Update: Our friends at Eurogamer have gone an extra step and transcribed part of the letter from within Xbox's virtual museum. The letter was sent by Xbox's Rick Thompson to NoA's business boss Jacqualee Story and attempts to set up a meeting with Nintendo's boss Hiroshi Yamauchi and hardware chief Genyo Takeda.
"Dear Jacqualee, I appreciate you taking the time to try to arrange a meeting with Mr. Takeda and Mr. Yamauchi to discuss a possible strategic partnership between Nintendo and Microsoft on future video game platforms. I understand Mr. Takeda's concerns about the possible partnership and will try to [obscured] the guidelines that he has requested."
The same letter goes on to mention how Microsoft is still continuing on with its "Xbox project" and alongside it is a suggestion it would "help make Dolphin the best" - a reference to Nintendo's GameCube.
Xbox, as you've probably heard by now, is currently celebrating its 20th anniversary. It's come a long way over the past few decades, and as part of this milestone, it's gone and created a virtual museum, which some users and media outlets are referring to as a 'metaverse', where you run around as an avatar in a 3D world and look at the company's history.
It's doesn't just gloss over the history of Xbox, either. The good, the bad, and the ugly are there - ranging from cancellations of certain studios to the infamous red ring of death that became a problem for the company during the Xbox 360 generation.
One eye-catching acknowledgment that we also couldn't miss was the mention of Microsoft and Xbox attempting to acquire Nintendo in Spring 2000. Yep, it actually went there - here's a look at what you'll see in Xbox's virtual museum and you can find it early on in the original Xbox section.
It's definitely interesting to see this particular history. For Nintendo fans, the real blow, in the end, was when Microsoft purchased Rare in 2002 - who started out with Xbox exclusives such as Grabbed by the Ghoulies and nowadays are best-known for the sandbox pirate game, Sea of Thieves.
When headlines surfaced last year about Nintendo representatives laughing at Xbox's proposal of an acquisition, later on, Robbie Bach - the former Chief Xbox Officer - added some context to the original story, explaining how the tech giant was simply "looking for partners" while exploring "every angle" and Nintendo was obviously located across the street from Microsoft's own offices in the US.
If you'd like to visit Xbox's 20th anniversary museum yourself and see this part of its history, all you need to do is open the following link: museum.xbox.com, and you don't even need to be an Xbox subscriber. Of course, if these talks perhaps went a little bit differently, who knows what could have happened. Nowadays Xbox and Nintendo maintain good relations and just yesterday, Nintendo of America's former president Reggie hosted an official Xbox panel, which is well worth watching.
What do you think about Xbox acknowledging this part of its history? How do you think an acquisition like this might have gone if it had been given the greenlight? Leave your own thoughts down below.
[source museum.xbox.com]
Comments 69
The horror. The horror.
"Metaverse" is just a fancy word for "virtual reality", which is in and of itself a fancy word for "video games".
Q : What do you think about Xbox acknowledging this part of its history?
Me : I just only care DDR Ultramix 1 - 4 from XBOX, DDR UNIVERSE 1 - 3 & Kinect games from XBOX 360. Nothing else.
Define "tries".
I want a powerful system with Nintendo AAA titles. I don't like this baloney of needing-to-buy-two-consoles to play Nintendo games AND modern games. - just my opinion.
@Anti-Matter Q: What did you have for dinner last night?
Me: Actually, I had DDRMAX Dance Dance Revolution 6thMix for dinner.
@Anti-Matter you should change your name to DDR-Matter
DDR MAX was appertizer before trying DDR X2 or DDR A20+ as Main Dish. 😏
@apwoes I’m just living for the irony that none of these tech billionaires have realised that the companies who run the metaverse in fiction are always the baddies.
I never hear the word "metaverse" again, it won't be a minute too soon.
Imagine needing the highest console power to play Mario, Zelda and Pokémon but nothing else.
The way Rare went down would been how Nintendo would have, 80% gutted for 20 years then suddenly have a beat 'em up with Fire Emblem.
@WoomyNNYes - The power pissing contest is one of the reasons games are inflating, and releases are either piecemeal, broken or constantly ported to fund "the big annual game" each developer has gone to.
I'd pass on annual Mario in lieu of some experimental experiences. Not just buy an indie and claim originality for yourself.
@Paraka haha, "power pissing contest" - I like that colorful description.😉
Who’s that stupid writer you guys always post articles of, that always goes on a rant that Nintendo NEEDS to put their IP on other consoles like Xbox and ps to survive? Those articles are always so laughable.
Good thing MS didn't get Nintendo then and hopefully it never does.
@WoomyNNYes I'm right there with you....the only reason I still hold my Switch it's because its exclusives...it stays dormant a good portion of the year. But if I could get Nintendo games on other platforms..........there would not be a need for a Switch in my case.
Obviously Nintendo knows this, which is why we'll never see this happen.
@Paraka There's a lot to play in Xbox man., Psychonauts 2, Forza Horizon 5, and hopefully Halo Infinite will make Xbox the console with the strongest first party offering this year. I own all 3 so as long as game is available for console I'm good - but I'll honestly say the Xbox is the one I've kept on the longest this year (it is also where I play my multiplatform games, unless I find a better deal for PS5, which rarely happens).
@Casco - Doubt Rare developed any of these, which was my point.
If Nintendo was acquired, they would not be the Nintendo you know now. Many of the games Nintendo "owns" would likely disperse to their original companies and what's left would be ignored outside the money makers.
@WoomyNNYes I can definitely understand that. However I'm a big believer in the fact that limits help drive creativity. You can see this with how Nintendo games are compared to a lot of AAA titles which seem to have a lot of fluff, huge budgets for graphics, and a lack of good gameplay. Not all AAA games are like that of course, but we see it happening more and more. I'm not sure how well Nintendo could keep its vision if it got bought out my Microsoft or entered the power race.
Cool that they are not afraid to acknowledge the bad. I appreciate that.
I don't mind Microsoft ever getting into games. I just wish they would do it themselves instead of buying everyone to do it for them. It's too cynical.
@Casco PN2 is on PS4. The only 1st party games of note from MS this year is Halo Infinite, Forza Horizon 5 and MS Flight Sim. Personally i think the Switch has a better, bigger and more diverse line up then MS this year, you could argue Sony as well what with Returnal, R&C, Deathloop and Kena. I would say all 3 have a good line up but if you don't like Halo and Forza then Xbox's line up isn't good.
Metaverse FFS, isn’t that just a current buzzword that’s almost meaningless?
Also so glad Nintendo didn’t sell out!
@WallyWest You could replace Halo & Forza in that statement with any of the big games from PS or Nintendo and the same would also be true though.
Metaverse not only feels like the biggest forced meme of this decade it might just be the biggest forced meme of the modern age, we have companies going all in with it and even that ***** Facebook calling itself Meta.
You’re the reason they made the Wii U and specifically called it “Wii U”.
@dmcc0 Difference is there's more from Sony and Nintendo while MS as ever is just putting out Halo and Forza.
"I embrace it!" - Michael LeRoi
There are some things money just can't buy.
MS wants Nintendo because their main reason for making console was to combat Sony - that's really their sole reason, not to make money, but to compete with Sony.
@WoomyNNYes if it happened Nintendo would probably be in the same poor state as Square-Enix, Sega or Konami now. Capcom is doing ok because they manage to reach the western AAA audience with Resident Evil but they don't make as many games as they used to make. By having their own system Nintendo has much more freedom to make more games than the other japanese publishers.
Imagine being able to play Nintendo's back catalogue straight from your console right now without needing to pay for sub fee that drip feeds you titles.
SEGA,Sony,Nintendo as major players in the console market today. I guess we would see more innovative approaches in gaming and technology. And maybe Windows would suck less...
@WallyWest Careful, your fanboy is showing 😉 Neither Xbox or Sony has been pumping out that many real top-tier exclusives this year really - likely as a result of Covid, but in terms of actual numbers they are probably pretty similar. Next year looks like its going to be pretty full of exclusives from both consoles - and Nintendo too for that matter - it could be a very expensive year. Of course, it's all just a matter of opinion which has the better games - you have fanboys on all sides saying Xbox has no games, Nintendo is for kids, PlayStation only know how to do 3rd person action adventures etc, but as long as you're enjoying what you play who cares what the "other side" is doing?
@WoomyNNYes I’ve been a gamer my whole life, and that statement will never change. It used to be pc/Nintendo was what you needed. Now, pc can be replaced with Xbox or ps, but you still need a Nintendo to really get a full variety of games. Nowadays, you really need 3 to cover all your gaming needs, a switch, vr headset, and a decent pc or ps/xbox.
@WallyWest Returnal is a niche game, the only reason it got so much exposure is because there wasn’t much else. Deathloop was a great game, I enjoyed it despite being a bit tired of it by the end. Kena isn’t in the same league as the others. Ratchet & Clank seems great and definitely in my list for the holiday.
Metroid dread is also one of the great games this year. But I didn’t buy anything else for my Switch.
I think Microsoft or Xbox has learnt so much from its competitors over the last 20 years. The Microsoft of 2002 ruined Rare but I think the Micrisoft of 2021 understands gaming, smaller developers and gamers needs through its past failures. An example of lessons well learned.
Thank lord they didn’t do that since they would’ve put in awful microtransactions like they did in Halo infinite. They also would’ve ran franchises in the ground too.
I'm sure I'll get blasted by all the Nintendo fans who believe Nintendo can do no wrong here for saying this, but I often wish now that they would have. Xbox actually gives a rip about it's fanbase. If this would have actually happened, we would have 4K 60-120 FPS versions of all first party games from the NES - GCN on GamePass, meaning better performance for a better deal and much better bang for our buck than Nintendo offers. Not only that, we would have actual modern online features for Nintendo games and proper online implementation. Finally, instead of full price ports, Xbox just updates the game for free, and we'd get new Nintendo titles on GP day one. Yes, I for one wish they would purchased them. Nintendo died the day Iwata did for me.
@MrHonest Is this a joke? Halo Infinite is a free game... While we are at it, what about Mario Kart Tour? Lol I've heard people actually have to spend money to unlock Mario on there. You Nintendo fans have tunnel vision. Xbox doesn't remaster a game and slap a $60 pricetag on it. They literally update it and give it for free.
By the way, I can tell you for a fact, Halo Infinite is better than anything Nintendo has popped out in years.
@Snoober And? Fortnite is free and yet it handles microtransactions far better than what Halo does. I’d suggest you don’t die on this hill.
“ Xbox doesn't remaster a game and slap a $60 pricetag”
The same Xbox who sold the broken MCC for 60 which was broken for five years and they were quiet about it while they took people’s money? Don’t make me laugh
You do you dude
@MrHonest MCC? The game that stayed full price for a month, to be dropped to $40 and everyone who bought it at full would get ODST free? The game that was gradually fixed into the masterpiece it is today (IGN re-rated it a 9.5 recently)? How is, say, Super Mario Party? The game everyone hounded for being too bare bone. Please all tell us how Nintendo updated that for the better over the years. Or, what about Luigi's Mansion 3. Does it have inverted controls yet?
Need I go on? And, as I said, Halo Infinite is better than any game Nintendo has ever pumped out online. It currently is one of (probably thee) greatest shooter I've ever played online.
Lol. Look at Gears 2. XB updated it for 4K, 60 FPS for free, along with nearly all their first party 360 titles a week ago. If Nintendo did it, it would be $60 flat. You Nintendo fans are nearly like a brick wall: You have the most ridiculous opinion. Go ahead, please defend how their online service, being now only 10 bucks less than XBL if you get the 64 expansion, is of just much worth as XBL.
You do you "you" dude, like only Nintendo fans do. I was one of you before the Switch, and I got blasted for it by other people. Now I see how ignorant and utterly ridiculous I sounded now that I have mind that isn't controlled by a company that doesnt care if I lived or died.
Removed - flaming/arguing; user is banned
@MrHonest True, I frankly didn't care for it much either, but it got rave reviews - in many cases better than Ratchet & Clank (TBH I don't care much for platformers outside of Nintendo's).
I own all 3 consoles - and they were all lackluster in terms of exclusives, but if I had to pick in my opinion Xbox was the better (or least worse) of the bunch.
@Casco Fair. It was weak year for exclusivity overall. Hopefully next year is better.
@MrHonest Mock my religion, huh? I guess that's what parents raise their kids to do this day in time when get backed into a corner where they can no longer back up whatever lie or agenda they are trying to push. But hey, since everyone's jumping on the bandwagon bashing Christians, why should you be any different, right?
See here, everyone: This is how the world is. When you simply tell them something they don't don't like, they will bash your belief system any way they can, especially if you're a Christian. And the mods won't do anything to him, unless he was bashing a Muslim or bashing a democrat. That's just how it is.
By the way, I couldn't care less to be honest concerning Xbox and Nintendo. All I stated was indeed factual. You're the one too butthurt to admit otherwise lol.
@Snoober And yet you jumped on me because i said something about Xbox you obviously didn’t like. Practice what you preach. Playing victim doesn’t you fit here.
@MrHonest Again, ladies and gentlemen, present facts and it causes people to bash you any way they can. That's how parents raise their kids this day in time. Anyone, feel free to go back and read it if you think otherwise.
Side Note: It's interesting when someone tries to judge a Christian, yet doesn't even know the Bible. I'm waiting: Please tell me what I said was a sin? Lol I even went back and read it. I can't help it causes you to be triggered. Not my fault your feelings are tied to a plastic video game machine.
“Again, ladies and gentlemen, present facts and it causes people to bash you any way they can. That's how parents raise their kids this day in time. Anyone, feel free to go back and read it if you think otherwise.”
And yet you are here throwing hissy fits. Guessing christians aren’t tolerant as they think they are i suppose lol.
”Not my fault your feelings are tied to a plastic video game machine.”
Yes it’s your own fault that you got triggered over my comment about Xbox. Read your own comments since you really lack self-awareness here.
@nessisonett Is it that they don't realise, or don't care about them being the baddies?
@MrHonest Read the Bible. If you did, you'd know that everyone is welcome to come to Christ, but only those who turn from sin are accepted. Where's the mods at on this guy?
“ Where's the mods at on this guy?”
And you proved me right. Didn’t break any rules here dude
Removed - inappropriate; user is banned
@MrHonest Not my fault people this day in time aren't raised right.
@Snoober honestly you’re not the one who should talk about “raising right” or whatever that means.
Lest Go I love Xbox and Nintendo
@dmcc0 How am i a fanboy? I own a Series S and this past week all i've been playing is Halo Infinite when i'm not on my Switch. End of the day though as ever its Halo, Gears or Forza from MS even if i love all 3 series, they couldn't even be bothered to launch the Series consoles with some 1st party games something Sony very much did with PS5.
@Casco Returnal is niche so what? Its a fantastic game and sold well so really that's all what matters, also that and Flight Sim are currently the only 2 games to actually show the power of what current gen consoles can bring when not being bogged down by last gen consoles.
@WallyWest super niche as all rogue likes are. But at least Hades wasn’t a full price game.
It was a strange time for Nintendo. N64 was a failure and Playstation was the new king. Also Gamecube that came little later was even biggest flop. Thank god for Pokemon and GBA that saved the company from them. I wouldn't like to see Pokemon Yellow in Windows Lumia Phone
P.S: Ofc i would like game pass for Switch, its a killer service compared to the junk we got. But i don't like Xbox games so much. (although i had an original XB)
@WallyWest Its funny how your response about not being a fanboy makes you sound even more like a fanboy. First there were no games apart from Halo & Forza (even though you also mentioned Flight Sim) which is clearly not true. Now they "couldn't even be bothered" to have any launch games all while Sony is all rainbows and unicorns. Sure
@MrHonest God Bless
@Casco Returnal is a "AAA" game what cost a lot more then Hades, either way it sold well and was a success.
@dmcc0 Why is it when someone criticises a console maker they get labelled a fanboy? Yeah the Series launch didn't have a big 1st party game to launch with it, MS relied on Ubi to bail them out while the PS5 got a bunch of 1st party games like Spider-Man and Demons Souls. This Holiday is just another Halo and Forza holiday for MS just like it was for the majority of the X1 era except replace Halo with Gears for some of them and maybe the odd timed exclusive. In the PS5's first year its seen a brand new IP, a full on remake, a Spider-Man spin off and a R&C sequel what is one of the best looking games out there plus Astro Playroom a fantastic free game what shows you what the PS5 is capable off. Forza Horizon 5 and Halo Infinite are great and GOTY worthy and i can't wait for the campaign to Infinite to drop but it is the same as usual for MS.
People love to say MS ruined Rare, but Rare was already a shell of itself before the purchase. The same thing has happened to Retro Studios. People leave studios, it's inevitable.
Yesterday on nintendolife people were making fun of fanboys and were so excited that Reggie was hanging out with the Microsoft people because console wars are for children. Someone here suggests that they wish there was just one console so they didn’t feel the need to buy either a Xbox or ps5 and all of a sudden there’s a whole bunch of console bashing. I knew yesterday was too good to be true.
@WallyWest plus when you bought a series s or x the Xbox one games we’re not only backward compatible but improved with either resolution or frame rate boosts for FREE!
@sixrings and?
@WallyWest because there wasn’t much else dude. I wonder how many died a lot, got frustrated and stopped playing after a few hours. I would assume quite a lot, but we’ll never get those numbers so it’s up to anyone’s guess.
Ratchet & clank looks cool and it’s waiting on my PS5, just needs to find time for it.
Man, that Xbox Museum thing with the creepy music and robotic avatars running around feels like The Matrix if the machines hadn't bothered to dress their virtual reality up as 1999.
I love it.
@WallyWest that was a very consumer friendly move that unfortunately we haven’t seen from other companies and to be quite honest I am extremely concerned about the new switch successor since I’m pretty much digital only.
@sixrings Not all games though only select titles and many Devs/Publishers are offering free upgrades even Ubi off all things.
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