Well, the team that brought us Octopath Traveler likes being literal with its game names, and so the final name of Triangle Strategy after its rather marvellous demo earlier in the year is... Triangle Strategy. Name aside, it's looking great and arrives on 4th March 2022.
The trailer above gives a rather flashy introduction to the game, and we think this tactics title is looking pretty darn nice. In the Nintendo Direct broadcast it was explained that surveys from the demo earlier this year led to changes in the flow of gameplay, user interface, camera controls and more besides.
Though it's a while away pre-orders are already up on the eShop, and below is some of the official description.
Command a group of warriors as Serenoa, heir of House Wolffort, in a tangled plot where your decisions make all the difference. Key choices you make will bolster one of three convictions—Utility, Morality, Liberty—which together make up Serenoa’s world view and influence how the story will unfold. When faced with truly momentous decisions, multiple characters will weigh in by casting their votes on the Scales of Conviction. In these moments, the allies and decisions you make can determine the fate of whole nations and the continent of Norzelia itself.
Finding the best location in turn-based battles can tip the tide of combat in your favor. Position units on higher ground to take control of the battlefield and gain the advantage with increased range. You can also flank enemies on both sides, then strike from behind for a powerful follow-up attack. Elemental chain reactions are also an important part of combat. For example, use fire to melt icy terrain, then use lightning to electrocute it. Push the enemy into the electrified water to see sparks fly in stunning HD-2D visuals!
Are you looking forward to Triangle Strategy next year?
Comments 53
If I wanted my games to have sensible game titles, I wouldn't play Square-Enix games.
Ngl, I might actually buy this to be honest despite the weird name
Just call it Octopath Tactics... Seriously, it just makes too much sense.
Game still looks great and is one of my most anticipated upcoming titles period.
Honestly lately for me Squeenix has been shockingly onpoint with just about everything they do expect Final Fantasy.
Is the game a war against Octagons?
Square Enix really is the master of giving their games dumb names
Anyway I'm looking forward to it
Guys it's called Triangle Strategy cause there's three paths you take to win the war against the enemies.
It looks great, and it's coming pretty soon. It will come home day one along with Rune Factory 5, also in March.
I thought this was Project Salt Iron War.
This looks excellent! Octopath is a great game, and this engine is fantastic. VERY EXCITEMENT
Amazing how the subtle tweaks make it look like even more of a must-have for me. Cannot wait for a Tactics-esque game with gorgeous HD2D visuals!! Not even a FFTactics remaster will look this good. That is, not unless they wait just long enough for the team to give FFTactics the DQIII treatment.
I like that Square just uses their ridiculous placeholder names for the final game.
Bravely Default
Octopath Traveler
Triangle Strategy
@Expa0 But...octo means 8 because of the 8 characters, so it makes sense there but not here at all?
Looking good. It'll be a day 1
"This name is perfectly acceptable", says Square Enix, developers of Kingdom Hearts: 358/2 Days
So disappointed they didn’t even talk about Advance Wars… you know… the game that it’s ACTUALLY coming this winter?
This game continue to look great.
I'm genuinely surprised they are sticking with the Triangle Strategy name - I thought for sure that they could change it to Trinity Strategy or Trinity Tactics etc.
Wow, SqEnix just can't be creative with their new IP, don't they? Oh well, that's a VERY LAME NAME... geez...
Very much looking forward to March.
I'm on the fence about this one. I realize the demo I played was from a build earlier in the process, and I do still need to check out all the changes they implemented from the feedback. While I found the game beautiful (I hope the HD-2D art style sticks around), I found the dialogue kind of meh and the difficulty to be all over the place. Heck, I didn't even finish the demo because I kept getting hosed on the second battle in some way.
The name seemed silly at first but it grows on you. If the name has nothing to do with the game then it's weird but we all accept Bravely Default without consternation. I think we'll be fine with Triangle Strategy.
Also to add: it looks gorgeous and I can't wait to try the finished game. Love me some tactics.
@Expa0 It doesn't make any sense because there aren't 8 different storylines.
The biggest change I wanted was actually using the character portraits (which exist in-game) during dialogue. It doesn't appear they've implemented that.
A common complaint about the demo was it was too cutscene-heavy. Hopefully they haven't cut down the story elements to address that complaint, because I think the main problem was it lacked visual interest. Other RPGs give you character portraits to look at during cutscenes, instead of tiny sprites with few to no emotes. The reason that visual novel presentation style is so widespread is because it works.
I'm still excited for the game, but I worry that blunders like that will wear on me like Octopath's did.
I NEED that 'Tactician's Limited Edition'...
I enjoyed the battles in the demo, but WOW was there ever too much dialogue... This coming from someone for whom FF Tactics is their fave FF game.
I like the look of it… but honestly I feel like I’d get the same from Disgaea.
Art style looks great, as does the gameplay itself.
Name isn't bad at all. If you want silly names, look no further than the Kingdom Hearts series:
"Kingdom Hearts HD 2.8 Final Remix"
"Kingdom Hearts 358/2 Days"
What a bunch of squares. Sequel?
Maybe I’ve lived in Japan for too long, but I think Triangle Strategy is an awesome name!
I'm a triangle because I try every angle.
Sometimes I think that SE has no native English speakers employed. I mean, some of the names they choose for their games make no damn sense and aren't even cute in the way some Engrish titles are.
@Ryu_Niiyama Nocchi as your avatar? MY MAN!!! Fist bump
This game just looks really good! I'm awful at this type of game (tactics Advance kicked my ass after 10 hours. ) but maybe they'll have an easy mode so my ***** can play it too! 😁
@Chamver Howdy! I’m a female but always happy to be spotted by a fellow Perfume fan. My Avatar is actually the whole group but the image is too large to show that (it’s a forum signature banner). However Nocchi is my favorite so I don’t mind using it from time to time.
What’s your favorite song or era?
I think if someone put me in a headlock I’d say Dream Land or Party Maker but I’m more of a Level 3 or Future Pop era fangirl. That being said I have not met a Perfume album that I don’t like.
The problem is, if you announce a working title then change it you lose potential marketing as people don't associate the names. Just look at Untitled Goose Game.
Well, thankfully I can turn the voices into Japanese. Hopefully even turn them off, can't remember if that was an option.
I am going to get this, and I am going to like it. I outgrew JRPGs a little bit but this one, as with Octopath, just hits the right nostalgia buttons for me well enough that I will get it. I will still dislike many, many elements of it, but they will be outweighed by the positives.
I don't care I will call it Tactics Ogre 2 and I will enjoy it.
Zero hype from me, the characters wernt likeable in the demo anyways. Missed opportunity to have made an octopath 2 or revive their final fantasy tactics series in this style.
Also the graphics although i loved octopath, were pretty noisy and not even that great looking. Clashed alot with the gameplay. But thats more of a stylistic choice.
Square announced a lot today but they still arnt listening.
Who asked for chocobo gp? The yoko taro card game, triangle strategy etc etc?
Such an out of touch company with only a few highlights sprinkled in over the years, most recently being neo twewy(which runs like ass and can visibly see the budget cuts they had to make)
@superguy123 Interesting. I felt like I was reliving FF6 every step of the way with Octopath. The graphics were, for me, close to perfection. But to each their own.
@Daniel36 i loved octopath, the same style just doesnt work in triangle strategy.
Wasnt clear i think, could see the confusion.
But that part of me not liking it was in reference to triangle strategy, it was a mess in the first demo, everything blending in.
Octopath was perfect, and had a way better first impression on me than triangle strategy had, why i wouldve loved octopath 2 more
@Expa0 Octopath Tactics makes even less sense...
That ridiculous title is actually a deal-breaker to me. I've never read or watched any coverage of this game for that reason. All I know is that it's a tactical RPG. If they can't even think up a decent title, how can they think up a good game? Also there are dozens of great games in this genre, and they're all very similar to each other. I doubt this will be able to compete with the Fire Emblem and old Shining Force games.
@Specter_of-the_OLED but a triangle is just a one path....
Something tells me "Delta Tactics" was quickly amended, and they were like, "well, how much do you guys hate just Triangle Strategy? Really? Wow, OK, then, that's easy! Triangle Stratty it is! Soooo...Happy Hour?"
My HD Tactics Ogre itch has been scratched.
Anyone know is this is Physical and where it's sold?
Kind of wish they'd have just called it FFT2 at this point. Name says nothing about the game, just makes it seem lazy. Which the game clearly isn't. At least Project Athia got a name change to Forespoken. Still a terrible name, but at least some thought went into it.
@SwitchForce No details yet. Hopefully a physical edition is coming.
@NotSoCryptic That's only reason I would buy it or PreOrder it otherwise if not I'll wait-I got 300+ games waiting to be played still.
That which we call a rose...
They literally could've called it Prism Strategy. Such a cool name.
This is my most anticipated non-Nintendo game. I loved the demo, and was really impressed how drastically the story changed depending on the decisions you make. It got really dark when you choose the “utility” path and don’t choose to remain loyal. Can’t wait!
Triangle Strategy may not be a 'silly' name as long as it does what it says on the tin.
Rock, paper, scissors type of strategy game.
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