Stern Pinball Arcade for the Switch eShop prides itself on authenticity. The company Stern - as featured in the title's name - was founded in 1977, plying its trade as a pinball and arcade video game manufacturer. As the most experienced and largest producer of real pinball machines to this day, the publisher and developer FarSight Studios has taken up the challenge to digitalise Stern's collection of tables.
Released the same week as Zen Studio's Pinball FX3 on the Switch eShop, Stern Pinball Arcade channels its own company heritage to deliver a free pinball experience (featuring paid content) that's aiming to be a proper pinball simulator. The game has realistic physics, but due to its accurate depiction of the source material it's not as forgiving or fun as its competitors.
The 11 downloadable tables, available for purchase in two separate packages or individually, likely won't be as enticing to younger audiences. Forget The Walking Dead, Valve's Portal and a series of colourful themes covering a range of genres, because here you'll be playing the original Ghostbusters table and rocking out to AC/DC on another. A table based on the latest Star Trek movies is one of the newer ones, though all it really highlights is the weaker collection of licenses.
Stern Pinball Arcade is very much like a time machine, transporting the player back to a period when life was much simpler. Depending on your age, you're likely going to embrace this, or you're not. This simplicity is reflected throughout the game. Unlike other pinball games, there's no online connectivity or multiplayer or cross-network play, but a global leaderboard has now been added alongside a Portrait mode (for handheld use). There's not even a local multiplayer option. At the time of review, FarSight Studios is also still yet to incorporate a vertical camera angle for the handheld mode - whereas Zen Studio's latest release shipped with this feature.
What is present is a high score mode with unique pinball goals on each table and a challenge mode (where the player must complete particular tasks on each table). Each table has a table guide explaining its features and secrets as well. It's the exact type of content you would expect from a pinball game. Once you've grasped the basics, setting high scores and achieving goals becomes less difficult. The controls make use the L and R buttons as bumpers, the left analog nudges the table while the right one launches the ball into play - nothing all that different to other pinball games.
As jaded as a number of the tables look, the most impressive aspect is the accurate recreation of each one. Each table includes a description about its history and you also have the ability to view each table on certain angles. The music and sounds are authentic to the respective franchises and the game runs smoothly in both the handheld and docked mode. Collectively, these are definitely some of the stronger aspects of Stern Pinball.
The limited content in Stern Pinball is nonetheless well-crafted and certainly accurate when compared to real pinball. The issue is it's a rather simplistic game. The simulation aspects and overall realism does not make up for the severe lack of modern features within this title. Its primary competitor excels at offering a connected online experience with cross-platform play, global leaderboards and tournaments. Not to mention a large collection of prominent licenses. Stern Pinball has none of this and a limited selection of purchasable tables. It's by no means at the forefront of the digital pinball game market and in its current state is probably a good indication as to why pinball lost traction over the years.
This is reminiscent of a title that would have been released at some point during the early '90s due to its limited content - so even as a video game, it's considerably behind the times. The classic design might appeal to certain generations of players, but unless you're seeking a dose of nostalgia, you're probably better off looking elsewhere to get your pinball fix. It's also worth noting the game is available in a boxed version in the UK, the US version is free-to-play on the eShop (with extra purchases, naturally).
Comments 80
I bought this and I think it is just okay, definitely not worth full price in my opinion.
Second not sure about this one. It has stiff competition
I hate to be that guy, but how fun can a pinball game really be? I’ve tried several over the course of my life, and even the best ones can’t hold my attention for more than a few minutes. It’s clearly a genre that’s not meant for me.
For my money, the best home pinball games are Metroid Prime Pinball for DS, Alien Crush and Devil Crush for
Turbografx 16 and Pinball FX 3 for Switch.
I tried Stern the other night and I didn’t care for it. Pinball FX 3 is so much better.
I think part of Stern’s problem is only having the Frankenstein table to play from the god-awful film version by Branagh and DeNiro. They could have given a better table IMO.
I played the Frankenstein table and I love it. Really, I find the other Switch pinball game annoying with too many distracting animations and some very annoying original concepts (all the voicework on Sorceror's Lair suck). If you like pinball then this is the one.
That's a stern score.
Just to say the ghostbusters and ac/dc tables are actually only a couple of years old despite their retro source material they are 2 of the newest stern tables
It's worth noting there is a physical release in the US, just published by Alliance Digital instead of the UK's System 3
Williams and Bally might have interested me, not old licensed tie-ins
Finally, the review. I've sampled both this has Pinball FX3, and I'm more of a classic pinball person... perhaps a bit telling of my age. I definitely love Pinball FX3, but sometimes it's just a bit much and too busy for me-- I guess I just don't need much video in my video pinball, lol, but it's still very fun with a lot of variety (I just don't utilize all features available). Stern is far more standard, but.... that's how I like my pinball. I will admit that I'm very, very surprised about no multiplayer or online leaderboards (even vertical play), but pinball is far more a personal experience for me, so no love lost there. Honestly, taking all things considered, it's actually best to just have both of them. And well... Ghostbusters, heh... that definitely was a deal-maker for me
What a load of BALLS
@thesilverbrick I'm the same way, but I know a guy that owns multiple tables, plays in a league, and is just absolutely in love with pinball. I don't get it - seems like once you've played one, you've played them all, for the most part. It's not that I don't enjoy it every now and then, but I definitely couldn't sit down and play for hours.
Can't say I agree with the review at all.
I find it a bit crap to be honest. :-/
I own both game series (Pinball Arcade and Zen) in it's multiple iterations on Wii, PS2, PS3, PS4, iOS, PSP, Vita, 360, 3DS and now Switch as well and while each caters to a certain demographic, slagging this one off for it's old licences and it's simplicity is really misguided.
Sure it's missing a couple of features, but a good pinball game should thrive on how well it's tables are put together and not on some online features that will go offline in a couple of years.
I'd go as far to say that a single table such as Ghostbusters is put together in such a way that puts every single table on Pinball FX to shame. That layout and goals have a lot more thought put into that which makes the tables playable for decades, not just a couple of weeks/months.
The physics are another point where this one is heads and shoulders above it's competitor. The balls feel exactly like they do in a real pinball table and not like a mixture of rubber and marble like in Zen/FX.
Don't get me wrong, I like Pinball FX as well, otherwise I wouldn't have purchased a bunch of tables for the umpteenth time.
But they can be played mindlessly and after a 20 minutes a table becomes boring because it's all to easy.
There's a reason why Steve Ritchie, Pat Lawlor, George Gomez or Brian Eddy are revered till this day.
Putting together a good pinball table that can stand the test of time takes more than slapping a couple of ramps and bumpers on a board in the hopes that it works, and then slapping on a licence so that it draws in the kids with the latest fad.
Pinball is niche enough as it is in this day and ago, and to see a top of the line simulation like this getting such a rough treatment for no reason, while the other one can only runs at 30fps in handheld mode with quite a few drops which affects gameplay quite a bit is something I had to comment on.
So yeah, I'm quite disappointed here.
Are you only talking about simulated pinball games or about the real, mechanical ones?
I mean - I grew up at a time when there were still lots of real pinball machines around, and I always noticed that there were ones that I really couldn't get any enjoyment out of, whereas there were some (admittedly few) others that really sucked up my quarters.
While I played a lot of 'virtual' pinball games in recent years, I never actually got the same kick out of them compared to their mechanical and 'real' counterparts. Maybe that's really due to the nostalgia factor...
However, this particular game so far comes closest. I really like the vibes and the physics and I am tempted to pay a few bucks to download a few more tables.
@frogopus I think I've played both on other formats too. I have a Marvel pinball set on my 3DS which I'm sure is Zen and on my PS4 I have a stunningly accurate rendition of the Doctor Who pinball table which feels like Stern. If that's the case, I'm definitely Stern all the way and hope they bring the Twilight Zone table to the Switch.
I mainly play my Switch docked and I've not felt any urge to play either of the pinball games undocked.
Clearly the reviewer has some problems and doesn't understand a few things.
For starters Farsight Studios ARE the forefront for digital pinball market. For years now with The Pinball Arcade they've driven to accurately create all the original tables of the past as much as possible (licensing, time) and they've done this. Stern approached them and this is why SPA exists, a stand alone package, though some of them like Frankenstein and Ripley's are in the original far larger package now 6 seasons into it.
Pinball FX franchise may be popular too, but it's not the forefront, it's the fluff front for overly unrealistic animated licensed stuff that pulls off things that can not happen on an original table. It's a fun, don't get me wrong, but it's a parlor carnival game compared.
And another thing, purchasable tables? That's Pinball FX3, not this package. I've got the physical version of it, it's a locked up package of around a dozen legitimate tables. Pinball FX charges a considerable amount of money (random discount days aside on few tables) to get anything out of it. SPA/TPA you can buy a table for $5 each or you can get a better deal with a season sized bundle. It's an accurate and lightly more affordable package.
That said I'm not too far off from where it scored, I think an 8 would be more fair. The review failed to hit on some problems instead of just going on about FX3 as a comparison inaccurately. The game has large load times in and out of the pinball hall and in/out of each table which is a bit of a snore compared to the quick draw of it on mobile devices. Also I think it has a few bugs, I've had the ball on rarer occasion seem to not bounce right off a flipper or pang off a bumper in an unrealistic way that drained the ball.
Terrible review
What a noob. This is not the type of content I visit NintendoLife for. Rethink your editing process or I will have no problem browsing elsewhere.
@meppi I appreciate your review of the Ghostbusters table, since I am interested in getting it. How do you feel about the AC/DC table?
Are they going to add more tables at a later date?
@roadrunner343 @Andy3004 I think you both captured the essence of how I feel. Pinball is an interesting gimmick in an arcade that is definitely worth a try or two on occasion. I can’t imagine paying money for a virtual version of the experience that arguably should be played on an actual physical table, nor can I imagine getting enough play time out of such a purchase to warrant the cost of admission. Again, I don’t think I’m the target audience, though.
nods in agreement
The sad truth though is that the physical pinball tables have more or less gone the way of the Dodo. Those beautiful mechanical contraptions have become way too expensive and complicated - and frankly speaking: no-one - but old timers like me who already played arcade games before them even were video games - probably cares much about them anymore.
But then again, the mere fact that there is someone out there who thinks that a great re-creation of the old tables from yesterday might bring in some bucks, somehow shows that an audience still exists.
Besides: the Frankenstein Table is for free and it makes a great play on short commutes. (The cost for the other tables ain't that high either - I mean each one costs about the price of a Big Mac around here.)
Anyway, take care & and have a happy new year & best wishes for 2018! (^o^)/
6 out of 10 this is not. It's a good thing the reviewer is not a High School teacher. This is more 8 out of 10. Stern does not try to be Zen Studios. You got it all wrong Mr. reviewer.
For those that are concerned, FarSight has posted on social media that They are working on vertical mode for a future update as well as releasing The original Pinball Arcade for Switch Q1 2018. On other platforms, this has included tables from Stern, Gottlieb, and Williams, spanning decades of pinball history. Even though I have more than 50 tables on iOS, I’m definitely looking forward to getting this on switch.
@CheeseUM98 Does that mean that buying extra tables here would not be recommended?
@LinktotheFuture AC/DC is my second favourite table behind Ghostbusters actually. Not a hardrock fan at all, even though I can casually enjoy it, but the table is really fun and the music does add to it nicely as well.
I've heard lots of good things about Ford Mustang, but I personally really hate the first song, so I haven't spent a good amount of time on it yet.
Star Trek is a very good table, just not as brilliant as Star Trek The Next Generation on the regular Pinball Arcade. Then again, few tables are up there with TNG.
Phantom of the Opera is the oldest table on here and thus is a little more basic with less toys and such, but still a ton of fun for old school fans of late 80's, early 90's fans. It's certainly a lot more advanced than tables from the 70's.
Ripley’s Believe It or Not and Starship Troopers are also very fun tables.
Not really a fan of High Roller Casino myself. That might change by putting a bit more time into it. But I'm focussing on the others for now.
Harley Davidson and Last Action Hero are a bit easier to play compared to other tables, which certainly isn't a bad thing as it's good to have something a little more casual to play once in a while.
Didn't hear about FarSight posting about them already porting The Pinball Arcade to the Switch do soon!
That's fantastic news really. I'll buy every single table they release at this point. (for the 4th time now lol)
It shouldn't come as a surprise as the Switch version uses the PS4 version as it's baseline with only a bit more nuanced lighting effects, which only become noticeable when putting them side by side. And even then, it's really minor stuff.
Having a game like this always on your system is ideal, so I'd certainly recommend picking up the pack with Ghostbusters on it at least. But I find that both of them are worth the money.
I personally go for physical releases as the Vita has thought me that memory is a real commodity on portable systems, so I try to keep my SD card for digital only releases.
I wouldn't especially hold off on TPA if you're interested in Stern tables that are in this collection.
The base game will be the exact same from what I can tell. The only difference will be the tables released for each versions, for which there might be some overlap.
I picked this up and I’m having fun with it. As much as features like chasing friends high scores are missed, the game itself is solid so I would have scored it a bit higher.
I’m really looking forward to the recently announced Switch release Pinball Arcade now though, which for me will make this collection a little redundant.
@LinktotheFuture I guess it it would depend on how they release tables on TPA when it releases on switch. The tables that overlap are Phantom, Ripley’s, Starship Troopers, High Roller Casino, Harley Davidson, and Last Action Hero. Hopefully there will be some deep discounts on some of the early seasons, since, much like meppi, this will be the the 4th or 5th time I buy this game and these tables.
I'm sticking with FX3, I can see why some people out there will like these, though. But I just like the craziness that FX puts in, lol
Does anyone know if there are any plans to add additional tables beyond these first 11? And if the physical copy will accommodate this?
@meppi Very cool, thanks for all the info! It is too bad that the Ghostbusters and AC/DC tables are not in the same pack, since they are the main ones that I am interested in, but I would like to get a better deal than paying $10 for each. I am going to have to sleep on it.
@CheeseUM98 From what I understand, DLC for any game is attached to the Switch itself or an SD card, so it won't matter if you have a physical or download version.
I don't know if they are going to release anymore tables, but it would be nice if they did.
This review is poorly written and poorly scored. The reviewer doesn’t understand the draw of a pinball game that is based on real-life pinball. The game is well-programmed and runs smoothly and does what it says on the tin. It should be 8/10.
Bad sentence: “As the most experienced and largest producer of real pinball machines to this day, the publisher and developer FarSight Studios has taken up the challenge to digitalise Stern's collection of tables.”
Another bad sentence: “As jaded as a number of the tables look…” How can a pinball table look “jaded”??
I’m happy to find out there is a physical release in UK. I’m adding this to the list that also includes Sing Party, for importing from the UK one day.
@LinktotheFuture It certainly would be nice.... Metallica, Tron Legacy? I’m looking at you.
@CheeseUM98 I could go for some Metallica Pinball!
I would grab the retail version if it wasn’t $40 so meanwhile I did the free download for now to mess with the one included table. I’ll wait for the physical copy to drop to $20.
I've never liked pinball tables based on music bands or movies. It's a cheap shot and limits your audience. If people don't like the movie, they'll be much less inclined to play the game. And if the movie/band is old, people will think your game is old and will be less attracted to it.
Anyway, this review seems to reflect other reviews I've seen for Stern Pinball.
That said, I like this and Pinball Arcade infinitely better than Pinball FX or Zen Pinball.
I must note that here in the US the game is also available in Physical format. I got mine from Toys R Us and have seen it on the shelf at Game Stop.
That's a harsh review. Both games serve different purposes.
@CheeseUM98 @meppi @LinktotheFuture If STERN's ties are still good with Gottlieb, and now that Nintendo seems to be more open, maybe we can see Super Mario Bros. on Pinball Arcade?
@frogopus If I am insulting the reviewer (as you say) then he is insulting me too by writing a harsh review and saying that this game deserves a 6 out of 10 when I see that it is an excellent game that deserves at least an 8 to 10. Thank you very much.
Actually it IS fair to attack the reviewer. I ask anyone to go back and read it a second time. How much of that review was actually dedicated to reviewing the product? And also how accurate is it really?
For starters there are more than 10 tables so that's wrong. Secondly it only talks about downloads, it first came out on physical media with 11 tables. Thirdly, the review for more than half the text is complaining about it not being Pinball FX3 while the other half is a gloss over.
This is an honest question to the management here: Could we potentially see this properly reviewed a second time by someone willing to actually dig into the tables, the modes, and any potential flaws or bugs that exist?
Right now it's just complaining greatly it's not Zen Pinball, not talking about the product tables in the least bit other than a vague comment of accurate enough to source materials. The review is too brief, skips over too much, and complains enough about not being another fantasy pinball product that would never work in a real work environment so they're really not comparable.
Yeah, this review isn't that great. As many people have mentioned, the reviewer did seem to miss the point of SPA. I can understand someone just not enjoying these machines as much as Zen, but the complaints here don't focus on the aspects of the games that really matter and it sounds like the reviewer never really dug into the machines. The reviewer complains about how the the machines don't have the latest licenses (Licenses ultimately are the least important part of a pinball game. There are great pinball machines with awful licenses (eg The Shadow) and awful pinball machines with great licenses (eg Street Fighter II)) and how the games featured in SPA are so much "simpler" compared to Zen's offerings. Sure, Zen's games are bright and flashy, but the games in SPA, especially the newer ones, have much more depth when it comes to things to do and strategies to take. Gameplay is where it really counts. Not to mention the fantastic thought and engineering that went into designing these games in the first place (Obviously harder to appreciate in digital form, but still). Also find it funny how the reviewer mentions The Walking Dead as something you wouldn't see here when Stern actually did a Walking Dead machine a few years ago. Hopefully it comes to SPA some time.
There are valid complaints too though. No online leader boards, or even hotseat multiplayer are big omissions. Online leader boards are standard for pinball games these days and, as all these machines are either emulated or use the exact same code as the real life machines, which already have multiplayer fully programmed, multiplayer should be extremely simple to implement. And yeah, these recreations don't look nearly as nice as they do IRL, which is a shame. If they did, there's no way this guy would ever use the word "jaded" to describe them.
In the conclusion, the reviewer states that this game shows why pinball has lost traction in recent years, but the funny thing is, pinball has been on the rise in the past few years and is currently the biggest it's been since the early 90s. Many of the newer games here are part of that rise. AC/DC currently ranks at #10 on Pinside's top 100 list (based off of user reviews of the machines), Stern Star Trek at #11, and Ghostbusters at #29. Again, I get it if the reviewer didn't enjoy these games as much as Zen's, but at least give us proper reasons why instead of just telling us that Zen has better licenses than Stern.
@thesilverbrick Well, it depends on your tastes really. if Pinball doesn't keep your attention then it's obviously not for you. But I have always loved Pinball. Watching the ball bounce around, gathering points, building a ever higher score with new routes and actions unlocking with each area your ball hits. Its definitely something I enjoy from time to time, especially in a competitive setting. Its kinda like why people like watching colored blocks fall to make rows for points.
If you like pinball, I give this an 8, very much worth getting. If you don't, move along.
not interested. prefer the pinball fx3.
@tanookisuit Also, the reviewer also mentions no leaderboards. The website says yes, but it has clearly not been updated in a minute, as the Switch isn't even listed in the available platforms. I think the leaderboards might be hidden behind the Challenge Mode (on the main menu screen under Select Table). As in once the challenge is completed, it would show you where you rank, etc. and unlock the leaderboard option. Farsight's UI has never been good, really.
I've only made it through 5 of the tables. And the game kicks you out of the challenge with 0 points if you fail to hit the point target of the current table in 3 tries. I'll work on it and see how it goes.
This is classic pinball. I don't see how it needs more modern features.
I still plan on picking this up along with some of the extras(Trek, Ghostbusters and TWD specifically).
This is free-to-play done right and pinball games are among the few genres of games that really shine under the f2p model. Here's hoping they continue to add more tables in the future.
@thesilverbrick I like it bc it's a game that you can play in bursts or if you get on a roll, it can get intense. As I mentioned above and in the FX review, I understand that it's not for everyone.
Pokémon Pinball is the only pinball for me.
PS: Switch Pokémon Pinball please.
Or at least get the original on 3DS Virtual Console!
I always thought FarSight Studios have the Zen Pinball / Pinball FX killer on their hands. "The Pinball Arcade" never came out on Wii U (in Europe), and now they have developed Stern Pinball Arcade. If the overall presentation (simple and bland menu design) doesn't bother you, it's nice to have a collection of authentic pinball machines, but if you're looking for a modern videogame Pinball FX3 does the better job.
If the reviewer was gonna compare both games then he should have mentioned that pinball FX 3 undocked sucks at 30fps while stern pinball runs 60fps.
@RetroTyGuy thanks
@frogopus Thanks for your perspective but this is a review of a Switch game and therefore “hardcore cabinet builders” are not relevant to this discussion.
I am impressed that you have a home pinball simulator though. Can I come over your place and try it out? I can bring snacks
anyway to add myself to the chorus, yeah Zen at 30 fps is kind of junk, plus the screen is so cluttered with dancing animated nonsense it’s hard to follow the ball, plus Zen’s interface is cluttered and bizarre, plus IDGAF about online leaderboards because I would never be able to crack the top 1,000,000 and it’s just a mile-long list of people I don’t know or care about. If I want that I can have just as much fun reading the phonebook.
Also physical pinball is having a resurgence in the form of annual conventions in various cities, new tables continuing to be developed and sold by small and large companies alike, and new pinball arcade venues springing up — for example Kickback Pinball Cafe in Pittsburgh which you should all visit.
this review is as if someone reviewed Vs. Mario Bros. by saying it’s not in 3D and doesn’t have Cappy or Broodals, therefore 6/10.
@uhhhhhhhh Ha, this is the same site tat posts clickbait and Rom hacks, yet if a user posted such content in the forum, his/her thread would be locked.
Once again, a game suffers thanks to a rushed out 5 minute job review.
@masterLEON Super Mario Pinball looks amazing!
@masterLEON - Wow, I didn’t know that table exists. So cool. I’m guessing it’s exceptionally rare.
@MarinaKat - I just played that Batman table a few weeks ago for the first time. It’s outstanding. The music and sound effects are great. I could have played it all day, but I do have very fond memories of the original Batman television show. I watched every episode as a kid via syndication.
@SethNintendo You could say that, and if that's honestly how you feel, I won't argue, but for me, there's typically enough differentiation for me to enjoy games within different genres. The point was, this genre isn't for me, just like other genres aren't for other people. On the other hand, I love strategy games like CIV, XCOM, and RTS is probably my genre of all time.
@SethNintendo Perhaps it's more ignorance than anything. I wouldn't know a "good" table from a mediocre one, I doubt. I'm sure I could recognize a bad one though =) I've jst never really enjoyed any digital rendition of pinball. I enjoy it every now and then in the arcades, just not enough to sit down and play for hours like some people, I guess.
Pinball FX and Stern both tackle different things for different audiences. I grew up playing real pinball machines, but I still prefer Pinball FX in general, I find it more fun to play, because it's unrealistic, than real life pinball. And if I wanted to play something like real pinball then I could just do it on real machines instead of in video game form. The advantage of video game pinball is that you get to be able to do things with pinball that you normally couldn't do in reality, so why avoid it for the sake of staying true to the original thing?
That's why Pinball FX appeals more to me, but I can also appreciate that other people will prefer pinball games that really makes you feel like you were playing the real deal. I didn't grow up with Stern tables though, it was always more Gottlieb's in my neighbourhood, so I don't have particular memories of Stern's productions. Also, Gottlieb made the Super Mario World table, and I played that A LOT at a local pub.
I have personally found Pinball video games to be much like racing video games. There are basically two groups, one that wants 'arcade' style fun gameplay, and the other that wants realistic 'simulation' style gameplay.
Do you want a fun video game that's kind of pretending to be Pinball? Or do you want to play a virtual Pinball Table simulator on your videogame console? Stuff from FarSight seems to be the latter.
That being said, I much prefer when games recreate actual, existing Pinball tables... still waiting for Indiana Jones!
I actually really liked the first table Frankenstein and it feels very retro . Might get the other tables
I'm going to get this on physical at some point. I'll definitely get The Pinball Arcade when that comes out. I really like the vibe they went with as I like reading histories and ads and whatnot. I wish Namco did the same with Namco Museum but all that was in there were the games, the year published and some of the cabinet art. I would have loved to browse cabinets and their art. I guess I'll take anything though. lol
@bimmy-lee Nah, Super Mario Bros. is a pretty easy machine to find, actually. It's a pretty fun game imo.
@mystman12 - Interesting. I’ve been around the block a time or two and I’ve never seen it (or heard of it). Your information gives me hope that it’s just a matter of time then. That Stargate table your Mii is playing is a fun one.
@tanookisuit I agree with most of your comments in the whole thread, but this:
"Pinball FX charges a considerable amount of money (random discount days aside on few tables) to get anything out of it. SPA/TPA you can buy a table for $5 each or you can get a better deal with a season sized bundle. It's an accurate and lightly more affordable package."
... is just flat out wrong. Tables on FX 3 on Switch cost anywhere between $3-$20. A couple individual tables cost $3 while the bundles obviously cost more, but most of them cost between $5-$10, the $5 bundles giving two tables and the $10 ones giving 3. The $20 bundle breaks up each table's price as $2.22.
Meanwhile, SPA offers two bundles, both for $20 and each of their ten purchasable at $5 or $10 apiece (6 tables and 4 tables, respectively). The first bundle lowers the per table cost to $5 (two cost $10 individually) and the second bundle lowers it to $3.33.
Everything on offer is cheaper in FX3 than in SPA on Switch if you break it down into per table prices, especially if you're talking single table purchases. Zen also offered Adventure Land and Son of Zeus for permanent free downloads if you downloaded FX3 within the first week the game launched. The sales on FX3 tables generally span most, if not their entire collection. As for sales on TPA/SPA tables, I very rarely ever see them on Steam and have never seen them on mobile, but Zen has put sales on mobile many times.
That is certainly not "lightly more affordable." However, I'm not sure what you mean by accurate.
@Liam_Doolan As for the review itself, it sounds like you've never played a pinball game in your life and knew you had to write SOMETHING to keep your job. This is easily the worst review for anything in recent memory. A review is suppose to describe the game in question, not its competitor...
This is a serious pinball game, don't compare it with other pinball games... it is stern.
Gotta agree with most of the nay Sayers here in the comments this review is pretty poorly constructed. I don't agree with the score and reckon someone else should redux review this game.
I enjoyed a few tables on fx3 non-licences stuff but like others find it a little too busy to see what's going on I don't need to know each individual score as it happens. Especially the bumpers it's like it fitting out on screen. Also the light rubber ball that sticks to the flippers just doesn't feel right to me.
Farsighted game however may have old licensed tables as the reviewer points out in a demeaning manner. They are some great licences Especially when it comes to pinball. So what if they aren't exactly recognisable especially by those who were born in the nineties as apossed to lived through it spending a lot of time and coin in the arcades where these cabinets resided. The game itself 'feels' right the ball has weight and you have to gauge your hit to get the flipper to move the ball with pace around the play field.
All in all like others find this review weak and frustrating. At least justify the low score!
I prefer the real tables, and as soon as the update drops to allow for TATE mode (vertical display in portable play) I'll buy both table packs.
@meppi Very well said mate.
Urgh. I thought this was the first port of call for well thought out, fair reviews for the switch. Seems not after all. This is down there with the Neo Turf Masters reviews.
Why this game is only made only for 1 player ?? Gottlieb and Williams Pinball for Wii is so much better and you can play with 4 players!
I like the game. Very realistic. If you like pinball you will enjoy it. It's a pinball simulation not unrealistic like fx. I just did some research on pinball machines. Unless you have 8k for a real one, 39.99 is a bargain.
As of January 17, the leaderboards for STERN Pinball Arcade are now live, and are merged with the other release platforms.
You may now proceed to quit the game because of the already astronomical and maxed out scores. No, no, just kidding! Keep playing, it's fun!
Also for those wondering, the STERN Launch Challenge now works correctly when you reach the last table, Ghostbusters. (Yes, all 3 of you, lol!) You'll now have to work for those 100 Challenge Points, and it is NOT easy! (as if playing all the tables to a point target in succession is easy)
And now 2 additional table packs with 5 table variants are available!
It seems the recent update also added AC/DC Let There Be Rock and Back In Black Limited Editions and Star Trek Enterprise Limited Edition to Limited edition Add-On Pack 1. And Mustang 50 Years and Ghostbusters Limited Editions to Add-On Pack 2. Both for $9.99/ea. I kind of noticed it when I was checking out the leaderboards the other day. But I dismissed it since the leaderboards are merged. Up to yer UI shenanigans again, aren't ya' STERN? Just a few minutes ago, I noticed that there are arrows pointing down when selecting said games, and you can access the variants by pressing on the D-Pad.
For those not familiar with STERN's LE practices, STERN doesn't just release 1 version of a pinball table, it's usually 2 to 5, or more! I honestly lost count with AC/DC. 10, maybe? (Don't even get me started on STERN's Transformers pinball with Autobot, Decepticon, both, LE's and etc. for each!) While the machine itself has different artwork and the play field usually gets more props (as in decorations) and details, the kicker is that there's also one or more game modes that are exclusive to that version, as well as gameplay and scoring tweaks. That's the part that has some pinball folks upset, that they have to pay up front and beat a limited amount of other buyers just to get the 'complete' version of the game. (Sound familiar?)
Example, for AC/DC, SPA uses the Premium Edition which has the lower playfield mode, a mini-game when playing with the songs, "Hell Ain't a Bad Place to Be" and "Highway to Hell". On the Standard and Pro versions of the table, there is no lower playfield, just artwork, and the objectives for that mode are different than those with the lower play field.
How limited is limited, then? The Back in Black and Let There Be Rock AC/DC tables were limited to 300 and 200 units, for example. (And of course there's a plaque mounted below the back glass showing which number it is.)
So, with a digital version, I'm like, whatever. It's cheap enough that I'll buy it if I feel like it. But in the case of the real pinball machines, those additions and changes usually adds another $1,000 or more to the total cost. I'd be pretty salty about it if I had the means to buy and place a real pinball machine in my room. Maybe less salty if I had a even more money, probably because I wouldn't care about the game itself at that point.
Anyway, I'll probably get them down the line. I'm not sure if you can buy the LE packs without the original packs. Maybe you can, but that doesn't seem like a good value. And they're not just reskins, either. Pack 1 is 498MB and pack 2 is 264MB. That's a lot of extra space for 5 tables. Makes me curious as to what else is in there. But yeah, it's still pretty grimy to put add-on packs on top of add-on packs. Add-on Packception.
Stern Pinball now has Portrait (TATE vertical) and leaderboards. And it's 60fps 1080p docked and 60 fps undocked
Live stream announcing the launch of "The Pinball Arcade" for the Switch!
Love this and The Pinball Arcade, the best virtual pinball games around and it's not even close.
Tried the demo of the Frankenstein game, it persuaded me to spend a few quid and get Ghostbusters and Mustang, this is a great pinball simulation. It feels just like a real pinball machine.
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