There's a lot to take in from the latest Splatoon 3 Direct presentation - with new characters, areas and lore to absorb. One other thing existing Splatoon 2 players can also look forward are save data bonuses.
According to Nintendo's webpage, save data from Splatoon 2 will score you special in-game rewards and benefits.
This includes three Gold Sheldon Licenses that you can exchange for main weapons (regardless of player level), the ability to join Anarchy Battles from the beginning of the game (regardless of level), starting the game with a higher rank (depending on your rank in Splatoon 2) and also getting matched with players of similar skill levels from Splatoon 2.
You'll be able to transfer save data from Splatoon 2 just once per Nintendo account when you launch Splatoon 3. Save data from Splatoon 2 will need to be on the same system and user account.
Are you glad to hear returning players will be rewarded with some extra unlocks and benefits? Leave your thoughts down below.
[source splatoon.nintendo.com]
Comments 28
Great news for me, I can't wait to jump right into ranked mode.
not something i considered at all, let alone for nintendo lol. but thats cool to hear, if youre already a veteran might as well skip thought some early game fluff
No more arduous grinding for ranked matches, yes! I'll probably still start off in Turf War just to get acquainted with the new weapons and mechanics but having the immediate option for modes like Tower Control and Rainmaker is fantastic (especially when it seems like Rainmaker has been changed considerably compared to the last two entries).
I don’t understand why they didn’t mention that on the Direct.
This is where the fun begins.
That's nice and all, but as long as it's been since I've played Ranked, I hope I don't quickly lose progress on that jump. At least I'll get a few easy Sheldon Licenses.
I’m glad I don’t have to do the stupid grind again.
OK, Splatoon 3. You've twisted my arm. Having not only a save data bonuses but also transfer your level more or less to the game into higher ranked players.
Good to hear, but I do wish that we could transfer some of our gear and stuff. I understand why we can't, but it would be nice!
I'm S-Rank in all game modes, and it honestly kinda sucks. I'm not good enough to climb the ranks beyond S+1, so I think I'll be starting fresh save file.
(Now, if I could transfer over my 100+ Super Sea Snails, then I may reconsider)
Haven't touched the game in years, but I'll take whatever they give for whatever rank I was in Splatoon 2. The tickets or whatever to get any weapon regardless of level is awesome; I'll shoot straight for the spray can gun I always use.
This is dumb… cloud saves aren’t supported in Splatoon 2….
So if you ever see upgraded to the V2 or OLED. You lost everything.
@Farts_Ahoy Nintnedo added the ability to transfer Splatoon 2 save data 1-2 years after the game released. I transferred my Splatoon 2 save data from my launch switch to my oled in december. You have to have both consoles on hand to transfer from an old console to a new one.
The worst part of splatoon 2 was getting out of C tier with a bunch of people who don’t know how to play. This is huge!
I never really cared for Ranked anyway it's all about Turf Wars. Still nice for those who are more into it though as I too found the grind a real pain.
Played mostly salmon runs and splatfests, but I do really want to play more competitively. I just could never get in tune with the shooting mechanics and never found a weapon that truly spoke to me. Hoping the bow or katana will hook me in.
ah that's nice, as alex said in the video, re-grinding to get back to weapons you already had feels stupid
I would like to have known this before deleting Splatoon 2 to make space for 3.
on the other hand,
one of the few reasons I wanted to get this is that I hoped it would be a fresh start.
I guess I don’t have to make a ‘Good-bye, Turf War! Hello, Ranked!’ video for Splat3. Nice!
I lost my save because 2 didn’t support cloud saves
@Mr_Gamecube I don't think it was in there, but it felt like that Direct was aimed at newer people to the franchise. Maybe I'm wrong, but that was the overall vibe, even with them discussing Splatfests and such.
Oh man, sweet! This is a pretty good way to carry over some progress without just giving every returning player the same exact gear and weapons. I'm gonna miss my beloved Kensa Dualies, but there's gotta be a similar version in 3.
@Farts_Ahoy You can transfer the save between 2 switches... I upgraded to the OLED and just moved over my account and save. It's not that hard.
But I love starting from square one and shredding people who have a small grasp of the game. I hope this is optional.
Love it when games do this. These aren't the best rewards though....
I hope we are able to select what we want to carry over.
I reached X rank on the past game but I haven't played since years.
I rather start from scratch on ranked matches 🤔
@PBandSmelly does the game automatically transfer the data or can you choose not to? I also want to start fresh.
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