What a difficult game to review. Yes, yes, you're thinking. It must be so hard for you to review a well-received remake of a beloved classic. But, you see, it is, because Oddworld: New 'n' Tasty does so much wrong and is in many ways so utterly redundant that it's difficult to keep a cool head when approaching it.
Here's the thing; there was no reason to remake the original 1997 Oddworld: Abe's Oddysee. At the time New 'n' Tasty originally launched (the halcyon days of 2014), its source material was widely available on PlayStation 3 and Steam. And it still is. But, no, folks wanted their Abe action to get some sort of spit-shine, so in comes New 'n' Tasty "fixing" everything that wasn't broken and stripping the game of a good deal of its precision, atmosphere and general appeal.
Is it bad, then? Should we cut to the chase and just give it a low score? No, no, no. New 'n' Tasty doesn't deserve that. It's fun to play and the basic components that make Abe's Oddysee so good are here. Some of the quality of life improvements are smart ones, most crucially the implementation of Abe's Exoddus' valuable "All o' ya" command, which allows you to engage multiple Mudokons in Gamespeak at once, meaning no more painstakingly ferrying them back and forth one at a time.
Gamespeak? What's that? Whoops, we got ahead of ourselves. I suppose we ought to explain what Abe's Oddysee is, or was, but quite frankly you should already know and shame on you if you don't. A cinematic platformer akin to the original Prince of Persia, the game took place in a flip-screen world with pre-rendered background environments, focusing on timing-critical action, tense stealth and light puzzle-solving. The widely-touted Gamespeak feature saw Abe able to command his fellow slave workers around using basic commands such as "Hello", or "Follow me". Simplistic, yes, but also fresh, exciting and organic. While the single-screen compositions were dated even in '97, they served the action brilliantly, making each new area stick in the mind. It helped that it was (and still is) gorgeous.
And New 'n' Tasty is gorgeous, too. It looks fantastic in places, and the fidelity is enormously impressive even in handheld mode. Unfortunately, the same can't be said for many other aspects of the game when compared to Oddysee. Adding full scrolling gameplay to the experience seems like a no-brainer, but without adapting the level design it leads to a game that feels markedly less carefully designed.
In the original, you'd encounter sleeping enemies you'd need to sneak past. The transition between screens was just that – a transition, and it would give you pause. You'd think, hang on, I have no idea what's coming next, and you'd sneak onto the screen just in case there was a Slig in the land of nod. Here, you never know what's coming up, so you could find yourself just running headlong into a situation that you're not prepared for in the slightest. The screen divisions made each space stand alone; it made you, as a player, consider what you were faced with. Here, it's all muddied by this simple change. Some of the level designs have been altered to account for this. Others, not so much.
There's also the animation – Abe seems much lighter and fleeter-of-foot here. The weight and energy of the original is gone. It's not nearly as absorbing – you're no longer at the mercy of a hostile world, you're simply playing a game. More yammering, pointless dialogue has been added. The change of game feel has rendered some sections ridiculously trivial, others far harder. A quicksave feature has been added, but when you die it loads your last checkpoint rather than your last save. Abe's Exoddus got that part right in 1998.
But we could be negative all day long if we focus on the minutiae, if we consistently compare this remake to its inspiration. As a game, New 'n' Tasty is good. Better than good, in fact. It's a lot of fun, still, and if you're not familiar with the original Abe's Oddysee, it's going to impress. The level design is still good, there's still atmosphere here (though far less), the controls are slick enough and the multiple difficulty levels a sensible concession – though only the hardest mode is really worth playing, frankly, as this game was never that difficult in the first place.
It's good because Abe's Oddysee was good, but that's the only reason. And that may seem petty, but really, why remake a game only to strip it of precision and atmosphere like this? What's the point, ultimately? A nice port of Oddysee and Exoddus would have been far more desirable, and their "limitations" barely register today in a world where even more "primitive" indie titles have been wholeheartedly embraced. Abe's Oddysee hasn't aged, and this is a less good version of it. But it's a less good version of a great game, and it looks and runs great, so it's still plenty of fun. Just... why?
We realise it's not a popular outlook. Games should generally be appreciated for what they are rather than blasted for what they're not, but that's very difficult to do in this case. New 'n' Tasty is an acceptable imitation of Abe's Oddysee, but nothing more. It has its moments of inspiration – the Stockyards stage is so beautifully realised that it can momentarily trigger that "this is what I remember the original looking like!" false memory – but it's not enough to make up for the frustrations that come from the many, many unnecessary changes. Even the sound of Abe's chant, which once sounded mystical and otherworldly, now just sounds like babbling. We're very torn. As this is the only way to play Abe's Oddysee on Switch, we begrudgingly recommend it. But we do so with our arms folded, and pouting. Harrumph.
Comments 44
This game was fun, so people should break out the original psx because it didn't need a face lift? I would say it's a good way for people who missed the original, because it was ages ago, to reexperience the original style of gameplay.
Kind of funny to put new into a game title and have it be a 6 year old port.
I got this game (the remake, that is) some time ago for PC, and it never grabbed me and left me wondering why the original had gotten such great reviews all those years ago. Well, now I know: it seems the remake has changed a number of things for the worse.
This review was kinda just...negative...
I am very excited to have this game on my switch.
This is literally the worst review this game got so far on Switch.
"Lack of precision" doesn't makes sense, because the original game demanded a lot of kinda pixel-perfect-based action. Also it hadn't save state funcionality, "hey y'all" command, etc.
The game is fine but it misses a certain charm the original 2 games had, it's a bit too bright and shiny compared to the original but it was mostly made or restore the brand a bit.
I would gladly pay for a double pack of the original 2 games for the switch.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BNgPNeCVo30 here is a great video interview with the creator of the series.
Loved this game back in the day. No desire to go back and replay it though.
I played it on the Wii U and that had it's flaws with regard to technical issues with the remake. However, I would still recommend this game as it is a lovely playthrough. Gets genuinely rewardingly challenging in latter stages. NL gave the wii u version an 8/10. Not sure I will double dip, however. Hmmm....
I must admit, this is one Nintendolife review that I really, really disagree with. New ‘n’ Tasty is a brilliant remake IMO.
I got this on the Wii U, and was so disappointed with the updated sound.
For me, the original sound of Abe on PS was what I loved about the game
Great game but the switch tax on this is ridiculous - £27 vs £15 on PS4.
OK its currently on sale for £18 but I bought the complete edition (which came with a theme and a few extra costumes) for £4 in a PS4 sale.
Everyone is complaining about streaming on switch whilst at the same time bending over andletting greedy publishers screw them with over inflated prices.
I played this on PS4 and thought it was amazing, and much easier to control than the PSone original. I really do not agree with this review at all. I can't understand why it has such an undeserved low review score..
That sucks that it's a scrolling game and no longer single screen. Would make it feel more generic for sure and fundamentally changed the gameplay for the worse as the review notes.
I have this and the original on PS3 so will play it there. Never have completed the game but will go for the remake I think.
Loved the original. I got the remake for free a few years ago in a steam sale, apparently I’ve played it for a total of one hour.
I hated it
I certainly wouldn’t pay money for a 4 year old remake which has been available for free elsewhere
Couldn't disagree more!
New N Tasty is much more playable compared to the original, looks better, sounds better and is a faithful remake that just improves on things.
Complaining about precision and atmosphere is nonsense. I played the original a year before I played New N Tasty. The precision and atmosphere are perfectly matched. This reviewer is just living in the past with nostalgia goggles on. A proper review please Nintendo Life...
I noticed the same thing when I replayed this. I had the game as a kid and loved it on PS1, then later on I bought it on the PS1 again when I was older to replace my lost copy. I still felt it held up. Then a few years later I played the remake and I definitely didn't feel it was as good as the original, though I couldn't quite put my finger on why. I wondered if maybe the game hadn't aged well. I think this review may explain why I disliked it and after watching some in-depth videos on it, I have a much deeper understanding of why. The remake is visually appealing, but it ended up sapping away much of the charm of the original game. This is a prime example of why remakes aren't always better than remasters.
With that being said, the original game's minimalist approach may not be to everyone's liking to begin with, so mileage may vary. Some people may prefer the remake over the original.
This whole review sounds more like a nostalgia fanboys nitpick fest
So why have this dude review this game and not Thomas? Thomas love this game on the Wii U.
Some good remakes they could bring, Soul Reaver, Urban Chaos, Tenchu, (man, how i miss Tenchu), Silent Hill (RIP), In Cold Blood, Nightmare Creatures 1 and 2... Seems to me they keep remaking the same games over and over again...Looks like they're running out of ideas while having new ideas. Good thing i lived those years and have fond memories of games being done to entertain.
For no valid reason btw.
The only thing that I dislike about this remake Is the price, It could have been a bit lower. But putting aside that, it's a good remake. 8/10
I never played the original version back in the day so I have nothing to compare it to, but I loved this game when I played it on Xbox One.
One of the worst reviews I've ever read on here. I loved the original growing up since the very first time I played the demo disc from Official PlayStation Magazine, and I loved this remake just as much for feeling like how I remembered the game in my head.
6/10 is harsh ... It's a great remake that respects the original, and adds some great modern day QoL improvements. Yes, certain things from the original may be different (the single screens with transitions), and some may prefer those (and there are certainly elements I do like better, but many I don't), but this is most definitely not "not a very good remake".
Bummer. The original was truly a gem. Nothing else like it at the time.
This review is a joke and should have been stopped by the editor.
Has something changed with Nintendo life's layout?
This page is rendering very oddly. I'm using chrome on Android in dark mode, and the page is rendering white text on black backgrounds with huge white borders. Very odd. Never done that before, and isn't doing it on other pages.
To topic, I might give this a go on sale. I remember playing this briefly on a demo unit as a kid and being thoroughly confused.
Funny how on Wii U this game got an 8/10 review but now on switch it's a dog turd. Plus this review seems rather whiny. Sounds like that recent review for mario all stars talking about how the Nes mario games are so much better because they're original and the snes all stars was a poor remake.
Somebody's a hardcore purist apparently.
Oh wow i just looked up that all stars review and guess what? It's the same reviewer! I figured that one!
@Donnerkebab I was going to suggest that video if nobody else had, I thought it was a really interesting perspective on what was lost (in their opinion, obviously not everyone would agree) with the remake, first thing I thought of after reading this review.
@Slowdive I’m glad they addressed some of the issues in future releases, that’s pretty cool. Although I doubt the major criticism of the lack of segregated rooms and detail and atmosphere in the environments would’ve been affected much, that’s still cool that they took some of the criticism on-board.
@shazbot Yeah that’s happening to me too, no idea why. Hope it’s fixed soon, its hard to read the review itself and the pros and cons are almost impossible to see.
I was curious about the frame rate of this game so I went to check videos out. In my very brief and not thorough survey it looks like it ran at 20 to 30fps on PS3, 35 to 60fps on PS4, 30 to 50fps on Xbox One, and mostly around 30fps on Switch. I know everyone has different standards, but I just always have trouble enjoying a side-scrolling game that doesn't run at 60. I'm kind of curious if there's a version that locks at 60, like on PC, PS4 Pro, Xbox one x, or maybe the new consoles.
I personally loved this game on Wii U. That could be because I have little nostalgia for the original.
This is the first time I disagree with a review of yours. Sure, the controls are a mixed bag, but maybe it will get patched as the other ports with a digital-controls option, to make it feel more like the original. Besides, you get used to the way it controls pretty quick.
Also don’t trash the lack of difficulty, as not everyone played Abe’s Oddysee and probably not many Switch owners ever heard of Oddworld before, it still has some challenge to offer.
The only real problem with this port is that it doesn’t have the Alf’s Escape DLC from the PC, PS4 and Xbox ports. No idea why did they include the Scrub costume and a music player if they didn’t even consider to bring the extra chapter...
Such a shame. I suppose I was right to be suspicious of the pre-release discount.
I don’t think You guys should be allowed to review oddworld games, you gave munches oddysee a 4 and this game a 6!? I feel that’s very very unfair as all the oddworld games are very decent,
For those reading this comment ignore these reviews they are nonsense.
The original game is available on the Playstation Classic. I bought one for my daughter to play Tekken during lockdown and she's ended up playing through Abe's Oddysee quite recently.
@ChaosBadger777 It costs the company money to port it. If they were to charge £5 for it they’d probably not recoup the costs of porting it. Wait for a sale if you’re not willing to pay the release price.
@Alaninho it also cost the company money to remake it originally for the other systems and they still managed to charge £10 less on release.
Even on sale its more expensive on switch than the RRP on PS4 - keep defending these shady practices and we will have to keep paying inflated prices.
I'll just stick with the Vita version.
This is my first Oddworld game and I have no complaints whatsoever. I don't really understand where the reviewer is coming from at all.
@Flashlink99 I didn't trash the lack of difficulty so much as just observe that it has never been a game I'd personally consider super challenging. I also said that the multiple difficulty levels were a smart concession.
@StuartGipp they are indeed, as I’m also an Oddworld veteran and I can still complete Abe’s Oddysee without dying too much (I still find the Hard option easier than the original game). Still, this is more of an 8/10 in my book, and 6 is Munch’s Oddysee level of mediocrity and bad aging, definetly worth a try and is the closest thing to the PS4 original in terms of graphic quality (and almost content-wise)
@Retro_Player_77 Well. @ThomasBW84 is not working anymore in NintendoLife.
It wasn't the best experience on Wii U. Long loading times, low frame rate with drops. The atmosphere is nice and the puzzles are good, but I hate how you can easily miss a bunch of the slaves and cannot return to earlier stages to rescue them. 100%ing this game is very frustrating.
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