If you have fond memories of the Commodore 64 generation, oh boy - have we got some news for you! The retro-focused indie developer and publisher Thalamus Digital is teasing C64 games for Nintendo's Switch hardware.
According to a vague tweet, the team has apparently "listened" and more will be revealed at some point in 2022.
There's not much else to it - so we guess you can start filing your classic game requests down in the comments. What games from this particular system would you like to see make a comeback on Nintendo's hybrid platform? Tell us below.
Comments 175
That sounds right up my alley. Give me my Speccy games too!
I’ve heard of this system before, but I have no idea what games are on it. Cool, I guess?
See, it really IS becoming Wii VC levels of variety.
There were some game's made by RARE that were released only on C64 only. I would really like to play them.
That's a strange way to mishear "Game Boy" but okay, I guess.
The loop will close and time will stop when you can officially purchase the original Great Giana Sisters on a Nintendo console.
@Browny Thalamus Digital can’t do anything for Game Boy games.
Get THIS on your Switch Online expansion pack. Nintendo
Mayhem In Monster Land is an absolute must
Sadly the games from these computers have not aged well at all. I enjoyed playing Myth, Flimbo's Quest, Rainbow Islands and New Zealand storybas a kid, but they are not so much fun now.
We had a Commadore 128. If the games include Racing Destruction, I'd probably have to get it. My brother and I used the like that game. It had the custom tracks, oil slicks.
Because no one demanded it!
It's not an unjustified opinion as the gaming world went a long way from this era. But I've play Jet Pac by Ultimate Play the Game (later turned into RARE) just yesterday evening and had a blast with it! Or look at Software Projects' Manic Miner / Jet Set Willy series. And that's just a surface. I mean, there are many games on the 8-bit home systems of the early eighties that are all-time classics and therefore should be available to the modern audiences to appreciate, I guess.
Did you listen when people asked for GB/GBC/GBA/GCN games?
Thought not.
This is a smaller time dev that probably does not have access to these platforms' libraries.
I didn't grow up with Commodore, that's why I skipped the Commodore 64 mini.
My only real exposure to the system is via AVGN, and if I've learned anything from the various Commodore games he's shown is that I don't have the patience to wait for its loading times.
But let me ask something, did anyone really ask for Commodore 64 games on Switch? Honest question.
Tower Toppler pls
Archon and Lode Runner would both be some pretty sweet spots.
Never played a single C64 game, looking forward to this!
Oooh, I've always wanted to try out classic microcomputer games! I've always wondered if Monty on the Run lives up to its theme song...
@Maulbert This is not Nintendo who is doing this.
Some people here apparently only read the headline and think Nintendo is bringing C64 games to the Switch. Lol.
The C64 games will probably play better than the craptastic N64 games that Nintendo is charging people out the arse for. I honestly would rather play the C64 games. This could be fun.
Switch online subscribers: "we need more n64 games to justify paying the cost of the subscription.
Nintendo: "right! As per YOUR request, we will be adding c64 games "soon".... WE LISTEN!"
What’s on the Commodore 64? Any good platformers?
@Browny @Maulbert Ah yes, because if any publisher or developer would bring Game Boy games to Switch, it's obviously Thalamus Digital.
But really, did y'all even read the damned article? Literally the first paragraph says "indie developer and publisher", because when I hear indie developers, I personally don't think Nintendo, I don't know about you guys.
@HotGoomba @Bass_X0
... it was a joke, you guys...
Oh boy, this is interesting!!, And, Amiga also is included in these projects?, Also there are great games in those systems.
@Bydlak I hear you. They should be made available of course. I just personally do not find much enjoyment in them anymore. I still love the best 16 bit games like the day they were released, but the majority of these older computer based games I cant find the enjoyment in anymore, as much as I would love to.
However they are an important part of gaming history, and people should have access to them.
@HotGoomba @BTB20 Thanks for your comments. I try, I try, I try to be patient with people and differing perspectives, but comments like "no one cares" or "no one asked for this" - meaning "I don't like/want it, even though I can't be bothered to identify who is behind the proposal" - result in me using the Ignore function yet again. I just can't handle the bratty, braying ignorance of people like this.
I guess you guys are more patient and are willing to engage with people like that, so I must compliment you, at least.
Mission Impossible would be one of them.
How about Turbografx 16?
Will be happy to get IK+
@CANOEberry Thanks, I understand why people simply just ignore or block others, but I personally only ignore people if they're flat out being a jerk, otherwise I just reply to the person with either something informative or teasing.
Next, they can release Microbee games. Then finally I can play Nanoc or Timegap-X on a switch. 🤣
@SwitchForce do you mean Impossible Mission? If so it's a classic...
@Cathousemaster Are you still making stuff? I enjoyed flowerworks
That actually brings up an interesting general question: are the early games of the 80's appealing only to them boomers like myself (for the purely nostalgic value) or do they offer any universal values to every possible person interested in quality gaming? Not that I know the answer, just wondering.
GB/GBC:GBA on NSO? Yes, eventually. GC? No, sorry. Even Mario Sunshine had to be reworked for controller issues.
I have no clue what that is but hopefully the games are fun!
@faint for better or worse, I haven't done any game dev for a few years now. Thanks for the comment though 😊
If they are priced reasonably, C64 games would be great. Many would need keyboard mapping though.
What about Amiga games, and the bitmap brothers?
Gimme my Jumpman!
My vast C64 collection was the only system I ever gave away.. did it when I moved on to an Amiga and gave to a friend of a friend to help them out.
I pirated so many games back then that that was the game.. just aquiring everything.
Now I never pirate anything since you should reward the devs for making something you enjoy and I hardly have the time to play the games I buy, let alone use up more time to pirate games that I would have even less time than without them
@ALinkttPresent Lode Runner was a magnificent game on that system ... I think Lemmings came out around then too unless that was already in the Amiga years
@SakuraHaruka for Amiga... Hired Guns and Syndicate were great times
I’m old enough to have owned this system, but my family never got one. How similar was this thing to the Atari? Seems like a fun opportunity to finally get to try the darned thing.
What games might Thalamus have access to / control over, within reason?
@HammerGalladeBro I did. I've always been of the opinion that more retro games in general is better. I don't care what platform they're on, or even if they're good, every game has some level of value to it, and should be playable on modern platforms, if it is at all possible for it to be.
@Bydlak I think it depends on the type of game. With C64 you can get Laser Squad, for example, from which all modern tactical strategy games vaguely related to using firearms descend but NONE of which use action points anymore, opting to go for the Fire Emblem approach after XCOM went for it (which is technically X-COM 7, and X-COM was technically Laser Squad 2, and Laser Squad was technically Rebel Star 4...).
If you remember Rebelstar Tactical Command on the GBA, it was made by the same people specofically to bring this sort of game forward from the past. If you don't, they failed.
@CANOEberry I've used the ignore button quite often actually.
Well I for one certainly wasn't asking for more 30 year old games.
You would have to pay me to get me to play a c64 game. That's just how it is, worst VC platform, no wonder it got delisted early on.
I used to have a C64. Two of them, in fact.
Can’t say as though I have any interest in this. Cool, though. I guess.
I'll be honest, the only game I really remember playing back then on this system was some Donald Duck game where you had Donald put melons in crates or something. I dunno, it was weird, and I don't even think that will be included because, yeah. Licensing. Heh. Cool though I suppose!
God, if it weren't for the fact that translating an alpha-numeric keypad to the Switch screen would be damn near impossible, I would freaking KILL for a Colecovision compilation. We've seen countless Commodore/Intellivision/Atari collections over the years for various different systems, but no one EVER remembers the Colecovision, despite it having the best graphics of that generation AND the definitive home console port of Donkey Kong (even superior to the NES version).
It’ll probably be a compilation release similar to the Atari Flashback Collection. I can’t see very many clamouring to rent C64 games, but a collection can seem like a tantalising value proposition for many nostalgic fans and retro enthusiasts.
Betcha next they'll have PC Engine/Turbo Grafx-16 and MSX games by the end 2022 & 2023 unrespectively.
OMG! Thank you Thalamus!
(I was one of the people that asked for this lol!)
I'm all over this news, unless we get 1 game per month
Bruce Lee, Aztec Challenge, Archon, Jumpman games...
And maybe even Amiga games on NSO.
Monty on the Run anybody?
I love old junk so yeah gimme dat
Not sure who asked for this, but arcade titles would be prefferable
@SwitchForce The remake version of Epyx Mission Impossible is already available on eShop. I don’t have it (I am still waiting for sale on this), but I believe the original is included.
Also, Saboteur and Saboteur 2, from the excellent Durell, are also available on the eShop. These were also fantastic c64 games
I remember seeing C64 games on the Wii Shop Channel, but none of them were The Great Giana Sisters. 😔 I hope this time will be different.
Let's hope the games don't take as long to load. You could have literally typed in the code faster. I remember playing summer games with my mates, you could go for a ride round the village on your bmx in between loading events
The Last Ninja would be a great choice, even if navigating those rocks in the stream was super frustrating!
@BigE That comment reminds me of the time Scary Larry said in his review of WWF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game for SNES that you could make a sandwich between special moves because the slowdown was so horrible.
I have Le Mans, it is from Hal Laboratory:
It is simple and fun.
But mostly, i disliked and still dislike most C64 Games, controls are pretty limited and clunky because you have only one Button and they are mostly unfair.
I am pretty sure, without the Super Nintendo i would have given up Gaming.
Tower of Terror is one of the good Games.
We had a Commodore 64 when I was a human larvae, but I have no idea what games were popular or successful and hence might actually be ported to it. Realm of Impossibility (which was amazing), California Games (probably not as good as I remember), and the first game I ever bought with my own money, Apple Cider Spider (not likely to be ported) are about the only games I remember, though I know we had a bunch more.
C64 a little too primitive for me.
Amiga games though!
Cool I guess.
Although I’m still holding out for the TG16 games released on the Wii U to come out on the Switch.
Hopefully better than the N64 emulation on Switch...
Gimme the Commodore Amiga version of Chaos Engine with online multiplayer please!
You youngsters don't know how good you've had it! Sigh...
I, for one, would love to see the handful of C64 games that made it to Wii Virtual Console finally return.
Seriously though, if you grew up with the NES, Genesis / Mega Drive, or SNES, you will probably be unimpressed with most C64 offerings. Many (most?) of its best titles were available on those platforms, and the console versions were generally much better looking and playing.
C64 holds a lot of nostalgia for those who had one growing up, especially in the U.K. and Europe, where the NES was less successful than North America.
@gregmce Archon is my jam!
OH YEAH!!! The C64 was my second computer I owned (after a Toshiba MSX)
Please give us Mayhem in Monsterland, Paradroid and Arkanoid
Xenon II Megablast
Rainbow Islands
Bubble Bobble
Blood Money
Batman The Movie
New Zealand Story
North & South
Cannon Fodder
Turbo Outrun
Marble Madness
Battle Chess
Manic Miner
Chuckie Egg (but absolutely not the sequel lol)
We said Commodore Amiga, dagnabbit!
Amiga pls, not C64
We had a Commodore 64. We asked for an NES 😅 BUT I know we ended up having a lot of fun with it. Some sort of Bruce Lee game, Fox Fights Back, the Dizzy Egg games, maybe Moon Patrol? It was a long time ago lol
@dustinprewitt In all fairness, it's just one letter difference, easy mistake to make...
@everynowandben in all fairness there's already a Giana Sisters game on Switch. A remake I think. And that's why the world is like this...
Archon, Racing Destruction Set, Impossible Mission and that Bruce Lee game (SO fun but can't remember the name?)
I'll lose my ***** for Wizball
@amo1024k it just simply Bruce Lee absolute classic the c64 has some great games but I would have preferred Amiga games
Great memories. US Gold distributed some great games. Summer and Winter Games. Plus Beach Head, Raid Over Moscow.
Ocean had Rambo and Daley’s Decathlon.
Loved Commando, Green Beret, ACE, plus loads of games from Gremlin Graphics and Elite. Plus elite the game!!
Gyruss, Defender of the Crown, Gauntlett, Uridium, Impossible Mission, Paradroid, Sanxion, Nebulus, Bruce Lee, Usagi Yojimbo, Bard's Tale … just some games I remember for being great. The C64 had amazing concepts and gameplay.
Oh man, the C64!! Let's put it this way, the C64 is why I didn't own an original NES back in the day. There were so many games for it and MANY NES games were actual ports of C64 (and SNES had some Amiga games - Turrican anyone??). I want the old C64 games like Jumpman, impossible Mission, Raid on Bungling Bay, M.U.L.E., Archon, Ultima III (Exodus) and IV, Aztec Challenge, Beach Head (1 & 2), Raid Over Moscow, OH MAN OH MAN!!!! SO many more! Folks who never heard of C64 are in for a treat (and same with Atari 400/800). When folks talk about the fall of videogames back in the early 80's they don't know what they were talking about. We all migrated to our home computers (Vic 20, Commodore 64, Atari 400/800, etc) as that's where all the awesome games were. It was the precursor to PC gaming as this is before IBM's infamous Personal System 2 came out and the PC scene as we know it was born.. Forgot to mention, this scene has a lot to thank of apple as, back in the day, as the Apple II & C (Colour) helped usher in the whole home computer scene....
@YorkshireNed Yeah, people will still be pissed off. They always are.
….People been asking for this….?
@RebeccaEdv It's not a remake, it's a sequel to Giana Sisters on Nintendo DS which was far superior to the Switch version and had an amazing soundtrack.
Very hyped for this announcement (my username is named after the character from Creatures!) We also need Codemasters C64 games on Switch, especially the Dizzy games! Plus Seymour games, CJ games, BMX simulator, DJ Puff etc etc...
These games deserve to be preserved just like the NES and Arcade games on Switch and frankly a lot of them have aged better IMO. The C64 sound chip in particular was way ahead of it's time (Golden Axe C64 music blows the Mega Drive soundtrack out the water) See here and listen to whole song: https://youtu.be/zFoN1ZMmNUA Absolute banger
Give me Green Beret!
I would prefer the Amiga but ill take this!
As someone who owned a C64 back in the day I can honestly say that the games are best left as memories. Better off just watching videos of them on YouTube and soaking up the brilliant music as most of them play like complete dogs these days.
Flimbo's Quest!? Please say its so!
Heavy metal paradroid, Kickstart 2, wizball
People seem to assume that this will be a service like NSO or from a vast list of publishers. It would only be a small list of games that Thalamus released on the C64 which was I believe 15 games unless they have aquired the rights to others under this new publishing company. This will most probably be a standalone collection of all of those games or most of them.
@Clyde_Radcliffe I'd live to see many Codemasters games from the C64 too but that would now be up to EA and unless they can smell a profit they probably won't consider it.
My friend had a C64. Games I remember are Impossible Mission (every C64 owner I ever met owned that one), California Games, and point & click adventures like Maniac Mansion and Zak McKracken and the Alien Mindbenders
@HollowSpectre Unlikely as Flimbos Quest wasn't a Thalamus game BUT they did publish Hawkeye by the same developer which is remarkably similar to it
@Zenszulu Luckily Thalamus published some of the best games on the C64. It's possible they could release them individually too like the Arcade Archives and Neo Geo games.
Yeah, that's true about EA although they can't be much worse than Codemasters who did bugger all with their back catalogue for 20 years. Would probably only possibly happen if The Oliver Twins pushed for it.
Can we get Nintendo to listen and put Gamecube games on Switch?
C64 is what I had when I was about 7. Even then I found the games to be rough and basic. Not sure many want this. But hey. More is better I guess.
@Clyde_Radcliffe Personally the only two games of their's I enjoyed were the Creatures games and have always thought the series should have the originals released and even modern games as the design is fantastic and be great so see with a range of new ideas.
As for the Oliver twins having some influence in their older games I do believe they now hold the rights to Dizzy but only for new projects and none of the old games and I can't imagine anyone who works for this new Codemasters even before the EA takeover would have cared much for anything they said since it was pretty much a new group of people after they switched to just racing games in the last decade or so.
Ocean's game of 'Platoon' is one of my favourites (better than then NES version), which of course would never come to Switch! Last Ninja 2 or International Karate are possible as were on the Wii VC. I have a lot of nostalgia for the C64, was my first home computer.
Shoot-Em-Up Construction Kit was also great, that you could make your own game and save it to a cassette to bring around your friend's house to share your work, pre-internet!
@Fake-news Kikstart 2, yes what a great game... and it used the Music from the Kickstart TV programme. I played it recently and still a fun game.
I got Mayhem in Monsterland on the Wii VC right away. I would love to play more one day though.
I had a Commodore 16 + 4 (strange name I know) as a kid so am not familiar with C64 titles. Would be interesting to see but a lot of those games will have aged quite badly by now, I struggle with NES games these days.
@Rambler yeah it was released and available for a couple months before Nintendo threatened legal action. I had a copy, it was a great platformer!
@RubyDevilNine I meant it sincerely. What specifically was not understood?
I was really young when we still had a C64 in my home, but I still remember playing Space Invaders on it.
Space Taxi pretty please!
@Bydlak spectrum all day! I’m still feeling the sting from the Vega Indiegogo con. 100 quid I won’t see again. C64 was never my jam but his is still great news for fans .
@WoomyNNYes ugh. I sold my beloved soectrum 48 and a ton of games to fund my c128 purchase and boy was I disappointed 12 year old. Glad you found some joy out of it though.
@wazlon Wow, I found the other person who bought a Commodore 16 +4!! My parents were fooled into thinking it would be more than just a games machine by the pitch about spreadsheets - ha!
I remember it came with 10 game cassettes and several of them were actually good, with soundtracks that were real bangers for the time - Treasure Island, Icicle Works, Exorcist all spring to mind. The latter is arguably a better version of Pacman, yet no-one remembers it now...
I also remember playing Fire Ant on a black and white telly, where you needed to see what colour the scorpions were flashing to know if it was safe to go past them. As you can imagine, that went really well!
I would play all of those games again happily on my Switch, given half a chance. I've tried browser emulators before for a couple of them and they hold up surprisingly well.
Dey gone bring dem gaems to de system @bimmy-lee. Bedder have your broadband adapper ready
Bruce Lee was one of my favorite C64 games, and the C64 had the best GI Joe game imo.
Bring Nick Faldo Championship Golf!
Ummm no... I was so worried, I thought Nintendo was adding this to the expansion pack. 😵💫😵💫😵💫.
Man. We had some good ones from the C64 on Wii Virtual Console.
If the whole thing returns, I'd love to see some of the Amiga stuff coming around as well.
Here is my list: rainbow islands, platoon, Giana sister, hero, California games, goonies, bubble bobble, ghost and goblins, decathlon, ghostbusters, montezuma, dragon lair 2
Many of the best games can't be included as licensing is hard to get, and also because it's too messy to find the owners.
I grew up on C64 so this is great news for me, though I worry what games will be on it. Codemasters used to put out so many awesome games, but they rarely make them available these days.
Sid Meier's Pirates!
Anything Switch Online-related, forget it. Otherwise, I'm all ears.
Some of Iwata's first games were on the Vic20, which was the precursor to the C64. It would be neat we could get those as well. I had those Hal games as a kid and it would be a neat piece of Nintendo adjacent history.
So many comments yet so few C64 suggestions. That's what happens when kids run the show!
Space Taxi
Maniac Mansion
Impossible Mission (already on Switch!)
Lode Runner
Sword of Fargoal
Raid on Bungeling Bay
I could recommend Ultima IV, Lords of Midnight, Spy vs Spy and every InfoCom game but even I realize there are limits.
@Rambler I thought blackwyche, dragonskulle, entombed and outlaws where only released on C64.
I love my C64. It has so many great games. Favourites include:
Bruce Lee
Winter and Summer Games
Anything by Andrew Braybrook
Anything with music by Rob Hubbard
Boulder Dash
Let me play BRUCE LEE, Commando, BoulderDash, Manic Miner and I can die in peace. Having Commodore emulator and not just some games on Switch would be so so awesome!
Bruce Lee,
Summer Games I & II
Winter Games
Boulder Dash
Space Taxi
Raid over Moscow
Defender of the Crown
Impossible Mission
Ancipital (updated graphics/Sound).
Way to go Nintendo.Why make new and innovative games? Why make an up to date console with decent specs? Nah.Just bring commodore games to switch and youll be good.At least with your dilusional and blind fanboys.
Turrican, Boulder Dash and Impossible Mission are already there.
I'd love legit remakes of Summer/Winter/World/California Games.
@mrtopo Nintendo aren't the ones doing this, friendo. It's Thalamus.
@MSpudley hehe.ok
The Last Ninja baby!!! The birth of my love of gaming
@HammerGalladeBro Of course - just look at the responses here..
Plus - people were hyped they were on the Wii virtual console - and just like the Wii virtual console's C64 games - it's not like it would have the long load times like loading from a tape on a real 1980's C64 would...
I wonder how much they will charge for the game's. Like the old 1:99 range.
@RubyDevilNine I don’t know what it’s equivalent would be, never owned an Atari either!
Miner 2049er
Bounty Bob Strikes Back
Toy Bizarre
The Dallas Adventure game
Space Taxi
Rescue on Fractalus
Cannon Fodder
Winter Games
Summer Games
California Games
Sky Fox
Zone Ranger
And many many more! There were tons of good ones!
If we got Rainbow Islands, Creatures 1+2 and Flimbo's Quest I would be a happy, happy lad!
Infinitely better than Atari. The soundchip was dope. In some ways better than the NES, in most ways lesser than.
@robr Sounds fun!
@RubyDevilNine I’ve checked his channel, fun stuff! Thanks for explaining.
Don’t get too excited. Diarrhea is infinitely better than constipation.
What I don't get amongst retro fans is asking for arcade conversions. I get at the time some were ace, but why not ask for the arcade versions instead? I mean, I can't think of any that I thought superior to the coin-op version! Uness they are asking out of pure nostalgia and not because of the game. Hmm...Commando was better on the C64 but it was only 3 levels. I think it was mostly because of the music which most certainly was better than the arcade!
Just give us an emulator like NES or SNES where we can load our own roms and we'll play the Switch till eternity
@robr LOL Amazing comment.
@ValZ the slow evolution of retro games added to the system will be annoying if this doesn’t all carry over to Nintendo’s next system and we have to start all over again like with after the Wii and Wii U
How about Commando and Paradroid?
There are so many good games from the c64/128 era and still being made today. Recent releases like Sams journey , briley witch chronicles, soul force plus many more😉
@Bydlak and Amiga!!
Please be true. Collections though please, unless individual releases are fairly priced. Collections seem to be more economically viable to me and I love it when they put effort into museum and presentation style features.
Would love to see the Epyx "Games" games, Impossible Mission1 and 2, IK, IK+, Way Of The Exploding Fist, Monsters and an obscure one called Mad Doctor.
Some of the old LucasArts adventures would be nice too because I never played them on the C64.
@Zenszulu @AmplifyMJ @AndyRogan Did you guys know there's a new full length unofficial Dizzy adventure game on Switch called Tycoon Dizzy? Apparently it's really good but I've not got around to trying it yet: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sOjzWtnB_vY
Unfortunately you do need Fuze4 (the paid version) to play it! But it's currently on sale for £4.99. There's also an official Fast Food Dizzy remake on it made by The Oliver Twins.
@Clyde_Radcliffe I was aware of the Fast Food Dizzy remake by the Oliver twins. Wasn't aware of a fan made game on there. There is the Fuze Player that you can buy to just play the games and that only costs 89p. So if you don't want the coding part and just to try the games it's fairly cheap.
@Clyde_Radcliffe didn’t know that, thank you
@Zenszulu I think, however, you can only play select games from the Showcase Gallery in the free version so can't play stuff like Tycoon Dizzy and other games that require a code to download.
The C64 was the main computer for classics like Project Firestart, Maniac Mansion, Zak McKracken, Turrican 1&2, X-Out, Katakis, Giana Sisters, Paradroid, Gribbly's Day Out, Uridium, Armalyte, WizBall, Impossible Mission 1&2, International Karate, The Last Ninja 1&2&3 and many more.
It also received Nintendo games like Mario Bros., Mario Bros. II, Donkey Kong, DK Jr., and Popeye.
A few years ago it even got an (unofficial) port of Super Mario Bros.
There are still plenty of new games released for the system 40 years later.
I grew up with the C64 and if there's any chance we get Project Firestart and WizBall I'm in.
@Clyde_Radcliffe from the description it says you can download other games on top of the 20 games included not really looked into how the system works though.
@Yarec123 OMG so would I!!! I LOVE THAT GAME!!!
@psyraven76 Nice to know I wasn't the only one to have a Commodore 16 + 4. The name always bothered me, I mean why not just call it a Commodore 20.
I remember playing Dirty Den, Trailblazer, Lazer, Jetrix, Bubble Trouble, Punch & Judy, Vegas Jackpot, Williamsburg and Squirm.
Squirm was kind of like Pacman but pretty cool, especially for the time. Williamsburg is a text based adventure that nobody was able to beat. I also did a bit of coding on the Commodore 16 + 4, made a hangman game. I remember the cassettes too, good memories.
Don't get me wrong, I am frothing at the mouth at the thought of C64 coming to Switch, but this could end up being a modern indie C64 game or something (which I am fine with too lol)
@wazlon I can actually answer the name question. It wasn't referring to RAM (16 vs 64), but was basically a Commodore 16 that came preloaded with what was essentially the Microsoft Office of its time - four business programs (word processor, spreadsheet, database and graphs), which I'm pretty sure almost nobody ever used.
My parents always seemed to buy the wrong thing when it came to technology - we also had a ZX81 at the time that everyone had moved on to the Spectrum, and we bought a Betamax video recorder instead of VHS... I'm only amazed they never bought a HD-DVD player!
@Maulbert Why would Thalamus digital listen about those formats?
Awesome news. Thing on a Spring please
1) Archon
2) Skool Daze
3) Whizzball
4) Below the Root
5) California Games
6) Winter Games
7) Summer Games 1
8) Summer Games 2
9) Mission Impossible
10) Mission Impossible 2
Make this 10 pack on Switch and you’ll be raking the money in
11) Last Ninja
12) Last Ninja 2
13) Last Ninja 3
@HammerGalladeBro yes.
Roland's Ratrace (by OCEAN)
Henry's House
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