Shinji Mikami, best known for creating the Resident Evil franchise and for his work on titles such as P.N.03 and The Evil Within, has seemingly established a brand new company after leaving Tango Gameworks in 2023.
As spotted by VGC, the information can be found via a short biographic description on the new Shadows of the Damned: Hella Remastered website. Mikami had acted as Creative Producer on the original 2011 release for Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3.
The company in question is ‘KAMUY’ (pronounced Kah-moo-ee), though currently there's no information available on what exactly it will entail and what Mikami's specific role is. Chances are it's likely a new game production studio, but this isn't guaranteed.
Mikami had previously founded Tango Gameworks in 2010 and went on to direct The Evil Within, a game many consider to be the spiritual successor to Resident Evil and Resident Evil 4. He then took on the role of Executive Producer for The Evil Within 2, Ghostwire Tokyo, and Hi-Fi RUSH before leaving the company last year.