Update [Wed 30th Nov, 2022 05:45 GMT]: Version 2.0.0 of Splatoon 3 is officially live and you can download it now. You'll either be prompted to update the game when you boot it up, or you can perform a manual update within the software menu.
Original story [Tue 29th Nov, 2022 03:00 GMT]: Nintendo has announced a new update is coming to Splatoon 3 later this week on November 29th. It will bump the game from Version 1.2.1 (released in October) to Version 2.0.0.
This update includes added features, feature improvements and various adjustments. There are also changes to multiplayer, X battles, ranked mode, Salmon Run, Splatfests and more. Of course, there are also plenty of bug fixes. Here's the full rundown via the Nintendo Support website:
Ver. 2.0.0 (Releasing November 29, 2022)
Added Features, Feature Improvements, and Adjustments
Season and Catalog Changes
- On November 30th, 2022 at 4:00 PM PST, data relating to the Chill Season 2022 will be added to the game. This includes:
- A new catalog, and with it the new gear, titles, Splashtags, decorations, stickers, and emotes included therein.
- About 50 new items added to store product lineups.
- Two new battle stages: Brinewater Springs and Flounder Heights.
- A new Salmon Run stage: Marooner’s Bay.
- Three new main-weapon types.
- Ten new sets of existing main weapons paired with different sub and special weapons.
- Thirteen new Tableturf Battle cards.
- The ability to look at the content of your catalog has been added.
- Players can check their catalogs by opening the main menu with the X Button, going to the Status tab, and selecting Catalog.
Changes to Multiplayer
- Specifications for some main weapons have changed.
Main Weapon Change Details Tri-Stringer - The size of terrain area inked by falling spray has been increased.
- The number of spray droplets generated when firing a distantly aimed shot has been increased.
Splatana Wiper - The width of the ink launched by horizontal slashes has been increased by about 27%.
- The size of terrain area inked by falling spray has been increased, and it is easier to connect ink in an uninterrupted straight line.
- Specifications for some sub weapons have changed.
Sub-Weapon Change Details Angle Shooter - Initial velocity is about 20% faster, and flight range has been extended.
- Specifications for some special weapons have changed.
Special Weapon Change Details Zipcaster - Ink consumption when using a main weapon while the Zipcaster is active has been decreased to about 67% of previous.
Ink Vac - Damage of the return shot has been increased from 120.0 to 220.0.
- This change is intended to increase the damage done to Big Bubbler and Rainmaker shields and to allow players to defeat opponents armored due to Squid Roll or Squid Surge.
Reefslider - Damage from the rush attack and from being caught up in the explosion at short range has been increased from 180.0 to 220.0.
- This change is intended to increase the damage done to Big Bubbler and Rainmaker shields and to allow players to defeat opponents armored due to Squid Roll or Squid Surge.
Tenta Missiles - After launch is confirmed, the special gauge will now slowly decrease, and the special gauge will not be able to begin charging again until the gauge has completely drained from the previous use.
- Points required for some weapon specials have been changed.
Weapon Before After Aerospray MG 200 190 N-ZAP ‘85 200 190 Splattershot Pro 200 190 Jet Squelcher 200 190 H-3 Nozzlenose 200 190 E-liter 4K 200 210 E-liter 4K Scope 200 210 - The terrain of some stages has been changed.
Stage Change Details Undertow Spillway - Changed some parts of the Turf War mode terrain.
- Deleted part of the terrain on the left-hand side when looking from the player start areas.
- Added ramps to allow for invading opponent areas.
- Changed some parts of the Turf War mode terrain.
- The sound effect when hitting an opponent with a charger’s nonpiercing shot is now easier to hear.
- The sound effects when the Splat Bomb, Torpedo, or Fizzy Bomb roll on the ground are now easier to hear.
- The direct-hit sound effects for when an Angle Shooter hits an opponent and when it hits another physical object are now different.
- The Angle Shooter’s direct-hit sound effect is now easier to hear from a distance.
- The sound effect when wielding the Trizooka is now harder for allies to hear and easier for opponents to hear.
- The sound effect when an opponent is charging a Booyah Bomb is now easier to hear.
- The flight and impact sound effects for a Booyah Bomb thrown by an opponent are now easier to hear.
Changes to X Battles
- X Battle, a new battle mode, has been added.
- X Battle is a battle mode where players of ranks S+0 and up can compete in battle for X Power.
- X Power is calculated separately for each battle mode like Splat Zones or Tower Control.
- Players battle until reaching three wins or three losses, whereupon X Power is gained or lost based on the results.
- The world is divided into two divisions in which X Battles are held to compete for the highest X Power: Takoroka Division, comprising Japan, Hong Kong, S. Korea, Australia, and New Zealand; and Tentatek Division, comprising the Americas and Europe.
- The division a player is affiliated with is determined the first time they play in an X Battle each season. Once this is determined, the division cannot be changed during that season.
- X Battles will become available to play on November 30th at the same time as Chill Season 2022 begins.
Changes to Ranked
- Added a feature allowing players to purposely reset their rank.
- This feature can only be used once per season by players of rank B or higher.
- What rank a player is reset to is determined automatically by their estimated ability based on their battles up to that point.
- Players can use this feature by opening up the Lobby menu, moving their cursors to Anarchy Battle, and pressing the ZL Button.
- Some values of the initial cost in Rank Points spent to enter an Anarchy Battle (Series) have increased.
Rank Cost Before Cost After A- 100 110 A 110 120 A+ 120 130 S 150 170 S+0 and up 160 180
Changes to Salmon Run
- Data relating to the Big Run event has been added.
- Big Run is a phenomenon where mass numbers of Salmonids swim upstream once every few months.
- While a Big Run is happening, Salmon Run will be held specially on regular battle stages.
- When the Big Run has ended, different decorations will be awarded to players based on the Big Run results. This will be calculated based on the highest number of Golden Eggs collected in a single work shift across the entire player base.
- Added a feature to save and replay job scenarios.
- A job scenario is the collected overall data comprising elements of a single job shift like stage, weapon array, appearing Salmonids, and special events.
- Players can save job scenarios from the Recent Jobs screen at the Grizzco terminal.
- Players can reproduce a scenario and attempt it as many times as they like by creating a Private Job room, then pressing the ZL Button to select a scenario.
- Job scenarios can be shared with other players via the code issued when the scenario is saved.
Note: By entering a code at the Grizzco terminal, you can also download and save other players’ scenarios.
- When a new update is released, job scenarios from previous versions may become unable to be used.
- The conditions for using the Reset Rank feature have been changed to being above Go-Getter 40.
- When a player with a rank higher than Eggsecutive VP 100 uses the Reset Rank feature, they are not reset all at once to rank value 40. They will be reset in stages of 100 points at a time.
- When the stage changes, rank will be reset to Eggsecutive VP 40 as it has been before now.
- Some Boss Salmonid abilities have been changed.
Boss Salmonid Change Details Big Shot - Movement speed is now about 30% slower than before.
- In addition to lowering the Big Shot’s attack frequency, this also lengthens the amount of time it spends walking on land, increasing the players’ window of opportunity to attack.
- The animation played as the Big Shot’s shot comes flying in will be shown for longer than before, making it easier to determine where the shot was fired from.
- Movement speed is now about 30% slower than before.
- The performance of some special weapons has been changed.
Special Weapon Change Details Killer Wail 5.1 - Increased the precision with which it tracks Boss Salmonids.
- Damage dealt increased by about 25%.
Triple Inkstrike - The guide devices will now trigger when touched by a Salmonid.
- Damage dealt increased by about 25%.
Inkjet - Player will no longer be a target for most Salmonid attacks when returning to their position after the use period has ended.
Booyah Bomb - Player will no longer be a target for most Salmonid attacks while charging up the Booyah Bomb.
- The number of Boss Salmonids that can appear at once has been capped at 15.
- When defeating Boss Salmonids at a regular pace, even at high hazard levels, players will not reach this limit. This change was made because, in cases where players are chased down by bosses they cannot splat, the appearance of too many bosses can slow the game down and make it more difficult than necessary to get things back under control.
Changes to Splatfests
- Tricolor Battles have been modified so that all players can play on the attacking or defending team regardless of the halftime results.
- Players can join by themselves or in a pair with a friend. When playing by themselves, they will be paired with another solo player, same as before.
- A group of eight will be created from four pairs, and a 2 vs. 4 vs. 2 Tricolor Battle will commence.
- Players do not know whether they will be on an attacking team or the defending team until the battle begins.
- Players have a fifty-fifty chance of being on an attacking team or the defending team, regardless of their Splatfest-team affiliation.
- Depending on population ratios for Splatfest teams, there may be Tricolor Battles where all eight players are on the same Splatfest team. In these cases, Clout will not be calculated.
- Clout earned in Tricolor Battles will now be calculated in the Final Results, and the points awarded for each category have been adjusted.
- Part of the way Clout is calculated for Tricolor Battles has changed.
- Increased the victory bonus for the defending team.
- When the team in first place at halftime is the defending team and the attacking teams are from the second- or third-place teams, 1.5 times more Clout will be awarded for a victory.
- When you win a 10x, 100x, or 333x Battle, it will be shown at your Pledge Box.
- After winning a 100x or 333x Battle, you can board your team’s float from your Pledge Box to take commemorative pictures.
Changes to Lockers
- T-shirt gear items can now be folded for storage by pressing the L Stick while placing the shirt.
- When pressing B to cancel placement, the locker will now return to the immediately previous state before you grabbed anything.
Other Changes
- Players can now enter Photo Mode from Recon Mode.
- Players can use Photo Mode not only by themselves but also when entering Recon Mode with multiple people by way of Private Battles.
- When walking a stage in recon by oneself, a player can call an amiibo to take pictures with.
- Added a feature to temporarily use a different player name than usual when playing Private Battles over the internet.
- The idea is, for one example, to be able to add a team name into one’s player name, only in Private Battles.
- When creating or joining a group for a Private Battle, you can temporarily set a different name by pressing the L Button.
- The song title and artist of the background music will now be shown at the beginning of battle.
- In the Equip screen, when a player has a lot of weapons or gear, it will now be clear what page of items is being shown.
- In the Equip screen, when sorting by gear ability, abilities that do not exist on the items being sorted will no longer appear as sorting options.
- Added a feature for listening again to Sheldon’s weapon explanations in Ammo Knights.
- Players can use this feature by putting their cursor over the weapon they want to hear the explanation for again and pressing the ZR Button.
- Added a badge related to using the Shell-Out Machine.
- Previous usage up to this point is counted toward badge progress.
This update focuses on adding data and new features relating to Chill Season 2022, adjustments to battles and Salmon Run, and changes to Tricolor Battles.
For battles, besides an adjustment to reducing attack frequency for the battle style of repeatedly firing Tenta Missiles from afar, we also focused on updates to increase some weapons’ ease of use.
For Salmon Run, in addition to lowering the Big Shot’s attack frequency and giving players more chance to damage it by lowering its movement speed, we implemented changes to improve factors that made some special weapons difficult to use.
For Splatfests, as announced in the previous update, we made significant changes to the Tricolor Battle mode.
In addition to this are various added features and improvements large and small and bug fixes.
Our next update is planned for the middle of Chill Season 2022 and should focus on balance adjustments upon analysis of data from the newly added weapons.
Bug Fixes
Fixes to Player Controls
- Fixed an issue where standing on the edge of a sponge of the opponents’ color and jumping would let players do a jump of the same height as the regular ground.
- Fixed an issue where a player being moved involuntarily by things like a Splash Wall or a Salmonid’s attack would cause them to not be shown in the proper position on another player’s screen.
- Fixed an issue where players going into swim form on thin floors could allow some attacks to damage them from the opposite side of the terrain.
- Fixed an issue where swimming on a wall and quickly doing a Squid Surge would allow the player to jump higher than intended when wearing gear with a lot of Intensify Action abilities.
- Fixed an issue where doing a Super Jump onto a sponge would cause the player to land in midair.
- Fixed an issue with shooters, blasters, dualies, and the Crab Tank’s ZR Button shots where aiming above or below horizontal while firing would cause the shots’ left-right scatter to be less than intended.
- Fixed an issue where a player with a roller would not be bounced backward when their roller’s ground-rolling attack hit but did not splat an opponent.
- Fixed an issue where the sound effect of a player using a roller, brush, or slosher could be triggered twice on other players’ screens.
- Fixed an issue where the sound effect of a player doing a dualie Dodge Roll could be triggered twice on other players’ screens.
- Fixed an issue with the Bloblobber where lobbing blobs while touching certain terrain or while inputting certain controls could cause some of the blobs not to be lobbed correctly.
- Fixed an issue where performing a dualie Dodge Roll immediately after landing from a Super Jump could result in the roll’s trajectory looking different to other players than that of the actual roll.
- Fixed an issue where using a sub weapon after doing a Squid Roll from a wall or a Squid Surge while having a brella equipped would cause the brella to be shown in an unnatural position.
- Fixed an issue when firing a stringer while in close contact with a metal grate where the stringer’s shots would be obstructed by the grate.
- Fixed an issue with splatanas’ horizontal slashes where there was a difference in the vertical position of the collision detection between the center and the edges, and they did not align with the visual appearance.
- Fixed an issue where pressing the ZL Button while preparing a charged slash with a splatana, then releasing the ZR Button before going into swim form would result in a horizontal slash instead of a charged slash.
- Fixed an issue where a player who activated the Zipcaster while holding the R Button and then immediately releasing R would result in a sub weapon being used despite the Zipcaster being in use, making the time of the Zipcaster’s continuous use shorter.
- Fixed an issue where the Reefslider’s explosion animation would not be triggered on a player’s screen when another player used the Reefslider.
- Fixed an issue where attacking the starting point of an inkrail with the Ultra Stamp would cause the game to slow down.
- Fixed an issue where, when splatted while trying to charge the Rainmaker, the next time the player picks up the Rainmaker, it would fire a shot regardless of whether they were pressing the ZR Button or not.
Fixes to Multiplayer
- Fixed an issue when using the directional buttons to pick a teammate to Super Jump to from the map where the target teammate would switch if even just a slight diagonal was input.
- Fixed an issue where hitting the edge of a Splash Wall or brella shield with a blaster shot would deal damage to a player on the opposite side.
- Fixed an issue when holding the ZR Button to roll ink along the ground with a roller where it would deal damage to a player behind a brella shield.
- Fixed an issue when breaking an opponent’s brella shield while inking the ground with the ZR Button with a brush or roller where the player using the brush or roller would not be knocked back.
- Fixed an issue where the Sloshing Machine’s spirals would deal damage to opponents on the opposite side of thin terrain.
- Fixed an issue where an opponent’s bomb touching a brella shield at the same moment the brella closed would cause the brella not to take damage.
- Fixed an issue where splatanas’ melee attacks could deal damage to an opponent on the other side of thin terrain.
- Fixed issues where placing a Splash Wall at certain locations could cause it to move to a slightly different position, float above the terrain, or disappear instantly.
- Fixed an issue where a thrown Splash Wall or Wave Breaker would disappear if it touched an ally’s Crab Tank before being set up.
- Fixed an issue where a Big Bubbler’s drone device being touched by a Wave Breaker’s wave would cause an animation looking like the drone was taking damage, despite not actually taking any damage.
- Adjusted the color of the Reefslider’s attack-area indicator to fix an issue where certain ink-color combinations made it easy to be mistaken for the enemy team’s color.
- Fixed an issue where Tenta Missiles passing within inches of terrain before impact would cause the impact predicter’s position to be shown in a different position than the actual impact.
- Fixed an issue with sending Booyah! to charge a Booyah Bomb where pressing the button quickly could exceed the intended limit and charge the bomb rapidly.
- Fixed an issue when charging a Booyah Bomb where power would charge at the instant an ally pressed Booyah! and made it so that power is charged when the light animation sent from the ally is sucked into the bomb.
- Fixed an issue where a thrown Ultra Stamp would disappear if touched by an opponent’s Booyah Bomb blast wave.
- Fixed an issue where the Ultra Stamp’s collision detection would remain on the spot for a short while after the effect had ended.
- Fixed an issue in the Splat Zones mode where the determination for the award “#1 Splat Zone Inker” was not being done correctly, resulting in the award being shown as though it had been obtained despite the player not actually being number one.
- Fixed an issue in the Rainmaker mode where, when there is an enemy Splash Wall on top of the checkpoint, the Rainmaker wouldn’t be placed on the checkpoint even though the animation was played.
- Fixed an issue in the Rainmaker mode where a player could earn the Record-Score Setter award even in cases where they headed for the opponents’ goal without the checkpoint having been broken through.
- Fixed an issue in the Rainmaker mode when, in overtime, a checkpoint breakthrough and taking the lead happens at the same time, where if the player holding the Rainmaker is splatted by an opponent at the same instant they take the lead, the match would continue instead of end.
- Fixed an issue in the Rainmaker mode where if a teammate picked up the Rainmaker immediately after throwing a Tacticooler, the Rainmaker icon would be shown at the Tacticooler’s position.
- Fixed an issue in the Eeltail Alley stage in Rainmaker mode where the DON’T RETREAT! warning would be shown at a shorter distance than intended.
- Fixed an issue in the Eeltail Alley in Tower Control, Clam Blitz, and Rainmaker modes where the underside of certain terrain could be inked to fill the special gauge.
- Fixed an issue in the Undertow Spillway stage where certain walls, when inked by a bomb’s explosion, would be inked in locations that differed from the explosion.
- Fixed an issue in Undertow Spillway where players standing on the glass floor could be damaged from the other side.
- Fixed an issue in Undertow Spillway in Rainmaker mode where the DON’T RETREAT! warning would be shown at a shorter distance than intended.
- Fixed an issue in Mincemeat Metalworks in Rainmaker mode where the DON’T RETREAT! warning would be shown at a shorter distance than intended.
- Fixed an issue in Hagglefish Market in Rainmaker mode where the DON’T RETREAT! warning would be shown at a shorter distance than intended.
- Fixed an issue in Hagglefish Market in Clam Blitz mode where clam placements at the start of battle were not symmetrical.
- Fixed an issue in Hammerhead Bridge where parts of players could clip into certain terrain.
- Fixed an issue in Hammerhead Bridge in Rainmaker mode where the DON’T RETREAT! warning would be shown at a shorter distance than intended.
- Fixed an issue in Museum d’Alfonsino where inking on top of the central spinning floor would cause points to increase by double.
- Fixed an issue in Museum d’Alfonsino in Rainmaker mode where doing a Squid Surge on certain height differences would cause the count to go up as though you had climbed that distance despite not actually having been able to climb it.
- Fixed an issue in Mahi-Mahi Resort where Tenta Missiles’ impact-area predictor indicators would disappear when the water level changed.
- Fixed an issue in Mahi-Mahi Resort where players on top of certain platforms could be damaged from the other side.
- Fixed an issue in Mahi-Mahi Resort where walls at certain locations had a few parts that could not be inked.
- Fixed an issue in Mahi-Mahi Resort in Rainmaker mode where the DON’T RETREAT! warning would be shown at a shorter distance than intended.
- Fixed an issue in MakoMart in Rainmaker mode where the DON’T RETREAT! warning would be shown at a shorter distance than intended.
- Fixed an issue in Inkblot Art Academy where players could jump to boards outside the stage.
- Fixed an issue in Wahoo World where a certain location near the starting point would not allow players to swim even if it looked like it had been inked.
- Fixed an issue in Wahoo World where the top of a certain pillar was treated as being outside the stage.
- Fixed an issue in Wahoo World where using a Booyah Bomb in a certain place could cause players to be pushed into certain terrain by a revolving element.
- Fixed an issue in Wahoo World in Rainmaker mode where jumping toward a certain different-height location could result in progress being counted as though the player had ascended it despite their not actually having done so.
Fixes to Salmon Run
- Fixed an issue where another player’s Golden Egg was not being displayed when they were in swim form.
- Fixed an issue where it could look to other players as though a player had a different weapon equipped than they actually did.
- Fixed an issue where, immediately before the Xtrawave begins, players could use up their special abilities left over from Wave 3.
- Fixed an issue when making a room with friends where, when the player that joined later pressed “Ready!” the player that made the room would leave it, and the game would be put in a state of being unable to progress.
- Fixed an issue where the number of eggs collected for each wave as shown on the screen for job results was not being properly displayed in certain languages.
- Fixed an issue with wipers where a horizontal slash’s melee attack would not deal damage to an enemy in contact with the player.
- Fixed an issue where wipers could deal damage to Scrappers from the front.
- Fixed an issue where a communications error would occur when hitting a Scrapper or a Gusher with multiple shots at the same time from a Grizzco Stringer.
- Fixed an issue where explosions from the Reefslider or Splat Bombs could not deal damage to a Big Shot or a Cohock.
- Fixed an issue where using the Inkjet right before the water rises would result in returning to a point beneath the water at the end of the jet-pack effect.
- Made it so that if a player with a Golden Egg goes into swim form, the egg they have will show while using the Inkjet.
- Implemented measures to prevent Snatchers from entering into terrain after collecting Golden Eggs.
- Fixed an issue when a Steelhead is destroyed at the moment its bomb is thrown where the bomb would still be thrown despite the Steelhead’s defeat.
- Fixed an issue where, when a Steelhead threw its bomb, a player in a location that a bomb was previously thrown to would be pushed out.
- Fixed an issue where a Flyfish would suddenly close its container when the other container was destroyed.
- Fixed an issue when a Flyfish’s container is destroyed immediately after its first missile is fired where the marker around players that shows they’re being targeted would not be shown.
- Fixed an issue where the Steel Eel would target the closest player by measuring in direct lines, ignoring its movement route.
- Fixed an issue when multiple Steel Eels have appeared where they would target the same player even though there were other players that could be targeted.
- Fixed an issue where players could damage a Drizzler while it was covered by its umbrella.
- Fixed an issue where the Golden Eggs that appeared when a Slammin’ Lid was defeated would appear in midair.
- Fixed an issue where the Golden Eggs that appeared when a Slammin’ Lid was defeated would appear on top of the egg basket.
- Fixed an issue where the Lesser Salmonids that appeared from the Slammin’ Lid would attack before landing on the ground.
- Implemented measures to make clipping happen less frequently in response to the issue where Grillers would clip into terrain and deal damage to players standing on top of higher elevations.
- Fixed issues in the Goldie Seeking event where players could get an extreme number of eggs or be unable to obtain eggs when damaging the Goldie.
- Fixed an issue where eggs sucked up by the Mothership were still being counted as collected eggs on the Grizzco terminal and SplatNet 3.
- Fixed an issue in Sockeye Station where the game could slow down when swimming on certain walls.
- Fixed an issue in Sockeye Station where, when throwing a Splat Bomb at a certain location, it would remain there without exploding for a long while.
- Made it so that players cannot stand on top of the switchboards installed in the walls.
Fixes to Story Mode
- Fixed an issue with Alterna Site 4’s boss stage where players would clip through terrain in rare cases and get a loss.
- Fixed an issue with Alterna Site 6 Stage 1 where enemies would not appear if the player took a certain route.
- Fixed an issue with Alterna Site 6’s boss stage where players could clip through the terrain in rare cases and get a loss.
- Implemented measures to prevent the game from crashing when playing on stages with Octoling enemies for a long time.
Fixes to Splatfests
- Fixed an issue in Splatfest Turf War battles when using the Color Lock option where the ink-color combination would not turn to yellow and blue.
- Fixed an issue where the game would crash at the end of a Splatfest Battle during the time period when Tricolor Battles would trigger.
- Fixed an issue where changes to Splatfest Power immediately after starting a Splatfest Battle (Pro) would be too small.
Other Fixes
- Fixed an issue where Hotlantis’s product lineup would change when the player’s catalog level went up and the player received their reward.
- Fixed an issue where, after opening your friends list in the lobby or Grizzco and immediately switching to the Shoal, rooms created by nearby players would not be shown correctly.
- Fixed an issue when trying to place a decoration against the inner wall of the locker where it would be judged as being outside the locker and its placement deleted.
- Fixed an issue when placing a decoration in your locker where using the cancel option at a certain moment could result in the item being placed at an unnatural angle or placed in a position without enough space.
- Fixed an issue when ordering gear from other players where “Already Ordered” would show erroneously when ordering gear from the same slot on the same player as a previously ordered item, even if the new item was different.
- Fixed an issue where, when leaving gear ordered through Murch unpurchased and trying to order a different item the next day, the order list would be the same as it was on the previous day.
- Fixed an issue with battling while using the “Primary Gear Abilities Only” option in private matches where it could appear on the results screen as though secondary gear abilities had been active.
- Fixed an issue when viewing a battle replay on Mahi-Mahi Resort where the inking of the ground would not be reproduced correctly.
- Fixed an issue in some languages where title options were not properly being displayed in alphabetical order.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to have more gear ability chunks than the intended maximum of 999.
- Fixed an issue that allowed players to have more card bits than the intended maximum of 999.
We will let you know when this update goes live.
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com]
Comments 46
But which weapons are getting the variants??
Please give me Aerospray in gold...
...Can't tell if the changes Salmon Run is getting is what I'm wanting...
Because it's impossible for me to lower my rank at all...and it's nightmarishly hard to make any progress in that mode, at all.
Wow, patch notes as tall as a Stinger! I love that they nerfed Big Shots. I really hope that decorations won't be the only reward in Big Run. It would be pretty disappointing to not get snails but it's still unclear how often Splatfest is in this game.
Being able to take a photo on a Splatfest float with your Deep Cut team leader if you win a high clout battle sounds so fresh, but sadly too fresh for me considering how extremely rare those matches are. At least it's nice to see that Big Man won't hog the Defending Team in Tricolor anymore. It'll be interesting to see how much more common that mode will be.
I also like the little things like the music title at the beginning of a match and taking amiibo photos in recon. It only makes sense that you should be able to read the catalog in-game besides just the phone app. I imagine there'll be a new Wandercrust in Splatnet?
Lots of nice little changes there that should make for an overall better experience.
I just want my Custom Splattershot Jr with Ink Storm back. Loved that in Splatoon 2.
"The song title and artist of the background music will now be shown at the beginning of battle."
@Fizza @Fizza @Fizza and one more @Fizza
Haha, I was going to alert @Joeynator3000 to the changes to Salmon Run, but it seems he’s already here. It’s a little difficult to parse the wording from that update list, and I’ve never 100% worked out what the issue was to begin with (I think it boiled down to wanting ‘easier rank resets’) but let’s hope this answers Joey’s prayers.
I’m very glad they’ve given the Special Weapons in Salmon Run a bit more grunt. They always felt a bit ineffectual.
@Maxz Yeah, I saw the rank demote option thing once, but it only reduced my points a bit, my actual rank didn't even decrease...and the option disappeared completely. lol
So I'm stuck with this rank where the mode is nightmarishly hard and I barely make any progress. (and when I do I just lose again and lose all of those points anyways, lol)
Sucks too, the mode started out as fun, but eventually started becoming frustrating and stressful. Ended up stop playing the game entirely.
@Browny Well your prayers definitely HAVE been answered!
Sprinkler for Sub and Booyah Bomb for Special.
You can see the other weapon variants listen on the official Splatoon Twitter page!
Holy cow this is a huge list of changes. Really glad to see that Tricolor is being fixed, hopefully, this change will help balance it out more. Being able to see the name of songs in battle is a great touch. I'm also excited to see how the change to Undertow Spillway plays out. Hopefully it makes the stage a bit less linear.
There’s still time! I can still make it to level 78, I just need to win like every other ranked match!also, this patch is going to be great, can’t wait!.
What a colossal update, some very welcome adjustments too!
Some great changes and some pretty odd ones too: basically your typical Splatoon patch then. Running over some of the highlights:
Overall, very exciting stuff and I can't wait for Thursday/Friday to roll around!
@Kermit1Pineapple Thank you for your distress signal Commissioner Kermit.
really looking forward to the update. even the lil things like knowing what page you are in the equip menu, and having Sheldon re-explain weapons again. strange they were gone in the first place
This looks like a great update! Pleeeeeaaaase let there be Dualies with Burst Bombs...
Edit: @/Fizza showed me in the forums that this update will, in fact, not be including Dualies with Burst Bombs. Trash update, actually.
Can this team take a look at the issues with Pokémon?
... Are there not more music tracks? There are woefully few
Also strange that they adjusted Big Shot, but not Flyfish, the one in sorest need of a nerf
I hope it is finally balanced and fun again.
@Sequel This game is never meant to be an open world RPG. It would feel really out of place to make it one.
@Sequel Er, I can’t agree with this take at all, it would ruined so much of splatoon charm!
How big is the update?
Now this is an update. Looking forward to more catalog grinding!
Grinding, grinding, and more grinding! It is nice to have more stuff in the game... But imagine having created a full armor set with all your favorite abilities just to find a new piece of armor that you like better.
I am putting all my effort into this game and MH Rise, but after this generation, I will be done with online "grindy" games.
I hope I can still work on the first catalogue now that there's going to be a second
Not huge enough to bring splitscreen multiplayer?
They missed the opportunity to call it 'Splat screen' multiplayer
I mean…!
I guess the booyah bomb and sprinkler are better than those on the silver aerospray…
I was really holding out hope for the crab tank… 😭
@Sequel plenty of time for DLC
@Sequel When Nintendo revealed the first look for this with the inkling traversing the terrain I thought the same thing. Maybe not an RPG like Zelda per se, but definitely more of an open-world campaign. I agree I think it would be awesome having a wacky open-world akin to the aesthetic of that new movie, Strange World. The developers could go wild coming up with ways to use the ink gun, etc. to traverse the terrain
If no one else else backs you, man...I do lol
"Fixed an issue when placing a decoration in your locker where using the cancel option at a certain moment could result in the item being placed at an unnatural angle or placed in a position without enough space."
I'm upset that they're not just adding free rotation to the game, but at the same time, this is just for the lockers that don't really do anything for the rest of the game. That said, I'm pretty happy with how my locker is laid out right now, so I don't plan on changing it anytime soon.
@Sequel what? not to be rude, but is that really what you expect from a free content update to a third person shooter?
I’m seriously hoping they release more stages as the season goes on. I won’t be able to handle only getting two of them every three months or so. The previous two games were so much better about releasing new content regularly.
i cannot wait for flounder heights. it has always been my favorite stage, and its return will be wonderful.
We have aerospray in gold. Special is booyah bomb.
I feel the same. I'm sure we got stages every 2 weeks in the past
@Kayvoo We definitely got at least one a month, sometimes two. Usually about every three weeks. This drip feed is sad by comparison.
@Joeynator3000 With the Boss Salmonids capping at 15 and the Big Shot nerfs, things should get more manageable.
@SoManyHaveDied The Sloshing Machine shot spiral/thin wall issue is fixed. Thankfully, nothing else got changed, this time 👍 (signed, a Sloshing Machine main)
@masterLEON you got away this time sloshing machine main, but the patches will get you, just like they did in splatoon 2 mwhahahahhaa
I was curious how big of a buff Splatana Wiper's horizontal paint range would be and HOO BOY IS IT BIG.
One of my favourite weapons in the entire game just got even better, you love to see it.
The Reefslider's damage has been increased? Not sure why this was needed as its already near-impossible to counter, lets you get through difficult terrain untouched & annihilates groups of opponents, meanwhile the Ultra Stamp gets nothing & can be disarmed by a cold fart. :/
Only thing that could have annoyed me more is if they'd tripled the rate we face "Glowflies". :3
@DanteSolablood reefslider is actually the opposite of "near impossible to counter" unfortunately. any good player would just kill the reefslider user as soon as the special is over. it needs a bigger buff, as its currently the worst special at higher levels
Just disappointed I didn't realize until last week (when it was too late) that this catalog was ending, and so quickly. I ended at 89 and will fall short of the dab emote, but oh well.
Note to all those wanting to easily complete their catalog next season. It doesn't mention in-game but does in the Nintendo Switch Online app that you get 7500 points for your first win each day. It takes 9500 to level each time, so playing to at least one win each day will net you the most points for the least effort. After that, it's 1400 points for each win and 800 points for each loss. With this season being two days short of three months (82 days), others will likely be the same. You'll need 950,000 points for level 100. 615,000 or nearly level 65 (82 days at 7500 pts for a win) of which you can get by simply winning a match each day, not counting any other points you'll get playing any other match or mode. So just a heads up for those looking to easily complete their catalogs next time around with the least effort.
I read through all of this, but I do not see where they fixed how on Scorch Gorge, if you're using Ninja squid, your movements still show in the ink
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