf is called Kromlech? I wonder if one of my favorite resin models manufacturers is named after him. A shame there's no cleric character.
Call me when they port Capcom D&D games
Great game even if it's just a port, hopefully after they release the sequel that they also make a physical collection.
@CorvoRevo It's a PS2 game, not PS3.
Strange. I waited decades to play this despite owning the original Xbox disc forever. Now that I have the overpriced remaster I’m struggling to figure out why everyone loved it so much.
Perhaps TOO long and TOO difficult
err what if any thing its a bit short and it's not that hard lol
This game is absolutely wonderful, co-op or not. You'd do best in just getting it for a PS2 if you have one lying around, or you could just wait for a price drop.
We loved it then cause it was one of the few options around at the time. You want brutal, try that Brotherhood of Steel skinned version. Def agree that both should have been included since da2 felt like more of a real game than a tech demo
" a rock-solid smooth 60fps framerate, meaning that even when kobolds are handing you your ass, they'll be doing it in a rather aesthetically pleasing way."
LMFAO!! I almost fell out of my chair. I remember those things on the GBA.
@CorvoRevo i looove fakefans. PS3 game u said? Nope - PS2, so its pain in the crack to convert it to this day systems, coz most utilities game uses are obsolete right now.
@swedetrap Play it with a friend or family. It's much more enjoyable as a co-op experience.
This was a quality release in its day. My philosophy is, a great game from 2005 or 1995 or 1985 is worth playing today, for the right price.
Beat it twice already since release. The game isn't that hard but you can misallocate your skill points and accidentally make a very ineffective character.
Didn’t like it then, probably still won’t like it now. I’d be keen for some gauntlet legends though
@GamerDad66 Just out of curiosity do you consider Link's awaking for the switch a new or old game?
I'd say that's a new game like the Spyro remake or original Mafia remake. When you take an old game and just run it thru an emulator on console, that shouldn't cost $30. Also, apparently the new game sucks so I'm not get that either.
Just as a side note, I have both of the Dark Alliance games on PS2 and they still look great on my Phat BC PS3 over HDMI. So if they put out a bundle at some point on Switch with both games on sale for $20, I'd think about it.
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