Last week, Nintendo added Banjo-Kazooie to the Switch Online Expansion Pack tier. In addition to this, it seems N64 emulation has received an update - and one of the fixes spotted was tied to water and fog in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
Game developer and YouTuber 'MVG' has now taken a look in his latest video. Here's his thoughts in brief:
"I'm pretty happy with the update 1.2 for the NSO and hopefully again next month we'll see it improve even further."
Interestingly, it's also noted how ROM hackers and dataminers have found ways to "inject" The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask ROM (next month's release) into the NSO via homebrew methods, and the game reportedly runs quite well on version 1.2 of Switch Online.
How have you found the NSO Nintendo 64 service since last week's update? Comment down below.
Comments 47
Nintendo updated 1 game and YouTubers and gaming sites are cashing in.
The number one issue I personally have with NSO tbh is that a Miyamoto game itself was not given the time or resources to be emulated accurately in the first place, despite it being the most acclaimed game on this premium service. Thus meaning they did not let this emulation be delayed and eventually be good. It goes against the famous Miyamoto quote itself.
It's just so not what I want Nintendo to do, ever.
Is the point of the article just to say how cool it is to have a pirated Switch: not only you get stuff for free but you get it ahead of others. Otherwise, why is this news interesting?
@kkslider5552000 Thus meaning they did not let this emulation be delayed and eventually be good. It goes against the famous Miyamoto quote itself.
It's just so not what I want Nintendo to do, ever.
Plenty of game delays to go around if that's what you want. That Miyamoto quote is outdated.
@Crono1973 I mean its outdated in that you can update a terribly flawed and broken game. But a lot of those games don't get the chance to succeed if they fail day 1 anyway. If they did, we'd still be talking about Anthem.
@kkslider5552000 It's an outdated quote and I wish people would stop bringing it up. The N64 games DO get the chance to succeed since everyone who bought a subscription had to pay for a full year. If Nintendo had waited to launch the N64 service until the emulator was perfect, it would never get released.
@Crono1973 They also wouldn't have had a PR nightmare that made a ton of people disinterested in buying it. That got way more attention than the actual updates have.
If I was Nintendo, I would try my best to make people actually want to spend money on it personally.
@kkslider5552000 Miyamoto's quote actually apply to a finish game in which if it got more time for polish during development then would likely be good but if it came out broken it's forever bad. Anything on NSO does not apply to that cause those games were already finish, they were just emulated versions. If they ran bad it's because of the emulator software that was used to run them were not properly optimized. If they were actual ports like the Doom 64 or the Turok games that were remastered and they end up been worst on Switch then his quote would apply as those were not emulations.
@kkslider5552000 Nintendo updates 1 game and the YouTubers make videos and game journalists (LOL) write articles so they can profit from it. Their 'PR Nightmare' just means that they get more press with each update.
@Crono1973 So why is that bad? Won't you want to know what people think of the update or would you rather hear crickets? It's good info when many people gave their thoughts about it cause then you hear different opinions from both sides, the good who liked it and the bad who hated it.
I know that. I don't care. Nintendo should released quality products on day one. They could have, and chose not to. I don't like it.
The end.
Still $50 I'm not seeing the value in. Waiting for the GBA/GC ports to justify that price, in like 4 years from now
It's good Nintendo is updating their software. They are in a different position with NSO, than the Wii/3DS/Wii U eShops. Instead of an individual game that may have performance issues, it's an currently ongoing service that a variety of titles are a part of. It's a potential continual stream of money for Nintendo, provided enough people stay satisfied with it.
@Specter_of-the_OLED It's like 24 hour news where everyone is repeating the same things over and over again just to fill the time slot. It reeks of desperation, these people can't wait to jump on the next news story (no matter how small) and run it into the ground.
I've never had an issue with the N64 games running in my experience but I'm certainly not difficult to please and generally lack attention to detail.
His pronunciation of Ocarina is quite different from what I'm used to. Always interesting to hear differences in dialects from around the world.
Eh, I think the N64 app is great. No issues at all with it.
@kingbk been having a blast with Banjo Kazooie and Paper Mario, looking forward for Majora's Mask next month.
Expansion pack pricing = bah, humbug!
More so cheaply cashing in on someone else’s video.
OOT complaints throughout the years...
GC: has loading times
Wii: isn't 240p
WiiU: dark n blurry
3DS: fps too smooth to be oot/motion cont.
NSO: has actual emulation problems
"It's nice to see Nintendo taking this seriously."
If you ask me, the service has bigger issues. According to this video Nintendo deliberately added lag at least to Paper Mario. And the code to create this lag causes the game to crash on the US version when you game over with Watt as the active party member. It's really dumb.
@Crono1973 That's because the release schedule for Nintendo games is incredibly slow right now, so of course they are going to try the same subject from different angles.
@kingbk It's always hilarious to me when things have provable, glaring performance issues and people just go "EHH IT'S FINE" lmfao
MVG, spitting them facts w/ his investigative journalism
I'm not going to lie, I really do want the pack, just for Banjo, but its just not worth the price for me, if we get GBA and it has Mario and luigi, instant buy from me.
Trouble is when the game is played at high resolutions the polygons become too defined & the game loses it's charm & magic - the qualities that make the game so incredibly special. 480i on consumer CRT (preferably a Trinitron via Gamecube's RGB) is the only way it looks better than the original while retaining the authentic look. This is because the interlacing of the 640x480 image on a low use consumer set mitigates the over-pixellation that would usually occur at 480p - and is mild enough not to be distracting at five feet from a 25" set (optimal CRT size for GC). The result is a very authentic & smooth image. For Pro CRT monitors the interlacing is too distracting - a low-use consumer set is best. 480p and above looks inauthentic for N64 & even the best N64 HDMI mods are dreadful vs CRT. The 3DS version also fails to capture the magic of the original for various reasons.
I think only CRT enthusiasts who were blown away by the original game in the 90's will understand what I'm talking about. the best N64 HDMI mods are dreadful vs CRT.
@BloodNinja "glaring performance issues". yeah no, thats not the case in the slightest
@BloodNinja because to some people the "problems" aren't problems at all.
Like the input delay, I personally literally don't notice it and it doesn't bother me. Not saying there aren't emulation issues but I feel people simply are blowing this out of proportion to jump on the hate bandwagon because their favorite influencer said so.
@AlienX nice revisionist history you got there, way to completely ignore issues of earlier versions
@TheBigK I wouldn’t say that it’s down to you being easily pleased, more that others seem to want absolute perfection from years old games. So far I’m really enjoying the n64 games. Banjo is worth the price of it alone for me, I’m having an absolute blast. Last time I checked, that’s what gaming was supposed to be about; I don’t need a perfect experience whatever that is, but I expect a fun one.
I think it's fair to at least expect emulation quality on par with Wii U (which was worse than Wii and I don't mean the dark filter), the fact that their emulator has only gotten worse over the years is pretty darn sad.
And the fog is getting thicker... 👀
By the end of the year it might even become worth the money!
@Arkay I’m talking about it because the problem exists. I wouldn’t know which influencer to listen to about the issue. I just see the issue reported by other users via video. It’s pretty easy to just stick to the facts. If you are ok with input delay, that’s great, but by saying you are ok with it you are at the same time acknowledging the problem exists
@Bustacap When compared to emulation on Linux, Windows, and even Android through RetroArch or RetroPie, which are all free emulators....having a paid service that can’t compete with the established freebies in terms of performance is pretty glaring. Here, you have a corporation that has more than enough funds to perfect emulation, and then you have programmers working in their free time that offer a better experience. Nintendo has no excuse, at this point!
@BloodNinja I did say that the emulation has issues , I also said that the severity of said issues is being blown out of proportion. 😉
@Arkay Okay, then stick to that instead of throwing in all that garbage about influencers lol
@BloodNinja it is true though. People tend to mimick their favorite youtuber's opinion on certain subjects. 😌
@BloodNinja I don't notice "glaring performance issues."
I get it, some people don't like the online app because it's not Virtual Console, or it's not the exact performance of the consoles it emulates, or it doesn't offer enough games, or it's too much money.
For me, it is worth the money because I'm playing a ton of games off of it, the games for me are more than playable, and honestly I'm in favor of the online subscription vs. Virtual Console model. VC got very expensive very quickly. Here, you get so many games for either $20 or $50 a month, depending on what service you get.
If people don't want the service or don't like the service, fine. Is the service perfect? No. There should be many more NES and SNES games, for starters. And yes, things like being able to message friends and voice chat should be things by now. That Nintendo requires a cell phone app for chatting is nuts.
@kingbk Indeed!
@Arkay Proof or it's conjecture. For example, I don't have a favorite YouTuber, and there are many people out there who scoff at influencers.
So they're finally getting it to the point it should've been at when it launched...slowly.
Devs are getting so lazy that even emulation is following the "launch now, fix later" approach. Yikes.
Maybe this is why we've been getting the slow trickle feed of games, they're putting all their time into the emulator.
@Crono1973 The Cookie Monster, I mean Arlo, just cashed in with a 12 minute video. sigh
@JayJ Maybe this is why we've been getting the slow trickle feed of games, they're putting all their time into the emulator.
Then explain the slow trickle of NES and SNES games? Stop making excuses for them.
i only played three games on the N64 on the Nintendo switch online subscription and they are Paper Mario, Mario Kart, and Banjo-Kazooie.
to me, Banjo-Kazooie runs just as it did on the actual hardware with the exception of the save states. the only thing missing from the game right now is wide-screen support. unfortunately the feature may never come to N64 games on the Nintendo Switch Online subscription.
Mario Kart runs almost as i remembered it with the exception that i forgot how gaming mechanics in the Mario Kart games change slightly in every entry into the franchise.
back in the day running into a tree would cause a bad accident or a car crash, now the Karts just bump into them as if they were nothing. an option needs to be added to go back and forth between different styles of how items work and how the Karts respond to different items.
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