New Switch-exclusive Shin Megami Tensei V will soon be treated to its first post-launch update, Atlus has announced.
A date for the update hasn't yet been revealed, but the company has shared the patch notes ahead of time (Japanese). You can check them out for yourself below, with thanks to Final Weapon for the translation:
- More settings in the Options menu
- Camera angle and screen brightness adjustment while navigating the overworld
- Number of wind gimmicks reduced near Demon King’s Castle 3rd Stratum Hall Leyline Fount
- Other minor bug fixes
As you may have seen, Shin Megami Tensei V has had a very decent start to life in the sales department. As well as securing a debut number one in Japan, the game has also enjoyed a stronger launch in the UK than several other popular JRPGs.
Have you picked up Shin Megami Tensei V? Enjoying it so far? Let us know in the comments.
[source atlus.co.jp, via finalweapon.net, mynintendonews.com]
Comments 49
You know it's a decent launch when this is all they do in the first post-launch update. See, other video game companies? You CAN launch a game in a playable state!
@JasmineDragon Yes but for that the developer/publisher actually has to care about the game
@mariomaster96 You're right, I might be expecting too much.
This is definitely my game of the year. I have no idea how long I have left in the game but I assume quite a bit. I'm about 20 hours in so far.
This is my first entry in the SMT games and it has been much better than expected. The story is not great so far (30 hours in), but the gameplay is superb. I am playing it on hard, having to grind a little, but never had to repeat a boss more than 2-3 times. It forces you to understand the mechanics and build a solid competent team according to the occasion in that difficulty. And I love it. Game of the year so far for me.
Im near 50 hours into SMT5 and I've not encountered any major bugs or anything my main issues are with the pop inand frame rate
At first I thought it would be nice to have the camera more zoomed out in the overworld, but that would probably make the pop-ins worse, so maybe not. Anyway, great game, but I'm not far enough to judge it in comparison to the other SMT games yet. The only thing I'm not completely happy with is that demon negotiations are too easy.
More settings in the Options menu ...but what settings
... the game, while artstyle-wise stunning, the graphics are not ver good, so maybe the framerate problems could be resolved in a patch
@Strumpan what do you mean by "easy"?
"Number of wind gimmicks reduced near Demon King’s Castle 3rd Stratum Hall Leyline Fount"
...so the puzzle (i am assuming it is a puzzle) has been made easier?
A little disappointed they're simplifying the wind puzzles in the castle, which I thought were absolutely fine, but whatever.
@Controller-Drift Wow, sticking with hard mode on your first SMT? Mad respect. Glad you're enjoying it.
Agreed about the story writing in this one (it's weird, because SMT IV on the 3DS actually had a fairly well-developed and engaging narrative), but, gameplay-wise, it's probably my favorite entry in the series to date. The exploration is a lot of fun, and while the graphical approach they took might be demanding on the system, it did incredible justice to the demons, which look awesome wandering around the environments like they do.
I wonder what kind of options are being added to the menu. Haven't really tinkered with it. Hopeful that this becomes successful enough that they do a SMTV sequel or DLC expansion. I do think its possible since IV had Apocalypse. I'm probably thinking way ahead though as the game just launched but I am pretty sure I will want more after finishing the game.
More updates are good. Loving the game!
I am agreeing with some that the frame rate while wandering around could be better. Very twitchy around Leylines and when you move from side to side into another direction. That would be my only complaint.
@MadmanMike I think the game always loads the full map, so that is why teleports are just totally instant and that is probably why the framerate is under 30
@Ralizah I did the wind gimmicks last night and really struggled. Near the end of the 3rd floor I got blown back to the beginning and almost cried. It took me an hour and a half to get through that one room.
I guess at least now I can say I did the OG version.
If the camera was updated there rather than the overworld as planned I think it would have helped. My joycon also started drifting to add insult to injury.
@JoeDiddley was it really that bad? ..ah wish I watched it in a video
longingly looks at the delivery date of December 20th for the new Switch....
Camera settings in the overworld will be a game changer
Its no way thats bad for anyone that can time movement.
Id say there only one section where it combines the wind with platforming that may cause issue. It only took a couple attempts (mainly figuring what it wanted me to do)
But it might catch some out due to the strict time limit it gives you (when your probably not expecting it)
@Matty1988 what is bad about the current camera?
@Burntbreadman so it was overally too difficult?
@Meteoroid I'm finding the opposite in regards to grinding, since Nocturne I've gotten by with fusing. Sometimes I end up beating a boss 5-10 levels higher than me just by exposing the Press Turn system and debuffs. Unless of course running around looking for demons is grinding...
@BlackenedHalo It's not bad, but it changes how the exploration occurs. I don't like how fixed it is, would be good to zoom it out (I hope this is what the update is referring to)
@JasmineDragon you do realize this game got a bunch of day 1 priced dlc right? SMT V despite being good isn’t exactly as consumer friendly as you think
Will still grinding along til I reach 30 in Shiba region.
The wind section sucks, thank god they're patching it. Nothing it asks you to do, individually, is hard, but everything looks so boring and samey. It's hard to figure out what to do. Some of the gimmicks involving timing a few wind blasts are fun, but the layout is so atrocious I felt more like I was stumbling into the solutions rather than figuring them out.
I say all this as someone who's just reached the Audience chamber at the end of the dungeon, so it's pretty fresh on my mind lol.
@BlackenedHalo I just mean that the demons almost never turn down my offers. If I just give them what they ask for they normally agree to join. More so than in previous installments.
@Arawn93 I don't mind DLC as long as it doesn't seem like a core element that should have been in the base game. And 40 hours into SMTV, I've yet to feel like any DLC is needed.
Had this since launch and still yet to start it.
@JoeDiddley I'm guessing more than a few people have complained about the castle segment if Atlus is already announcing changes to it, lol.
It took me a few tries to figure out the last leg of the third stratum wind puzzles, but otherwise I didn't have any issues. The air gusts have pretty generous time windows, for he most part. I just hope this doesn't discourage them from including more platforming/physics-based puzzles in future games.
@Ralizah I’m really enjoying the platforming in this game - but mixing that with the more traditional puzzle element I couldn’t get both those parts of my brain to combine. I found Strange Journey easier, I worried that my lack of skill is would mean I’d never beat it. I rarely do this but I took to Reddit after beating it to see what other people thought. And a lot of people had indeed complained they were struggling too.
I think it was 80% my lack of platforming reflex but it probably didn’t help when joy con drift kicked in and kept me running off pillars when I intended to stop.
@BlackenedHalo for me it was jarring, but probably not as bad as I’m making out! I wouldn’t want to put anyone off.
@JoeDiddley Oof.
I basically never use joycons anymore. I mean, I absolutely will for Splatoon 3 when I'm playing in handheld mode, because I needs my rumble and gyro aiming in those games, but otherwise the Pro has me covered for docked home play, the SPP is best for playing undocked in bed, and the Lite is my default if I actually want to carry the system anywhere, since it's smaller and surprisingly light compared to the hybrid model.
Really need to get to Strange Journey eventually, but not any time soon. I played P5R, SMT I, III HD, and V all in one year. I'm going to need a break from MegaTen after I'm done with this to avoid burning out.
Awesome game. I wish they’d allow us to adjust in-battle music and out-of-battle music separately. I LOVE the music in the game overall, but am already REAL tired of that same battle music blasting in my ears every 2 minutes. Great game though!
@Strumpan maybe you were just lucky because they refuse me often ...very often
Bought the LE and I'm still yet to start it.
Playing catch-up with my backlog is the hardest game of all.
@BlackenedHalo Haha, that's great to hear!
I love the game so much I am in the Tennozu area I am on normal mode about 40 hours in just beat the second boss on the download content after it finished me about four times, I consider this to be a survival rpg in the vein of survival horror such as resident evil, you can’t buy chakra items at least at this point and it forces you to conserve and hope and pray you have some left over when a boss fight comes around, some thrillingly difficult moments but I’d say I’m doing quite well, I love it and it’s been a black addiction
@Digitaldevilprincess soundtrack is off the chain!
I really do need to get into a Megaten game eventually. Feels like I've missed out on quite a lot.
@Ralizah this time last year I had played a load of MegaTen and rpgs in general and had a long break watching anime. This year I’d only played Strikers and Nocturne (a smidge of Jack Bros doesn’t count) so I was fresh for SMT V.
I’m now wanting to play SMT I, Raidou or Overclocked next, but I might feel differently in another 20 hours or so when I’m done with SMT V and want a change of pace.
Glad to hear we get a little post-launch love. 25 hours in, and unless it takes a crazy dive in quality, this is the best MegaTen game (including Persona and other spinoffs) ever. It moves away from the traditional dungeon crawler in interesting ways. It really feels influenced by Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Monolith’s Xenoblade games with these amazing open areas to explore.
Could easily be GOTY if I wasn’t such a Metroid nut and my favorite JRPG (so far) on Switch over DQXI, Octopath, and Xenoblade Chronicles 2.
@Meteoroid Agreed, the story is not as strong as SMT IV, but literally everything else is a cut above (except both have amazing soundtracks).
@ModdedInkling Good timing! This is the best entry point into the series.
Am I the only one who thinks the frame rate makes this almost unplayable?
@Mr_Fox Yes, you are.
@Mr_Fox I only notice the dips immediately after fast traveling. The games performance doesn't bother me, and I play most games at 1440/144.
GOTY for me, and IMO second best switch game behind XC2.
@JasmineDragon when games get delayed the players are the first one to complain
@Trajan I completely agree. I play 1080p/144 and it feels totally fine aside from occasional dips like how you say with fast travel and maybe one or two areas turning around really quickly.
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