A few months back, our delightful video producer Zion was challenged by Jon Cartwright from Good Vibe Games to showcase the top five rarest games in his collection. While he didn't get around to it right away (hey, we're a busy bunch, okay?) Zion has now fulfilled his oath and produced a new video showcasing the true gems of his gaming collection; games that - if bought today - would surely make your bank account weep.
There are a few weird little oddities here, but also a couple of truely iconic video games that we're certain would be the crown jewels of any gaming collection. One of them you might be able to guess right from the off, but the story behind how and why Zion managed to add it to his collection is well worth listening to.
Check out the video below and be sure to let us know what the rarest / most expensive game is in your own collection!
Comments 32
I owned a C.I.B. copy of Chip N Dale Rescue 2 on the NES till I lost it in a fire last year. Now the rarest game I own is Earthbound on SNES.
Banjo kazooie is the rarest game
My rarest game would be Samurai Shodown 2 Pocket Edition for Switch (only 2500 made). https://www.pixnlove.com/2603-thickbox_default/samurai-shodown-switch-shockbox-gold-edition.jpg
My 2 are CIB Ogre Battle 64 and Gotcha Force.
But man do I have a few of the rarer N64 and GCN titles. Many of theme are climbing exsessively.
Well maybe not rare persay but Suikoden 2 does certainly command some pretty hefty prices these days, I got a PAL cib copy of that on a pretty decent condition too, I also got a loose copy of Terranigma, which I vividly remember how my dad tossed all the SNES boxes when I was a kid, what a shame that..
Other than that I donno if I really got anything super impressive, few RPGs from the DS/Wii era that have had their prices jacked up pretty high, but again I donno if I could call any of that rare.
This list will have some PAL versions of games, but I used Zion's price charting website, so the prices I got are in USD.
I'll start with a game so rare, you won't ever find a NTSC-U version. Terranimga, I paid a low-mid price, CIB, I'm surprised this never made it to US, such a good game.
Next is Chrono Trigger, which recently I discovered it's missing the posters/maps. I checked ebay for them and even they go for $150+, I don't think I'll be getting those any time soon.
Next is Earthbound, it's loose and I got it from ebay years ago from a US seller. I still have the package it came in. The seller had cut up the box and put it in a VHS box, think that was quite common? I even kept a note from the seller where he sprayed it will vanilla essence to drown out the smoke smell!
Pocky and Rocky 2 CIB (PAL) appears to be my next expensive. Another purchase from years ago, so far back I only paid £40, it can now fetch 1000% more.
And finally Mystical Ninja 2 CIB (PAL) for the n64. Started off loose, I think I paid more to get a box and manual, but it's worth a pretty penny now.
I have a complete (244+) cib Pal Australian N64 collection so I have a fair few rare games.
Snowboard Kids 2 and Starcraft 64 are 2 of my most rarest games, both are in like new condition.
I also have sealed brand new copies of Ikaruga and Odama (big box with microphone) for the GameCube as well.
My N64 collection is my pride and joy as I made some great friends and found some truly wonderful people collecting all of them.
Each game has some sort of story to go with it.
Just a couple of my cabinets.
It’s not much but I have both FE fates SE cib, echoes limited cib, unopened launch radiant historia perfect chronology still in shrink wrap, einhander complete. I think those are the most valuable. I also have fe:por with the case and radiant dawn cib as well as Pokémon heart gold with pole walker and large box, only missing the manual. So pissed I have traded soo many games worth so much $ that I thought I could buy again later when they are cheap. Most regrettably original persona on psx, all the ds dq games, Castlevania ds games and my nes classic edition gba sp with about 20 games. All of these trades were trading up to “the next best thing”. If only I were more patient. I have had more valuable games but these are the only regrets I have. So many that are worth a bunch but I would never play so I’m good with the fact I traded those
Edit: chrono trigger ds also
IDK how rare these games really are but my most notable games are.
Terranigma in English with box and manual
Secret of mana with box manual and map
Miles Edgeworth Investigation in English for DS
Pokémon Soul Silver for DS
Solar boy Django for GBA
Conker's Bad fur day for N64
For Wii I can only think of Sin and punishment succesor of the skies
For NGC : MGS Twin Snakes, Eternal Darkness and Killer 7 and the master quest disc of ocarina.
@Freddyfred I see what you did there.
Some of my rare games:
1. Starfox Adventures Gamecube USA , bought with price 300,000 IDR / US$ 20
2. Ratchet & Clank HD Trilogy PS3 Asia, bought with price 300,000 IDR / US$ 20
3. Keyboardmania 1 & 2 PS2 Japan + keyboard controller, bought with price 1,700,000 IDR / US$ 114
4. Evoland : Legendary edition PS4 PAL, bought with price 900,000 IDR / US$ 60.40
5. Earthlock Switch by Super Rare Games, bought from EBay with price 1,250,000 IDR / US$ 84
I'm not sure how rare they are, you be the judge on whether these are or not.
Virtual Boy missing its kickstand plus Galactic Pinball and 2 copies of Mario's Tennis.
Nintendo 64 (most of my N64 collection is Japanese games, though)
-Conker's Bad Fur Day (loose)
-Banjo-Tooie (loose, this game isn't as common as the first around here)
-The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time GC
-The Legend of Zelda: Collector's Editon
-Mario Kart: Double Dash!! Special Edition (the one with the Bonus Disc with demos)
-Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem (missing its manual)
-Metroid Prime 2: Echoes (loose disc, this one again isn't as common as the first)
-Metroid Prime: Trilogy
-Kirby's Dream Collection
Wii U
-Super Smash Bros. for Wii U Gamecube controller and adapter bundle
-Mario & Sonic Sochi 2014 Wii Remote Plus bundle
Game Boy Advance
-eReader (?)
-Pokémon HeartGold complete with PokéWalker
-Chrono Trigger
-Dragon Quest IX
-The 2 Ouendan games
-Pokémon Black (I know this isn't rare, but for me it is because of what I paid for it...30 mexican pesos, which is about $1.50 from a second hand store, particularly when they had Pokémon White second hand for 500 pesos or about $25).
-Kid Icarus: Uprising with 3DS Stand
To this add some sealed restocked Bayonetta amiibo (both versions)
I don't think I have anything considered rare for Switch beyond Sonic Mania Plus and Metroid Dread Special Edition or Super Mario Odyssey with the Traveler's Guide.
I was at PAX East this past year and I seriously regret not buying Chrono Trigger DS sealed for $250.
Without looking in the cabinet I think my rarest/most valuable games remaining after selling a big box of them last year are original, complete Silent Hill 1, 2, and 3.
Mine would have to be Super Metroid, Donkey Kong Country 2 and 3, Beavis and Butthead and Mega Man 7. Got the boxes and manuels. N64 would be Resident Evil 2, Conker, Killer Instinct Gold with everything. Gamecube Zelda Ocarina of time bonus, Zelda Collection and Eternal darkness. Gameboy. Pokemon yellow ith box, manuel and poster and my Virtual boy collection.
I really should sell most of my games to pay for energy bills. I’ve never bought anything unless it was to actually open and play so they’re not in pristine condition and nor should they be. I guess rarest ones would be Skies of Arcadia Legends, Paper Mario TTYD, Fire Emblem Path of Radiance, Pokemon XD… most of those games on Cube go for silly prices in CEX. Had a wee look on their website there and even Professor Layton vs Phoenix Wright is going for £60. It’s a shame I lost my Pokewalker though, they apparently increase the price of HeartGold quite a bit. Think most my Pokémon games would sell for a packet these days, the DS ones are bizarrely expensive. Dragon Quest IX too for some reason.
In answer to the question of rarest, it’s probably Street Fighter III Third Strike for Dreamcast. Maybe Skies of Arcadia, Pokemon XD, Paper Mario or Fire Emblem. Depends.
@Axecon Is it seriously worth that much?
I can remember Best Buy sitting on copies of the game for YEARS, even when they priced it at $20.
Though I could be thinking of Final Fantasy III, but I'm pretty sure it was CT.
(though Gunstar Super Heroes was also a $5 bargain bin filler game too. I've heard that's probably since gone up.)
My CiB Dragon Warrior 4 is probably my most expensive, at $400 or so.
My rarest? Most likely my complete copy of the 2000 release of Fire Emblem Thracia 776 I picked up for $90 in Japan 5 years ago
@KingMike No bloody way it was Chrono Trigger. And yea, FF III on DS was not popular.
I guess the rarest game I own is my PAL mint big box copy of Four Swords Adventures on GameCube. Proud of that one and I guess I have to be ...It was damn expensive.
Also, Paper Mario 64 and Mario Party 3 PAL CIB, both in pristine condition. Gotta love those two. Still shocking how much Mario Party 3 is starting to go for now.
I’ve got a few boxes of random stuff that’s become rare over the years, but what’s really surprised me is…
Solatorobo is worth something?! I’ve got that sealed somewhere in a random box of other stuff in my loft… PAL version though.
I did get the collectors Ed of all 3 ‘operation rainfall’ games on Wii, along with a slipcase and art box to put them in from HMV and some collectible coins for them. I thought that was bound to be worth a bomb in the future!
It’s not.
I no longer have my collection, but my rarest Nintendo game was a complete copy of Pokemon Box, including all paper, stickers, and memory card.
All loose: except Pokemon Box
Duck Tales 2 - NES
MegaMan X3 - SNES
Bomberman 64 the Second Attack - N64
MegaMan V - Gameboy
Pokemon Box - near complete, not every single paper except for the manual - GameCube
I've got...
-Gun Nac, loose - For less than $10 US on eBay, eons ago.
-Space Megaforce, loose - Also for less than $10 US, from eBay.
-Solatorobo, complete - $30-40 US? from Gamestop when it first released. I still have the unopened cd!
-Alien Infestation, complete - which is valuable, I guess? I only paid about $20 US.
-Earthbound, loose - Bought it from K-mart for like $10 US, with low expectations. They were clearing out SNES games to make room for PSX. If only I'd bought all the other ones in the stack! I wish I would've saved my box and strategy guide...
Well... i have some big ones.
-Little Samson, for the NES.
Some day i will retire on these games. Persona 3 and 4 for ps2, SMT digital devil saga 1 and 2...
Cool to hear what people have. As I was a Saturn owner for most of its availability, I have a handful of rare and valuable games from that. I even lost a couple. I have Magic Knight Rayearth, Albert Odyssey, and Dragon Force and got them all before they shot up. Same for Aliens Infestation on DS that I saw mentioned a few comments above. I got that used and below retail. Perhaps my favorite rare game is Ninja Five-0 for the GBA. I was heavily into GBA and I just happened to see that it reviewed well and picked it up a few weeks later. Apparently, a lot of people either didn't notice the reviews, or were focused on other things and it didn't see a lot of sales. It's a good game too.
Arkanoid for NES CIB
not sure how "rare" it is but it sure fetches a pretty penny
I remember having a perfect and complete Whirlo Pal for super nes and loved that game. Changed it at the time at a local store for a complete Secret of Mana so well, not bad.
As a boy normally people treat their games quite badly and lost lots of boxes and manual and I was no exception. Then I started to care and that’s why I have perfect copies of Metroid 2, Ducktales 2 or both Zelda Ages for Game Boy or a Ranma pal for snes from that time.
Also had a collector phase years ago so have loads of games, some probably very valuable. Started selling some recently but it’s soooooo difficult for me.
My favourite are the virtual boy collection, nearly all the games except Virtual Lab and Space Invaders I think. Some without box, like Waterworld.
A super mario land unopened from the late classic collection (or so it seems)
All pal phoenix wright games, Edgeworth investigations included…
All my games are digital, so I don't have hunks of dino goo to collect and hold on to
Once upon a time I had Chrono Trigger complete in box. Sold it years ago. Now my most valuable game is Castlevania: Order of Ecclesia.
@vicviper001 I've got a Famicom Gun-Nac cart. The warning label is great. I see the cart does not need to watered (like a plant) nor is it good alligator feed.
I like to remember my Space Megaforce cart was free from GameStop 20-some years ago (though so was my King's Knight).
I got my loose Pocky & Rocky for $12 in 2003. What made it better was the dude who asked me "what the - is this?" as he checked me out.
@sneaky_sasquatch Seeing a loose Arkanoid for $50 in a local store makes me laugh. The Vaus (especially working) is worth more than the game.
I have been tempted to buy a US Arkanoid DS only to see if it is compatible with my CIB JP Vaus bundle copy.
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