After years of development updates about Bayonetta 3, the Switch exclusive is now available in certain parts of the world.
As you've no doubt seen over the past few weeks, there's been a fair bit of drama with this one - with the original voice of Bayonetta making a series of accusations in an ongoing dispute with Platinum. You can catch up on the latest developments in the story we ran earlier this week. We've also reviewed the game here on Nintendo Life, awarding it an outstanding score:
Now that this Switch exclusive is available, we're curious to know how many of the readers here on Nintendo Life will be picking it up. So, will you be buying this game? Vote in our poll and leave a comment down below.
Comments 118
Sure why not. Looks good.
Not my type of game… but seems like a good game judging by the reviews.
Bayonetta rocks! Have fun everyone!
I haven't even finished the first game (as good as it is), so I'm not in any hurry to grab Bayonetta 3 just yet. By the time I do grab it, it's likely that the cartridge will have any update(s) already on it, so it would be silly to grab it now.
My collector's edition will be delivered tomorrow!
I'm so excited to play this over the weekend and on Halloween!
It's nice to have physical copies of all 3 Bayonetta games for Switch!
Do want! Do want! I've been shielding my eyes from people who've been posting cutscenes on Youtube for the past few days.
Waiting for physical copy to arrive, really excited to jump in.
Given how the Bayonetta is handled later in the game, no. I'm passing on it.
Did I make it in time to comment??
I still need to play the first two games. I started the first one on Xbox a few years ago just never finished it. I haven't even touched the second one.
@DTfeartheBEARD do you have a physical copy of 1 and 2, or is it 2 that’s physical and 1 was digital because I remember them releasing that BS
I wish there was a demo.
It looks really good, but I'm just not sure I would enjoy the gameplay; I hate the combat in monster hunter games even though I acknowledge they are great games and I'm a little worried Bayonetta would be similar. If it's ever on a good sale I might get it just to try.
I'm boycotting!!!!
So I'll be picking up the Masquerade Edition.
Sorry. Got too many games to play already. I'm really happy for all the fans, though ...This one seems like an absolute masterpiece.
This will be a nice cap on a pretty good gaming year. I gotta wait a bit, but I fully intend to get it ASAP.
@nymbosox I have the digital copy of Bayonetta 1 that was included with Bayonetta 2. Bayonetta 1 also had a physical release last month that I picked up.
The trinity edition is beautiful, I'm so happy
Yup, got it preordered.
If I get it at all, it'll be a used copy from a private ebay seller.
I can't in good faith buy a new copy of this game.
I'll just replay Devil May Cry 5.
I'm just kinda filling time waiting for my digital pre-order to be playable.
Will prob grab copy after work tomorrow since game looks good.
Luckily I can buy this game in good faith since the “boycott” was absolute nonsense. Reviews are stellar too.
Think only sites like Polygon had bad things to say, but it’s Polygon and they don’t like things sexy so that is a good sign anyway for the game.
There have been a lot of good games that came to switch in October so I might have to wait at least a little bit 😅
Even on a Nintendo centric website the number one answer is “No, I’m not interested” and yet somehow this is a $450 million dollar franchise?
@circasurviver I see your doubts, but your math is off.
It's true 24% of responders (as of the time I type this) answered "Not interested" and that's the highest individual answer. It's also true that 17% answered with "Need 1 and/or 2 first".
HOWEVER... THREE answers are varying states of "I'm getting it" and they total 54% to the 41% for "No" and the remainder is non-commital.
So on this Nintendo-centric website, over half the people voting (myself included) say yes.
I paid off my pre-order tuesday, I'll be picking it up at store open tomorrow! Then I'll likely be marathonning all 3 games in short order!
Absolutely. Trinity Masquerade edition!
Once I get my copy in I’ll be all over this game.
@FishyS I've played Monster Hunter Rise and Bayonetta 1, and Bayo games are not anything like Monster Hunter. I'd imagine the large screen-filling enemies are what make you think so, but this game is more like a Devil May Cry or other Platinum games, with flashy moves and timing-based combos and blocking and parrying, rather than MonHun's slower-paced and animation-locked combat. In Bayonetta, animations can be cancelled into other moves easily, where in Monster Hunter, you have to wait for one move to complete (which can take a few seconds) before you can start another one.
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Gonna get the party started once my copy comes in the mail.
I’ll probably pick it up in a few months once it’s a bit cheaper. Seems really good but I’ve been super busy plus have a lot of other games I want to play.
It’s weird. I’m a 42 year old male, I’m no prude, but I just don’t want sexy in my video games. They’re separate worlds for me. It doesn’t help that Bayonetta reminds me of Sarah Palin (possibly my issue) 😂
For those looking forward to it—Enjoy!
Bought 1 when the physical was released on Switched, bought 2 the second day I was playing 1. Finished 1 in 4 days and immediately started 2. Beat 2 in a dew days. Preordered 3. Ready! Unless I get caught up on CrossCode…
The Trinity Masquerade edition is in the post which was still available in the UK until a few weeks ago compared to the physical version of the original which sold out in seconds.
I played Bayonetta 1 and thought it was okay, pretty fun but never beat it. Gave Bayonetta 2 a shot: straight up masterpiece and the best action game I’ve ever played.
So when the reviews hit I bought it, given that it’s a more niche game and Platinum have earned my support after the terrific Okami, Viewtiful Joe, Bayonetta 2 and Astral Chain.
@FishyS for what it’s worth I never got into Monster Hunter but Bayonetta is waaay more accessible. I’d recommend Bayonetta 2 if you can find it discounted.
Nah, because I didn't like the demo of the first one I played on Wii U. I dig the style but can't stand the gameplay
Eventually yea but too many other games to play right now. I hope it turns out to be better than 2 and at least as good as 1
Didn't have much interest in this game until your review, now quite tempted.
A demo would be great.
If Advance Wars remains perpetually in abeyance may well get it.
Bayonetta 1 was fine.
Bayonetta 2 is, to this day, the best action game I've ever played. Better than Ninja Gaiden (Black or otherwise), better than Devil May Crys, just simply, the best action game around.
I'm hopeful that Bayonetta 3 maintains the excellence in gameplay from the second game.
What’s the difference between maybe and not sure?
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Yup. Actually leaving for the store in a few minutes to pick up my copy. First time in a while the local Gamestop is doing a midnight opening.
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Well.....obvi! It's been pre-ordered for years at this point. Should be arriving within 24hrs.
Nah, I’m saving my money for Glover
Preordered waiting for it to come.
Bought a second out of pure spite that'll gift to my GF.
It'll be my birthday soon, so I voted for "as soon as possible"!
I really wish I was better at these games, Bayo 1 is way too hard for me, I'd much prefer it if it was updated to have Bayo 2's progression system, so you don't have to start the game from scratch to play on higher difficulties.
That and Bayo 1's difficulty modes in general are insane, I beat Bayo 2 on every difficulty, but could barely get through 1 on Normal, I hope 3 isn't as hard as that
it going to buy and play just to say I did, then it’s back to steam deck and elden ring until botw2 comes out most likely.
I still need to play 2 on the WiiU
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I have CE arriving today
I've still got a big backlog of games to catch up on, so I'll probably pick this up when it's on sale.
Plan on picking it up tomorrow!
Really liked the first but I haven't got around to playing 2 yet so I'll be waiting on this one. Looks great though 👍
I have both previous games on switch and wiiu, will be getting this tomorrow 😃
I got it a day early and it's incredible.
Not yet, because Nintendo relesed a 100 hour rpg this summer, and Pokemon in another few weeks, while my wife loves to play Mario + Rabbids together.
@TopazLink I don't remember a difference between the first two titles? Haven't played in a while but I'm pretty sure you can change the difficulty for each level in the menu and you unlock higher difficulties after you beat it on a lower one.
Nope. I am not interested.
Never was interested in the series so nah.
It is tempting but I only played 5 hours of the first game and never picked up the second. Appears way I’ll find these kinds of games turn into a button mashing affair with no depth.
I have increasingly had my eye on DMC V but have the same concerns.
@FishyS The combat in Monster Hunter and Bayonetta is miles apart imo. Bayo is a fast paced action game, and the characters and story in the first 2 games are really cool and I've heard the 3rd game's story is even better. It is a platinum game so you will have to get accustomed to the combat just like in vanquish, Astral Chain and their other titles but when it finally clicks. It's sooo much fun. 😊💪
@AngelSlayer I know you can do that in 2, but I couldn't find a way to do that in 1 when I played it, unless I missed something?
Bayo 1's way harder anyway, higher difficulties make enemies obnoxiously fast and overpowered, as well as dramatically nerfing witch time
Not at all interested. I say this because I felt like I got suckered into buying the first two games on the Wii U because of all the hype it had back then. Not my style of game at all.
Give me a massive sale on 1 & 2 so I can consider 3! Too busy with stuff on Game Pass these days.
not right away. i still need to finish the first game.
@TopazLink in the first game, before you select a chapter, you press the R button (I think), and then a menu pops up to change costumes, difficulty etc. From the start, you can always choose between Normal, Easy and Very Easy, then after beating each chapter on Normal you will unlock Hard difficulty.
Must get Bayonetta 2 completed on my WiiU before getting this.
I love the games, so yes. I really don't like the new voice actor as much as Taylor, but that's a minor issue.
Love the first two, and have looked at no spoliers to keep it new when I play it, knowing Amazon I will get it on Monday, but it gives me time to finish off the game I'm playing at the moment.
For everyone with limited time/works/family/full backlog of games, come join us at r/patientgamers. No more FOMO, no more incomplete games..
Picked up my Trinity Edition this morning.
The advantages of living in Australia.
All I'm getting today is Prodeus from the eShop. All 3 Bayonetta games are on my wishlist though. Mostly excited about Monday though because my physical copies of Harmonia and Needy Girl Overdose will be in from PlayAsia. Thank goodness for FedEx Express.
@AngelSlayer Oh wow, I don't know if I somehow missed that, or if I eventually realised and just completely forgot xD
I dragged out the Wii U and you're right, thanks for correcting me!
Yep got my copy ordered and it's on the way! I don't do boycots or girlcots for that matter. I've never boycotted anything in my life and im not gonna start now. While i wait I'll marathon the first two games!
The witch is back! 😉
Really not at all interested at this point in time. Have kind of thought about picking up the first one on Switch sometime, own the first two on the Wii U and largely enjoyed 1 but never actually finished it or played the sequel, but never really been invested enough to bother shelling out the full $30 for it (or digging out my discs to play it as-is).
Kind of something where I'd totally pick up the bundle of the games if they were discounted but they're clearly never going to be so...
Love it so far! Sure graphics are not up to modern standards, BUT the style and art direction is fantastic and so is the gameplay. Opening parts on the boat is hilarious.
Waiting on Best Buy to open.
Just bought Bayo 2 to test the waters. Not normally the kind of game I like to play but I figured I needed to try out a Platinum game at some point.
Waiting for the postman.
Not yet, because I don't have the money for it. It's either Bayonetta 3 or Sonic Frontiers, and I don't know when I'll be able to get either one but at least for the time being I'll be lucky if I have the money to throw around at even one of them for now. Eventually I'll get it, for sure.
I'll get to it eventually. Not sure when though. Still working on other games at the moment.
I reserved it in a local store and there is even a launch discount.
It costs only 45 bucks for physical version. Getting it in 1 hour.
Physical costs 25% less than digital version...
Yep had it pre-ordered, have yet to start it but can't wait to this afternoon. Queen of gaming is back.
@CharlieGirl Why? You do realise Taylor was lying right and purposely misleading people?
Will get it for sure!! It looks like a must have if you liked the first ones (and I loved them!)
@CharlieGirl At $15K for a couple of recording sessions, they were hardly using slave labour!
I just have waaaay too many games in my backlog right now but someday I'd love to play the Bayonetta games. If the trilogy is released in a standalone physical form (maybe sometime next year?), it's 100% a buy.
Nah, honestly don’t really like the gameplay of Platinum Games or Bayonetta. I’ve tried to see what others see, but the only one I’ve ever been able to actually get through was Nier Automata, and, even then, I’m not a huge fan of the gameplay. The first one never clicked with me, so I doubt the third one will. Congratulations to the fans though! Another success from Nintendo on the Switch. Man, that first party line-up is something exquisite with something for everyone, isn’t it?
I gotta play 2 first. We shall see what release lulls the new year brings.
I loved 2. It was my entry point to the series, and after playing through 1, my favorite. Way more fun with way more polish. Pre-ordered this one in 2018 on franchise name alone. Thankfully, the reviews have been positive
There’s no way this sites poll is accurate. It indicates 50% of us are buying it. Perhaps we are vastly different than the general switch public. Or this game is going to sell 50 million copies. I think if they sell 50 million copies they should send Hellanah a $4000 cheque.
Only had the game preordered since 2018.
And bought digitally.
And bought Trinity Masquerade Edition...
@dil_power yeah
It should be waiting for me after work.
@sixrings, its counting the people voting on the poll, not every Switch owner.
@DTfeartheBEARD Wow, good to know! I have bayo1 on WiiU but Discs are pretty fallible so I will probably double dip.
@CharlieGirl a conscientious compromise ❤️
I can't stand the protagonist.
The delivery guy contacted me and said that I will get the game on Sunday or Monday
Can’t wait
this game is absolutely fantastic
@Chlocean Same here, I picked up physical copies of Bayonetta 1 & 2 for Wii U day 1. It's more convenient to play the games on Switch though. Plus true portability compared to the Wii U version.
@CharlieGirl Why?
I preloaded it yesterday and got a chance to play through the first two missions earlier today. The game is AMAZING and is the rare "3quel" that I might call better than the 2nd entry. And if there were any reason to say FPS/low input latency matters, it's here.
Case in point, the game is SUPER ambitious visually and does crazy stuff right out of the gate, but it looks like the resolution has been lowered to make up for keeping the 60 FPS gameplay, and the game is still fantastically playable.
Looking forward to playing more later, and might be a few copies as gifts for friends.
– Low quality texture filtering
– Bayonetta 3 resolution is 810p when docked
– Portable resolution seems to be just below 480p
– Environments can be drab, but beautiful environments to explore as well
– Regular occurrence of pop-in for environmental objects
– Low resolution alpha used for some effects
– Cutscenes run at 30 frames per second and they ramp up visual quality
@DTfeartheBEARD Portability is a super important selling point absolutely. Most important thing for me, since I play big-budget games mostly on-TV, is capability for a replay looooong in the future. Cartridge Bayonetta is an absolute W for both camps.
It's not for me, but I'm very glad it turned out so well. Fans are hyped.
@Chlocean Portable play is a major selling point for me. I usually double dip on games for Switch for that reason alone (mostly) or because of gyro controls, local wireless play, ect...
If you plan on playing Bayonetta 1 mostly docked, I suggest you pick up a copy of Bayonetta & Vanquish 10th anniversary edition. If you have a PS4 Pro or PS5, Xbox One or Series X/S also. It runs at a higher resolution (1440p) and a smoother 60fps over the Switch version.
Bayonetta 1 looks great in handheld mode (especially on a Switch OLED) but docked to a 4k TV, the lower resolution looks pretty rough compared to my PS4 version on PS5...
A 10? Does that mean its perfect, with no flaws.
About 3 hours in and I'm really enjoying it, I know people say that the switch is weak an all but this game is a real looker even on my 50inch tv.
I will admit though it didn't grab me the same way bayo 2 did in the first 20 minutes, this seems like it's paced a little bit different also the demon slave function took some getting use to but I'm finally use to it now and like how this new feature is woven in the combat.
My biggest take away so far is that this game just feels much bigger and crazier, like it's had a load of cash thrown at it big. The combat is as tight as ever and has that easy to pick up but hard to master style we all know and love.
Also I don't think I've ever seen a game push the switch this hard and I wouldn't be surprised if we get a definitive edition on Nintendos next console. Not that it look or runs bad, to my Amazement it seems to hold that 60fps during combat but I noticed a lot of dynamic resolution tricks doing their thing when the screen got hectic.
All in all if you own a switch or want a reason to own a switch then Bayonetta 3 is a must in my opinion, it really is one of those games I can't understand how anybody could not like unless they don't like fun.
I preordered it but fancied playing through 2 again first.
Having a great time and excited for 3!
After seeing the DF vid, maybe on a ready for performance platform. Reviews are subjective but keeping it a 10/10 with those performance issues? Might as wel replaying my 360 version if I want to.
It’s so good! Crazy, over the top action and I am only on the second chapter.
Should I buy this or Mario Rabbids 2?
@OwenOtter I understand that, but the math stands as I did specify “the number one answer”. If you look at the other polls on the site for Nintendo published games, you’ll see the “ no I’m not getting it” answer to be a lower percentage. Splatoon 3 18%, Metroid Dread 6%, Mario Party 15%. Even the last poll for a Platnium game Astral Chain was only 5% not getting it. (Though now my response is irrelevant as the “no I’m not getting it” isn’t the number one answer anymore lol)
@Sgtkeebler I feel like Rabbids is more likely to go on sale sooner and steeper than Bayo 3 based on past entries. So personally I’m getting Bayo 3 now and waiting on sale for Rabbids.
I'll probably put it out there as a possible Christmas gift for me. Seems pretty fun, but I don't need to play it this second. I really enjoyed Bayonetta 1 and 2 though, so I imagine that I'll be playing it at some point.
I feel like I should buy this game because I own the first two, but I was disappointed by the original. It looks and feels like something I should enjoy, but up to the end of the game I kind of had absolutely no idea what I was doing, and didn't have the patience to go back and try to figure it out (plus, my backlog was like "NO TIME! NO TIME!"). I hear 2 is way better... and 3 is even better than that... so I'd like to give them both a chance, but there are just so many more games on my Switch I'd rather attempt first.
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