A modder known as Gagnetar previously released a Half-Life 2 mod that replaced Alyx Vance with Krystal from the Star Fox series. Now, in an update, the same individual has taken this mod to the next level - by getting the original VA of Krystal, Estelle Ellis, to re-record Alyx's dialogue in the voice of Krystal.
As you might recall, Krystal's original debut was in Star Fox Adventures on the GameCube in 2002. So, how did this Half-Life 2 mod come about? Apparently, the creator had been talking "on and off" about it with the VA for years now:

"I've been talking with her off and on for years now, decided to just get her a decent microphone and we worked from there."
As can be seen in the video below, the mod features full facial animations and tail physics for Krystal. She'll even feature on televisions where Alyx would normally appear.
All of the footage above is still work-in-progress, and the mod is scheduled to release on Star Fox Adventures' 20th Anniversary, which will take place in September this year.
[source krystalarchive.com, via polygon.com, techraptor.net]
Comments 91
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That model gives me sally-acorn-doll-made-with-a-wooden-skeleton vibes and I dislike it immensely🤢
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Oh no, here come the wave of h***y
For real tho I love it when a voice actor will lend there voice in unofficial works, it’s just really cool ya know.
Lol never underestimate the fandom
She looks a little...different from what I remember.
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you ever see a screenshot, and immediately know exactly where the game is going?
in all seriousness though, shout out to the mod team for getting a professional voice actress to join in the project, and big respect to the actress for doing it!
I didn't play Half Life 2, so I don't know if that universe has anthropomorphic animals normally, but Krystal seems really out of place here regardless. The model looks off, everyone calls her Alyx, and I checked out after the devs started talking about how professional her boob jiggle physics looked. I'm glad the original VA is still willing to do the voice for her, but I hope Nintendo doesn't see this and use it as a reason not to give her the voice role should they ever bring her character back.
@KayFiOS Half-Life definitely doesn't have anthropomorphic animals, Krystal looks very out of place here. It's impressive the modder got her voice actress to record new lines, but... yeah, I had to check out at the same point as you.
This just looks jankey as.
Oh god...that's one way to ruin an anniversary...
Love Star Fox and Krystal. Awesome that the Estelle Ellis is involved. I'm just not impressed with the model and over the top 'physics'
I nag on Sonic fans for now only caring about nonsense like lore and canon but I can’t even imagine what Star Fox fans are like but I imagine they talk about the games even less and instead obsessively care about stuff like this, you never hear about Star Fox fangames like you do Sonic ones do they even exist?
How can something be cool yet dumb at the same time?
This is how. Awesome that the original VA is lending her vice here but this really doesn't seem like the kind of project a Nintendo character original VA would want to get involved with.
Well. Whatever. Hope the people who get to play this will get enjoyment out of it I suppose.
How do I unsee an image?
Well I could have done without knowing this existed.
Wow, this is really blowing up! I've been a longtime lurker on the Krystal Archive (since around 2007-2008, I believe), so that's where I first heard about this. Mr. Krystal, the owner of the site, is actually very surprised that this report is going viral. Thanks for crediting his site! We need more love for our favorite blue vixen!
In fact, many years ago, after I saw how people put Zero Suit Samus and Princess Zelda into Half Life 2 in place of Alyx, I wondered when someone would do the same with Krystal, considering she is not only my favorite character from Star Fox, but my favorite video game character of all time. No joke, all of my devices (PC desktop, PC laptop, MacBook Pro, iPhone 4 & 8, Windows Phone, and Apple Watch), have her as my background!
My only gripe with this mod is the use of character model. I would much prefer the highly detailed and beautiful model by CakeInferno (formerly known as GreyFireFox). He took a recreation of the model of Krystal from Star Fox Adventures, rendered it in Autodesk Maya, to create what is, without a doubt, the best character model for Krystal I have ever seen, both from Nintendo AND the fans! His model is the one that I use as the background for all of my devices! If Nintendo were to ever make a new Star Fox game, especially one with Krystal in it, they absolutely HAVE to bring him on board as a character designer!
@ATaco It's a fanmade model. There's a wealth of them. This particular rig seems to be made by Warfaremachine. The most recognizable fanmade model is the one by CharleyEcho (and improved upon by Little_Dragon).
But the best one by far, either from the fandom or from Nintendo themselves, is the highly detailed and amazingly beautiful rig by CakeInferno, formerly known as GreyFireFox. He used the Rhyfe2002's model, who got his own model from Gadonstriom, to make his own rig.
The result is a rig with detailed fur, animated eyes and pupils, animated mouth and tongue for lipsyncing, and even high-quality, realistic-looking hair! It is by far the best Krystal rig ever made, and it's a travesty that CakeInferno has since moved on from Krystal to work on other furry characters.
Nintendo would be fools to not hire him as the character designer and animator if they were to ever make a new Star Fox game, especially one with Krystal in it!
@DrJoson Yeah, I'm not a big fan of the Warfaremachine model, either. Same with the more famous model by CharleyEcho and Little_Dragon (easily the most popular and widely-used one on the Internet, since the mid-2000s).
I think the best fanmade model--indeed, the best model, period, even better than what Nintendo themselves have made--is the one by CakeInferno, formerly known as GreyFireFox.
His rig is highly-detailed and is the closest in appearance to what Krystal looked like in the games. It has a cinematic quality to it that makes it look like it's perfect for a high-budget Star Fox movie!
I'm not a furry but...
Fox is a happy fox.
That looks absolutely horrible.
Well that’s horrifying.
Now she needs to come back for a Krystal mod for Dynasty Warriors 8.
Also, I wanna see Krystal in King of Fighters All-Star along with Fox and Falco.
The fact that they got the original VA is pretty impressive.
Really just one question. Why?
Loved Star Fox Adventures. Think it’s time for an F-Zero Adventures with Captain Falcon!
… Wun can only hope.
Saw the title of the article and thought that it was a new Star Fox game and then I realized it's just a mod
But honestly, why tho?
How much did those modders pay for to get this one voice actor back to voice a very questionable looking fox girl in their mod of Half-Life?
The part of the OG voice actress is cool
Everything else is kinda... eh...
The voice work seems fine but that model looks bad... I know for a fact other people have ripped the character models from their original games and dumped them in the Source engine. I used a mod for Left 4 Dead 2 that replaced the boomer with Wario and the spitter with Waluigi. (The acid goo even played music from Mario Kart when you stepped in it) Why didn't they just take Krystal's model from a Star Fox game or Smash Bros? It'd look much better, especially since the older models would fit in graphically with Half-Life's models.
This is definitely this guy's obsession.
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@russell-marlow According to Mr. Krystal, the owner of the Krystal Archive website, he said it was very reasonable. In fact, he was the one who helped the creator of this mod get in touch with Estelle Ellis, the original voice of Krystal from Star Fox Adventures, considering he had previously interviewed her for the Krystal Archive several years ago!
@Tourtus I can confirm this. I have a skin of Krystal from Star Fox Adventures in Garry's Mod, which uses the same engine as Half Life 2.
Still, I personally feel that the rig by CakeInferno (formerly known as GreyFireFox) would be better-suited for ANY Krystal project, considering it is of professional-grade quality, highly detailed, and even better than the rigs that even Nintendo itself has created!
75% of comments: Talking about furry.
Me: Worried that this will adversely affect her career because Nintendo is overly strict about unofficial "performances"
The fact they avoided Nintendo's legal team over this "unofficial performance" is impressive.
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@ModdedInkling I doubt Nintendo would do anything. Her contract with Nintendo likely expired years ago, so if she wants to lend her voice to fan made mods in non-Nintendo IPs, then go for it. They can't do anything.
I'm hoping that a Star Fox game brings her, and maybe Miyu, and Fey back. The Star Fox team as is, is a total sausage fest and it would give them some flavor with them. It would be great if Estelle was brought back to be Krystal seeing as Alesia Glidewell retired apparently. Weird seeing Krystal interacting with human characters but the Fox team did in Starlink so full circle.
@AstroTheGamosian I thought her name was Alésia Glidewell, she was the voice of Krystal from Star Fox Assault, wasn't she?
Unless that was just an alias of hers in the industry?
@GinMiguel Someone needs to tell Shigeru Miyamoto to make another Star Fox game that isn't a remake of 64 for the tenth time.
Star Fox Zero was like the Metroid Other M of Star Fox games, fan feedback was so polarizing and sales were not-so-great on the Wii U, that it almost felt like they knew it was going to fail, so they sent it to die anyway.
I will never understand Nintendo's hubris when it comes to making games like Star Fox Zero. It was a game that already had a niche audience on a poorly selling console with controller gimmicks that not everyone was accustomed too.
Was anyone thinking whether or not this would sell well on a console that had an already dwindling audience or was it just the only way Nintendo could greenlight a Star Fox game if it had a controller gimmick shoe-horned in?
After seeing how the only true Metroid game that was released the last decade was Samus Returns on 3DS, I have a suspicious feeling that's the only way Nintendo tests the potential for a sequel to a series that hasn't sold as well as their mainline titles like Mario or Zelda. If it sells decently, there's a chance of a new game. If it doesn't, I guess wait for another decade long hiatus for a new game to maybe be considered. Ugh.
Sorry, but I gotta say it....
Foxy Lady!
@russell-marlow Nah, just a different voice actress.
Hope the mod actually works
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@russell-marlow Alésia Glidewell was indeed the voice of Krystal in Assault (and also in the Super Smash Bros. series), but the original voice from Adventures was Estelle Ellis, who also voiced the Queen Earthwalker and a Thorntail mother.
Think of it like how Edward Norton was the first actor to play The Incredible Hulk in the Marvel Cinematic Universe, but every subsequent appearance of The Incredible Hulk was played by Mark Ruffalo.
Alésia Glidewell is more established as a voice actor compared to Estelle Ellis, who largely retired from the industry.
In fact, she voiced Carmelita Fox in the second Sly Cooper game for the PS2, as well as Constable Neyla in the same game, actually reusing her Krystal voice for the latter role.
Her likeness also served as the basis for Chell in Portal, made by Valve, the company that made Half Life and Half Life 2. And she's also a film director!
@russell-marlow Part of the problem, I would argue, is the fanbase itself. They hated every Star Fox game since 64, saying, "It's not like 64!" So Nintendo makes a Star Fox game that is the most like 64, and then people hate it for being too much like 64.
And I say that as a fan. Star Fox is genuinely my favorite Nintendo series, and I wish they would do more with it. Assault and Adventures, in fact, are my two favorite games in the series. And the Star Fox game of my dreams isn't even a Star Fox game; it's the Switch version of Starlink: Battle For Atlas!
People need to stop being blinded by nostalgia and pine for what came before, then complain when they're given exactly what they want.
But on the bright side, for every game since Adventures, people said that the reason why the series sucked was because of Krystal. But here comes Zero, which sucked even harder, and Krystal was nowhere to be seen, so the Krystal haters can no longer say that she's the reason why the series was suffering.
@GinMiguel I just hope that a future Star Fox game is a sequel to Assault and ignores the continuity of Command. I hated that game, not just because of how they did the story with multiple endings (and how they handled Krystal's character), but the questionable gameplay design choices, both on the map and battle screens (limited turns, protect the Great Fox II at all times, a time limit, etc.).
But what I think would be really awesome is a Star Fox MMO, where you can play as a new recruit to Star Fox, which has opened up recruitment to the entire Lylat System to rebuild after all the destruction caused by Andross, the Aparoids, and possibly the Anglars. Fox and the other original members of the team serve as mission givers and even serve as wingmen.
But as far as I know, Alésia Glidewell is still active; she lent her voice to Krystal in Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. It was Estelle Ellis who retired. She came out of retirement specifically for this project.
@AstroTheGamosian I don't think I've ever played a Star Fox game, and if I did I was too young to really remember it so the only knowledge I have of the Star Fox characters is from Smash Bros. and bits of trivia I've seen online. I've heard the argument that Krystal was the one somehow killing the franchise but I never understood that argument because as an outsider looking in, she seemed to be one of the more popular characters. Is she annoying in the games or a poorly written character?
The hell? that is not Krystal from Star Fox Adventures this is just an abomination. I'll stick to playing the game without this THING or whatever it is thanks.
@Link-Hero I just don't like the look of the model. No need for the aggression.
@Would_you_kindly I'm actually turned off by her appearance here. This looks nothing like the cute Krystal character I remember from StarFox Adventures and StarFox Assault.
@RubyCarbuncle it's not even just that it's a cartoon it's a cartoon of an animal 😂
@Deadlyblack They could still get it DMCA'd for unauthorized use of their characters. Krystal's VA may not be under contract anymore but Krystal the character is still owned by Nintendo.
Also, it's really funny seeing Krystal refer to Dr. Eli as "Dad". I mean, who did Eli fall in love with to give birth to Krystal?
The first time I saw Krystal, I thought, "Dang, maybe those furries are onto something."
After seeing this mod, though...nevermind. They ruined the only anthropomorphic cartoon animal that had any sex appeal. I'm going back to lusting at real humans. Y'all better close your window curtains is all I'm saying.
Pretty disturbing, good job modders.
They could have at least made the model look like the one from the actual games, god's sake man.
@Tourtus I would not say so. I would not call myself an expert on her to the degree of someone like Mr. Krystal, who owns the Krystal Archive, but I do have quite a bit of experience with her story, both in-game and in real life. So maybe I am a bit of a resident expert on her, at least on this site, considering Mr. Krystal does not lurk these forums like I do, to my knowledge.
The worst she was rewritten as was being a damsel-in-distress in Adventures when she was originally meant to be playable during early development of the game, especially when it was meant to be Dinosaur Planet for the N64. But Nintendo is notorious for making game after game featuring damsel-in-distress characters (Peach, Daisy, Zelda), so I give it a pass.
Gameplay-wise, Adventures featured mostly ground-based melee combat and puzzle-solving (much like Zelda) for a series that was mostly an on-rails shooter where the goal was to rack up as many points as possible by shooting down enemies. Assault also heavily featured ground-based combat (six out of the ten levels in the game had it), but it was a return to form to the shoot-'em-up genre. Both are still very fun to me, though, and they are my two favorites of the series.
Mostly, what it came down to was that people thought she was furry bait. Even today, the furry fandom (of which I am a part of) is still very much looked down upon, by mainstream society and even by other fandoms, as a bunch of deviants and perverts, made famous by a particular episode of CSI: Crime Scene Investigation. Even JonTron thought so in his "review" (more like a hit piece) of Star Fox Adventures; I will not even repeat the name he gave Krystal, not only because it is offensive to me, it may get my post deleted.
While there is that particular "aspect" to the fandom, as it is with every fandom, it is a small minority. Most of us are normal people who live everyday lives, and view the furry fandom as a creative outlet. And Krystal is just part of that creative outlet. I've seen artwork of her from across the spectrum, from the normal, to the wholesome, to the nasty stuff. But most of the art was completely innocuous.
So no, Krystal is NOT responsible for the decline of the series. And frankly, Star Fox Zero proves that. What it comes down to is poor gameplay design choices on Nintendo's part. I'm not saying a true return to form to the days of the SNES and N64 games will revive the series, as Zero is evidence of that, but Nintendo really needs to think long and hard about the kind of game they want to make: one with a gimmick that people don't like, or a more traditional game.
@RubyCarbuncle Yeah, I'm not a fan of the Warfaremachine rig, either. It's the same with the more famous rig made by CharleyEcho and Little_Dragon (probably the most famous Krystal rig out there, actually, and is even used for other furry characters). Both are very off-putting for me.
Now, if you're looking for a truly beautiful Krystal rig where she is highly detailed and looks like how she would have in Star Fox, check out CakeInferno, formerly known as GreyFireFox. He rendered her in Autodesk Maya 2009, and his rig is by far the best one out there, even better than Nintendo's own character models for her.
Sadly, he has since moved on from Krystal in favor of more original characters, and has abandoned plans to release Version 1.5 of his Krystal rig, but Version 1.4 is still available for download over at the Krystal Archive, and you can see various images of how the rig evolved and was put to use.
@AstroTheGamosian I just Google searched up that model you mentioned and I was immediately greeted with vore pics (Eww gross)
Look, I know you guys like Krystal, in that way , but can y'all please refrain from posting cringe on here, please?
Also, despite some people saying they didn't like Krystal in those games, I would also feel the same way if not the fact that there's a website that exists, that literally worships her existence. I like the character because maybe her and Fox can have story potential together if future games explored that a bit in-depth, maybe her being a telepath could be an interesting dynamic in their relationship, I dunno.
But look, can y'all Krystal cultists please chill for a bit?
You're making us other Star Fox fans look like legit weirdos if we even mention a passing liking of the character in a discussion of Star Fox in general.
@syrupdash My bad, they both sorta sound the same. I'm surprised after two decades this lady comes back to voice her in a fan mod.
@AstroTheGamosian So, basically she became a scapegoat for the original Star Fox fans...
I don't think Jon's nickname for Krystal was that bad, he could have said much worse. Plus his video came out years after Star Fox Adventure first released, so I don't think it had big impact on the game. No idea about the CSI thing.
The worst of any group will unfortunately be put in the spotlight by the mainstream. Happens with lots of groups, with gamers for example, we're called hateful, elitists and violent even though gaming has a super massive community it's basically impossible to say we all believe in the same things and behave the same way but I'm sure you know that. Yes there are bad gamers, I won't deny that but I think those gamers are a dwindling minority.
I'm not a weeb or a furry, but looking into those fandoms I think weebs have more perverts in their midst and have somehow normalized that perversion with memes and jokes. Like they seem to be more accepted. I've seen loads of accounts online with an anime icon of cropped lewd "art" and no one ever seems to take issue with it but I've seen people with plain, non-suggestive furry icons get insulted plenty. That's probably anecdotal but it's what I've noticed from various comment sections, boards and chat rooms over the years browsing the web. Plus, lewd stuff is far more prevalent within the manga and anime communities and it's even officially produced with games like Senran Kagura, Vtubers and licensed body pillows and figurines... I don't think I've ever seen an officially licensed lewd item of a anthro character owned by a big company but I could be wrong.
I'm not trying to say all weebs are perverts, I know there are plenty of normal weebs who just like anime and manga for the stories and artwork, it's just that I noticed anime/manga tends to produce lots of lewd stuff... It's absurd to paint an individual in a group with the same brush as the rest of them.
@russell-marlow You're always gonna have people doing weird things with characters, it can't be stopped. Just disavow it if it's ever brought up. There are so many things that I think would be innocent to search up or look into, and end up seeing something that makes me wish I could selectively erase memories. Search engines really need to improve their "Safe Search" functions.
@Tourtus Bruh, imagine if a fandom with a game series that was originally not intended too be depicted as being lewd has more NSFW artwork compared to just normal artwork. That too me is a sign that a fandom has fallen into obscurity by the mainstream and now only furries draw art of it for obvious reasons.
@Tourtus Yeah, I know that thing about anime. Most of the anime that caters towards lonely otaku nerds is the reason why Hayao Miyazaki feels embarrassment when looking at the anime industry as a whole and it's cultural impact.
@russell-marlow I do agree, I'm not a fan of that particular "content" either. I do wish that CakeInferno would stick to less objectionable content and make more normal stuff. But most of his Star Fox stuff is not objectionable, as far as I'm aware; it's the rest of his content that's the problem.
But there's weirdos in every fandom. It's inevitable, sadly. Even religion has it. In fact, they were some of the first purveyors of that content, especially if you go back and read the ancient texts from Greece, Egypt, Mesoamerica, India, Japan, and even Israel!
@russell-marlow Animal Crossing isn't obscure and searching for "Animal Crossing Isabelle" on Duck Duck Go brings up lewd results, and I have safe search set to strict. Perverted artists no know bounds. I feel bad for the people who just wanna look into their favorite characters and end up getting flashed with that stuff... There probably aren't as many nasty images of Isabelle as there are of Krystal but the fact that Animal Crossing is a wholesome and pure franchise and it gets that kind of art is creepy. Also, I kinda blame Nintendo for how Krystal is treated by fans, there are some official renders of her that are somewhat suggestive. I just remembered this video, it popped up in my recommendations back when there was that big leak for Dinosaur Planet happened, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NAOTfdKYjD8 it adds to my point about Nintendo partially being the ones to blame for Krystal's fan renditions since they wanted to make her have sex appeal. Unlike with Isabelle, Nintendo intended Krystal to be sexy when they changed Dinosaur Planet to Star Fox Adventures. The fans took things waaaayyy too far though...
I feel bad for Miyazaki, seeing an industry you work in and love go in a shameful direction probably feels awful. You'd figure his work would inspire future generations to use anime as a medium to tell great stories, and there are some who do just that, but there are probably way more examples of anime being used to turn the fantasies of the authors into a visual medium... Like I've seen anime where the themes and plot doesn't have anything to do with lewdness but they'll shoehorn in a scene where a character face plants into breasts or they go to a hot spring or something and it's completely unnecessary, it does nothing for the plot or character development...
@Tourtus Basically. I've been saying it for years that she was a scapegoat. People just took one look at her and thought that her mere existence was offensive to them.
Either because she was a woman, the game played more like Ocarina of Time than their beloved Star Fox 64, or whatever; it didn't matter, as long as she was they could blame.
But if you really think about it, they were the elitists all along, being gatekeepers of a franchise they didn't own. They thought they knew better than the actual creators, or those of us who were just happy to get more Star Fox.
And I am aware that JonTron's video came out years after the game's release (it was his video bashing one of my favorite games that made me not like him, Krystal aside, even before his other controversies came out).
However, the fact remains is that he had, and may still have, influence on the Internet. People will listen to his opinions and be swayed by them and hate a truly wonderful game and character.
It was the same thing with the CSI episode. It was a popular show at the time, and people were swayed by the depictions of the furry fandom.
It's only just now that some of us are becoming more accepted in the mainstream. But with the rise of authoritarianism across the globe, we may have to be forced back into the shadows once again.
But I do agree somewhat with the weeb thing, being a Japan otaku (Japanese for fan, not necessarily tied to video games, anime, or manga).
Not to the degree of consuming objectionable content, but I have a huge affinity for Japanese culture and history, and express a desire to live there.
But as with every fandom or interest, there is always going to be that kind of objectionable content. Rule 34 of the Internet, my friend. It's the sad reality we live in.
@AstroTheGamosian You're not exactly wrong about our ancestors making lewd drawings in ancient art and sculptures. But some of them had some class, some I must say. Ancient Greece showed a bit too much animal diddling, though that was tied too satyrs and not humans. But some ancient Indian sculptures depicting karma sutra don't look half bad.
However, I don't think our ancestors could've ever imagined the type of weird stuff some people would post on r34 and so on. Some of it looks like it came straight out of a fever dream or more likely some nightmare fuel conceived out of consuming copious amounts of drugs.
I personally wouldn't have an issue with furries if they weren't mostly known for posting cringe and weren't known for making up new kinks, but my stance hasn't changed. I sometimes feel embarrassed if I ever talk about something like Star Fox without "furry" being brought up into the discussion, like do I really have to identify with something I don't want to associate with but just think some anthro-looking characters are cool like the Ninja Turtles. I don't want to be part of some community that is famous for posting questionable art on the internet or going around in expensive fur suits making themselves look like fools and then they think that they are a marginalized community because they put on costumes.
I just want everyone to not be weirded out by anthro animal characters that have existed before in stuff like 1930s cartoons before they had too be assigned a label to identify them by a certain community. Furries didn't exist back then and nobody had an issue with just calling anthro characters cartoon characters. Now most normal unaware people are cautious about having animal human characters in media because it attracts a "certain group" of people that ruin things for everyone that isn't desensitized to the internet like what happened with Tony the Tiger's Twitter account.
Is it really tough too see why some peopel try to avoid furries.
@Tourtus True, though it makes me question how much it has "awakened" certain feelings in kids that accidently find this stuff on the internet, safe search or not be damned. Especially, with Pokemon. There is no way you can't convince me that Pokemon is a gateway into all types of furry and real life animal weirdness (shivers in disgust).
@Tourtus Oh yeah, I don't think the anime community gets as much as a bad rap because I guess the content Japan makes does sort of counteract some of the perverse stuff that also comes from there.
I mean, I'm a massive fan of Dragon Ball and Jojo's Bizzare Adventure but I will never call myself a "weeb" or "otaku" because I have no reason too. It's somewhat more normal than being a furry. It also helps that mainstream anime content is usually accepted because I guess the creators understand their audiences sensibilities.
@russell-marlow @AstroTheGamosian Well that might not be totally impossible. Considering Bandai Namco is working on a 3d action remake of a game under the Nintendo umbrella. Star Fox Assault might have a decent shot. If it's straight action genre like Bayonetta. Not action racers, platformers, RPG's, or sports,
@GinMiguel I would love to see a remake of Assault, as it's my favorite game in the series, and also my first Star Fox game ever.
But there would have to be quite a few changes to it:
1. Tighten up the ground-based controls (both on-foot and Landmaster). The original controls were very touchy, and one wrong move on the joystick could send you tumbling off a ledge.
2. Add more levels to make the campaign mode longer. Maybe add a level where you infiltrate the ruins of Andross's base on Venom to retrieve the schematics for the weapon used to destroy the Aparoids. Also, add levels that make use of the multiplayer-only maps of the Great Fox, Titania, and Zoness. Maybe even add some originals, like Aquas, Solar, Macbeth, or Papetoon (the first time we'd see it in a Star Fox game).
3. Make multiplayer online with anyone, not just friends, and include new modes, like Battle Royale and Capture the Flag. Also add new vehicles, like the Cornerian fighters, or even Aparoid fighter craft. Maybe even take a page from Star Fox Zero and use the Walker mode for the Arwings, the Hunter mode for the Wolfens, the Gravmaster mode for the Landmaster, and even the Gyrowing.
4. Bring back old characters, like Bill Grey, Katt Monroe, Miyu, Fay, and if possible, even Fara Phoenix. Also make them playable in multiplayer mode.
5. Include a co-op mode, either as an original story (think Spartan Ops in Halo 4), or playing the solo campaign mode with someone else. Maybe Andrew Oikonny takes advantage of the disarray that the Cornerian military is in after the Aparoid invasion to strike a killing blow against them, and you have to stop him.
6. Include a character selection screen for each level, either in solo mode or co-op mode, or both, with each character having unique abilities, maybe utilizing the same abilities that they have in multiplayer mode.
7. Total graphical overhaul (as in, new models for all characters, environments, vehicles, and equipment), not just bumping up the original graphics to HD quality.
Essentially, don't just make it a lazy port, like Super Mario 3D All-Stars. Put a little love into it to make it even better than the original.
@GinMiguel Can we be sure if it's a remake of Star Fox Assault or Kid Icarus Uprising?
What would prompt Nintendo to remake those games from the ground up, or is it just another unrelated genre like another JRPG or something else from a more successful series?
@russell-marlow It's specifically said to be an HD remake of a 3d action game under Nintendo's umbrella. Kid Icarus and Star Fox Assault fit the bill and are the ones speculated given the later was worked on by Namco. Could also be Sin and Punishment as that falls into the action category.
As for what would prompt them to remake them. Whatever prompted them to remake Famicom Detective Club and Advance Wars or Metroid 2.
@AstroTheGamosian I could see 1, 2, 3 (barring Zero's vehicles), 5, and 7. Maybe 2 if we're lucky, 6 if its for missions, and 4 if its multiplayer only.
They can't just shoehorn those characters into a plot they weren't apart of unless the game has another campaign like Xenoblade DE, or its a reimagining like Samus Returns, or in a sequel. Otherwise they risk throwing stuff out of wack.
Same goes for bringing other vehicles into the mix. The game wasn't made with them in mind. Plus Assault has several gameplay styles to balence as it is.
@GinMiguel Well, they're just a few ideas to improve the game. One of the primary complaints for it was that the campaign was too short (although in all fairness, the campaigns for Star Fox for SNES and Star Fox 64 were even shorter).
I myself was able to beat the entire game in five days (although taking into account actual play time, it was probably less than 24 hours, maybe even less than 12). My father even said it was a waste of money, considering how quick I beat it (I disagree, of course).
Another complaint was the overly sensitive on-foot controls. As much as Adventures was criticized for being mostly on-foot, it genuinely did have solid controls, and you felt like you were in control of Fox (and Krystal, who you could play as at the very beginning) at all times.
But I would envision a complete reimagining like Metroid:
Samus Returns, Metroid: Zero Mission, or even Link's Awakening HD. That's why I listed all of that stuff. It's supposed to make the game even better, flesh it out more, and hopefully become the best Star Fox game ever.
I don't want another lazy port where the only changes are to the user interface and nearly 20-year old graphics being bumped up to HD quality (again, games like Super Mario 3D All-Stars and Skyward Sword HD, although the latter came out 10 years ago, not 20).
@russell-marlow I think Pokemon is only a gateway into worse stuff if you happen to engage with the fandom beyond talking about the in-game stories and building competitive teams. The games themselves are benign, basically I think it's the fan fictions, head canons and role play related to Pokemon that taint the minds of people. Kinda what you said about seeing stuff and it "awakening" something.
To be honest if someone said they liked Star Fox my mind doesn't immediately jump to furries. There are loads of reasons someone could like Star Fox. They could just be a Nintendo fan or like the gameplay or like sci-fi etc. I mean, most of the time you're looking at the back of a ship or vehicle, the characters aren't on screen much from what I've seen.
I think anime and manga have risen up like gaming did, where it was once a thing only nerds liked and people were socially shunned for it but it has since gained popularity among average people and as a result it has been normalized. Furries are still niche and probably always will be.
@AstroTheGamosian A game playing like Ocarina of Time doesn't sound like a bad thing to me, even if I started the game expecting/wanting something else.
I don't think sexism is the reason people hate Krystal, I think people needed a face and name to point at for Adventures not meeting their expectations. People do that all the time with Sakurai and the Smash Bros. series even though he's not the only one who has control over what happens with Smash. More logically people should blame Rare or Nintendo since they're the ones who made the game.
Eh I think you're giving JonTron too much credit. He's one voice on the internet, and one of his most popular videos is about adhesive products so it's not like people watch him for his opinions. He runs a comedy channel first and foremost, people watch him to laugh. I just looked up the Meta Critic for Star Fox Adventures and it seems to have a fairly good score. Could be just a vocal minority complaining about Star Fox Adventures.
@AstroTheGamosian Well I don't know Bandai Namco's track record with their remakes. And while by research I can see how Mario 3d Allstars was a lazy port as it was just emulation. Skyward Sword on the other hand, I mean, on top of 60fps/1080p from the wii's 30fps/480p and adding a new control scheme, you call adding camera control, cutting a lot of excessive handholding (Fi, repeated Item information, NPC tutorials) skippable cutscenes, and including auto save lazy?
@Tourtus That's exactly what it is though: a vocal minority. Even if over 80% of people actually like the game, because they're not making their own opinions known, only the vocal minority is being heard right now.
That's why I'm here, trying to make my own opinions heard. Even if it isn't a shoot-'em-up like the other Star Fox games were, it is still a solid game on it's own merits, even if was originally another game with the Star Fox logo slapped on it.
@GinMiguel Skyward Sword HD does have some good changes to it, to be sure, but that's more on the QOL side of things. I'm more or less comparing it to what Nintendo did with both Ocarina of Time 3D and Majora's Mask 3D: all new character models and environments, not just upping the resolution and frame rate. A total graphical overhaul, so to speak.
And there is very little, if any, new content, compared to not only the aforementioned OoT 3D and MM 3D, but also Wind Waker HD and Twilight Princess HD. Not trying to hate on the game, as I have both versions myself, but about the only reason to have SS HD is to take it with you on the go, since it's impossible to do that with the Wii, or even the Wii U.
Thats true, Grezzo did overhaul the areas and models graphically. Granted Skyward Sword is stilll technically a modern game. Majora's Mask and Ocarina of Time originally aren't. And technically the only remake with new content is Majora's Mask with the fishing holes. Ocarina of Time 3d had the boss gauntlet, Twilight Princess had the cave of shadows and poe lamp, and Wind Waker HD had the swift sail. Thats all reworking old content into new coding. As for only owning SSHD for playing on the go. The same could be said for the 3ds versions of OoT and MM unless you want to play them on Switch now.
@Tourtus Yeah, I agree. I look at Pokemon and Animal Crossing and think that maybe these are gateways for future furries just because of the easy accessibility and popularity, as well as how the weirder Pokemon/Animal Crossing communities kind of spill into the mainstream community because of modern internet culture where it's probably more more normal to sexualize stuff than before in years prior. That's my observation, at least. Just based on some Youtube videos I've been watching and trends. Seems almost unavoidable.
But yeah, going back to your last point, I also think furries will be niche because I don't think they can no longer save face and be like "Well, not all furries are into the diddling side of the fandom."
With how sexual our society has become, I don't think anybody's going to believe that excuse. There's no escaping how the internet highlights the cringe and sexual side of the fandom. I can only hope for some furries out there that grow older that they grow out of it because it does seem very juvenile.
@GinMiguel Uhh... Because those games had a director that was still passionate about the series??
Even Yoshio Sakamoto, the guy that directed every 2D Metroid game including Other M, still has a passion for the series even if he had one major failing.
Star Fox has only Shigeru Miyamoto, and I think he's surrounded by too many "Yes People" too be criticized properly in order to understand why Star Fox Zero failed.
@russell-marlow I didn't mean that sentence as a question but an answer. My point was those series are nicher if thats a word and dormant longer then Star Fox has been. Also even if the directors were passionate, Nintendo would have had to give them the consent to work on them knowing those games don't make that much money.
@GinMiguel I guess, though I am personally annoyed that nobody at Nintendo is willing to push for a new creatively more risky game for Star Fox that revives the series like how Fire Emblem Awakening did to the series when the franchise was on a slow decline into obscurity.
I seriously hate how Star Fox has become the experimental lab rat for Nintendo to test new hardware gimmicks on instead of making a decent new game that expands on the lore and gameplay.
@russell-marlow I dont like it either and wish the series found a director that cares about Star Fox for Star Fox. Much like how Koizumi does Mario, Aonuma does Zelda, Hal does Kirby, and Sakamoto does Metroid.
@GinMiguel Absolutely, I wonder why a passionate series creative director has never been put into question by anyone that asked by Star Fox to Nintendo?
The closest we had before, one the people who helped develop Star Fox on the SNES, was Dylan Cuthbert. The man who designed the game.
I'm not sure if he'll be willing to return since I hear his relationship with Nintendo/Miyamto might be a bit strained, last I checked. So I don't exactly know if he might offer anything new to the table for a Star Fox game.
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