Step one: create a simple, fun and addictive activity. Step two: throw in an interesting twist. Step three: build on that foundation with something that adds variation and challenge while channelling the essence of what makes it fun. These are the steps to making a great puzzle game, and it's that first task at which many developers fail, making new, original ones appear so rarely. But sometimes, someone gets it just right. Enter Burn the Rope.
It starts out simple: you click a shape made of rope with the Wii Remote, setting fire to that one spot, and then must continuously turn the shape itself with the Nunchuk as a flame will only burn upwards. As the shapes become more complex, involving diverging paths and resembling spaceships, royal crests and so on, another factor enters the mix, crawling all over the structure – bugs. These come in a variety of colours as do segments of rope, and you must work hard to coordinate your flame; burning a blue bug will turn your flame blue and only blue flame can burn blue rope, and so on for every hue. Other insects come into the fray as you play, including those that duplicate your flame – and its colour – at a different point along the rope, those that explode and those that stop your fire in its tracks. You can imagine what a mental work-out this can quickly become with multiple sparks of various colours racing in different directions toward different bugs and colour barriers.
The combination is an addictive one. Thinking on your feet to direct the many-divided fire into the right spots, making sure you hit the correct insects at the correct times, and all while twisting the shape around to keep your flames from pointing downward and slowly dying out is just about the perfect mix of physical and mental challenge. It's the type of thing that will keep you coming back level after level, and while many of the first ones are on the simple side, there are over 100 here, so you won't want for more for some time.
Bonus stages help keep things interesting, and you can earn bronze, silver and gold medals in each area depending on how much of the rope you're able to burn. It's great for all skill levels as you only have to earn the lowest of these three rankings to progress, while those who want an extra challenge can come back to achieve a perfect game. Unfortunately there is only one save file and no leaderboards, the game only keeping track of your top score.
The music is quite good and includes a small variety of nicely composed, simple songs as well as a goofy theme, and the bugs make cute sound effects as you play. Overall the presentation is clean and attractive, though you'll hardly find yourself blown away by its somewhat sparse vibrancy. Still, you can barely tell from a visual standpoint that this was originally an iOS game. You can, however, on a gameplay level, as clearly this was originally intended for a handheld, gyrometer-equipped device. We look forward, then, to the planned 3DS port, but until then this will do nicely.
Burn the Rope achieves the right combination of elements to make a very simple, addictive, fun and unique puzzler with a lot of replay value. It's let down, however, by its lack of leaderboards and the unshakable feeling that it would be a lot more fun in its originally intended handheld format. It also unfortunately carries the curse of so many iOS ports – it's extremely hard to justify the high price point, especially as you can download it on iPhone for under a dollar.
Comments 20
Good revw. I'd much prefer to him to play it with the stylus and wiimote than capacitive finger touch play. Still should be priced appropriately though eh.
What, $10 for this? o_O
Avoid this rip-off completely! All parties involved should be ashamed for putting such a hefty price tag on this title. And yes, Cave Story and La-Mulana are completely different cases.
I wouldn't give it anything more than a 5. So, yeah, more like "a game that will leave you burnt out".
This definitely doesn't look worth 1000 points.
This is still a very fun game, I hope people don't dismiss it entirely because it's overpriced.
I could see myself trying this out at 500 points, maybe. At 1000 points, never.
Well, I'll definitely be getting it. I don't know when, but it will be downloaded.
I'll wait to see how the 3DS version turns out then. And how much it'll cost.
This could be the best game ever, but I have too much pride to pay the 1000% price increase.
I stoped buying wii ware games so this is not an option.
The last WiiWare game I bought was Bit.Trip Runner, which came out over a year ago. So I guess I've officially stopped buying WiiWare games as well. How time flies!
I am not sure about this one. Sounds interesting, but it is overpriced too. Guess they got greedy there.
And I have to buy FFVI and Chrono Trigger first, anyway!
I don't even care about the price when I say it's medicre AT BEST. The mechanics are utterly boring and the whole game simply isn't all that much fun.
The price for the european version is not set so far.
Sometimes in rare occasions prices greatly differ from one region to another. For example Gradius Rebirth costs 600 points in Europe and 1000 points in USA. Or Flowerworks costs 500 points in Europe and 1000 points in USA.
For 500 or 600 points I would buy Burn the Rope immediately. For 1000 points I have to think about it because there are still other WiiWare games for that price that interest me.
Maybe the company that made that game (Big Blue Bubble) has a surpise for us Europeans?
Lets face it ALL of Wii download games are over priced WiiWare and VC
But this one is just an insult, I don't even think I will get it for my Android or IPAD. $10 is way way over priced for this game. Give me a break! Even at $5 I would half to really consider if it was worth it.
Nintendo get a clue why your online shopping is so low!
no way in hell will i buy this for 10$ if i can get it for 99 cents on the app store.
I'm done with Wiiware. I got me some Pokemon Rumble and Bit.Trip, but I'm putting my $$ in the 3DS eShop until the WiiU comes out with its shop. Also, $10?!?!?! You can buy Kirby: Canvas Curse for that much, and it has amazing replay value.
Even if they upgraded the amazing static screen graphics to fit a TV I can't see this above $5...which I might have spent. But when games like Lost Winds cost $10, who in their right mind thought a $.99 I-phone puzzler would sell at that price on Wiiware???
I got this for a dollar in the app store...
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