The Pokémon Company has announced that New Pokémon Snap will soon be treated to a free update, bringing new content along for the ride.
Launching on Tuesday 3rd August, the new update will add three new areas in total and 20 new Pokémon, including the likes of Snorlax, Psyduck, Shroomish, Gyarados, and more. The new areas consist of a new location at the Florio Island Nature Park, Mightywide River (with both day and night times available), and Barren Badlands, again with both day and night variants.
You can get a taste of the new content in the brand new trailer up above, so make sure to give that a watch.
Are you excited to see more content for New Pokémon Snap? Will you dive in for more? Share your thoughts with us in the comments.
Comments 58
Fantastic news!!! I love this game and can't wait to snap my way through these new environments!
Haven't touched this game much since I finished the story but I definitely want to jump back in. This update, while cool, seems just a little short though, so I think I'll wait until the next free update if it happens. It's definitely a great game though!
That's... Actually really cool. Nice to be positive about Pokémon for a change. 😂
Gah, I still need to start playing this one proper, but I'm currently finishing up Skyward Sword and then going straight into Great Ace Attorney Chronicles.
The miniaturization route looks really cool.
I'd love it if they were to add an urban or industrialized zone though. The lab grounds is the closest thing the game currently has.
Honestly just cannot get into this game. I loved the original, but the idea of having to go through what is essentially 8 different variants of each course just seems tedious to the extreme for me. Similarly, beating levels forwards and then again backwards was the reason I dropped Yoshi’s Crafted World after World 1. I personally just find it so boring 😴
@RR529 I would love an abandoned city or industrial area, with ghost, dark, and other fitting pokemon there.
But i'm happy with these two new areas as well, they look very interesting.
Very cool. Love that they're not charging for this.
So excited to see Feraligatr get some exposure for once!
Great news. Looks like I'll be jumping back into the game.
Don't have the game myself, but free new content is always good news. Especially when it comes to a game like New Pokémon Snap where a little can go a long way.
Wow, I wasn't expecting updates to this. Nice! I've still got many secrets to discover in this game, and new areas being added is awesome.
Can't wait! Love that they went an extra mile for New Pokémon Snap.
@Yosher No one knows if they'll make a next update after this one. So I say jump into what they have in store. You might be very pleasantly surprised.
Borrowed it from the library. Opened the 2nd world before returning it. As fun as the photo runs are, I played the game for maybe 3 hours but maybe an hour of that was taking photos, the rest was introducing all of these characters nobody cares about and didn't need to be in the game. That little kid served no purpose even if the older kid was in the first game.
My son who wanted to borrow it did finish the story but he was glad we bought Monster Hunter Stories 2 instead, 10 hours was enough for him. He just pushed through to see the ending.
1 thing we agreed on that they really should fix - if on a photo run you get different star shots of a Pokémon, say 1, 3 and 4, the fame REALLY needs to let you pick 1 of each. The photos don't compare, absolutely no reason not to except to extend the game length unnecessarily. One time I had a great 3 star shot but also a 1 star so I picked both o ly to have the 3 not count. Such a stupid design choice, it defies logic.
Won't borrow again but it's a very good thing for people who paid $60 for what would have been a fun photo mode in a main Pokémon game.
Now this is exciting! New areas, new Pokemon, and it's free!
This is fantastic news. I was just playing again after a bit of a break the other day and saying to myself I would be over the moon if they announced some new content soon.
@mr-duster I'll definitely jump in again after a while regardless of if there'll be another update or not. This one just isn't enough to really bring up my pokémon snap mood right now, that's all!
I do hope Zorua and Zoroark are in there... somewhere.
Awesome, got this as a bday present this month but haven't played much because of skyward sword. I would love labo vr support for this game!
Oh, very welcome, I'll jump back in.
Hmmm.... is it me or do some of those levels remind me of the n64 Pokémon snap? Like that river level from this video reminds me of the river jungle level in the original Pokémon snap. Also that badlands level reminds me of canyon river level from the n64 one which both had gyarados.
I can hardly believe this.
New Pokémon Snap has already beaten my wildest expectations, and has easily become one of the very best Pokémon spinoffs ever.
This is some amazing looking stuff. Stuff that I would have been happy to pay money for. And you're telling me that all of this is free?
Just... Thank you.
A free update is great news. Easily one of favourites game of the year so far, I've gotten so much out of New Pokemon Snap - can't wait for this.
This isn’t content that was planned for the base game, is it? I’m hoping not, but if it’s free, I suppose there’s nothing wrong.
So happy more content is coming to this great game.
I'll take DLC you never thought would exist for 1000. But really, that's insane, and I'm so happy that the best Pokemon game in Gen 8 is going to become even better!
Oh heck yes. I have put 75 hours in so far!
Good job keeping it fresh. And at no charge...well done.
Great news! Been wanting to pick this up but I’m also trying to get through my backlog. Free, new content is always encouraging.
Yes! Psyduck! 😍
This is awesome news! This game is so much fun.
Hopefully the next updates include newer Pokemon. I've seen these old ones in games too many times to be excited to take pictures of them.
Omg. This just made a bad day good. ^_^
Releasing the Day before my birthday? Thanks, for the early Birthday Gift Pokemon Company!
Wow, that's a nice surprise for fans. Its not often pokemon fans get pure good news.
A surprise to be sure, but a welcome one!
didn't see that coming! tbh new pokemon is pretty freaking great. surpasses the original in just about every way
@NerdyBoutKirby why would that matter?
More is always better
....Snorlax is new? I swear I saw him in the Jungle/Forest area or something, lol
I saw Swalot, so I'm hopeful a Gulpin is nearby. Stoked!
Free content is always welcome.
I still need to finish the game. It’s a bit backlogged right now.
This is great! I’ve been wanting to get back to the game and this is a great excuse for it. Who doesn’t love Snorlax? Can’t wait!
Free DLC for this game sounds perfectly neat
Free DLC is code for “here’s the rest of the game”
@TDRsuperstar2 : Sure, but it certainly beats paid DLC, which is also code for "here's the rest of the game".
At least software updates aren't console/account locked and can be shared between consoles (which aids in long-term preservation, even if the cartridge doesn't contain the most up-to-date build of the game).
@Joeynator3000 : You must be thinking of Slakoth.
Compared to the original snap this game was loaded with content. Getting a substantial update out of the blue is just delightful. Bonus points for having one of the new stages being a "honey I shrunk the kids" scenario.
@TDRsuperstar2 - "Free DLC is code for “here’s the rest of the game”
@Silly_G - "Sure, but it certainly beats paid DLC, which is also code for "here's the rest of the game"."
No. It is not.
Sure, there may be exceptions, but more often than not, what's included in the base game, is the base game; anything else is bonus content added on top.
this should be f2p. I'll get it when they release it on iPhone
Lmfao what?
You gonna be waiting for a loooooooong time.
Throughly enjoyed this, never expected the game to be such a great buy. 25+ hours I've put into this so far, this additional content will bring me back to keep playing for alot longer now... Great news!!
That's pretty sweet. I almost picked it up before but now I will reconsider and perhaps get it. I wasn't expecting expansions.
I was so pleasantly surprised by this game. I enjoyed the original so I was hoping I'd like it, but there was already way more content than I thought there would be.
I spent about 200 hours completing all the challenged and didn't even find the last path until past the 60hr mark (I didn't want to watch any walk throughs or see any info beforehand).
Honestly I wasn't expecting any more content for this but I'm excited to get back into it!
Hope Tropius makes it in eventually. I haven't been able to use a Tropius in a Switch game yet so it'd be nice to at least see one.
@Yosher I understand.
But I would at least give it a try, just to see if you like it.
@TDRsuperstar2 Even if that kinda is the case, the base game has already so much packed into it, and was made with such care and understanding what made the original Snap good that it felt like more than a complete experience.
Just like how Mario Kart 8 or Smash Ultimate already had tat least as much content as the previous record holders in the base game, their DLC didn't at all feel like something that was missing from the get-go. Sure, they were paid DLC for the most part, but still.
Animal Crossing New Horizons on the other hand... That one should've included everything in the base game that was added later.
Haven't played this yet, great to hear they added some extra stuff. Sounds fun!
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