Regional forms are once again returning in Pokémon Scarlet & Violet!
Confirmed during today's Pokémon Presents, Paldean Forms (named after the Paldea region) were very briefly shown off during the presentation — and our hearts have been stolen.
Look, we know everyone is fawning over Fidough right now, but there's enough room for Palden Form Wooper too, right?
This little fella doesn't look too different from its generation 2 counterpart, except he looks more than a little muddy. Though the official website confirms Wooper covers itself in a poisonous film. Cute and dangerous, then!
Swapping its Water/Ground typing for Poison/Ground, Paldean Wooper still looks as adorable and clueless as its azure Johto cousin. Other than being a bit murkier in colour, this new Wooper has two much-thicker whiskers, and they're pretty heavy too! So poison and heavy means we can't cuddle him? Not fair.
Here's what you need to know about this new Paldean Form Pokémon.

They Live on the Land and Cover Their Bodies with a Poisonous Film
In ancient times, Wooper lived underwater in the Paldea region. But it seems after losing in a struggle for territory, they began living in bogs on land.
To keep from drying out while living on land, they began to cover their bodies with a poisonous film.Powerful Poisonous Liquid Emits from Their Tough Gills
These Wooper’s gills have hardened thanks to living on land for so long. Their bodies are heavy and they move slowly, but they can protect themselves by shooting powerful poisonous liquid from their gills.
You may see poisoned Pokémon in areas where these Wooper live.
Well, we're sold. Look at its little smile! We can't resist it, can we? Wooper is the only Paldean Form we've seen so far, but we'll share any other new forms as we see them.
Are you happy to see forms returning once again? Which Pokémon do you want to see get a new form? Let us know in the comments!
Comments 27
I want to protect it, I want to cherish it, I want to see it grow up healthy.
Well, as healthy as a Poison-type can be but you know what I mean.
I may not be a fan of the new games. But Paldean Wooper is just as bae as regular Wooper. <3
They're soooo cute!
I think this is the only thing the Pokémon fan base has no complaints about. (But hey it’s the Pokémon fanbase)
pokemon kart anyone? Could be a good twist on the series?
This is a good regional form. I like it best when the regional forms don't overshadow the originals.
For example Galarian Zigzagoon is so over-the-top, it makes regular Zigzagoon feel "boring" in comparison, and I hate feeling like that because I've always loved Zigzagoon.
But yeah, this new Wooper doesn't overshadow normal Wooper, so it's all good as far as I'm concerned.
My heart, it, can’t, take it, Hng!
I just about barfed up rainbows and glitter when they showed wooper and fidough one after another, couldn't take the cuteness.
Wooper is cute but not really among my favorites.
Im expecting it'll evolve into Poison/Ground of some sort. Maybe get a third Evo after Quagsire. But this is so cool xD
That Wooper looks like it's gonna axolotl questions! 😅
There was a leak not too long ago about a regional version of the Wooper line. Obviously, there was some truth to the concept of a regional variant. But the pictures accompanying that leak were a lot more outrageous than this. Interested to see what the Paldean Quagsire will look like
@EarthboundBenjy Interesting. I had the opposite feelings about Zigzagoon. I always felt its original form was boring. But the Galarian variant I liked a lot. Same with Weezing
Fire type lucario with a fire staff
@scottdevine48 THATS SOUNDS AWESOME!!!
Protect this boi
@karatekid1612 : I’d rather that any spin-offs explore different concepts to that. Any Pokémon kart racer will merely be inferior to Mario Kart, as virtually all other kart racers are.
I would love to see another Pokémon Art Academy game, for one.
@UmbreonsPapa : I agree. I quite like Sentret/Furret, but I had always found the Zigzagoon line to be rather bland (and same of Bidoof), and while Obstagoon saves it a bit, I’m not terribly fond of that either.
I absolutely love Galarian Weezing though, but was mostly indifferent to its normal form. I was thrilled for Farfetch’d to get an evolved form as well. The more the merrier, I say, as they breathe new life into old favourites.
Wooper was the only good thing about the trailer
@Silly_G well each to their own, however, a mario kart style spinoff maybe an interesting idea as pokemon has a huge following and this idea would take it into a new direction for the series. IMO of course.
Honestly, I prefer this look for Wooper. Both it and Quagsire have always had a derpy look that I don't particularly care for. Though Quagsire was a useful electric type counter until the better Swampert came along.
@CharlieGirl Good grief 🤦♂️ exceptional!
The only Paldean forms I need right now are Pawniard and Bisharp
Well, Ground and Poison are two types I just love having in my team. We've got a strong contender
Looks like we have an unanimous agreement for Paldean Wooper as I too have mad respects for it.
The real question is if we can get a Quagsire design that doesn't make me slightly regret evolving him.
@Greatluigi I have complaints... about people calling this precious boy POOPER. 😭
Paldean Wooper has Water Absorb as one of its two Abilities which is a perfect match for its Poison/Ground typing! That alone is a good enough reason for me to add a Paldean Wooper to my team.
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