Way back in the days when video games in general were often referred to as 'Nintendo' games, a little gem called Tetris was packaged-in with the Game Boy, and it helped catapult the handheld to dominating heights. A couple of years later SEGA released the Game Gear, and in what can only be seen as an attempt to capitalize on the same success as Nintendo, it bundled in a falling-block game called Columns. Now over 20 years later, SEGA’s answer to Tetris has surfaced in the 3DS eShop, but the question is – are these columns strong enough to support a purchase?
Here, columns comprised of three jewels – of varying colors – descend from the top of the screen one at a time. The goal is to stack these columns to align three or more jewels of the same colour, which will clear up space and earn points – they can be matched horizontally, vertically, and even diagonally. As you progress, things begin to speed up, and if your stack reaches the top of the screen, it’s game over.

Sound familiar? It mostly is.
Controls are simple; move the falling columns from left to right, while the A-button will reorder the jewels within them. Despite the necessary strategy and skill that’s required to set high scores, that’s about the extent of the gameplay mechanics. This accessibility is the beauty of a puzzler like this, as it’s immediately understandable gamers of all levels, yet still cerebral and rewarding enough for veterans to master.
The game is broken up into two main modes; Original and Flash. An Original match is a straightforward affair that will have you surviving as long as you can while attempting to set a high score. It’s all very traditional, extremely effective, and nearly impossible to play only once. In Flash, you’ll have to clear away a flashing block at the bottom of a pre-existing pile to win the match. When selecting either of these modes, you’ll have the option to select difficulty, song, level (which is basically falling speed), and even how you’d like the pieces to look – shaped like fruit, suits of playing cards, dice, or standard blocks.

Those who like the thrill of local head-to-head gaming will be happy to know that there’s the option for a two player versus match, though it requires each person to have a copy of the software. You can play the same modes available in single player, but for the sake of shaking things up, clearing a combination of jewels or columns will add blocks to the opponents screen, leading to many tense and exciting moments. We recommend that you definitely take advantage of this multiplayer feature if you have the opportunity.
If there’s one major downfall of Columns, it’s that things often get unmanageable too quickly. In a game like Tetris, where you need to fit shapes into openings, it can almost be done reactively and with your peripheral vision, but here, lining up colours requires greater thought and planning. When the action begins moving at a blistering pace, it’s nearly impossible to place columns where you’d like them to go. The game would have assuredly played much better had things escalated a bit more gradually.

As far as the audio goes, it’s a mixed bag of mediocre and, well, slightly above mediocre. The sound effects are a bit sparse and lack a sense of purpose, and while none of the music is particularly memorable, it’s not terrible, either. Additionally, aspects of the visual presentation – like the boring grey and blue backgrounds – are rather drab, though that may have been intentional to keep the focus on the vibrant coloured game pieces. Luckily none of this affects gameplay, though it is noticeable.
If you’re looking for a solid puzzle game to help kill 20 minutes here and there, or if you’re addicted to setting high scores, definitely give Columns a look. There isn’t much variety, or depth, but there’s healthy amount of fun for a reasonable price. Anyone looking for something unique, or with a sense of progression, should move on – these aren’t the jewels you’re looking for.
In a lot of ways Columns is certainly similar to Tetris, but in the same breath, it has just enough variation to feel like its own experience. The gameplay functions mostly without hindrance, and like many puzzlers it possesses that “one more time” style of action. While there are some shortcomings in the form of mediocre sound, bland visual presentation, and an overwhelming spike in difficulty, these things don’t make Columns any less addicting to play. Tetris this is not, but it’s still a fun game, regardless.
Comments 45
Pass. I will get Dr Robotnik instead and it has more stuff to do. I played Columns on my Dreamcast the game was part of a Sega Collection for the DC. The game was nice but two modes I got bored quickly.
If it came with Super Hang On and World Cup '90 I'd get it.
I have this game in cart form on my Genesis and Game Gear. Bought the 3DS VC version, haven't played Columns in years, and I manage to make it to level 8. Not half bad in my opinion.
So VC games can do multiplayer. Damnit Nintendo, stop being lazy! Release pokemon already!!
I have this on cart for the Game Gear and it is one of my favorite games on the system very fun and plays great I really want to check out Super Columns.
@Retro_on_theGo: Super C on the 3DS VC has download play so you can do multiplayer on that.
@DRL: Great review looks like I will be picking this one up soon.
Its fun even if the graphics are not as good as the genesis and arcade version. Good times indeed
Great review Dave. And I agree with this: "If there’s one major downfall of Columns, it’s that things often get unmanageable too quickly."
The Tetris ramp-up seems more gradual and fair, allowing for longer play sessions. Here I feel like I only get a few minutes before a switch flips and it's suddenly luck based. Not a huge complaint, it's still a fun game, but certainly noticeable and I'm glad you brought that up.
Interesting. After I see the Dr Robotnik game review, I'll make my decision on which GG game to get.
A small hint, the game is actually easier on the harder difficulty.
Enjoyed it on the Genesis, but all of the screenshots of the GG version make it look blurry as all get out. Is the game really that bad looking?
@Philip_J_Reed @Tasuki - Thank you, sirs!
Yup, good review. I have multiple Genesis versions, so I won't be playing this one, but I still think it's a good puzzler to have on the go.
I got this last night and it's pretty fun but yes, it ramps up in speed far too quickly for my liking, but I seem to keep getting better the more I play. I made it to level 9.
The random blocks (suits, dice, etc) look so cute, I think. I can't decide what is my favourite.
Is the difficulty spike similar to the Genesis version?
I would have to say I prefer this over bean machine but not 100% sure.
I don't think there's really a difficulty spike. On easy, you can basically just mindlessly fill up columns and count on things to clear by chance, so the speed barely matters, but even with more colours, there's time to shift after touching the stack, so even though the speed looks fast, it's still quite playable, especially if you're consistently clearing stuff to buy yourself extra time and take advantage of the piece preview to plan ahead.
I love columns but I can't help to complain that we are getting the Game Gear version when the 3DS could easily manage the Genesis or Arcade Version
The Mega Drive and GG/SMS versions play very simiar and the dificulty is pretty similar, all the gameplay modes are fully accounted for (not that there are that many) so not much difference.
However, one reason i still love the Megadrive/Genesis version is the audio. OK so the GG and SMS sound chip are much weaker than the MD, but the GG and SMS versions just don't sound that good. The tunes in the Megadrive version are some of my favourite on the system and change organically (it's more complex than just speeding up as you get higher up the screen) throughout the game, a very clever arrangement. I've got Columns on the Megadrive collection (PS2), i was dissapointed with that version because the music spools from the CD and doesn't react at all to the gameplay.
Oh yeah, and good review. Wholly agree with the summing up. No tetris beater but still addicitive and fun.
I believe this was the only game I ever played on an actual Game Gear, borrowed from a friend. I loved it then and was jealous of its color, backlit display (though not about to give up my Game Boy or its economical use of batteries!). Definitely downloading this one soon.
@Ralizah I didn't notice any blur when I was playing the game, and I was playing on an XL.
I played this game to death on the Game Gear. Really addictive and I honestly think it was as good if not better than Tetris. Tetris came first, yes, and inspired so many other games including this one, but it was great.
Columns is the 2nd best puzzle game I've ever played. And I've played Meteos and Lumines
@Eisenbolan, @Weskerb, @Knuckles, @Retro_on_theGo, @HandheldGuru97, @Tasuki, @blackknight77, @Philip_J_Reed, @CrispyGoomba, @ecco6t9, @Ralizah, @holchasaur, @CanisWolfred, @Freelance, @LinktotheFuture, @Undead_terror, @iphys, @DualWielding, @RetrogamerFan, @JJtheTexan, @holchasaur, @Harrison_Peter, and @shinobi88:
As part of my effort to celebrate every single Virtual Console game, E-Shop game, and expansion for Wii U and 3DS, I am going through every single NintendoLife.com Review (or offsite review for those games that NintendoLife.com never reviewed) to see if it is worth our collective time in the Virtual Console's final year.
For Columns from Game Gear on 3DS Virtual Console, here are my questions.:
1) As someone who likes to 100% games, can anyone tell me how many levels there are in both the Original Mode and the Flash mode?
I do want to eventually perfect the game, but my internal projections to 100% games are as high as 10,000 hours to perfect Super Mario Advance: Super Mario Brothers 2!!!
So, I am not afraid of effort, but do want to know I can eventually FINISH the game.
For example, it feels hard to imagine there are actually "infinite" games on the download. The game had to adhere to the Game Gear's miniscule space limitations after all.
2) When Nintendo eliminates online support, will local wireless play still be available?
I feel like local wireless play just uses your 2 DS and a modem, so it should be fine, but then again, my friend tried to download a game on the Switch and still play a game, which should be fine, and the Switch would not do it until he closed the game, so I never put anything past Nintendo.
3) I saw a commenter mention that this game is easier on the harder difficulty levels?
Can anyone explain to me the mechanics of why that is true?
4) In relation to Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, what are the unique features that each game has that the other does not?
In reading this review, it feels like every single aspect it offers is already offered in Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.
5) Is this game for people who like Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, but hate the Sonic franchise?
6) How many blocks of space does this download take up and what is the current price? (in both US dollars and Euros)
7) What number score out of 10 would you give this game and why?
Thanks so much for your info!
@SportyMarioSonicMix If you have a Switch, I would recommend getting the Sega Ages Columns II. It also contains the Genesis version of Columns, which I much prefer to the Game Gear version. Columns II I rate a 9 out of 10. Game Gear Columns I would give a 7 out of 10.
@LinktotheFuture: I REALLY hate online models that force you to have access to every game, so I am mostly focused on Wii U and 3DS right now.
Additionally, I have put up to 1,500 hours of gameplay into a single game before, so I HATE the idea that you never actually can own the game and when the Switch Online Service closes, you lose all your data forever!
What differences are there between the Game Gear and Genesis version?
You purchase Columns II on the Switch, it isn't part of the Switch online.
The Genesis version has better graphics, colors and music, IMO. The Game Gear version has some different shapes for the jewels, which are cool. I own both, but if I could only have one, I would go with the Genesis version.
@LinktotheFuture: You can buy games on Switch without subscribing to Nintendo's online membership?
From all the dozens of comments I have read over the past few days, it sounds like you have to be part of the membership or you cannot download anything.
Is that not true?
@SportyMarioSonicMix You can access and purchase games on the eShop without having the online membership.
If you want to use the NES or SNES channels, you need to purchase the Nintendo Switch Online basic membership.
If you want to use the N64 or Genesis channels, you need to purchase the Nintendo Switch Online Expansion Pass.
You don't need either to purchase Columns II.
@LinktotheFuture: So what systems can I buy games for and own them forever without needing the Switch to be constantly connected to the Internet to play them?
@SportyMarioSonicMix There is a lot. Check out Nintendo's website.
@LinktotheFuture: I find the New Nintendo Website difficult to navigate.
Can you just tell me?
I am sure including a list of systems would not take too much time!
For example, your post indicates that the original Nintendo, Super Nintendo, Nintendo 64, and Genesis games are locked behind those subscription services.
Is that true? That takes a lot out of the picture already.
@SportyMarioSonicMix It is more of certain games that are available for purchase that are not available on the online service.
You can get the NES Castlevania games in the Castlevania Collection. The NES Contra Games in the Contra Collection. The Mega Man games in the Mega Man Anniversary collections. However, you cannot purchase Super Mario Bros, you would have to subscribe to the Switch Online Service.
You can use the search function on the website and the eShop to help you see what is available.
@LinktotheFuture: Are you able to purchase any games individually?
It sounds like all you can buy are collections.
I prefer buying games one at a time.
And can you buy any Mario, Sonic, Kirby, Donkey Kong, 1st party Nintendo games?
That is mostly all I buy before games are threatened with deletion.
Neo Geo games you can buy individually, but most others you cannot.
1st party retro Nintendo games are not for sale.
@LinktotheFuture: haha, so my original understanding was correct then!
Understanding of what?
@LinktotheFuture: The fact that you cannot buy games on Switch without their Online Membership.
Every game that is available for purchase doesn't require an online membership.
The online membership will give you access to a different selection of games, but they are not available for purchase. You can just play them.
@LinktotheFuture: I thought it was obvious all of us here want 1st Party Nintendo games and you said none of them are available for purchase?
So yes, that was my original understanding.
@SportyMarioSonicMix Then why start all of this in a Columns comment section?
I am done talking to you.
@LinktotheFuture: I think you may have misunderstood.
The above article reviewed the Game Gear Version of Columns for the 3DS Virtual Console and I asked a bunch of questions about that particular version.
You replied with a version on Switch, so I thought maybe my initial understanding of Switch Online was wrong, so I engaged you on that, but I really just wanted someone to answer the questions I asked in Post # 26 about the Columns game for 3DS Virtual Console?
Can you answer those questions for me?
I copied them and pasted them to the below post for your convenience.
I apologize if there were any hard feelings.
@Eisenbolan, @Weskerb, @Knuckles, @Retro_on_theGo, @HandheldGuru97, @Tasuki, @blackknight77, @Philip_J_Reed, @CrispyGoomba, @ecco6t9, @Ralizah, @holchasaur, @CanisWolfred, @Freelance, @LinktotheFuture, @Undead_terror, @iphys, @DualWielding, @RetrogamerFan, @JJtheTexan, @holchasaur, @Harrison_Peter, and @shinobi88:
As part of my effort to celebrate every single Virtual Console game, E-Shop game, and expansion for Wii U and 3DS, I am going through every single NintendoLife.com Review (or offsite review for those games that NintendoLife.com never reviewed) to see if it is worth our collective time in the Virtual Console's final year.
For Columns from Game Gear on 3DS Virtual Console, here are my questions.:
1) As someone who likes to 100% games, can anyone tell me how many levels there are in both the Original Mode and the Flash mode?
I do want to eventually perfect the game, but my internal projections to 100% games are as high as 10,000 hours to perfect Super Mario Advance: Super Mario Brothers 2!!!
So, I am not afraid of effort, but do want to know I can eventually FINISH the game.
For example, it feels hard to imagine there are actually "infinite" games on the download. The game had to adhere to the Game Gear's miniscule space limitations after all.
2) When Nintendo eliminates online support, will local wireless play still be available?
I feel like local wireless play just uses your 2 DS and a modem, so it should be fine, but then again, my friend tried to download a game on the Switch and still play a game, which should be fine, and the Switch would not do it until he closed the game, so I never put anything past Nintendo.
3) I saw a commenter mention that this game is easier on the harder difficulty levels?
Can anyone explain to me the mechanics of why that is true?
4) In relation to Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, what are the unique features that each game has that the other does not?
In reading this review, it feels like every single aspect it offers is already offered in Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine.
5) Is this game for people who like Dr. Robotnik's Mean Bean Machine, but hate the Sonic franchise?
6) How many blocks of space does this download take up and what is the current price? (in both US dollars and Euros)
7) What number score out of 10 would you give this game and why?
Thanks so much for your info!!!
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