If you’re going to strap on the shoes of anyone during the end of the world, who better than one of the Four Horsemen of Said Apocalypse? The end times have unexpectedly been unleashed, and as the armies of Heaven and Hell go to war on a ruined Earth, all the fingers are pointing to moody horseman War as the instigator. Banished from his lofty position as a result, our hooded anti-hero will need to slash his giant blade through waves of demons, angels and more as he carves a way to the truth, and his own absolution.
Co-director Joe Madueira has a long history as a comic book artist and writer, and you can tell from the moment Darksiders: Warmastered Edition’s menu loads up. Everything from its slick animated cutscenes to the character model and weapon designs look, play and feel like an interactive comic brought to life in video game form. Right down to the ridiculous story full of cackling demons and big-headed angels lording it over the burning ashes of the mortal world. It’s big, loud and silly and a world away from the ambience of The Legend of Zelda games, a series its developer so clearly owes much of its inspiration.

Truth be told, Darksiders isn’t a particularly original experience today – nor was it back in 2010, when it first released. There’s a splash of the 3D era Zeldas in its mixture of dungeons, exploration and puzzle solving, and the combat model owes more than a few doffs of the cap to the original God of War series. Yet even now, nine years after its debut, you can still see why it garnered so many positive reviews. That art style, reminiscent of early World of Warcraft, gives its a world a relatively unique feel on consoles, its voice-acting is pretty damn good (including Mark Hamill occasionally straying into Joker territory) and its hack-’n-slash combat is still deeply satisfying as you bisect an angel or skewer a demon.
Now-defunct developer Vigil Games found the ideal pace at which to unlock War’s growing array of powers and weapons. When you start you’re given a taste of the horseman at the height of his power, with tons of health and the ability to assume a giant Chaos Form wreathed in fire, like a Tolkien Estate-baiting Balrog. But then you’re stripped down to your bare essentials with only your hefty sword Chaoseater at your disposal. As you progress, you’ll unlock Death’s Scythe and a number of other powerful weapons. You’ll start to build up your Wrath powers, enabling you to unleash special moves that can make a big difference when you’re being swamped.

It's also blessed with an AI system that’s actually pretty good at trying to exploit your weaknesses; smaller demons often try to overwhelm you from all directions (forcing you to dodge to safety or use your scythe to clear them out for good) while angelic lieutenants pull pack and attempt to snipe you from a safe distance. A jumping strike and a mid-air combo usually puts their winged antics to bed, but this isn't a game that's packed with dumb enemies. Darksiders may not have done anything particularly new with its mechanics, but it made them enjoyable to wield nonetheless.
Compared to the two games that have since followed, Darksiders does suffer from some repetitive and downright drab environment designs. There’s just only so many underground corridors and ruined buildings you can explore before you start hungering for something aesthetically diverse. Compared to the rich variation of locales featured in Darksiders II, the original too often strays into a dated look that not even a remastered version can rectify. In fact, most aspects of Darksiders were improved upon for the sequel – including the stiffness of wall-running, a new weapon loot system and the fact you get access to your horse from the start of the game rather than right at the end – so if you’re double-dipping after your first playthrough on PS3 or Xbox 360, it’s hard to ignore this rougher incarnation’s retrospective faults.

There are some improvements that were introduced to the game with the original Warmastered Edition, meaning Darksiders on Switch boasts enhanced shadows, updated textures, smoother rendering and better post-processing effects. Visually, the version playing on Switch is a noticeable improvement on the one released on Wii U in 2017, so now it looks and feels like you’re playing the remaster rather than a straight port of the PS3/360 build. Add in the satisfying tremble of the Joy-Cons every time you pull off a powerful strike, and you’re left with a port that does the original plenty of justice.
Darksiders: Warmastered Edition is a faithful port of the original that brings every slash of Chaoseaster and every bloody execution to Nintendo Switch in all its glory. While still the inferior entry in the Darksiders trilogy, this first outing is still a robust action-platformer full of satisfying melee combos, open-ended levels and a suitably over-the-top story. Easily one of the most underrated franchises to appear in the previous generation, Darksiders is a solid port that finally unleashes the Apocalypse in handheld form.
Comments 86
7 or not I'm so exicted to try this game for the first time. Picking up a copy on the way home from work tomorrow
@NintendoByNature enjoy!
So many games out this month, this was on my consideration list, however I will probably just pick up FF X/X-2 and XII and maybe Death Mark.
@NintendoByNature It's great! You should pick up the sequel too once you're done
Happy to read it's an improvement over the Wii U port,that was rough. I never knew what screen tearing was until I played that game. It was the roughness of the port that put me off playing it past the opening few hours, even though I could tell it was a good game.
Edit - I just remembered it was the sequel I played on Wii U.
Sounds like a solid 8/10 for those of us who haven't played the series before.
@MJInnocent thank you! I'm sure I will have a blast
@Draz if I really enjoy this game which I'm sure i will, I will definitely give the sequel a look
I don’t know your tastes in video games, but I absolutely loved Darksiders, hope you do too.
Now how about a port of Darksiders 2? I never even made it halfway through the game on PS3 and it’s been forever in my backlog. Having it playable on the go would make it far more likely that I finish it.
I have it pre-ordered and waiting for my copy tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.
I also think Darksiders 1 is the better game. While I only finished about half of the sequel before getting sidetracked with other games, I preferred the original.
I like a lot of the improvements of the sequel, and wall running reminded me of a somewhat easier version Prince of Persia (I miss that series).
I did not care for the loot system, it just didn’t work well and I trashed most of it. I prefer the originals version to powering up weapons.
Death was a great character, but War just felt more bad***!
Been waiting for this for ages! It doesn’t look like it’ll be published in Japan so I’ll import.
This is definitely a game I’ll be playing as soon as possible.
This game is a solid 8 - 8,5 in my book, and nothing less than an absolute must-have for people that love open world hack & slash games with a Zelda vibe and puzzle elements.
Also love Joe Madureira's artwork in it. To this day, all of it still holds up beautifully. Calling the environments drab and samey is completely missing the point.
Earth is all but destroyed, it is supposed to be a desolate, despairing environment, and there's still more than enough variety in enemies and quests, so if you're even the slightest bit interested in games like these, then you really can't go wrong getting this, so you should do yourself a favor and buy it now.
It may be April Fool's Day, but I'm not even kidding. I own multiple copies of both Darksiders 1 and 2, that's how much I love these games.
@ThanosReXXX Same here! I have it on PS4 but I was disappointed by the uncapped frame rate that made my console sound like wailing banshee.
Can't wait to go through it again on the Switch!
I wonder how many people are gonna be scrolling by and get excited when they think it says Darkstalkers.
Just a 7?!
While it might take inspiration from (or steal large chunks of) some big name properties such as Zelda or God of War, it does it very well, and there's not much like ti on the switch. I can't wait to play this again and I'm hoping that that the sequel will follow suit.
Even If I can't buy it for switch, I drop in saying this game it's really a great game.
Wii U never got this game it got 2. Also wish the review went in more detail of the performance vs quality modes. I wish more games gave us this option on switch.
@Fake-E-Lee Thanks for the tip, but I think the better perspective is more suited for newcomers. I'm already convinced and have been, ever since I played the original first game on the Xbox 360, so that would be the proverbial preaching to the choir.
Have fun playing it, and you definitely won't be disappointed where the combat is concerned. It's nice and meaty, and packs a real punch. Boss fights are quite entertaining as well. Just take care to balance your skill and weapons tree, so you can use it to maximum effect.
@Zuljaras Hope you have fun with it. Never played the uncapped versions on current gen consoles, only the Warmastered Edition on the Wii U, and besides the odd tear every now and then, I never had any issues with it, and still enjoyed the heck out of it, again...
@Diogmites I'd say that's just an opinion, not a fact. There was little if nothing flawed about it. Gameplay was solid, the artwork was spot on, combat was tight, and the setting was more than fitting for the story.
If anything, it's actually the other way around: 2 was still a good game, but far too many open, useless spaces. Like another commenter already said, those just seem to cater to being able to use the horse to travel through them, but otherwise they serve little purpose.
@Qwertyninty Wii U never got this game? What are you talking about? Must be vaporware then, sitting on my game shelf here...
Anyone who likes Zelda games should give this a try (granted he is okay with the more gore-y approach). It's one my favourite PS3 games and it's a great addition to the Switch's library
@ThanosReXXX you are right it did release. I guess it was sent to die. It released on Wii U after the switch was already released. I had moved on from Wii U that’s why I didn’t remember. I did play the second one on Wii U. That’s what I remembered.
@ArcanaXVI I think Darksiders 2 was a step up in gameplay. The combat was a lot smoother and the puzzles were more clever. However, it relied on the "do this 3 times in order to do this 3 times ..." shtick way too much and thus draged on longer than it needed to. Ultimately I think both games are about equally good. I haven't finished Darksiders 3 yet
@Qwertyninty You know, you actually made me wonder if it had skipped some regions, for whatever reason.
I don't agree with it being sent to die, though. What it was, and it was a REALLY good thing, is THQ Nordic keeping its promise. Something far to rare, nowadays, with large publishers...
@ThanosReXXX I can agree with that. I was so ready to move on from Wii U. I sold mine. I was ready for switch. I had no idea it came to the system.
I ddon’t know what to do I did initially enjoy it on wiiu but the more I played the buggier the game seemed to get so I just stopped playing it. Waste of money really but it was only £13 or something new. Why is this game £30? Any if the frame rate is fixed and it isn’t effectively broken I might try it again in a sale though not paying £30 no way
Good game that is now $4 and I still have in my Steam library from 2012 (with the other 3)
There are way too many big new games out elsewhere to spend $30 and play this again.
@Kang81 I'm a huge zelda fan (As shown in my avatar) so I think ill enjoy this
Awesome sauce! This remaster could be the very reason I get back into this game!
I have this for PC and the game is stunning to look at and fun to play. Everything just works well together.
@NintendoByNature I played it in 2010 and I'm going back in tomorrow. This game is still awesome imo.
Remember they made ds2 work on wiiU ❤️ really good games!
The Zelda nature of the first Darksiders is a big reason I like it more than the sequel. Plus, the world is incredibly cool and the design and artwork is simply amazing.
I’ll say this again, Enjoy! I think your in for a treat.
Finally a game I'm truly excited to play.
Gave up on Sekiro within the first hour. Started playing Far Cry New Dawn, that was fun for a few hours, then I moved on from that.
Been having a blast with Unravel Two though. That game is incredible, especially on Switch (moreso than Yoshi, eh ehm... which I do like but, Unravel Two is better imo). And Chocobo's Dungeon, and still playing Trials Rising.
But this game here is what I've been waiting on. I'm going all in until Final Fantasy X drops, which I already played but am super stoked to play again all these years later. Still, itll take a backseat to Final Fantasy XII and Dragons Dogma and Cuphead and Mortal Kombat XI in a few weeks.
Should be able to beat Darksiders by then. Man... Darksiders goes handheld, what a generation this is turning out to be!
Will probably grab this once it drops to 20 or less, so maybe around black friday or if it hits a summer sale.
My rating for this game is a 9. Forget what rating Nintendolife gave.
Great improved graphics
Good story
Nice combat
Interesting boss fights
Only downside is you will send money to buy it😁😁😁
Anyone else lost interest in this because of THQNordic's recent exploits?
@Schizor88 man im so pumped based on what people are saying.
I’m really hyped to play this for the first time... anyone know cheapest UK place to buy for physical?
I got it for Wii U, didn't complete it. It exudes the kind of stuff 360/PS3 games that I didn't like at the time. Also, I don't see the resemblance to Zelda.
7? Are you kidding me?
This is up there with some of links adventures, easily a 9
Mmm yes well the problem is I bought this for £1.50 on the Wii U eshop. Where is Darksiders 3 you teasey-weasels.
Take an easy, graceful sideways position.
@Kang81 I found 2 really short in comparison to the first game, I would recommend doing all the side stuff if you end up playing it.
Believe me it’s worth more than 7/10 when it launched on PS3 it had reviews of 9/10 totally justified.
"While still the inferior entry in the Darksiders trilogy,"
Wow. Do NOT agree with that assessment at all. Darksiders 1 is one of the best Zelda games ever made, easily beating out several of the main entries... and that comes from someone who holds Zelda as his favourite gaming franchise.
@ArcanaXVI I never could get into Darksiders II, and I tried multiple times. I don't know what it was, but in contrast I couldn't put the first entry down when I had it for PS3. I can see myself double dipping to play this on the go, but I don't know if I'll ever have the patience for part II.
I'll finally be jumping into this series with Warmastered on Switch.
@Qwertyninty Ah, what a waste...
Just kidding, to each their own, of course, but personally, I never sell any of my consoles or handhelds. Besides each and every one of them having some truly exclusive titles, the way that these consoles play and feel is completely different in every single one of them as well, so if I ever feel the need/want to go back and experience that, I can. Another console, even one that can play the same titles, or updates of those titles, just can't replicate that.
Of course, I do understand that there's only so much space underneath/next to the TV screen, and so many wall sockets that you can have, but for me, that's a rather minor hurdle to overcome, especially compared to the entertainment value that's readily available at all times.
Personally, I've just never understood the whole sell the old, get the new one where it concerns video game consoles. None of them are ever fully backwards compatible, nor do all titles get ported, so depending on the software library, it might even be a difficult choice for people not like me who just keep all their consoles by default, regardless of them having any unique/exclusive titles or not...
I'll be getting around to this soon...on my Wii U. I picked it up for that platform over a year ago and haven't really played it yet. Is that version as buggy as everyone makes it out to be?
@ThanosReXXX honestly I was just very disappointed in Nintendo and the Wii U. I was ready to move on.
@Qwertyninty Fair enough. We all think differently. Personally, I'm glad I held on to the system. It offers enough different experiences to make it stand out vs other consoles, the Switch included, which, by the way, I also own...
LEGO City Undercover just isn't the same without the dual screen, and that's just one example...
@Tyranexx It has some screen tearing here and there, but if you aren't sensitive to games with the odd frame drop here and there, like some tender souls on here are, to an extent that it almost physically and mentally injures them, then you won't be bothered by a bit of occasional screen tear either.
And perhaps you may experience the odd freeze. In all the 40+ hours that I've played the game on the Wii U, I had it freeze on me once, but by simply rebooting the console and continuing from my last save point, which is never more than a couple of minutes of play away, I was able to move on without a hitch. And it hasn't frozen on me since, so that's my experience with that particular version.
Some people mention multiple freezes, horrible frame drops and screen tear, but I can't relate to any of that. It's a great game, and it looks and plays well enough on the Wii U.
Yeah this is my absolute fav Darksiders game. Love playing as War.
@ThanosReXXX LEGO city is one of my favorite games. I enjoyed it on Wii U and Switch. I just had such high expectations for Wii U. I will never do that again. I go into buying a Nintendo console expecting nothing. As a Nintendo only gamer Wii U sucked. I enjoyed some games mainly smash and MK8. I expected so much more from third parties.
It’s brilliant your in for a treat, I love God of War as well. Darksiders definitely mixes the combat from GOW and the puzzling from Zelda:)
War? What is it good for?
@ThanosReXXX: I'm willing to chance it. Frame rate drops don't bother me much (as long as the game isn't at a complete standstill). It can't be any worse than what I put up with when playing Assassin's Creed III, and I managed to get to the end credits of that game and fully build the homestead. XD I've never had any other game hard freeze my Wii U besides that one up to this point.
@Bunkerneath: Love.
Had this been a Switch launch title I would've been on it day one. Now that I own it (and the original) at least 3x over I'm going to skip it this time around. Great game though. Highly recommend it to anyone that missed it on every other console made in the past 10 years.
Based on internet videos it looks like this game runs at an almost perfect 60fps in BOTH handheld and docked when one selects the performance option in the menus. This is awesome! I've enjoyed Darksiders before, and the fact that I can play it smoothly in handheld makes it a day one purchase!
My Wii U still gets regular play alongside my Switch and Xbox One X. I could never get rid of it either as my VC library across the Wii/Wii U is massive.
I have Darksiders on the Xbox 360 and I thought it was ok. It doesnt quite hit the heights of the games that it draws inspiration from but it's certainly worth a play. Not quite enough for me to double dip on it though.
I was fairly excited when this got announced and a lot of people were comparing it to Zelda. Zelda is my favorite series, but watching some videos this reminds me more of something like Bayonetta with its hack and slash mechanics. That’s just not my thing. This game is cheap enough that I’m tempted to try it out, but not quite convinced yet.
The score is a bit too low in my opinion, I would definitely rate it higher, like 8 or 8.5! I just played it a few hours and absolutely enjoying it on Switch.
@Qwertyninty Yeah, in that respect, it was indeed a disappointment. Still couldn't convince myself to get rid of it, though. Way back in the day, I sold one of my systems, not even a console but a home computer, and I've regretted it ever since, so I promised myself to never do that again. The fact that I was also a very late adopter of the Wii U certainly helped, because I now have quite the backlog, so no more support or not doesn't really affect me that much anymore.
And I do have my Switch and Xbox One S as well, so I'm fine on the third party front nowadays...
@Tyranexx Well, then you'll probably be just fine with this game, which besides its few disadvantages offers what is in my experience and opinion a really entertaining and solid experience, in an interesting setting, that is only expanded and improved upon in later installments, so you could certainly do much worse than giving this one a go.
@CaPPa Fair enough. I can understand it's not for everyone, or not as good an experience for everyone, even if you've played it. Me already being a fan of the game's artist certainly helped spark my interest in the series, and I like my hack n' slash games, especially if they're a bit smarter than the average one, which Darksiders most certainly is.
This on my list bit not right away. I beat it on wiiu so I am saving ports I have beaten fot next year purchases.
I definitely plan on getting back to Darksiders 2, I own it on PS4 and Wii U. I’ve also purchased Darksiders 3 because I want to see the story get a deserved conclusion.
It’s just an unfortunate addition to my backlog at the moment.
Glad your enjoying mate it’s a fantastic game. The 7/10 was way to harsh.
Good news mate, I have the game on PS3, and bought the war master edition on PS4. Looks like i will buy the switch version now for mobile use:) I have darksiders 2 but i didn’t enjoy as much as the first one. Will buy the third as well at some point.
Sounds great!! Love the switch the screen has nice clarity. Looks like Darksiders will be purchased again👍🏻👍🏻
@Fake-E-Lee Yeah, I've been enjoying the performance mode a lot! I can see the extra sharpness when I switch to quality mode, but as soon as things start moving it looks blurry. I'm not saying the resolution decreases, just that when things move at 30fps the edges of things moving across the screen look undefined and in effect blurry. Comparing 60 fps to 30 fps it just seems like I can actually see things better at 60 fps. Corners and edges of things should always be solid and smooth as they move across the street screen! Anyways, Darksiders is great on Switch. I love that it can run at 60fps in handheld!
It’s been a pleasure my friend, enjoy the rest of the game. Hope to speak again in the future:)
Loving it so far, amazing to be able to play these excellent 3rd party games in handheld.
Keep them coming it is my only viable way of gaming now.
Just a question did anyone have any problems getting this on release day in the uk?
I did, had it on pre order from amazon for release day delivery, email that morning saying it’s been delayed. So cancelled the order. Reserved at GAME. I pick it up after work and was told I was lucky it’s their last copy. Either this game is extremely popular, or is there supply issues with this in the uk.
Also the spine on the box thankfully is red and not black like it was mentioned on here somewhere.
@NintendoByNature did you find a copy?
@musicman_uribe yea i grabbed one at best buy which was my 2nd stop. No gamestops near by had any. The stores that did only had 1 copy sent to them which was wierd. Are you having trouble finding it?
@backinthegame I think the US is having stock issues too. But mine has a black spine..
@NintendoByNature hell yeah I am. Why do they do this to us!?! -__-
@musicman_uribe damn that blows. Target and Wal-Mart ought to be good guesses. Unless youve tried those. I'd start calling people rather than driving. Crazy how this game didn't get shipped to enough stores
GameStop had one copy which I was happy to buy. It has the black spine that I wanted.
The black spine is cool, but my god I’d have to keep it well away from the rest of my collection.
Very surprised a game like this for switch was in such low physical stock.
My local game had one copy... out the back and it wasn’t black
Weird the stock levels are what they are I agree
I own this on WiiU, but haven't played it, I heard it wasn't a great port. Should I get it on Switch instead, or is there not much difference?
@MJInnocent Your profile pic is REALLY offensive.
@617Sqn I REALLY don’t see how.
@617Sqn I have had a number of positive comments regarding it here and you’re the first to find my support for a man who was, lest we forget, fully exonerated in life offensive. The truth is never offensive.
I am late joining the crowd to get a taste of the Chaoseater. This is my first Darksiders game but wasn't my first hack and slash game. I have played several Devil May Cry series, Onimusha series and God of War series. I felt Darksiders is right at home in this genre. So here are my thoughts of the game so far.
1. I don't mind the graphic quality being quite modest in this era of high quality graphic games. I would say the graphic is around PS2 quality.
2. The voice actors are very good because they are into the characters deep, thus making the story more alive.
3. For this kind of genre, War has quite a selection of weapons to deal with his enemies. There is even some power which can be slotted to the said weapons to add in a minor boost to them. So the selection is quite a lot.
4. The soul collection system to buy / unlock stuffs are not new in this genre. In Darksiders, this feels a bit grindy, but the unlockables are quite rewarding, so I guess this adds to the positive score.
1. The enemies will just stop attacking when you pushed the (A) button near an enemy when they are quite low on health for War to pull a finisher on them. I have only found one enemy which will involve other nearby enemies when War pull the finisher, and the involvement here is quite suitable.
2. The small enemies seemed quite hesitant to attack War although they are ganging up on him.
3. Sometimes I found myself stuck in some puzzles with no obvious way to solve it. Luckily lots of people have already beaten the game, so I can find lots of help in the internet. But maybe they can enhance this experience by adding in some clues.
My final score is 8/10.
I am definitely going to get all the Darksiders series for the Switch whenever possible!
Very very late to the party but playing Darksiders for the first time courtesy of the great digital sale on the eshop at the moment. I picked up this and the sequel. All for the lovely price of £22
Not. One. Single. Regret.
I've been looking for something like this lately to fill that action adventure void while we wait even for a screenshot from Bayonetta 3. Has the verocity and speed of the DMC and Bayonetta games and has the epic scale of mythical adventure of the God of War games. And I can also see the Legend of Zelda rife influences throughout the game.
I can agree there is absolutely nothing new to offer here that hasn't been done before but it's polished and no cheap knock off. Very happy with my cheap purchases. I can actually see me sitting down from start to finish with these games with no extra games on the side.
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