Grasshopper Manufacturer has confirmed that Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered will be making its way to the Switch in 2024.
As covered by Gematsu, the game is now currently playable for attandees at PAX West in Seattle. For the uninitiated, the original game launched back in 2011 and was written by Suda51, known best for his work on titles like No More Heroes and Killer7. It was also produced by Resident Evil veteran Shinji Mikami.
It tells the tale of Garcia Hotspur, a Mexican demon hunter who must save his girlfriend Paula from the clutches of the evil Lord of Demons. Although EA has originally published the game on Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3, it does not have any involvement in the Hella Remastered release for Switch.

Here's a look at the key features:
- A Hot-blooded, Hellishly Twisted, Feverishly Filthy, Love and Hate Filled Road Trip – Join the crass Garcia Hotspur and his boney buddy, Johnson, as they traverse the depths of the Underworld to steal back Garcia’s kidnapped lover, Paula, from the clutches of Fleming, the Lord of the Underworld. Let the soul of rock ‘n’ roll run loose in the heart of the twisted hellscape that is the Underworld.
- Make It Through Fiendishly Funky Dungeons With the Powers of Light and Dark – The powers of light and dark pave your path forward. Like ravers in a nightclub, demons are emboldened by the dark, but grow weak when exposed to the light. Use your buddy Johnson to blast your way through the darkness of the Underworld.
- A Cult Classic Born From the Most Creative Minds in the Industry – A third-person shooter crafted by industry legends Goichi Suda (No More Heroes, Killer7, etc.) and Shinji Mikami (Resident Evil, God Hand, etc.).
We'll hopefully receive more details on Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered, including its release date and price, in the coming weeks and months. For now, let's rejoice that such an interesting and underappreciated game is getting a second chance!
What do you make of this remaster so far? Will you be picking it up on Switch? Let us know.
Comments 27
Waiting to see how well it runs and how good it looks on Switch. shouldn't be an impossible game to run on it, given its age.
I love this game (Even if SUDA 51 hates it) have this on PS3 and Xbox (The backwards compatibility runs beautiful) I guess I will triple dip to get it on Switch (If it releases physicallly that is).
I want to play it, I like Suda51's style, but... Dual audio is a deal-breaker for me. Yeah, English voice-overs are the original ones, probably, while Japanese voice-overs are dub, but, I want to have multiple choices. Grasshopper Manufacture even added JP dub to No More Heroes III, so, there's some chance of success, I guess. However, I don't like that the characters in the JP dub were voiced by the actors/actresses, not seiyûs. In SotD, at least. In NMH III, characters were voiced by seiyûs. Kazuya Nakai wasn't a perfect choice for Travis's voice, imo.
@AlienigenX Does the original game supports dual audio option?
That video is so funny. Almost makes me interested for the remaster ... even though I know what to expect from Suda XD
Ok. I guess it will be a Remaster on PS5 and XBox and a port on Switch.
Isnt this the one with the talking gun or something?
@Haruki_NLI Yes. Johnson/Eight Hearts.
Suda 51 certainly had a way with names.
Garcia Hotspur……it sounds like a Sunday league football team 🤣
"Hella remastered?"
this game isn't trying hard enough. /s
@Vyacheslav333 i don’t think so. But the english Voices are really good. And since it has the whole Mexican vibe, it fits perfect. I think it will be akward to hear, the mexican curses in the middle of a japanese VO.
BTW, now we need a Black Knight Sword port on switch. Can’t believe that game is stuck on PS3 / 360
I kinda hope this leads to SUDA doing more with Shadows of the Damned down the line. And this time without EA’s grubby hands over it.
@AlienigenX Ah...
«I think it will be akward to hear, the mexican curses in the middle of a japanese VO.»
Fine, fine, fine. Now where's my Killer7? (An obscure but apt reference there.....)
@Warioware locked in the Capcom Vault with Viewtiful Joe.
@AlienigenX " I think it will be awkward to hear, the mexican curses in the middle of a japanese VO"
I dunno about the Mexicans, but it already feels like an endearing effort when we hear them try english, so....
Looking forward to the Shadows of the Darned mode
I passed on this and Lollipop Chainsaw back in the day. Looking forward to getting this! I know there’s a lollipop chainsaw remaster too supposedly coming out this summer. Don’t know if it’s coming to switch though.
@MSaturn and you should play “Killer is dead” too, such snd underrated masterpiece
This was a fun romp back on 360. Def not as polished as RE4, but very similar mechanics and playstyle. Art, music and writing were on a whole different level however. I imagine this is similar to “what if I took acid the entire time I made a game”. It worked! Crazy, fun, and far from serious.
Can’t wait to play with the Big B**** again!
@AlienigenX that one I have! And it is fantastic and underrated, you’re right.
Any word on that Chainsaw Lollipop remastered game coming out yet?
This game went under my radar originally, but really glad this is coming to Switch.
This was one of Suda51's games that I haven't played, but I tend to like his games, so more than likely I'll be giving it a shot.
This feels like a game where the physical cart may be scarce in 5-10 years. I'm keeping my eye on trends like that after 15 y/o me sold a bunch of 3DS games to get a tablet. (Yes I'm kicking myself and yes I'm working on building it back up)
Can we get a Killer 7 HD remaster already?
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