Sega has announced Super Monkey Ball Banana Rumble, the first brand-new Super Monkey Ball game in 10 years. It'll be rolling onto the Switch later this year on 25th June, 2024.
Featuring local co-op play for up to four players, and online multiplayer for up to sixteen, Banana Rumble looks to mix things up a bit with a brand new 'spin-dash' technique. If you're not up for playing with others, you can also tackle the 200+ stages in the game's Adventure Mode solo.
Pre-orders for the game can bag an additional 'Banana Suit' for use in-game.

Will you be grabbing this one when it launches? Let us know what you think with a comment down below.
Comments 53
Best announcement of this Direct. That is, if it's like SMB 1 and 2.
The fact that it's Switch-exclusive (at least at launch) feels like a sort-of homecoming, if you have nostalgia for the GameCube games, like I do. Back then, money was tight and I had to sell some of my GC collection, including the SMBs. Actually, I picked up SMB2 at a local CeX recently. Game still holds up.
Er... AiAi looks...different. The games looks fun but why did they redesign the characters(again)?
Looks great based on what we've seen so I'm definitely looking forward to it!
I enjoyed Super Monkey Ball and Super Monkey Ball 2 on the GameCube. Hope this turns out well!
That logo is a mess though..
Im interested. I havent played a Super Monkey Ball game since the gamecube, but this looks like it could be a fun online multiplayer experience.
Soooooo.... I'm willing to bet this is directed by the guy who said SMB1 and 2 are some of the most nuanced games in the series and wants to recapture that feel.
The last game was...okay? Mostly liked it for the nostalgia.
I'll wait for the reviews, the fact that one of my favourite GameCube games has become a hit or miss, low budget Unity project isn't great.
Great surprise announcement like Endless Ocean.
Monkey Ball is probably timed exclusive.
I'm glad we got more of the SMB games, this franchise felt more like a Nintendo legacy franchise now.
Removed - unconstructive
Not sure how I feel about the redesigned characters, but this looks pretty solid already. If it reviews well, I'll pick it up
The last one didn't have multiplayer challenge mode, which without it, like what's the point of Monkey Ball.
Looking forward to this a lot. I think Banana Blitz waa a great game for the Switch, much better then most rewiews thought. . Not aa good as the first Game on Gamecube, (and mania) but it was something different and I liked the themed worlds, the jumping ability and bosses. It was more of and plattform adventure and It was pure fun on the Switch and very challenging at the end. This look like it will countinue in that direction.
Great to see a Switch exclusive from Sega also.
I hope it has Monkey Target 3
@zool More like:
1. Hate third parties
2. Hate Nintendo, hate Sony
3. Hate Sega
At this point why even play games? You grow to hate games now, go do something else. Get a new hobby even.
After Banana Mania, I'm hesitant to get too excited. I'll wait to see some impressions before jumping on it, they just can't seem to recapture what made the first two games (on GameCube) work so well.
PS5 console is pointless when even PC Handhelds plays PS5 and Xbox Series X games.
Zool? Old Amiga gamer?
Nintendo dropped the ball but Sega did in a good way!!
I can't believe Nintendo was able to paid for the temporal exclusivity of the game but didn't pay for the exclusivity of SMT V.
I'm also surprised Sega agreed, they haven't signed exclusivity deals in years. Maybe they expect it to underperform.
I liked it. I'm getting it. Love Monkey Ball.
Okay, but can you play the main stages in multiplayer? That's all I care about.
The only good announcement from the Direct.
Thankfully, I’m the #1 Monkey Ball fan, so it was a hype-filled announcement
Needs a proper Monkey Target mode.Put target 1 (best stages) together with target 2 (4 player simultaneous - crazy). Looks good though
Glad to see RGG Studio FINALLY get the greenlight for a new one after 2 remasters, but this isn't the Sega Game was expecting to see here. I'm a bit perplexed by the absence of something a bit more... Parisian.
Anybody seen GrailUK? Pretty sure he is jumping up and down in joy over this.
Are the characters definitely redesigns? I thought this was the son of AiAi or something
Physic based games are one of my fav genres and I am partial to a bit of Monkey Ball so this may well be an insta-buy barring any disasters.
Though I have liked MB in the old days I haven't enjoyed the Switch iterations AS much strangely. Despite getting some satisfying gaming outta them. You'd've thought the Switch is ideal for the Monkey. Maybe a brand new game will tickle me more?
Nice, a new Super Monkey Ball game.
The wife is big into the series, and I don't mind it myself, so this is something for both of us to play.
Jesus I was taken by surprise with this Partner Showcase. I want nearly half of the games announced!! With this one being top of the pile with World of Goo 2 and Endless Ocean
Yay, finally a NEW Monkey Ball game, can't wait!
I'll be happy if it's at least as fun as Banana Blitz.
"Nintendo dropped the ball but Sega did in a good way!!"
"dropped the ball"?
@GrailUK annnd you’ve made my day.
…But do we need to do a wellness check? You ok over there? You can’t play the game if you dislocated something.
@Ryu_Niiyama I'm perfectly fine. My feet haven't touched the floor since I saw the news lol.
@Mario500 I was hoping for an actual direct is what I mean but we didn't get one
@Ryu_Niiyama I only came in here to see @GrailUK's reaction....
Yes! This is good news! Well done SEGA!
Looks so fun! They should add Diddy Kong in the future 🤭
@Toastmaster Don't forget iPhone 15! Resident Evil is just the beginning. The idea of multiplatform is going to get wild once games like FF16 are ported straight to people's phones.
@GrailUK You were literally the first person I thought of when I saw this trailer 😆 So happy for you!
@WiltonRoots IKR? As soon as I saw the announcement I legitimately got excited for GrailUK. I had to fight not to tag him because I wanted him to find out on his own. I have to rewatch the trailer to process how I feel about it. But there are certain users that I think of how happy they will be during announcements before it hits me how I feel about the game.
Cool but I get confused by the titles. Also 2 remaster collections and then a new game. Hmm Sega.
@Ryu_Niiyama I'm not out of my mind. Sega made some mistakes with Banana Mania. So as much as I'm excited for this (and 16 player Battle Royale looks like a perfect fit for multiplayer!) I am let's say, a little tentative. But mostly over the moon
@Ulysses Haha I see Monkey Ball, I buy Monkey Ball.
@Ulysses Sony Boss wants to expand to other platforms too, because they don't earn much on exclusivity anymore.
Console market never grew. The best selling console launched over 20 years ago.
Console market became smaller while gaming market grew.
PC gaming market is the reason why the gaming industry grew.
@GrailUK I bought all Super Monkey Ball Games ever.
I even bought Super Monkey Ball on physical carts for my PS VITA and Nokia N-Gage.
Yes, even N-Gage have a physical version as Monkey Ball were a launch title. I own 2 of them. One is still new sealed.
I bought these games on Nintendo, PC, Nokia, Xbox and Sony consoles, and i own the same on multiple platforms too.
@Toastmaster I've always like you Mr Toast!
@GrailUK I always liked ball games, and i even have a category on Steam on PC called "Balls".
Everything from Monkey Ball, Arkanoid clones to Pinball is there.
Currently 144 Ball games on Steam, out of ~3000 games on Steam.
@olliemar28 First brand-new Super Monkey Ball game in 10 yearS. First paragraph.
(I hope I’m helping. Your articles are always good and entertaining, by the way.)
@ibookboyuk Ha, thank you - this is what happens when attempting to cover Direct announcements.
@Toastmaster Is that why you like Toad, because his head resembles a ball?
@Ulysses I never thought of Toad as a ball. Ice Climbers would make more sense to use.
@Toastmaster Oh! Never mind then 👉👈
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