
Topic: The Nintendo Switch Rumor and Speculation Thread

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@PikminMarioKirby The framerate problems don't bother me anymore considering more powerful hardware concerns me nowadays but back when it launched, it did make me think wish that the Switch Pro rumours were real.


Switch Friend Code: SW-2595-6790-2897 | 3DS Friend Code: 3926-6300-7087 | Nintendo Network ID: GrumbleVolcano


@skywake I'm following Famiboards, so I read the original sources, but a lot is hidden, and Fami have rules about sharing hidden content outside of Fami. The shipping details confirm the magnetic Joy Con rumours. The unredacted summary at the end of your link is half confirmed (i.e. the 12 GB LPDDR5X RAM 7500 MT/s and 256 UFS 3.1). But as we don't know clock speeds yet, the performance estimates (i.e. the PS4 handheld/PS4 Pro docked) are still speculative. That seems to be a Reddit thing.

Speculation is great and all, but I'm not keen of the PS4 Pro comparison as that's still an 8th gen console, and the Switch successor will definitely be a 9th gen device with modern bells and whistles. The speculation and rumours at the moment seem to be focusing on handheld clock of 600Mhz, and docked mode being more than twice that, putting docked performance in the same ballpark as Xbox Series S. Which was certainly above my expectations from a couple of years ago!



@TSR3 Looking forward to the second gen hybrid! (I think it's pointless lumping it in with home consoles in that regard.)

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


Yeah, honestly I'm not so interested in the discussion about where it'll sit in relation to PS4/PS4 Pro/XB Series here. Of course I'm interested but I'm not really interested in it in relation to this batch of leaks. Mostly because none of that is really new information and the clockspeed is still an unknown. But the RAM/Storage and the sizes of the enclosure which effectively cross-confirms the screen size are interesting

The storage in particular. I mean, not a huge surprise that they're going with relatively fast storage given the inclusion of hardware accelerated file decompression in the SoC. But confirmation of fairly decently fast storage to pair with it is very nice. To put this in perspective, I would imagine the Switch as it is is fairly CPU bound in terms of loading times. It's probably not using its fairly slow eMMC storage to its full potential. So the fact that there'll not only be hardware acceleration to remove that bottleneck but also at least a good 10X of raw performance in the storage itself?

In game this could effectively mean the elimination of a lot of load screens. Much hype

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@GrailUK I like the idea of the Switch being in a category all of its own. I'm sure Nintendo do!

@skywake I forgot to mention, I loved your idea of magnetic JoyCons attaching on the long sides - they could support Tate mode games as well as DS. But I can imagine it may thicken the bezels



@TSR3 Well, we have Steam Deck and Rog Ally. In fact everyone harps on about the Switch having stiff competition these days. If they are on their own...I think it's because they nailed it and not just making a category for themselves lol And as usual, both Sony and Microsoft were absent at the start...

Edited on by GrailUK

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


The rumored Swirch successor specs from the shipment website look very good, a very solid generational leap compared to Switch 1.



skywake wrote:

6GB LPDDR5 chips (presumably 2X for 12GB)

Lol, this is Nintendo we're talking about. That is an optimistic presumption.

skywake wrote:

There's also some detail on the casing including dimensions. 14mm thick although it might be thicker when fully assembled due to the top housing etc. Same thickness as the current Switch if this is what it is. Then it's 115mm high and 206mm wide. So about 1.5cm taller and 3m wider.

Lol, try getting that in your pocket!

Edited on by gcunit

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


gcunit wrote:

Lol, try getting that in your pocket!

Even Switch Lite is impossible to get in pockets except for people with the largest pockets in the world... Switch has always very much been a backpack handheld, not a pocket handheld. I doubt the larger size will change much, although maybe it will be a smidge harder for very young children to use.

Edited on by FishyS


Switch Friend Code: SW-2425-4361-0241


gcunit wrote:

Lol, this is Nintendo we're talking about. That is an optimistic presumption.

I don't mean to turn this into a facts and figures thread, but it is not a presumption. It is what is actually being shipped. It's not even a leak, it's publicly available information if you know what to look for and can put in the analysis.



@TSR3 So the shipping information confirms two 6gb will be in each unit? Are there two times as many RAM chips shipped as display screens?

I'm not disputing the consensus, which seems to be 12gb, just having a chuckle over Nintendo's ability to underwhelm in the RAM department and would be loathe to make any such presumptions. But if the info available eliminates the need for presumption... let's go!

@FishyS Look a little more closely at the dimensions Skywake quoted 😉

You guys had me at blood and semen.

What better way to celebrate than firing something out of the pipe?

Nothing is true. Everything is permitted.

My Nintendo: gcunit | Nintendo Network ID: gcunit


These aren’t the complete stats, and we still yk need to see the device actually running stuff in action to get a full scale of what we’re looking at. But this seems like a solid upgrade so far, exactly what I’m hoping for.

Edited on by NarwhalKing



So far it sounds like first party games, indies, proven third parties and 'miracle ports' strategy again...which is totally fine and dandy with me! Bring it on!

I never drive faster than I can see. Besides, it's all in the reflexes.

Switch FC: SW-0287-5760-4611


If there's any merit to these specs, then we have very exciting times ahead of us! (It also helps that the spec gap could potentially be a lot smaller than it was before.) Looking forward to the day the trailer goes up and we can bust out the champagne and party! Super excited for what's next for us! We've got some time before then though, so if any of you have backlogs to catch up on, now's probably your best chance before we're flooded with more games than we know what to do with again.

Edited on by Novamii

I'm cringe, but I'm free.

My Current Games: Binging some smaller games until the Direct. (Prime 2+3 would be great)
(I'm a man of my word, if Kid Icarus: Uprising gets announced in the next Direct, I'll make my avatar wear a clown outfit for a week.)


I guess with more clear hardware stats pricing guesses come into play. I’m assuming this will be 400 dollars bare minimum, and I’m highly doubting they’d be willing to sell this at a loss, so my assumption is we may see like a 500 dollar version if they do an OLED sku.



Bolt_Strike wrote:

I do want Nintendo to start branching out with new IPs and subseries to flesh out their lineup, and I think they might be.

For literal years, I have hoped against hope, blindly, faithfully wishing for Monolithsoft's new medieval fantasy IP to debut as a Switch 2 launch game.

Imagine Xenoblade X, combined with the old PS3 game Lair, with ARPG combat. My dream game. I still want to get into Xenoblade, but I'm dying for Monolithsoft to branch out with a new IP, and that long fabled medieval fantasy IP looked gorgeous.

Plus Monolithsoft's dev timing would line up for a new Switch 2 game.

skywake wrote:

So the fact that there'll not only be hardware acceleration to remove that bottleneck but also at least a good 10X of raw performance in the storage itself?

In game this could effectively mean the elimination of a lot of load screens. Much hype

This in and of itself will be one of the biggest reasons to replay every Switch game on Nintendo Muji (see what I did there?). The elimination of virtually all loading times will be absolutely massive, and experiencing the improvement firsthand cannot be understated. Animal Crossing New Horizons' lengthy load times, seamlessly walking into a TOTK shrine without any loading, I mean, the list goes on literally endlessly. Every single Switch game. Almost zero load times. I'm so hyped thinking about it. This is probably why last year's rumor said BOTW was shown off with zero load times.

Another big thing I hope backwards compatibility can do is upscale frame rate beyond 30fps. I'd love to see Hyrule Warriors: Age of Calamity bumped up to 60fps automatically with upscaling. A lot of Switch games with unstable 30fps would be great to be experienced at a fake 60fps.

TSR3 wrote:

@skywake I forgot to mention, I loved your idea of magnetic JoyCons attaching on the long sides - they could support Tate mode games as well as DS. But I can imagine it may thicken the bezels

skywake wrote:

What if this magnetic JoyCon idea is a way to achieve a secondary mode that allows a vertical aspect ratio. The obvious benefit being DS on NSO, and if it's a 1080p you can fit in a fairly solid 4X scaling with fairly small borders, but it could also be useful for Vertical arcade games. And potentially it could be a way to open up some of the more DS-Like "dual screen" touch screen stuff that has largely been abandoned

This was the same exact thought I had in NL's Codename Muji article. Not only would a similar magnetic attach mechanic on the top and bottom of the Switch 2 tablet enable DS games and Tate mode games like SHMUPs, but also I'm imagining magnetic charging on the back of the tablet: a MagSafe-esque capability on the back so you can place a Switch 2 directly on a magnetic wireless charger, just like smart watches.

People were stuck on a literal, aesthetic interpretation of the term Muji, but with the idea of versatile magnetic accessory attachment, Nintendo's codename Muji is actually perfect when you imagine the new Switch 2 tablet as a metaphorical blank template capable of a next-generation level of modularity.

Nintendo Labo accessories being attached directly to the tablet, a second screen magnetically attached to the top of the tablet, a magnetic foldable screen protector, MagSafe-esque wireless charging, not to mention all the crazy things third-party manufacturers figure out what to stick onto the tablet...

If this turns out to be true, then the Switch's hybrid, modular concept really could be taken to the next level with attaching things to almost any and every part of the tablet.

skywake wrote:

Headphone/microphone jack (Nintendo have the courage to keep it), a built in microphone (interesting) and volume control.

I made such a wall of text that I forgot to mention the microphone! This more than anything else feels like a future-proofing for DS NSO. As we all know, many DS games utilized the microphone for gameplay mechanics, including important first-party titles like Zelda.

Another big hope is for the microphone to be used for long-awaited, much-needed, in-house friend chat features built right into the Switch (no phone apps needed).

Oh and the headphone jack is actually pretty smart since wired headphones are experiencing a recent resurgence in popularity. It's cool with the kids these days, apparently. Whereas I never left the boat to begin with.

Edited on by Ulysses



gcunit wrote:

@FishyS Look a little more closely at the dimensions Skywake quoted 😉

Oops, yes. 3cm not 3m

gcunit wrote:

@TSR3 So the shipping information confirms two 6gb will be in each unit? Are there two times as many RAM chips shipped as display screens?
I'm not disputing the consensus, which seems to be 12gb, just having a chuckle over Nintendo's ability to underwhelm in the RAM department and would be loathe to make any such presumptions. But if the info available eliminates the need for presumption... let's go!

TBH I'm not sure it did. However 6GB of total unified system memory for the amount of power we're talking about would be comically small. Case and point Sony and MS shipped with 8GB 10 years ago and it's not like RAM isn't significantly cheaper than it was back then. So they have 50% more than the home consoles from a decade ago. That's nice but it's not crazy. The Switch equivalent comparison would be like the 360/PS3 which had 512GB again about 10 years after. i.e. the Switch had 8X more than the home consoles from a decade ago

Obviously jokes, it is Nintendo here. It's also NVidia who is throwing 8GB of VRAM in 4060Tis. But realistically in this day and age 12GB is far from an extravagant amount. If anything if you read a lot of the discussion on this leak people are disappointed by it having "only 12GB"

Honestly, for a console that's going to spend most of its time doing stable 1080p this is a very sensible amount of memory

edit: as a side note. I don't think it's at all a coincidence that Nintendo announced their announcement last week on Tuesday and this shipping information was picked up on Friday. Notably they did more or less the same thing with the 3DS. The announcement was made, fairly non-eventfully in a press release, and then almost immediately after there were factory leaks of 3DS

Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


A size comparison using the dimensions leaked here for the main unit. I've also made an assumption that the screen is, as the general consensus seems to be, 8" and thrown that in there so you can see how large the bezels would be. For the JoyCons I've just copy/pasted the existing from the regular Switch, will almost surely have larger JoyCon, making it even more wide overall, but doing anything else here would be a pure guess


Edited on by skywake

Some playlists: Top All Time Songs, Top Last Year
An opinion is only respectable if it can be defended. Respect people, not opinions


@skywake Here's another mockup somebody made. Mockup is strictly about the size rather than the design.

Certainly will be the biggest handheld Nintendo has ever made. Not sure how I feel about that. I'll appreciate the bigger screen, but I think there's a limit. Steam Deck is way too big for my tastes, and I don't want a Nintendo console to ever get that big.

Edited on by Ulysses


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