It's now been nearly a month since The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword HD landed on the Nintendo Switch.
Of course, like every first-party Nintendo title nowadays, it's also getting some post-release support. With this in mind, Nintendo has today rolled out Version 1.0.1 - which fixes "several issues" to improve the gameplay experience.
Ver. 1.0.1 (Released August 10, 2021)
Fixed several issues to improve the gameplay experience.
The patch notes don't go into detail about the issues that have been resolved, so it looks like you'll just have to play the game to find out what's changed. Hopefully, it resolves some of the recently discovered glitches. If we do find out what's been fixed, we'll be sure to update this post.
Have you downloaded this update yet? Notice anything else? Tell us down below.
[source en-americas-support.nintendo.com]
Comments 97
Removed - unconstructive
@Vexx234 thats what we like to call a controversial opinion
@Vexx234 ohh I see…. That’s bait
@longondo … gotta agree, that’s the only thing that needs updating
Remember when Nintendo released an entire Wii channel that had the sole purpose of patching Skyward Sword?
Damn. And here I was thinking that we had another game in our midst that released as Version 1.0 on day one and stayed that way.
Maybe it fix the Dutch language glitch. Those who play the game in Dutch needs to confirm this.
@fafonio Bait for what? I meant what I said. I'd just like revamped controls. The game was built for the wii with the controls ported to the joysticks. While it's improved in some ways it's a still a bit wonky.
Geez mate, i'm not asking for the game to burned at a stake.
@EarthboundBenjy It's still downloadable. Just in case.
"Like every first party game these days" Link's Awakening Remake: Am I a joke to you?
Ah, I'm so glad we finally got rid of Several Issues. It's like Nintendo read my mind because I was just thinking that Several Issues has always been the bane of my gaming life! This end to Several Issues could not have come at a better time. Thank you Nintendo for eliminating this Several Issues nuisance!
@Longondo The L button should be a toggle for the right stick. Camera or sword, I think that would be great.
@Vexx234 Every time I start to dislike the motion controls, I figure out what I am doing wrong and like them again. Like flying, it took me like 20 minutes of not being able to go up. Then I googled how to fly and I was like oh this is not so bad. If your willing to learn they become pretty great.
I haven't gotten around to picking this up yet (Neo TWEWY took priority), but one of my friends who loves Skyward Sword (and really enjoyed the remaster as well) told me that the jump to 60FPS messed with the physics in certain situations in battles (enemies getting knocked back in weird ways that makes them difficult to reach/hit with finishers, things like that). I hope they fixed that, I'm thinking about holding off until that's cleared up.
I wish there were some more control options available. Allow you to choose joystick or motion for flying/swimming, toggle if L needs to be held for the camera or to use the Sword when in button controls.
@mlj11 Personally, I'm tired whenever Several Issues pops up in my new games, so I'm grateful for the update. Hopefully the next update addresses stability; been feeling a little shaky, lately.
@GhostRider419 Thanks but I've never been a fan of motion controls. As someone whose had every systems version of it, i'm not cheering for a return. I can handle them just fine, but I'm not a fan.
Kinect, PS Move, Wiimote. You name it ive tried it. All three were pretty bad.
@VIIIAxel Sometimes making the game run at 60fps aren't the solution as most games are made to optimize with their native framerate. If the game was made with 30fps in mind then it should stay at 30fps. This is why Sonic Colors Ultimate which runs at 30fps on Switch plays more smoother and accurate to the Wii version as that one was made to run natively at stable 30fps. The other versions which runs at 60fps double the frames which made the control a bit too sloppy and certain jump or maneuver that should had happen on point happen too soon.
@Specter_of-the_OLED That's what I was referring to. The Kingdom Hearts remasters on PS4 were affected in a similar way thanks to being bumped up to 60FPS, with KHII being the worst from what I've heard. It was a mess in a lot of ways and it took a while to just get some of the major issues fixed. If a game's physics are tied to framerate, increasing that framerate can be problematic if devs don't also fix those physics issues.
@HammerKirby Lol so true tho! There is absolutely no excuse for the performance problems there.
Is it me or did the game get too easy using the right stick for sword strikes? Literally I just spam it and am able to deal easily with every enemy. Same with bosses once I get into the hit window. Don’t think it was intended like this with motion controls
@Vexx234 @fafonio @Nintendaholic It's not controversial or bait. The game should have a third option to control the sword like any other 3D Zelda game using buttons instead of having to use analogue stick or tedious motion control... Yes, it would involve Nintendo modifying the gameplay more to adjust to it so would take some effort on their part but would be doable.
The analogue stick just isn't fun to use as a sword (there's a reason none of the other 3D Zelda games play that way when they could if Nintendo wanted them to) and neither is pressing an extra button to use the camera. And the motion control mode is not fun either... I play games to relax and waving my arm around throughout a long adventure game isn't that.
As it stands it has two very flawed control methods and unfortunately for me controls that aren't enjoyable are a red line.
60 bucks for a ten year old mediocre game, sorry but you should have D.A.R.E.D to just say no in the first place. New Nintendo policy is lazy pickpocketing. Also LOL at how you "remaster" an old game and it still has problems, oh wait that's right it's because they want your easy money and don't care.
@Clyde_Radcliffe Thanks for explaining it better than me. The game was built specifically around the Wiimote. As you pointed out, this is one of the reasons BOTW did away with it as a center focus.
SS was not designed for normal gamepads, for the reasons you pointed out. Which is why most of the controls are remapped instead.
@Vexx234 You name them cause they're just console not knowing that motion controls are much more than those. Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PS VR, PS Eye, PS Move, Arcade, Sega Activator, the Power Glove, light gun games, NES Power Pad, Intellivision Amico, Sony's Sixaxis, the Steam Deck, the joycons, the Wii Balance Board, etc., all of these are motion control features and platforms that utilize motion controls.
I'm nearly finished with the game, but whatevs.
@Vexx234 Quit hating on motion controls already. There's nothing wrong with them. Be grateful they're optional in this version. You don't like it? Tough.
@15roundTKO 1st of all, It wasn't $60. Alot of places were selling it for less. 2nd, it was not a mediocre game. It was actually a good entry in the series once people quit complaining about the controls. You have no idea with what you're talking about. Go play with your overrated PlayStations.
@Specter_of-the_OLED, Actually I'm aware of all those already. I was born in 90's so i've been there for a big chunk of their history. I just picked three as an example.
If you enjoy motion controls, that's fine. I don't. You have every right to enjoy them. I like everyone else am just sharing an opinion.
@b1galbos89 You're funny lol
Finally found the game for 40 bucks.. though with a discount code. So I bought it. Take that, full priced decade old port!
So I guess I'll be downloading a patch first thing when I get it. No big deal I guess.
This releases literally the day after I 100% my first file. Hahaha. I experienced no problems in my adventure. I’ll have to muster the motivation for hero mode.
@Vexx234 while I don't hate motion controls, the sword controls in this game are a huge pain for me. Even though I enjoy everything else about this game(aside from the character's horrible lips), I feel like having standard controls would have greatly increased my overall enjoyment when playing.
Are you kidding me right now? I've almost finished the game, 100% (ok, sure there is Hero Mode, but I'm saving that for later).
I did particularly find the motion controls to be more annoying in this than the Wii due to the lack of the sensor bar. You can never aim precisely without having the reticle/pointer "drift" off into space. Believe me, it's not my Joy Cons drifting.
I think the options we have now are a great start but some more control options would be better. Switching back and forth between SS and BotW or most other games is a muscle memory trap because of the camera.
So, after reading the comments here I decided to try an experiment. I taped the L shoulder button down on my pro controller to see how it plays:
Other than that I didn't have any issues but I didn't try flying. Obviously I'm not seriously expecting anyone to tape or rubber-band their L down (I even tried remapping L to the unused X in the Switch settings to make it easier). I just wanted to do a quick test to see if the option we're asking for is workable and it feels great, honestly. I can play without it but it would still be good. They could even smooth out the rough edges with my lifehack.
Beyond that, I think swimming and flying should have an option for using the L-stick even while using motion controls because there's no kind of immersion to tilting the controller in that context. It's not like the sword. And it would be nice to enable pressing the L-stick to shield bash even when using motion controls as it's a little less wear on my left wrist.
Maybe we should write Tantalus an email? Email campaign from fans? Saturate their Twitter account?
@Silly_G i really thought the same about it, such a shame…
@FaroreAbhorsen “I even tried remapping L to the unused X in the Switch settings to make it easier”
X is used for taking out the harp... Sure it’s just a single tap once every half hour after you receive it at most, but it’s used.
Also moving the right stick while holding X would surely involve growing an extra thumb?
@Clyde_Radcliffe That's just not possible with the directional swipes that are required. If they changed the gameplay to get rid of that advanced swordplay, it wouldn't be the same game anymore.
In any case, just use the motion controls instead, since they're much better than the stupid non-motion dual analog controls, anyway, and they aren't flawed at all (save for how they were downgraded from the Wii version). Swinging your arms around to control a sword is the most amazing way to do it! Just take a break if your arms get tired.
Besides, if you wanted to play a relaxing adventure game, then you picked the wrong series in the first place! "The Legend of Zelda" is an action-adventure series that has never been meant to be relaxing.
@Vexx234 why would you ask to remove motion controls when you’ve got BOTH options?
So, you want all of us to play the way that YOU want to play?
Is there an automatic camera yet? No? Then I'll just continue sticking with the Wii version where the motion controls are more accurate and don't require near-constant re-calibration.
Paying $60 for an HD graphics upgrade, a resolution increase that I can't tell the difference, a less annoying Fi and item descriptions, and significantly worse controls is a total rip-off, even if I didn't already own the Wii version.
@FaroreAbhorsen Of course tilting the controller to fly is immersive! Why wouldn't it be?! It's the same reason many players prefer using motion-controlled steering in "Mario Kart Wii" (although I personally prefer standard controls in that game) and many other motion-controlled flying and driving games, or even just using the steering wheel / flight yoke controls in arcade games.
For swimming, though, you're probably right.
@Longondo I feel like it's just this game, but my L button will sometimes not work for a split-second whenever I'm using the camera, so I end up constantly drawing my sword, it's annoying. lol
@Longondo Yes, completely agree with that for handheld mode.
Finished it on Saturday using motion as much as possible, so don't need the update, unless I go back and play Hero mode at a later date
@fafonio You can play anyway you want. I was just expressing wishful thinking. Like everyone else.
I'm a few hours into this game so far (first time playing it) and I finally lost patience with motion controls. I got used to flying okay after a bit of frustration, but there were two major sticking points that eventually drove me to switch to stick controls. 1) Sword swings keep being inconsistent to the point where stuff like thrusts take way too long to get and cost me a ton of hearts when the correct attack comes out wrong. 2) Having to constantly press Y to reset the neutral position due to it getting off-kilter every 5 seconds. Maybe I just need to re-calibrate my joycons, but it feels like they can't keep a consistent position at all. It's possible the confined and metal-heavy space of my desk is severely interfering with their signal, but it's unfortunate, whatever the reason. I love motion controls in games like Splatoon and Warframe, but after trying so hard to enjoy it in SS I finally gave up for now.
Anyway, I tried stick controls and it's better, but also doesn't feel intuitive with the camera/attacks. I wholeheartedly agree with @GhostRider419 that a toggle feature on L would go a long way to fixing this, as the lack of ability to move the camera around easily just feels very weird and jarring. Maybe I'll get used to it the more I play this game, but idk.
@Vexx234 the weird thing is... why would you wish for something that already exists to be removed from a game when there's two options and one doesn't interfere with the other?
Mhhhhh I mean... if you don't want motion controls... you just have to choose the other option.... a controversial wish indeed.
@fafonioNah, Because I don't like both options. Therefore i expressed that. I'm pretty sure there are many features in games, you over the years wished you could add/remove/change.
Does that mean you are "forcing" others to play your way?
@Casco I noticed the same with motion controls. Even though they are better than the controls on the Wii I still find it a bit hard to deliberately strike in a certain direction. Flailing around wildly on the other hand seems to work fine for most enemies.
@ItsjustAnotherGamer What grammatical errors?
A delayed game is eventually good, but a rushed game is forever bad ... at least until we patch it. 20 years after the original release date.
@ItsjustAnotherGamer These will not get fixed, it's just a lazy $60 cash grab from Nintendo.
I finished my playthrough recently and won't need that update for myself, but things like the Dutch language ending bug and that "soft lock" in the third dungeon with the block not pushing into place are hopefully fixed.
What I personally really hoped for though was a quality of life control improvement, the option to automatically centre the cursor every time you pull out an item or something, instead of needing to do it manually with a Y-press.
I mean it is far too often a problem that you pull out the slingshot or beetle or something, and your cursor is so far off screen that you just start turning around.
Getting rid of them is not the same thing, so yes, that was bait.
Just stick to your buttons and let motion users enjoy the game their way.
@kingeo no it's not. I among many others did not play this game on the wii. It's a completely new experience for the majority of us.. a cash grab would be releasing ocerina of time untouched from its n64 days and charging $60..
@KnightsTemplar it is if they won't bother to fix easy stuff like grammatical errors which shouldn't be there in the first place.
@smashbrolink Oh, I had no idea I was stopping you from playing the game the way you wanted. I have no idea how I'm doing it, but I'll try to stop.
@Vexx234 it's sort of a weird veiwpoint from this game in particular. It's like asking for Splatoon to be a Mario game, just from how intricately motion has been attached to the design of Skyward Sword. Realistically you have the engine successor to this game, which is Breath of the Wild, where motion is no longer mandatory, but still a nice addition.
Removing motion entirely would be creating a different game by that point, and I think on a subconscious level, that's what bothers people about your statement. 🤔
@kingeo now that's just being petty. But please enlighten us on these errors.
If motion controls were removed simply by your whim, you would be.
It just strikes me as odd that you'd wish for such a thing, knowing it would upset others and potentially lessen their experience with the game.
@SirAileron Eh, that's fine. Let them bothered. I mean the game is complete, I highly doubt Nintendo is going to seek out my comment, remake a decade old game from the ground up just to change the controls because one random guy wished it.
Believe or not the people "bothered" will boot up Skyward Sword and surprise! To find motion controls are still there for them to enjoy. If my comment really is that powerful enough to hinder ones enjoyment of a feature then, that's more of personal problem and not mines.
@KnightsTemplar ItsjustAnotherGamer mentioned them so you better ask him.
@Vexx234 I think you miss the other point I made, which is a Skyward Sword that doesn't use motion controls is simply not Skyward Sword. You're asking for a new legacy Zelda title, but wording for it to replace Skyward Sword. You can say all you want "they can boot up up the game and enjoy it", but that wouldn't really be the case anymore (for this remaster, at least) if your request was fulfilled.
I'm really not sure how large or small a task you think that hope is. Even if you feel it to be simple, it's still a spicy take.
@Vexx234 that doesn’t make any sense…. At all
@SirAileron All well, take it or leave it I say. If you get upset over it, then that's a "you" problem (not you specifically). I'll stick with my comments that I wish Skyward Sword HD redid the entire control scheme for traditional game pad use.
Finished the game last night and got the white screen. Did need to watch the ending on youtube. Saved my game before the final boss fight. Gonna try it tonigt again with the update. Hopefully they fixed it.
Loving this game! Pretty late into it and what a pleasure to revisit! I forgot how much personality this title has! I miss all the npcs being so varied and having their own thing. I missed the temples being so distinct too.
I am all for updates to new games to fix bugs and such.
This is not a new game. I feel like it should have been ready right out the door.
Just finished this and didn't run into any glitches myself. I stopped using motion controls after finding them infuriating and instead opted for the button controls, which were also infuriating. This was my first time playing it and I have to say it is possibly my least favourite Zelda ever. I really found it a slog and was not a fan of having to revisit all the same places over and over again. Still, interested to see what might crossover to BOTW2 in terms of story, if anything.
I actually still recommend this version because of how busted the button controls are. For some odd reason, there is no "cooldown" after every sword swing whenever you use button controls. You can repeatedly attack in one direction very quickly.
The controls can be a little awkward but the longer you play the more accustomed you get to them. I am enjoying the re-visit to this great game.
I will be interested to see what the patch actually does to improve things.
@Vexx234 the whole game is built around it. Not really something you can undo unfortunately. We all just have to accept the fact that Skyward Sword will always be a mediocre entry, no matter how much has "changed".
Curious to see what they've patched, the only thing that's caught me off guard a couple of times playing with motion was forgetting to hit Y to recalibrate, which I usually do after a bout of targeting.
@b1galbos89 Ummm sure...except the fact that the only playstation I have is the original. I had a PS2 once but that broke like 12 years ago because the hardware was trash...
@Heavyarms55 well said.
I'm enjoying the motion controls, personally. Never played the original. It takes a while to get used to, but when it clicks, it works. No, you don't have to "swing your arm around," you can just flick your wrist. You do have to get used to re-centering the pointer constantly, but it's just a quick tap. (Admittedly, I had a lot of practice with Mario Galaxy on the All-Stars collection, so it's almost muscle memory by now.) You can even use the re-centering strategically. For instance, to quickly change your movement horizon while flying and perform a quick dive. Anyway, once the onboarding's done, flying around and practicing sword slashes is a lot of fun. And, yeah, the entire game's built around the motion controls, so there's really no way to remove them, only remap them. I have other issues with the game, but they're not related to the motion controls.
@gaga64 it was just for a test. I've played the whole game on Wii so I'm in no rush on Switch--I'm not to that point yet. I'm trying to wrap up Final Fantasy X HD before disappearing into Skyward fully (get the joycon and amiibo this week @ Best Buy!).
I originally mapped it to test what happens when two keys are mapped to the same command and whether I could reverse the toggle that way but no go. I ended up resetting the mappings anyway but if I were that far I'd have bound the X command to L and just swapped the buttons..
I've adjusted to the existing controls, they could just be better. I tweak control options and mappings on virtually every console and PC game I play though. I swapped the jump button in BOTW. I set jump to be right click. My monster hunter rise is meticulously configured. I just rarely like default control schemes.
@BulbasaurusRex I mean that there's no analog between how you old the controller and how you would hold reins on a real mount. It's half holding reins and half modeling the bird. Also I think so many other people struggle with the flapping ascent motion (I've watched it in person, painfully) that just putting it on A always would relieve needless frustration. But to be clear I enjoy flying,
@Beaucine Yeah I went into it saying sod it, play it as it was intended, and as you said most of the time it's just flicks of the wrist, occasionally I get a bit excited in boss fights though.
I have a better solution for the camera that I never see anyone bring up. Just enable camera controls when the sword is sheated, and disable them when the sword is out. Click Right-Stick to draw the sword out. You're constantly sheating the sword anyway whenever you run, interact with stuff, climb, etc.
Voila, simple, intuitive fix, which doesn't require you to constantly hold a button to turn the camera. They can always keep the current solution only for when the sword is out if you reeeeaaally need the camera for some reasons while you're fighting.
@Longondo This. Once this gets updated, I plan on purchasing.
@GhostRider419 Same!!! The game literally does not tell you how to flap the wings! Even in the "HELP" menu. It kept telling me to gain speed by diving down and then back up, but never told me how to flap. I was losing my mind during the tutorial until I googled it...
@Vexx234 You don't have to play with motion controls. There are button controls. Let people who like motion controls enjoy them.
@Clyde_Radcliffe For traditional button controls the game would need a big overhaul that I don't see coming. And yes, wanting the motion control option removed completely instead of it just bring an option is controversial because it's dumb.
I can't help but wonder if Paper Mario Origami King will eventually have a dedicated fanbase after its been out for over 10 years.
I enjoy the traditional paper Mario games, but that origami battle system is just not fun for me.
An important distinction is that there are very few oddball Zelda games with Skyward Sword being one.
Every paper Mario game after thousand year door has been an oddball game.
Did my version of 100% and have been playing hero mode and just made it to the ancient cistern. I haven’t come across any issues playing button controls 95% of the time.
@Merry_Blind that’s weird because I am pretty certain on Wii it taught you to flap your wings. In button controls it does tell you to press a to flap in the tutorial.
@Longondo you can do that! Nintendo switch OS has button remapping in the controller options. Remap the buttons yourself and save it as a skyward sword preset.
The white screen is fixed.
No more white screen for me. I was finally able to see the full ending
Wonder if this fixes the box bug in lanayru mind that can potentially softlock your save?
@Specter_of-the_OLED I beat this game on the Switch already, there’s no major issues with the jump to 60 fps. My only frustration was the times when it didn’t run at 60fps.
Maybe this fixes the weirdness with Fi’s dialogue font?
The game is getting better
@VIIIAxel I didn't notice this at all. I found it almost comically easy to pull off a one-two knock down to fatal strike combo on just about everything, and rarely found my opponent out of range. My bigger issue was having my targeting shift to another target as soon as I made a knockdown blow, which sometimes caused me to miss the fatal strike if I didn't shift my targeting back to that opponent in time. This only made me develop a strategy to pull single opponents out of a group enough to prevent this.
I'd love that, but Nintendo always has bare bones settings and options in their games, so I'm not counting on it.
Please we need more customization options on the controls for the next patch!
These are all simple updates that would make a world of difference in the experience. Having to constantly hold L for the camera is genuinely giving me cramps
I finished the game a week ago, I didn’t run into weird glitches or bugs.
@boreal187 I wish the lock-on function was a bit better too. If there is only one enemy it would be nice to lock-on no matter what direction you are facing. I got screwed in the boss rush section trying to get the Hylian Shield because of the lock-on.
I have the physical copy of Skyward Sword. Are these "issues" available to be fixed for the hard copies or only the downloaded copies? How if known?
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