R.B.I. Baseball has a long history with Nintendo consoles, first appearing on the original NES in 1986. The series was annualized following the release of R.B.I. Baseball 2 for the NES in 1990, until taking a 19 year break following Super R.B.I. Baseball’s 1995 release on the Super NES. Fast forward to 2017 and the series is finally making its way back to a Nintendo console. Sadly, R.B.I. Baseball 17 was not worth the wait.
R.B.I. Baseball occupies a strange space in sports gaming. In 2017, sports games have largely moved away from arcade-style titles in favour of more simulation-like experiences. A quick glance at the most popular sports titles in the world - Madden and FIFA - will tell you all you need to know about the direction in which the market has been headed for the last 20 years.
The developers of R.B.I. Baseball seem to be only partially aware of market trends, as the game seems unable to decide if it wants to be a retro-inspired arcade-style baseballer, or a modern simulation-style affair.

We were surprised to see that R.B.I. sports only two modes: Exhibition and Season. An Exhibition mode is a single game, where Season takes you through an entire season’s worth of games. That’s it. There are only two modes. There’s no online play or functionality to speak of, nor is there any career mode, both of which are staples of the genre at this point.
Once you’ve selected a mode playing a game is functionally no different. The game loads relatively quickly, until you notice how undetailed the arena is. R.B.I. feels like a mobile phone game blown up to fit the Switch’s larger screen; remember, too, that this has also been released on other consoles. The frame rate is rock solid, which is a positive, but it’s easy to see how it achieves this as the graphics are more reminiscent of a GameCube game than something that was made in the last ten years. The stadiums are filled with “cardboard” spectators, which is something we haven’t seen in a long time.

Character models are similarly undetailed, though it’s impossible to tell, as the camera never zooms in on a character. There are no replays, even when you score a Home Run or Grand Slam. The animations are barebones as well. When you reposition your pitcher or batter they’ll simply slide around rather than actually move properly. The stadiums feel lifeless as well, not only thanks to the spectators but the fact that the ground is one flat object with different textures seemingly painted on. The Switch isn’t as powerful in raw graphical grunt as its competitors, but it’s definitely capable of far more than this.
We could forgive R.B.I.’s visual shortcomings if the game didn’t suffer mechanically, but sadly it does. Whether you’re pitching or batting, the game offers no feedback on how to improve your chances of success. This element is critical to teaching players how to improve and to not have it is a cardinal sin in sports games. Occasionally the game will let you know of the types of pitches you can throw or how to steal a base, but the experience isn't enjoyable.
The control scheme is very straightforward, which is one of the few things the game has going for it. Pitching, batting and fielding are all intuitive, and even those not well versed in sports games will have an easy time figuring them out. That’s good, because there’s almost no tutorial to speak of in the game.
R.B.I. Baseball is a game that isn't sure of what it wants to be. It incorporates some elements of both retro and modern titles, but rather than fusing successful elements of both eras, R.B.I. falls flat. Extremely dated visuals, poor presentation, absence of online modes, bad animation and overall lack of polish make for a game that we simply can't recommend, even to hardcore baseball fans. Vote with your wallet and let Major League Baseball know you want a better game before giving them your hard earned cash.
Comments 79
Ouch, sounds like a job for a Mario Baseball return....
Huh ??
I guess Little League series on Wii looks better than that RBI games.
Shouldn't this be called R.I.P. Baseball?
Shame, I wanted to give it a try considering the price but if it's this lacking then I'll skip
The athletes' expression on the cover art says it all.
Was playing it last night and again this morning. Scored a combined three runs. Almost impossible to hit the ball the direction you want. https://twitter.com/olrodlegacy/status/908459430160695296
Sucks. Baseball is my favorite sport, but the last few offerings from this series have been forgettable at best. Really wish MLB The Show wasn't an exclusive.
You don't hear much about baseball these days, do you?
The parallels between this and Double Dragon 4 are obvious. Here you have a developer who wanted to make a game exactly like a game they grew up with (RBI Baseball on NES) and you have to ask how wise it is to keep everything so true to the original when those mechanics don't really age that well. And yet those of us who grew up with that are in a quandry because of our nostalgia and love for the originals. I'm actually borderline on this.
I understand why anybody looking for a more modern experience would be disappointed, but as a longtime fan of the RBI series (especially RBI 2) it's everything I want a baseball video game to be. It plays just like the old RBI games and I love it for that.
Sure it could look a little better, but if the gameplay was any different it wouldn't be RBI Baseball. I'd recommend this game to anybody who is a fan of the old RBI games or who is very forgiving/understanding of what they are trying to do and wants a simple baseball game. I'm having a blast with it.
Darn. When not playing quite varied games on Switch / 3DS / PC, my PS4 is pretty much an MLB The Show machine (not a diss on PS4, I just have limited time!). Hoped this was good but feared the worst, and Steve's review reinforces what I'd heard about this on other systems.
Maybe hamster will give us a baseball stars?
I just delved into this one, and have concluded that this RBI Baseball is EXACTLY what RBI Baseball has always been: Nothing more that an itch-scratcher. RBI always has had the MLB license working for it and I am super impressed with the updated rosters (i.e., the Yankees have the recently acquired Todd Frazier).
But as a retro gamer from the 80s, I can tell you RBI was always bringing up the rear in terms of graphics and gameplay. On the NES, Baseball Stars was the class leader (and remains a great play even today), and even Jaleco's Bases Loaded was a far better experience.
Regarding RBI 17, there are some positives for those wanting MLB baseball on the fly (or the go!) as the pace of the games is nice and brisk, and the fielding mechanics and throwing are silky smooth. But, as an example of its balky gameplay, the baserunning is bad--once you hit advance, your runner inexplicably keeps running beyond the next bag. And worst of all, the hitting is extremely difficult. Playing in the Ray's stadium, I could barely pick up the ball as it left pitcher Chris Archer's hand. And good contact is not rewarded with immediate feedback that you crushed it...the ball (out of view) merely continues to fly. It could have been so much more, but that has always been the case with RBI Baseball.
@Gerbwmu: YES, I have been pleading for Baseball Stars Professional (not II, we already got that one).
@MonkiPlays: Might be the worst retail game on the Switch, but the eShop has some far worse offerings. I think the 3 was a bit harsh . . . I've seen far worse games get a 5 here. But still disappointing.
@crackafreeze: That is the Canadian version. The US version has Dodger Corey Seager.
@Gerbwmu Would make sense for them to release Baseball Stars or Super Baseball 2020 in order to cash in on people's disappointment with this one.
This problem has plagued this title since it was relaunched. This has come off more as a money grab than someone wanting to put out an enjoyable baseball game. Personally, I would like to see what could be done about bringing a game like Super Mega Baseball to the Switch.
I miss the MLB slugfest series. That and the NFL Blitz are my best sports gaming memories !
That stinks. I used to play RBI baseball on my NES back in the 80s. I wish they would make a good arcade baseball and football game, there used to be tons. After the update I actually really like NBA playgrounds. And whatever happened to Madden on Nintendo?
"In 2017, sports games have largely moved away from arcade-style titles in favour of more simulation-like experiences. A quick glance at the most popular sports titles in the world - Madden and FIFA - will tell you all you need to know about the direction in which the market has been headed for the last 20 years."
And this is just sad to me. I loved the days of NBA Jam and NFL Blitz.
"In 2017, sports games have largely moved away from arcade-style titles in favour of more simulation-like experiences. A quick glance at the most popular sports titles in the world - Madden and FIFA - will tell you all you need to know about the direction in which the market has been headed for the last 20 years."
And this is just sad to me. I loved the days of NBA Jam and NFL Blitz.
The Show is only one worth buying
Fingers crossed for Super Mega Baseball: Extra Innings or Super Mega Baseball 2 when it is released. This is disappointing. Seems like a cynical (non) effort.
So sad because I did want this game to succeed.
To think about this, MLB 12, 13, 14 and 15 is better on a old Vita than this, if we are talking about MLB baseball games for on the go.
So sad this :/
I really wanted this to be good.
A successor to Wii Sports couldn't come soon enough.
Seemed budget at the time of announcement. I feel they're trying a quick cash-grab and it blew up in their faces.
This is really disappointing. I was hoping for a quality, real simulation baseball title. We haven't had one of those on a Nintendo system for quite some time.
Yep, this one was BAD. Sad thing is I know RBI Baseball 18 will be a thing and it will be the SAME thing.
It's a shame. I'll wait for one of the great Japanese baseball games like Genki's King of Pro Baseball or Konami's Powerful Pro Baseball.
Or let 2K come in with another The Bigs and Nintendo with a new Mario Sluggers.
Switch owners are now understanding what XBO owners have been having to deal with the last couple years since RBI first appeared back in 2015.
If you would have told me over 10 years ago that in 2017, we'd only have one legitimate baseball sim still on the market and it was a console exclusive, I probably wouldn't have believed it. Especially during the sixth generation you had MVP Baseball (EA), High Heat Baseball (3DO), 2K baseball, All-Star Baseball (Acclaim), as well as The Show. Now you have to own a PS4 if you want a legitimate baseball sim these days.
RBI is basically trying to capitalize on and fill the void 2K baseball left on Xbox after they stopped making the series in 2013. It's a very bare-bones experience and is barely worth the $20 they ask for it on PS4 and Xbox One let alone $30 for it on Switch. If you can get it on sale in a few months on the cheap, it might be worth a look at that point, but don't waste $30 on it unless you're absolutely desperate for a baseball fix and don't own a PS4. Just understand what you're buying won't come anywhere close to what a legit sim like MLB 17 offers.
excellent comment.
the review sounds like it's describing the EXACT same game as RBI Baseball on NES. all that's missing is 8bit chibi characters with limited detail.
I still LOVE that game and play it regularly because it's NOT a sim, just pitch and swing, but it works. This sounds like it does not, so I'll stick with my SNES.
@Krambo42 That's all I wanted to know. I'm not a baseball fan and the last official game I played was All-Star Baseball 2001 on N64, but I loved playing RBI '94 on Sega Genesis because it was a fun arcade game.
Wow that's a shame considering it's our only baseball choice. I guess Hamster needs to bring on super baseball 2020!!!
@Captain_Gonru I would love a Ken Griffey comeback!
I agree with @speedracer216... that really is an excellent comment. I really feel what you mean about the quandary. Sometimes I think about old games that I love, and think "Man, would be great if they could update the graphics but leave the gameplay exactly the same!", but it doesn't always work. It can work sometimes, though... just look at the Dragon's Trap recently. But the original game still holds up now. I guess that devs need to very carefully pick their battles here.
@SLIGEACH_EIRE - that would suggest that the series dies, which it hasn't.
@Gerbwmu Hamster have moved on to Nintendo coin-ops after Art of Fighting.
It's stuff like this that makes me wish Nintendo would get back to publishing sports games. They had some legit ones over the years. Ken Griffey MLB and Courtside with Kobe Bryant being some of my favorites.
I have actually been enjoying RBI Baseball 17. Reminds me of the NES games. I do wish it had the pennant winners like RBI Baseball 3 did.
The Jays are my favourite team. Maybe I should buy it just for that cover, lol.
Baseball is my favourite sport too. I had very high hopes for this, even though I bought last year's iPhone version and didn't really like it that much. Oh well...
@Angelic_Lapras_King I'm regularly on /r/baseball on Reddit and during the off-season, people primarily debate Mario Superstar Baseball lineup construction and post videos of game highlights. I just don't see that happening for the RBI Baseball dreck they're churning out today.
Honestly, with this in mind they should've just gone the Bases Loaded route and used 8-bit graphics to cover up the flaws.
This is a great site but as someone said on the kingdom new lands, I wonder if reviewers are really very skilled at games in general... I have logged like 10 hours and it plays just fine. Graphic could be better but in the day of minecraft being the biggest game in the world, graphics just don't matter. Solid gameplay is the only thing that should matter. It's baseball, how many modes does it have? It's lacking online, its score should have been a 6 or higher.
@SKTTR EA didn't make Bigs, 2K published it and the studio that made The Bigs is an MS exclusive now.
I keep tell you all MLB The Show 17 is the way to go if you want a great baseball game.
@Tasuki Oh yeah, I meant 2K. Oh Microsoft snapped them up? For what? They made good western baseball games that reminded me of Ken Griffey Jr's for SNES and N64.
I keep reading reviews, and I honestly can't decide if I should buy this (you'd think the reviews would make me think NOOOO, but they don't)
Here is what I see:
> The game is arcade-like (if you want a sim, which apparently most do, you will hate it)
> The game is short (<30 minute games)
> The game is on Switch (I have not bought any Sony product for 12 years due to their customer service verbally assaulting me when I bought a camera - I don't and won't own a Sony product)
> It takes awhile to get the hitting down (numerous reviews have suggested it takes a few days to get the timing down)
My thoughts:
> I don't have time for a sim - I LOVE NBA2K, but really, don't have time for it, I wouldn't have time for MLB The Show
> I don't have time for long games, so this fits perfectly
> Taking a few days to get the hitting down means that there is more depth to the game than the reviews note
> I have my WiiU - and
>> The Bigs 2 (terrible)
>> MLB Power Pros (fun, but too sim-like for quick play - I did put 30 hours into it)
>> World Class Baseball (TG-16 VC - one of my favorites)
>> Baseball Stars 2 (ok, but not a favorite - I prefer 2020, but didn't love the NEO GEO baseball games)
What I really wish for is Baseball Stars on the NES - THAT would be nirvana.
Or...bringing back the High Heat Series (I didn't like MVP Baseball b/c the games were too long)
I even bought the 3DS downloadable baseball game (I understand the Japanese version was good, the US version was poor, but was baseball on the go).
At the end of the day, I think RBI might be what I'm looking for, a quick fun baseball game w/o the depth I don't have time for.
...but I'm worried it really is terrible, so terrible that I should just figure out how to get HH to run on my computer.
@Krambo42 - based on all of that - do you think I'd like it?
@SKTTR My bad, Blue Castle Games who made the Bigs was bought out by Capcom not MS, (not sure why I was thinking MS) and now all they do is the Dead Rising series.
@Donutman there's a Kingdom New Lands review on NL?
EDIT: NVM, there is, but it wasn't showing up on the main review page.
@ECMIM and I just spent 2 hours playing kingdom and its fun too if you looking for a game that's going to punish you if you die.
Lol, on second thought, maybe I won't get it...
meh... we got The Show. bring back Power Pro baseball... would be awesome on the switch 😄
I would like to have a good arcadey pick-up-and-play baseball game on the Switch, but this one just seems like a cynical cash-grab mess with no idea what it actually wants to be. Guess I'll just have to hope for one of the Neo Geo baseball games to make an appearance on the eShop.
... I just want another Base Wars to play, or even a new Baseball Simulator game.
@FinalFrog Arc style baseball https://www.nintendolife.com/reviews/3ds-eshop/arc_style_baseball_3d
@Donutman yeah, I have it on PC, and it's a blast.
I was tempted to pick this up since I've been tired of downloading roster hacks for the original R.B.I on the NES but these reviews are scaring me away, I'll prob wait til a price drop cause this really does scream smartphone version.
Well, I already know how to play baseball, and I'd rather just read the controls in the manual than go through a mostly pointless tutorial anyway, so I can excuse it for that.
However, the outdated graphics are a pretty big negative, and no online play is a big no-no, so I'll definitely pass. Also, it appears that they didn't bother to incorporate an extra motion-controlled control scheme.
The review is rather light on the game mechanics themselves, though. Can you go into any more detail than just "straightforward" and "intuitive"? How well does the game work with in-game strategy decisions, in-game substitutes, and roster management? Also, how good are the sound effects and the commentators?
@FinalFrog The Dodgers did beat the Cardinals in the 2009 NLDS, but otherwise you're correct that the Cardinals own the Dodgers (and Clayton Kershaw in particular) in the playoffs. However, that's not exactly true about the Cardinals/Yankees World Series match-ups. The Cardinals merely hold a 3-2 edge in the five times it's happened, although they are the only team with a winning record against the Yankees in the World Series out of teams who have played them more than once.
You know, it's really sad when the last good baseball game to feature real MLB players on a Nintendo system was a Nicktoons crossover on the Wii.
The last good true baseball sim on a Nintendo system? Now you have to go all the way back to MVP Baseball 2005 on the GameCube.
@cyrus_zuo I think you will like RBI Baseball 17. I really do!
@cyrus_zuo Hard to say. You certainly sound like somebody who might appreciate it. I don't know that it is safe to assume that people having trouble hitting means that the game has more depth than expected, though...I think people might just not have the same 25 years of understanding/getting used to RBI's quirks that I have.
Also, it is fast-paced and simple to play, but it may not be as arcadey as you think. It's absolutely nothing like, say, The Bigs. It's very normal/real baseball, just easier and quicker than a full sim.
It's a really hard game to recommend. A lot of things people hate about it are things I love because they remind me of RBI 2. If none of the complaints are enough to scare you away and if you have seen some videos and think it looks decent, yeah, I think it might be safe to pick it up for $30. I don't have a ton of confidence when I say that, though.
@LinktotheFuture thanks for the positive thoughts, I think I'll give it a go.
@Krambo42 thanks for the honest appraisal and additional details. I have gamers club at best but, so everything is 20% off, so it's closer to $20.
@cyrus_zuo Cool, I hope you enjoy it!!
Nintendo needs to resurrect Ken Griffey Jr. Baseball.
@BulbasaurusRex : pitching and batting substitutions are easy. One click and your available players are listed. You acan hit and run, bunt, steal basea, but cannot align the defense (ala Joe Madden). The commentator is generic, only saying foul ball, safe, out, etc (no commentary--which in other games can get repetitive). The sound effects aren't great, but the fly ball sound is familiar to the RBI series.
Also, the controls are offered in "classic" or "modern", though without a physical manual, I have not figured out the differences. No motion controls.
R.B.I.? More like R.I.P., amirite?
@bluedogrulez Pretty sure modern means each face button corresponds to a base when throwing the ball instead of pressing B while holding a direction. Personally, I love the classic RBI controls.
@FinalFrog Arc style baseball was ok. Nothing great, nothing terrible. If it had better modes I'd give it a recommendation, but no season mode and no stat tracking is a big miss for me.
Picked this up today. It's literally a port of the mobile version, which explains the underwhelming visuals. I find it fairly easy to control, though I do need some practice to get better at batting. I went into it not expecting an MLB The Show experience, and I'm mostly satisfied with what I got for the price. My only real complaint is the abysmal design of the player models; there seem to be only three or four in total, with just two skin tones. The batters in particular bear almost no resemblance to their real-life counterparts. Even Ken Griffey Jr. Presents Major League Baseball had more variety in its batters!
@Superzone13 That might not be that easy, it depends on if they can get the MLB licensing again. It was a bit easier when they owned the Mariners.
@bluedogrulez The difference between "classic" and "modern" appears to be just that with "classic," when fielding you hit the direction of the base you want to throw to and the "throw" button, but with "modern," when fielding each button is mapped to a base, so you just hit the button corresponding to the base you want to throw to.
I have to say that, for $20, this game is pretty much exactly what I wanted for a baseball game on the Switch. I'm not interested in a super complex, in-depth "career mode," just wanted something I can pick up and play a few games in during the off-season when I've got the baseball itch, and I like that it has up-to-date rosters and the players license so you can play as your favorite team and not just a bunch of made-up goons like in the old Ken Griffey SNES games (which this is pretty similar to, gameplay-wise).
I will say that fielding is awkward and it's a lot more fun if you just enable the "fielding assist" mode. But pitching and batting are both implemented pretty perfectly, and that's the heart of any baseball game.
Batting in particular is refreshingly challenging, meaning you usually end up with a "realistic" final score, versus most baseball games where hitting is so unrealistically easy that you can put up double-digits in pretty much every inning.
@DanElectrode: Thanks Dan. I've been playing a season, much like NBA Playgrounds, this game is good for what it is. I think I'm going to start an RBI Baseball forum for those actually playing the game.
Well, guess we should all wait for a new Mario sluggers.
@FinalFrog I'm happy I made the purchase. It's not a great game, but I enjoy playing it. Hitting well is a challenge, and scores are fairly realistic. Fielding is enjoyable. Overall it is fun, and I love that the games are short. Not worth $40, but for the $25 I paid I will definitely get my money worth.
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