The Pokémon Company has revealed the new MOBA Pokémon Unite has now exceeded 9 million downloads on Nintendo Switch. The free-to-download game is developed in partnership with TiMi Studios - a subsidiary of the Chinese video game giant Tencent.
To celebrate this milestone, every player in the game will receive 2,000 Aeos tickets starting on 29th September. The game's community will be further increased when Unite arrives on mobile devices next week.
"@PokemonUnite - What a goal! The Nintendo Switch version of #PokemonUNITE has just exceeded 9 million downloads! To show our excitement and gratitude, every Trainer will receive 2,000 Aeos Tickets starting 9/29. Thanks for playing Pokémon UNITE, and look forward to the mobile launch on 9/22!"

If you've not tried out this game yet, it's one of the easiest MOBAs to pick up and play. Your task is to lead your Pokémon into battle alongside your teammates, and claim territories on the battlefield. Since the game launched, there have also been a number of patches and updates adding pocket monsters like Blastoise and Blissey, and there's more to come.
Have you been playing Pokémon Unite since it arrived on the Nintendo Switch? Vote in our poll and tell us down below.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 35
Q : Have you been playing Pokémon Unite since it arrived on the Nintendo Switch?
Me : NO and NEVER. Pokemon Brilliant Diamond is my choice for Pokemon games.
Unless they leave in some wierd bug, Unite will be the best Pokémon mobile game and one of the best mobile games ever made.
Also never go Rotom always prioritize Dreadnaw
I was.interested at first then you said Tencent, I will pass.
I have no plans to give this game a shot because Tencent are the developers, and because it's pay to win garbage. If Gamefreak were the sole devs, then I'd consider it, but otherwise, no thanks.
Gible fights!
I'm just waiting for Selvy, then I will hop back on this game. Tho I do hop on from time to time, I'm almost at masters.
This game is much funner than I expected, but it's so hard to climb ranked solo when no one wants to help get dreadnaw ;-;
I have played a few matches and like it well enough but I don't have the time to "git gud," as it were.
Yup, got it around launch and still playing. Most people at low levels don't have any items and by the time you climb high enough and verse people with good items, you will have the in-game currency to upgrade most of your frequently used items to level 20 anyways. It's fun to play a MOBA that doesn't last 20-60 minutes a game, plus it's fun to play one on the TV with a controller. It's a lot of fun and it's very easy to ignore the microtransactions.
@Lagster_YT I would be happy to help if you want.
I would have been interested if there was some sort of offline mode, but nah.
Pikachu used currency manipulation.
It's super effective!
Reminder this game is not pay to win, if you believe that you didn’t play it.
Yes and yes! It's been super fun. The fun will only grow as more playable Pokémon are added to the roster.
Great, let’s just give more money to more money-grubbing companies like TPC, Tencent and Google, so they never take their claws off of the IP.
At first it was awful, but I feel like all the players that clearly spent real money and dominated early on has evened out and are all in high levels or just not good enough for it to matter. So I'm having a lot of fun with it. I wish I could communicate with my team more though, also Zapdos is insanely OP. Wish it took more than sneaking in the hit that happens to get the KO. The team that gets zapdos wins 99 percent of the games I play.
I think this is the fastest-downloaded F2P game on Switch, ahead of Fortnite.
The mobile launch should be huge.
I won't bother with this at all. Give me a good and complete game for 60 bucks and I'm good, I don't want anything to do with micro transactions and all that junk.
9 million more downloads than this game deserves.
@Screen I have a friend that play's this game from time to time, and get this, they have no items on, Like Idk think they have potions on LOL, and they do just fine.
i've mostly just been logging in to do the missions and thats about all.
@Yosher You could just try it and NOT buy any microtransactions before you completely dismiss it as bad.
I've clocked up 90 hours on it already, it's pretty addictive, but right now there's not much incentive to keep playing without that prize event thingy. There's not enough progression and award.
Usually the team who gets Zapdos has control before then, it's powerful but it's not everything. Usually when I lose Zapdos it's because nobody on my team is around to attack it. At least that's how most of the games I play have gone.
@Shepdawg1 Even if it was the best game in the world, it having these kinds of micro transactions is enough for it to completely ruin the experience for me.
Plus Tencent. Going nowhere near anything that company had a part in.
@Tasuki Exactly. It makes me a bit uncomfortable to know that a property associated with Nintendo is in partnership with a Tencent subsidiary.
Not surprised it’s actually really good.
@andykara2003 Nintendo themselves has done business with Tencent. In fact the Switch in China is marketed by Tencent.
@Tasuki Ahh thanks. Shame.
@andykara2003 Yep, how the mighty has fallen, and given in to corporate greed.
@Lagster_YT I don't to, But I least you will have a good teammate LOL!
Played a few games today. It’s…basic. Basic but fun.
Fell off for a few weeks, got back on and have been killing it
There's just nothing keeping me interested in continuing to play. My biggest fear is getting disappointed by uncooperative players.
I have no intentions to ever download this game. As soon as I heard it was a "Tencent" game I knew I wouldn't want to play it.
Anything Tencent will ALWAYS be a hard pass no matter what it is.
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