The RPG genre is still rather popular, with several big-name releases arriving every year. While these are usually grand spectacles, Fairune keeps things quite simple. As with many "retro-esque" games these days, it attempts to emulate the look and feel of a classic '80s game, and that comes with matching game mechanics.
Combat is usually a big part of RPGs in the modern day, with lots of different attack options and strategies at your disposal. Instead of this approach, Fairune has a combat system that's highly reminiscent of the first Ys games - combat consists of little more than simply ramming into an enemy, upon which blows will automatically be exchanged. If an enemy is the same level as you, it will die, and you will take one point of damage and receive XP. If the enemy's a level higher, it'll still die and you'll still get XP, but if it's any higher than that you'll be completely unable to harm it. This means that you'll constantly have to find new groups of enemies to level up on, while avoiding the ones that are invincible until you're strong enough.
Despite the unique combat, however, it's not really the main focus of the game. The focus instead seems to be on puzzles, which are fairly abundant and must be solved to move on. The main overworld itself is a bit of a puzzle, as it loops around via the edges, and before you know it you'll even stumble into completely different additional maps. Each of these has more puzzles to solve, which can range from finding a hidden path by looking at the scenery carefully, to simply finding and using the right items.
Neither the combat or the puzzles in Fairune are very challenging, and as a whole it's a relatively straightforward experience; our end game time clocked in at just under 2 hours. That said, despite its simplicity it's quite entertaining, and does a good job of capturing that old-school feel.
Once you've beaten the game there is some incentive to go back in for seconds. Aside from the aforementioned secrets it does have a few achievements, which include finding all items and enemies, as well as beating the game within a single hour. Nothing mindblowing, but definitely something completionists will want to do.
Fairune's music and graphics aren't quite 8-bit and are closer to 16-bit, but nevertheless they're both well done and accentuate the game's straightforwardness pretty well. Despite their relatively small size, all of the enemy sprites are nicely detailed, making them pretty charming to look at.
Fairune's a very simple game, but for such a low price it's pretty hard to go wrong. It might not be all that long, but it's enjoyable from start to finish, which is a what we hope for in a download.
Comments 31
Well that confirms it, with that price and a decent review I'll pick this up. Glad it's also not a huge time sink either. Been seeing a lot about this on Miiverse and everyone seems to like it.
Yeah, Imma grab this, too, eventually. Would get it now if not for that Level 5 sale...
Will buy soon. Got 7 games thanks to sales last week, so I'm good for a bit. But sounds like a fun little RPG.
I enjoyed this one a little more than the review, though I found the puzzles more challenging than Nintendo Life so that may be why.
I'm surprised that the puzzles were all described as easy though... some of the hidden paths and items can be hidden pretty well.
I adore Y's but a main thing that makes them great is the music.. Might check this out though when I can!
@Prof_Clayton : I totally agree with you !
Some puzzles/hidden paths/items made me take lot of time to find it out !
I really enjoyed this game from the beginning to the end !
This is as close to Ys as we will probably get on 3DS. It's fun and well worth the price of admission.
btb, what wasn't mentioned in the review (and in case it was overlooked) is that you can zoom in the main screen through the Options. The zoom is a bit more pixel-y, but it was nice to see that included.
Really enjoyed Witch&Hero despite the odd combat system, this seems to be much the same from Circle Entertainment but in RPG form.
It looks adorable and well crafted. Already on my wishlist until I have some spare time. I think it looks like a GBC game.
@Kevlar44 That was exactly how I'd describe it, Witch & Hero + Good rest of game.
The iOS version's good; how much does this one cost?
Cool. Already got it on mobile though, so I'll stick with that. Don't remember if it was free or if it costed me.
Buttons aren't an advantage over the Android version as we've had Android handhelds and controllers for quite a while now. The other stuff sounds nice, but I'm not willing to pay for the game (again? Again I'm not sure if it was free or paid on Android) just for a few small additions.
Great you feel that way and I do appreciate that you took the time to list the changes included with the 3DS version for me and anyone else who wanted to know. I know you and many other Nintendo fans will prefer to stick solely to your 3DS for your on-the-go gaming needs, but just know that mobile gaming isn't nearly as bad as it was before. I can't say much about iOS though, other than them getting overpriced controller support this year. Still pissed that only iOS users get to have access to the mobile, enhanced version of Monster Hunter Freedom Unite.
Ys combat and cheap price means I'm buying.
Yes another person that knows that Ys is pronounced ease. Any way this looks fun.
I've been waiting for a review ever since it came out and I'm glad to see its a pretty good game! I was worried about buying it since CIRCLE titles have been pretty hit or miss, but now it looks like I just have to play it!
I'll definitely grab it down the line. Great review.
Definitely interested. Will buy it at some point.
I loved Ys and I'm sure would love Fairune. I will pick this up very soon
@moomoo I just knew you would get Fairune. Me too!
I like Ys and I like Witch & Hero, (except for the final boss) so this sounds like a good buy for me!
Huh, Fairune's free on mobile and has been since launch. I'm willing to pay more to get more, though, especially when they're only asking for $3.
I was holding back on this because people on Miiverse seemed to be pretty stumped by it (unable to damage enemies, getting stuck all the time) but this review has made me change me mind. It sounds like exactly the sort of game I enjoy.
Sold! Looks like a simple RPG'er, but the price and the retro-feel make it one I look forward to playing on the go.
I'll keep this game in mind when I only have a couple of bucks to spend and my backlog clears up a little bit. Not to mention, at the cheap price, if it goes on sale, I'll DEFINITELY scoop it up.
It sounds way too simple for my tastes. I'll pass.
Bought a copy for me and one for each of my kids and the 3 of us took it out over Christmas break.
It was a lot of fun to be playing at the same time, and as someone who loved Y's back when it came out, this was a wonderful love-letter, short enough for me to enjoy today when I don't have quite as much time to grind.
In short, I'm totally happy with the purchase(s)!
If you're an Y's fan wanting just a taste of the old Y's style game play, but in a much more condensed format, the game is absolutely worth the time and money.
Completed in just under 3 hours. We missed 3 of the 4 secret items, and each is very impactful, especially the 2nd, which gives you 2x experience and can make a replay MUCH shorter if you are looking to track down every last rare monster.
Thanks a ton for the review, it tipped the scale for me and I'm really glad I didn't skip this game.
@Prof_Clayton I agree. Just to find the secret stairwell by moving the stone I had to look it up on a walkthrough. I'm not so sure what they considered easy at Nintendo life but this game is challenging at best. Maybe not totally frustrating but these puzzles do cause a Lil bit of head scratching. Nevertheless this game is surprisingly and pleasantly fun! Glad I caught it on sale! I only paid 1.99 for this! Yaay
This game is currently on sale for like $2 in the e-shop. Purchased it earlier today and haven't put the dang thing down.. Great little puzzler, with cute retro music and graphics. I can see that the original Zelda was a huge inspiration here. I would have to agree with the review, and maybe throw in an extra point because I love this. I heard it's a short game and while I'm already 3/4 the way through, for $2, you can't go wrong here.
Haha! Just got this one on sale for only $0.99.
Cheap & fun, I say
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