Nintendo has released Version 13.0.0 of Super Smash Bros. Ultimate. This update adds in Sora from Kingdom Hearts as paid DLC. Sora comes with his very own stage - Hollow's Bastion - and there are a total of nine Kingdom Hearts songs included.
There are also new spirits and new Mii Outfits which can be purchased from the eShop. Last but not least are some game balance adjustments, fighter adjustments and fixes to improve the overall gameplay experience. Below are the full patch notes, courtesy of Nintendo's official support page:
Ver. 13.0.0 (Released October 18, 2021)
- Offline
- The following spirits from the KINGDOM HEARTS series will appear in the Shop on the Vault menu:
- Riku
- Kairi
- Roxas
- Axel
- Xion
- Terra
- Ventus
- Aqua
- The following spirits will appear on the Spirit Board and Shop:
- Razewing Ratha
- The following spirits from the KINGDOM HEARTS series will appear in the Shop on the Vault menu:
- General
- The following downloadable content will be usable after purchase:
- Sora Challenger Pack
- Judd Hat
- Octoling Wig
- Doom Slayer Helmet + Armor
Note: You cannot make videos of replays that contain DLC you have not purchased (fighters, stages, music, Mii Fighter costumes, etc.).
- Several issues have been fixed to improve gameplay experience.
- The following downloadable content will be usable after purchase:
- Fighter Adjustments
Fighter | Move | Change |
All Fighters | etc. | Made it so opponents that fall down in place due to Kazuya's side special cannot be stepped on when jumping. |
Jigglypuff | Neutral Attack 2 | Reduced vulnerability. |
Jigglypuff | Back Air Attack | Reduced vulnerability. Reduced vulnerability when landing. |
Jigglypuff | Downward Throw | Shortened the launch distance. Reduced vulnerability. |
Dr. Mario | Neutral Air Attack | Extended launch distance for the high-damage window. |
Dr. Mario | Up Air Attack | Increased attack power and maintained launch distance. |
Dr. Mario | Down Air Attack | Increased attack speed. |
Dr. Mario | Side Special | Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts. |
Dr. Mario | Down Special | Increased the speed that super armor activates when using the move on the ground. |
Zelda | Neutral Attack 1 | Reduced vulnerability. |
Zelda | Flurry Attack | Increased power. |
Zelda | Up Smash Attack | Extended launch distance. |
Zelda | Down Smash Attack | Extended launch distance. |
Zelda | Down Air Attack | Increased the high-damage range. |
Lucario | Dash Attack | Extended the duration of the high-damage part of the attack. Increased the high-damage range. |
Lucario | Side Tilt Attack | Extended launch distance of the second attack. |
Lucario | Down Tilt Attack | Increased attack speed. |
Rosalina & Luma | Down Smash Attack | Luma will appear in front of Rosalina when using the move and turning around. Extended launch distance for Luma's attack. |
Rosalina & Luma | Side Special | Luma will follow you when using the move in the air. |
Little Mac | Up Tilt Attack | Extended the duration of an opponent's animation when they are struck by this attack. |
Little Mac | Side Smash Attack | Increased power against shields when using the move with down input. |
Little Mac | Neutral Special | Extended launch distance. Reduced vulnerability when using the move on the ground. Increased speed so it will be faster to use the move. Made so the second button press can be input in advance. |
Little Mac | Up Special | Extended launch distance of the last attack. |
Little Mac | Down Special | Increased the amount that attack power will increase. |
Ridley | Side Special | Shortened the time between the slamming/dragging animations and when another jump can be input. |
King K. Rool | Up Tilt Attack | Increased power. Extended launch distance. |
King K. Rool | Side Smash Attack | Increased the amount of time hit detection lasts. Increased the range at the beginning of the move. |
King K. Rool | Forward Air Attack | Reduced vulnerability. |
King K. Rool | Up Throw | Extended launch distance. |
Isabelle | Down Tilt Attack | Reduced vulnerability. |
Isabelle | Side Smash Attack | Extended the duration of the high-damage part of the attack. |
Isabelle | Down Smash Attack | Extended launch distance. Increased attack range. |
Isabelle | Forward Throw | Extended launch distance. |
Incineroar | Down Smash Attack | Increased power. Extended launch distance. |
Incineroar | Up Air Attack | Increased attack power and maintained launch distance. |
Incineroar | Up Special | Increased attack power and maintained launch distance of the high-damage window while descending. Increased attack power and maintained launch distance of the high-damage window for the explosion. |
Joker | Final Smash | Shortened the downtime after finishing the Final Smash. |
Hero | Final Smash | Shortened the downtime after finishing the Final Smash. |
Have you downloaded this update yet? Notice anything else? Leave a comment down below
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com]
Comments 44
You can't even buy sora or the mii costumes because the e-shop isn't working right now. But with the patch notes all I wanted was Zelda nerfed, and what do they do?raise her launch power.
Removed - unconstructive
In other unrelated news, Sakurai's vacation just began.
@Slinkoy1 yeah eshop kinda wack now
They buff everything about incineroar except his recovery distance
Looks like they kinda phoned it in with these final adjustments. Not that I blame them at all, Sakurai made a fantastic game here and deserves a nice long vacation before Nintendo pulls up with another dump truck full of money saying "Please Make Smash 6!"
@Marioracer Don’t buy Sora then. Problem solved.
Isn't Smash that two-bit version of Nickelodeon All Star Brawl?
Ah, they made Ridley even better. Just like I asked
@Marioracer Don't buy it, your good.
I can't wait to see how the meta plays him.
What an amazing journey this has been. It was even better than Smash for 3DS/Wii U, which were both marketed (and supported) extremely well.
They buffed Mac!!
Oh good, my young link will be permanently safe from nerfs now
@Marioracer If a single character is enough to ruin the game for you, maybe you should just stick to the older games. I don't like Sonic, Bayonetta, Joker, or Steve, but that still leaves 85 other characters for me to enjoy. The roster is so massive at this point that I can't imagine how just one character can ruin the whole game.
Note to @Marioracer, the last thing you want to do is to not ask for criticism after saying something controversial
to say the least. It makes you look ridiculous and toxic.K. Rool got nothing but buffs. Noice.
@Marioracer just don't buy sora boom I saved smash bros
@UnseatingKDawg Your profile picture is beautiful.
@HotGoomba Why thank you! Gotta say I'm a fan of yours as well lol!
@UnseatingKDawg @HotGoomba Curse profile gang.
@Noble_Haltmann This IS Smash 6. Sakurai has stated in interviews and his Famitsu columns that Smash 3DS and Smash Wii U were "the 4th and 5th entries in the series" his interview with Kotaku over Mega Man's inclusion also provides it as well.
The thing is, the whole 'For' and 'Four' conotation is an English thing and doesn't apply to the Japanese language.
Not that it matters too much, people just flat out ignore the 3DS game even exists.
Regardless, the next Smash game will likely be Smash 7 - provided Sakurai does to another one. Ultimate was in part a Special thing planned between Sakurai and Iwata prior to Iwata's passing. It's as much Sakurai's baby as it was Iwata's.
Who knows? Sakurai might pull an Itoi and refuse to work on another Smash regardless of how Nintendo pushes him, and Nintendo just like how they honour Itoi by not making any new Mother games after Mother 3, would likely honour Sakurai's wishes and Iwata's memory by not making any more Smash Bros, regardless of how well it would sell.
@Deepdoop Oh, they're going to update the game again. Maybe not with a new character, but maybe a new update for another set of balance patches.
They have to update the game to make the new amiibo compatible before they release.
Love this update
I wish they would buff Wii Fit Trainer. I feel like she’s always forgotten about haha
Phew Duck Hunt isn't here
@Marioracer Because Puff was buffed? Or something else?
@Truedoogie I can see from your picture that you've been dreaming of this for some time. I'm glad it worked out!
@VIIIAxel Perhaps you're too reasonable for the internet Smash community.
So no buffs to my characters and input delay still has yet to be addressed. Damn. Hope you guys have fun with this one. I dropped Smash for good
@Lysanderxx it’s a nice unexpected surprise!
@Lysanderxx Oh, you're right. Pardon me...
Smash Bros. is dead! I can't believe they've added the worst character imaginable, the one I've wanted to have nothing to do with the series from the start... Who asked for Mario in this game?! I'm never buying a Nintendo game again, thanks Sakurai. We have enough people who punch in this game as it is, we don't need any more.
@Slinkoy1 which is a plus in my book 😎
I haven't played Smash for some updates now, so I don't know how my mains were performing, but always nice to hear Zelda and Jigglypuff got buffed
@Tobunari Regardless of wether Sakurai will be the director or not, there will be another Smash Bros. This franchise is the fighting game franchise and just massive and is one Nintendo's biggest anx most important franchises. Mother never was any of this. It was never even really successful. Earthbound was a flop, that's why Mother 3 only released in Japan.
It was easy for them to drop that series completely. Not msking another Smash Bros. will just lead to them losing out on a huge number of hardware sales with future consoles.
@JHDK Oh god, imagine.
Sakurai: "I'm retiring from the Smash Bros series...
...to begin work on Nickelodeon All-Star Brawl Melee."
why no music with the Doom outfit (or Fallout or Skyrim's)? Why do only some outfits come with a track?
@Mando44646 just imagine how awesome would it be if they added Doom's "All They Fear Is You" and Skyrim's "The Dragonborn Comes"
On a barely related note, I acquired my very first and only mii outfit yesterday, Shantae's, mostly because of the song
Apparently Mac's Utilt confirms into KO Punch now, which is nice. I don't think there's really anything game-changing here (though what do I know?), but at the least we got a few QoL changes that make the low tiers more pleasant to play.
Sora's already come with a few bugs, like an issue with his fade to white not triggering, even in Stamina mode. So of course we will still see updates, what with amiibo and all. But what I really want to see now is some updated music tracks for every series - Pokemon SwSh for example, or maybe new or adjusted costumes for characters, like updating Samus' bluer costume to look more like the one she wears in Dread. Then there's spirits...
@Tobunari Oof you got me, I am 100% one of those smash fans who forgets the 3DS game exists xD. To be fair though, Wii U and 3DS are entirely identical in terms of core gameplay and roster, which are arguably the greatest core components of what defines a smash game. The stage/item/trophy differences are all small and only made that way for exclusivity's sake and the modes, while varied, feel kind of half-baked and were rightfully largely forgotten, at least in my opinion. Though admittedly I never played Smash Run on 3DS, which I know many say is really fun.
As much as I love smash the way he makes it, I hope you're right about Sakurai turning down the offer to make another game no matter how tempting it is, and finally moving on to do what he wants. @BTB20 is right, there's no way they're gonna actually end the series just because he's not on board, but personally, I find the idea of new blood working on the series and potentially making changes Sakurai never would to be kind of exciting! (unless those changes suck lol)
RIP Marioracer's post
Gone but not forgotten
@Slinkoy1 Zelda's like, low B-tier at best. Eventhubs has her ranked 57th.
Some Smash Bros Ultimate (non-fighter) Continued Support Wishes:
New Spirits are cool, but I think it's time they got a bit more wacky or creative with the Smash Tourney events. They should implement some Custom Smash elements into the tourney events like Mega size, Fast speed, Light/Heavy weight or Metal body etc. to mix things up and keep it fresh imo. Some of the spirit battle conditions make for more interesting, varied fights than just highlighting a specific item or set of characters.
Also, I don't mind the spirits, but the trophies from past Smash's were better. Granted they were full 3D models which I'm sure is a chore to render for each entry (especially with Ultimate having so many Spirits) so I understand the decision to just make them 2D artwork. However more importantly, I reference that to say I miss the background information they used to have though (some spirits & assist trophies I have no idea what they are or what games they are from)... it was like having a cool random digital video game encyclopedia. Wish they added that.
Also also, Random needs to be added as a character selection to Online Smash & tournaments (and the true selection shouldn't be revealed until the match starts and should continue to be different every match smh) I like mixing things up and variety when I play.
Also also also, another way they could continue to breathe life into Smash is with the of the World of Light, I loved that mode! I'm still hoping they'll release a new or even just reworked map either as free or paid Smash DLC as I'm pretty much out of single player content in the game to get through at this point- which I prefer tbh.
... Wun can only hope.
That was beautiful
Thank you! I try. 😊
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