In all the hype surrounding the Pokémon Legends: Arceus trailer that was revealed earlier this week, we were all so blinded by fluffy Growlithe and the horrible, horrible fish ghost that we neglected to notice one very big change.
You guys. Wurmple has an EXTRA HORN.
Or maybe the same amount of horns, actually. It looks like there's a little red one on the back of his head, but now it's yellow. What could it mean?!
Everyone loves Wurmple, this is true. Perhaps it's the way he's one of the cute, yet useless bugs that you'll encounter in your early hours of Ruby and Sapphire, or his utter defencelessness against birds of any size, or maybe it's the meme where he's lying down looking lifeless that we can all VERY MUCH RELATE TO.
And yet, none of us noticed the extra horn, which seems to have been added to the back of Wurmple's (ancestor's) head in Pokémon Legends: Arceus.
A few interesting theories have already surfaced:
- The sexual dimorphism introduced in Generation IV is now being backwards-added to Pokémon like Wurmple
- It's a new (and very boring) regional form, like Hisuian Growlithe and Braviary
- It's an extra indicator of whether Wurmple will evolve into Silcoon or Cascoon
- Since the game is set in the distant past, perhaps Wurmple used to be roughly 5% stronger, but has since lost the horn because of environmental reasons or something

What are your theories? How confident are you that this is a hint of something thrilling, versus something completely uninteresting? Wurmple can evolve???? Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
[source twitter.com]
Comments 47
Hisuian Wurmple
Wouldn't even be surprised if it were a regional-form, I mean just look at Galarian-Slowpoke, they just dipped it's head and tail in mustard and called it a day
Wurmple can evolve
@mariomaster96 OBJECTION! Since when is mayonnaise yellow?
Cool but it ain’t crab news
"No, we don't do clickbait"
Give us Dunsparce evo or regional forms! Cowards!
It's probably nothing.
Well, I would've never noticed that, that's for sure. But my guess is a simple coloring mistake by a new artist. I mean, the yellow horn almost seems like it was always supposed to be there anyway!
@NotGeno Appearently you wrote your answer before I realized my mistake and changed it to mustard ^^
(which is crazy since I immediately noticed it once I posted the comment and edited it)
Bug Catchers don’t you want you to know this one weird fact
Maybe it's getting a third evolution chain.........
@Eel Professors hate him!!
@mykblo116 ok? I was for sure this article was about Wurmple and Legends: Arceus, not Unite but ok.
Maybe Gamefreak buffed Wurmple's ATK?
My guess is it's a retroactively added in gender variation. Both of its final evolutions, Beautifly and Dustox, had them but Wurmple (and Silcoon and Cascoon) did not.
Let's GO's heart-tail female Eevee starter becoming the standard in Galar already opened the doors to gender variation retcons so I could definitely see Game Freak doing this with other old monsters as well.
I was getting revved up for the news that Wurmple is actually a crab. Why do you have to set me up for disappointment like this?
My guess is that it was a mistake
Life remains unchanged.
As comically intended as this article is, I genuinely am delighted and interested to see a variation in Wurmple's design whether accidental, retcon, or evidence of new form information. Wurmple is indeed an endearing little critter; I made one out of polymer clay just because it's so cute. It'll be neat to see if anything actually does come of this little coloring mishap.
"Is this a Kate article? Yep, it's a Kate article." AND WURMPLE CAN EVOLVE.
The title reminds me of clickbait but the article isn't, for it's actually interesting.
Can someone please give Kate Gray something better to write about? These clickbait fluff pieces are embarrassing.
Give the Pokémon community something new, they then
1. Complain about.
2. Hype about it.
3. All of the above
Since Gen IV, I believe that the only Pokémon that has had sexual dimorphism retroactively incorporated into their species is Eevee as part of Let's Go, Eevee (seeing as Pikachu already had established sex differences). Oddly though, wild Eevee in Let's Go, Eevee did not exhibit sexual dimorphic characteristics, but I believe that they were later added to Pokémon GO, and now all Eevee are canonically sexually dimorphic as further evidenced by Sword/Shield, and the anime etc.
With respect to Wurmple, I'm guessing that it is probably a retroactive change of some sort rather than it being a regional variant (as the trailer would likely have pointed it out otherwise).
I still want to see the "stronger" ancient Magikarp that Pokédex entries have alluded to over the years (perhaps obtainable only by reviving fossils, and they won't be able to breed, at least not with "modern" Magikarp/Gyarados).
I’m liking Hisuian form but the differences will only really show after evolution.
The pocket monster known as “Wurmple” is capable of undergoing the process of evolution. 🎩☕️
Just a Minor design tweak.
Shows tbat LA uses different midels from every previous 3D pokemon game though so that's nice.
My life will now forever be divided into two sections: one before I saw wurmple with an extra horn, and one after.
It is a gender difference being added retroactively. If you look at the Pokédex page on the pre-release screenshots on Serebii, you'll see each Pokemon has an entry that says "Number of its forms you've registered." I think every Pokemon in the game will have gender form differences in order to give you more reasons to go back and catch more of the same Pokemon as part of your survey research.
@KateGray You could do a speculation piece on if Legends Arceus will have Kingler or Krabby…
I'm pretty sure it was just a mistake 😅
Maybe this wurmple will have a new evolution
Hisuian Beautifly and Dustox. Klara was a hint all along. The reason she doesn't have the Pokemon on her hair clip, is because it's either extremely rare, or extinct.
Perhaps if Sword/Shield remain the hub, they have another plan for her and Avery.
No one is going to talk about how wurmple has two buttcheeks for a mouth? The evidence is clear. Wurmple is Arcues!
The yellow horn is an error and will be removed in a day 1 patch.
We apologise for any confusion this may have caused. 🙇♂️
I wouldn't be surprised if is just a mistake made by whoever was in charge of creating Wurmple's 3D model...
Maybe there's a new final evolved form for Wurmple, besides Beautifly and Dustox. Or maybe it was an animation error.
It would be cool if a lot of pokemon in this had slightly altered looks but not be new forms. Kind of how when you look at pictures of dog breeds from early 20th century compared to now (pugs and bull terriers used to have more typical dog-like snouts for example).
I think that they might have added minor variations to the Pokemon.
If you watch the trailer when they show Shinx in the Pokedex there is a "Forms: 1/2" underneath the picture. Thant could be a gender thing, it could be a Hisuian Shinx but I think it might be there are Shinx out there that look slightly different, much like a Wurmple with an extra spike. They would be really minor things kinda like real like animals, eg. my cat has a longer tail or that tortoise has bigger spots on it's shell. Then you'll get quests to "find an unusual Shinx" and you'll have to search the wild for one with two yellow bands on each leg or a tail with an extra point on the star etc.
Although I would also be happy with this being a joke Hisuian form!
this article is a plot from Big Wurmple to sell more Wurmples!
Wurmple is silently growing in power… HE NEEDS TO BE STOPPED
Damn, thought I was up to date on all the Wurmple news, how did I miss this!
The question is, what does this mean? A regional variation?
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