Note: Dying Light Platinum Edition is unavailable on Switch eShop in Europe at the time of writing pending an issue with the game being banned in Germany.
In 2011, Techland released Dead Island on most seventh generation consoles to mostly positive reception. Still, Dead Island had never quite been the game that Techland envisioned it to be, due both to creative differences with the publisher and hardware limitations. As a result, the studio struck out on its own and began development of Dying Light, a much more ambitious release that would hopefully be much closer to the studio’s original vision.
Dying Light released a few years later in 2015 to much more positive reception and sales, and now Techland has pulled off the herculean task of squeezing its flagship release onto the Switch. While there are some undeniable hardware limitations, Dying Light Platinum Edition nonetheless translates the full experience in all its horrifying, undead glory to the Switch with impressive results.
Dying Light places you in the role of Kyle Crane, a member of an organization called the Global Relief Effort which is evidently aimed at curbing the issues that sprung out of the zombie pandemic. We start with Kyle performing a HALO jump into the city of Harran—which has been wholly overrun by zombies—in search of a man who’s believed to have files related to a potential cure for the infection. Of course, things don’t exactly go according to plan, and Kyle is almost immediately bitten, but he’s saved by a local coalition of survivors and soon joins their ranks as a ‘Scout’ who runs supplies around town. Dying Light may not feature a particularly memorable or gripping narrative, but the story still strikes the right tone and doesn’t much get in the way of the enjoyable gameplay.
At its heart, Dying Light is a first-person platformer and brawler, with some light RPG elements sprinkled in to keep things interesting. As an open-world action game, Dying Light follows the tried and tested method of giving you a big ol’ playground to explore and complete quests in. The bulk of your time will be spent roaming the decrepit streets – crawling with undead – trying to find the most efficient routes over buildings and other environmental objects as you go here to fetch an item or there to kill another special foe. Kyle is particularly proficient at freerunning, and this athleticism is crucial to survival as you vault, climb, and jump over practically everything.
Looking at any surface and tapping ‘R’ will prompt Kyle to climb, and your mobility is often your most important asset to getting through in one piece. You can always fight the zombies, and there are often situations where you have no choice, but it’s made abundantly clear that this isn’t the most ideal option.
For one thing, guns aren’t much of a factor here. Not only are bullets extremely hard to find, but firing off any shots runs the risk of attracting the attention of zombies who are much more difficult to shake by just hopping over a fence. Most of your time will be spent using pipes, socket wrenches, boards, and whatever else you feel can decapitate a zombie if you swing it hard enough. Everything has different power levels and rarity, and using any one weapon too often will result in it breaking and becoming effectively useless. Not to worry, however, as you can use spare parts to repair and even enhance your favorite weapons with new upgrades if you have the right materials.
In practice, it feels a bit like a less infuriating version of the equipment system in Breath of the Wild. Your weapons aren’t necessarily made of glass but, much like the free-flowing gameplay, you’re encouraged to avoid stagnation and keep moving on to other equipment. But if you really like that socket wrench, you can maybe toss a mod on it that’ll light your enemies on fire and make the weapon that much more viable.
The RPG elements come in even more strongly when it comes to building out Kyle, who starts with three branching skill trees that govern his abilities. Every single time you pull yourself up another ledge or jump over another car hood, Kyle will gain a few more points towards leveling his Agility Tree. Every time you bludgeon another zombie with a piece of wood, you’ll gain a few points towards your Power tree. This creates a nicely rewarding feedback loop where no instance of Dying Light’s gameplay feels like it’s being wasted. No matter what you do, something is leveling up and eventually giving you rewards to make the game that much easier.
This being the Platinum Edition, you can rest assured that there is an absolute mountain of content to chew through. While it may sometimes feel like Dying Light 2 has perpetually been the game that’s coming out ‘soon’, Techland has been keeping fans busy by maintaining a near constant stream of updates and DLC for the last six years. For Switch, all this content comes free, and easily adds on an additional fifty or so hours to an already sizable base game. Plus, those of you who want to forage through this content with a friend or two can enjoy local (wireless) or online co-op. There’s even a fun ‘Be the Zombie’ game mode for those of you who want to battle it out with other players, though it must be said that this feels more like an amusing distraction than a full-fledged game mode. All of this is to say, Dying Light is an awfully good bang for your buck; it’s exceedingly likely that you won’t finish this one feeling like you’ve been ripped off.
The only major complaint we can really muster against Dying Light is that this Switch port is obviously not the prettiest version on the market. The 30FPS framerate holds reasonably close to its goal, but things tend to get choppier when there’s more happening on screen, and this can be especially egregious when fleeing from night hordes.
Beyond this, the muddier textures, blurrier shadows, and more frequent pop-in also take away a bit from the thrill of the action. That all said, let’s not discount what a miracle effort went into getting Dying Light running at all on the Switch’s humble hardware. It may look rather rough around the edges, but these visual compromises are easily waved away by the convenience of playing such an ambitious release on the go. Given this, it thus goes without saying that if you’re not one to take your Switch out of the dock or the house very often, there’s not much reason to buy this version unless you don’t have access to other, more powerful hardware to run it on.
Dying Light on Switch is quite a remarkable achievement, and we’re happy to report that Techland has mostly stuck the landing with this one. Its ambitious open world full of zombies is unlike anything else in the Switch’s library and, between the core campaign and six years of constant DLC updates, there’s potentially hundreds of hours of enjoyment to be had here. Granted, all of this comes at the cost of performance that can be middling compared to other platforms, but this is neatly balanced out by the convenience of playing in handheld mode. We’d give Dying Light a strong recommendation, though with the caveat that Switch owners who rarely play in portable mode may want to pause and consider buying it elsewhere. Wherever you may fall, we’d strongly encourage you to consider this Switch port; it really is quite good.
Comments 56
I’m 4 hours in and I’m having a great time. Takes a little bit of time to get used to the graphics on Switch, but once you get used to that and the gameplay, things start to click.
Well, looks like I'll be picking this up. (Gah, October has been expensive.) How does this compare with World War Z? (He said in the vain hope of putting off spending money..)
I'm happy with how the game looks. I mean, 5 years in, surely no one is thinking they bought a PS4 these days?
If you are like me and absolutely don't want to play this on your PS4 the review "reads like a 9/10 easily". So I think I will give this one a spin. Thanks for the review.
10/10 if you don’t even have a ps4 like me i am having a blast with this game!
"The only major complaint we can really muster against Dying Light is that this Switch port is obviously not the prettiest version on the market." Which makes sense, the Switch isn't gonna be as powerful as an Xbox or Playstation.
I guarantee you after one hour in the game you even stop to notice texture ecc be cause the game is so good and fun
Rarely do I pay full price for a game but this wasn’t on my radar so I missed snagging a preorder bargain so I’ve paid full price for first time on switch. (400+ physical games in) This is how you should do a game, all on cart and a nice map. Haha.
This game doesn't just look good, it looks great! I'm really impressed by the graphics and would say it's one of the best looking games I've played on Switch.
"Not the prettiest version on the market" downplays how good Dying Light on the Switch really looks. This isn't an Outer Worlds port where it's obvious at a glance that sacrifices were made to get it running. Rather, Dying Light easily holds its own compared to even the PC version, and the visual compromises are only apparent if you consciously look for them. While performance does occasionally dip, I have yet to find an instance where it interfered with my ability to play.
Same tought is the best looking third party game on switch and framerate is actually good
They said they will patch the performance, so I'll wait for it. But this is one I REALLY want to have on Switch!
It's really good and has all the DLC included so hours of gameplay, loving this game on Switch.
Really appreciate Techland actually putting effort into porting this!
Truly remarkable port and with all of it on a tiny cartridge!
Another good Switch port
Too bad the game comes with same bugs as on pc. Played at the beginning with my friend in co op, but later we only get connection lost. On pc there are some fixes, but here it’s impossible to apply them.
I love this game but the writing is at times horrible. It's so bad it hurts. The main storyline is good, with crane doing some bad things for the "greater good". But some npcs have horrible lines and horrible VO's. That is all really.
I have to go back to sniping zombies with my ranger bow. Also breaking zombie legs is the best.
@the_beaver "They said they will patch the performance..."
According to the Digital Foundry video, the main performance issue is framerate spikes above 30FPS which cause the game to appear to stutter, so the patch will likely lock it at 30FPS to prevent those fluctuations.
But does it have gyro aim?
@BulkSlash Only if you're aiming a ranged weapon.
Can only imagine how hard the side mission where you have to get 30 headshots in a set amount of time will be using the joycons
If Dying Light could be a decent Switch port. I see no reason why GTA 5 can't release on the Switch.
@Mountain_Man That's exactly what I read somewhere they'll do haha. Let's hope it happens sooner than later.
@MsJubilee I guess that's for the online mode. It's huge now, so big that perhaps the Switch couldn't handle it properly.
This was one of the Switch ports I had been waiting for from day one along with DIABLO 3, OVERWATCH, and DRAGON'S DOGMA. Of course I pre-ordered! So far I have been impressed. The pop-in and resolution can be dodgy, but not as bad a OUTER WOLDS. Would say it's on par with WITCHER 3, and I am fine with that. Being able to play such an amazing open-world zombie experience on a handheld is simply wonderful.
Now i am looking to the porting of kingdom come: deliverance with more hope(saber is taking care of it)
Still waiting for the physical version to be available in Portugal
@Mountain_Man Thanks, it’s a pity they didn’t include it for everything. Maybe that will be in the patch too.
Actually aiming with meele weapons is very easy even with the joycons
This game absolutely SHINES in portable mode, particularly on a Switch OLED. It's not awful by any means when docked but it's clear they had the portable performance in mind when developing this.
I think the most impressive thing is when there are dozens of shambling zombies on the screen, and the frame rate stays solid.
Now if I can sucker 3 others while I chase and kill them that will add all to the fun.
@aresius Yeah I can imagine it’s probably OK for melee weapons. It’s more the disconnect for me of only being able to use gyro sometimes.
I remember Alien Isolation did something similar, which meant I spent most of the game with two of the triggers held down- to hold the motion tracker out and to focus in the distance, just so I could use gyro all the time. 😅
@YusseiWarrior3000 "Ehh....what about docked players?"
Don't worry, it looks and plays great in docked mode, too. I don't know why NintendoLife was apparently intent on delivering backhanded compliments and downplaying the quality job Techland did on this port.
@JTTS "Why did you pick such weird screenshots?"
And from the first 30-minutes of the game, too. Makes you wonder how much time NintendoLife really spent playing before writing the review.
This game has become one of my favorite games of all time, so at some point I'll need to get it on switch, maybe a little after dying light 2 releases next February
I wonder how many adopters of the game are new to dying light or double dipping.
Been playing since last Saturday (copy came early) and love my experience in handheld mode on my Switch oled. I haven't tried local wireless play yet, but I will buy another copy eventually. I think the online co-op is broken though because everytime I try to join someone else's game then it crashes. Other then that minus some minor frame rate drops, the game is great! My physical copy didn't come with any of the extra goodies though 😕.
@Bizzyb This is the first graphically intensive game I plan on playing once I get the OLED 😁
@PhhhCough I've been playing it on PS4 since 2015
@JustMonika I love the constant updates, free content updates. Techland isn't talked about as much, when people discuss good developers.
@PhhhCough I even love the Dead Island and Call of Juarez games. I'm also very happy that Hellraid finally came out. You know it was announced before Dying Light? It was originally going to come out during the PS3 / 360 cycle. Eventually it came out as a mod for Dying Light though. That's what I'm really looking forward to playing since it's included in this.
Good, not great, for a PS4/Xbox One port is FANTASTIC to the Switch!
This is one of the reasons the switch is my main console. The amount of previous gen games I can finally catch up on. But Still got a couple of 80+ hours games on the backlog so this will have to wait.
I love how they treated their physical release with the love and care The Witcher 3 got. Just too bad that the gyro aiming doesn't adjust to handheld gaming. The horizontal axis is tied to 'steering' the switch, not looking around with it. If they patch that, it's right up there with the technically very best switch ports, of a very enjoyable game with some flaws (crafting menu, hud options, and losing points for dying, and some writing and stuff, that's what held the experience back for me, but still a very high recommendation that I'm really into right now).
It's a great port and I'm loving every minute of it!
Though I've come across at least a dozen "pop in parkour zombies" who'll just appear on the top of a roof with me just out of my FOV (to just the left or right of me directly offscreen). The moment I'm within roughly 10 feet of them they'll hightail it by running/jumping/climbing (which I didn't even know that they could do in this game...) onto the nearest roof. Or like once, clip through the roof and get stuck between the roof and the building... I've also come across a few ghost-like zombies as well, who'll be coming towards me, clip through me, and appear directly behind me.
The port certainly needs some work, but I'm lovin' every minute of it in spite of it's few bugs and glitches. And let's be honest, it's glitches and bugs in games like these that make the sandbox that much more fun and interesting.
While i play my switch mostly handheld...playing, outer worlds, or witcher 3 and crysis remastered you deal with very blurry gameplay which can be difficult at times because in crysis you literally can't see where anyone is unless they are right in front of you... While its great games like this are on switch...its always clear you're playing the barely functional lesser version of games.. here's hoping eventually when better switch hardware comes out all of these games will be upgraded
@PhhhCough I owned the PS4 version of the game for years and it was one of my favorite zombie games. When I loaned it to a friend, I hoped that I would be seeing this come to Switch. Over the last week its been great. Sure you have your standard drawbacks with the game coming from a more powerful console. But in my opinion this is my most enjoyable way to experience the game. Handheld keeps me playing while at work, then Docked gets me back home on the TV. I am probably about 10 hours in and still get shocked by how good it runs and looks when I'm comparing it to what I remember of the PS4 version.
I'm a decidedly low-spec gamer (Switch, PS3, and older gen consoles) and certainly no authority, but after 3hrs playing last night Dying Light sucked me right in and I was really impressed the devs could cram what seems like such a huge game into my favorite little hybrid console!
It's the first zombie game I've played in a long time (an impulse buy before Halloween) and I'm really enjoying it. I just wish we had the choice of a female protagonist in story mode, to make it a bit more immersive for me.
@JustMonika Definitely go for it. It looks great!
Already ordered my copy ! When we finally get a L4d2 and Dead island port ? I wanna play these ad hoc otg ! Nintendo will win big if they publish those for my beloved Switch lite. Oh, and we need a petition for Doom ad hoc multiplayer ! Where is all the money Nintendo could have made with that ? We may not leave it like that i find.
This is one I’d like a demo for. I enjoy open worlds, and this one seems like it’d be fun to take a stab at.
When is the going to get an eshop release? come on Germany, lift the ban!
patch is already out, solved the framepacing by capping at 30, improved resolution in handheld mode making more crispy and beautiful to look(it was already great and their make it more great) , better motion control i can aim better now with guns and apparently the lockpick bug is gone(before motion control where active during the minigame) , they fix a crash with the hellraid dlc and other fixes , the game is perfect the best ports on switch ever
@aresius Thanks for the update. It's annoying reviews never get tiny updates about patches which can drastically improve the game and would possibly up the score. Guess I'll see for myself.when it gets here.
That’s why i love switchup channel they always add info in the chat and make video about patches
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